Marriage ends 2030

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2012 Mar 16, 5:53pm   11,336 views  22 comments

by TMAC54   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Is there a way to capitalize on the declining marriage rate trend ?
Is the Mustang Ranch Incorporated ?

No wonder corporations are shifting overseas. No population growth = no profit !

Ladies might need servicing as well, Sooo

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1   MisdemeanorRebel   2012 Mar 17, 4:40am  

TMAC, I'll give you the idea I had while going camping a few years ago

"Family UNfriendly" Campgrounds, Resorts, etc.

For couples and singles over 21/25, BYOB, no playground, no jungle gym, maybe a yoga class or wine tasting, etc. etc.

Getaways for DINKs and retirees.

Edit: Just thought of it, Family Unfriendly abbreviates to "FU".

2   Dan8267   2012 Mar 17, 4:41pm  

TMAC54 says

Is there a way to capitalize on the declining marriage rate trend ?

If you can find a way to short divorce lawyers. They and the family court system are the primary reasons marriage is on the decline.

3   zzyzzx   2012 Mar 19, 11:30pm  

thunderlips11 says

TMAC, I'll give you the idea I had while going camping a few years ago

"Family UNfriendly" Campgrounds, Resorts, etc.

For couples and singles over 21/25, BYOB, no playground, no jungle gym, maybe a yoga class or wine tasting, etc. etc.

Getaways for DINKs and retirees.

Edit: Just thought of it, Family Unfriendly abbreviates to "FU".

That's why I like to vacation in Atlantic City so much. There are very few, if any kids around. That and I like the cat colony on the boardwalk. I went to Cape May, NJ as a day trip once, and decided that while it's nice, there were so many kids around I would never want to actually stay there (that and it's too fucking expensive)

4   zzyzzx   2012 Mar 19, 11:37pm  

One of the reasons I won't get married is because I'd have to pay higher income taxes if I did, but as one of the articles commentary pointed out, Obamacare would force you to potentially pay for health insurance for someone you married, making it financially an even worse deal as well.

5   TMAC54   2012 Mar 19, 11:59pm  

Dan8267 says

They and the family court system are the primary reasons marriage is on the decline.

Isn't that ironic. Gubmint (family) agencies dependent on broken homes ?

On the other hand, I have to assume this chart is including domestic violence.

6   Dan8267   2012 Mar 20, 4:01am  

TMAC54 says

Isn't that ironic. Gubmint (family) agencies dependent on broken homes ?

Shouldn't you be blaming divorce lawyers and judges for this?

TMAC54 says

On the other hand, I have to assume this chart is including domestic violence.

The chart shows no correlation between divorce and a drop in violent crime. It does show that violent crime dropped as the Baby Boomers, the large unruly generation, got old and were past the time in life where people are violent (teens and 20s). Geeze, violence peeked when there were a lot of horny teens roaming the streets and subsided when these people became soccer moms and nascar dads. This only shows that Gen X and the Millennials are less violent than the Boomers.

7   Vicente   2012 Mar 20, 5:03am  

As surely as the Sun comes up tomorrow, marriage will not die out.

There's always a new generation that thinks it has invented everything from music to sex to "til death do us part".

8   futuresmc   2012 Mar 20, 5:53am  

The reason marriage rates are dropping is economic uncertainty. Most of the reproducing is done by the lower 50% in the US. When these people can barely house and feed themselves after working 60 hours a week, a spouse and kids is out of the picture. The bottom 50% have been suffering lifestyle decline for decades as their jobs were shipped overseas or given to illegal immigrant labor. A small group at the bottom takes government assistance, but most muddle through with dead end work. As the economic hardship has crawled up the socioeconomic ladder, so has the shrinking of families along with divorse rates which are disproportionately effected by financial hardship.

9   Dan8267   2012 Mar 20, 9:26am  

futuresmc says

When these people can barely house and feed themselves after working 60 hours a week, a spouse and kids is out of the picture.

Spouse is out, kids are still in. Poverty doesn't stop the poor from reproducing. Actually, it encourages it. The poorest nations have the greatest population growth. And the poor in America have children then the rich.

Good economics means less population growth, not more. And that's a good thing since we have over 7 billion people on the planet already and we can't even sustain that.

10   elliemae   2012 Mar 20, 12:08pm  

Dan8267 says

If you can find a way to short divorce lawyers. They and the family court system are the primary reasons marriage is on the decline.

I disagree. I believe that the divorce lawyers & family court system are the result of a broken societal norm. The media has gone over to the dark side, celebrating the worst of the worst (Jersey Shore!) and 2-month marriages/marrying someone you hardly know (Kardass-ians)... We celebrate the ugly in life, and make it difficult to know what's real from what isn't.

11   TMAC54   2012 Mar 20, 2:09pm  

Dan8267 says

Shouldn't you be blaming divorce lawyers and judges for this?

Yes, They are inclusive in a system overwhelmed and hampered with steadfast rules. They can not possibly take the time to analyze each case by case. But I heard, Divorce attorneys have a high suicide rate. Of course it would be inappropriate to call this a bright side to this thread.
Elliemae touches on the perverted POWER of media, In just a few short decades the media has turned us all from Lucy or Ricky, Andy or Barny into suspects. Ellie is right, we don't remember who brought Bernie Madoff down. Hollywood made divorce romantic. Ben Bernanke is also taking advantage of the influence of the boob tube. Ramblin. Past my bed time

12   Dan8267   2012 Mar 20, 2:15pm  

Dan8267 says

They and the family court system are the primary reasons marriage is on the decline.

To clarify, I mean that Gen X and the Millennials grew up in the divorce age and have seen what divorce does to men, financially and emotionally. Is it any wonder that Gen X and Millennial men aren't in a hurry to tie the knot? There's a very strong perception among young men that marriage is the worst financial contract a man can sign and that the family court system will rake him over if he gets divorced, even if he contests the divorce and tries to work out the marriage. And this perception is well-founded in recent history.

13   zzyzzx   2012 Mar 21, 4:57am  

Dan8267 says

To clarify, I mean that Gen X and the Millennials grew up in the divorce age and have seen what divorce does to men, financially and emotionally. Is it any wonder that Gen X and Millennial men aren't in a hurry to tie the knot? There's a very strong perception among young men that marriage is the worst financial contract a man can sign and that the family court system will rake him over if he gets divorced, even if he contests the divorce and tries to work out the marriage. And this perception is well-founded in recent history.

I'm probably too old to fall into the groups mentioned, but I'll never forget some guy telling me how hard he had to work mt make that $900/month child support payments he had to make. And that was decades ago when $900 was real money.

14   Dan8267   2012 Mar 21, 5:38am  

zzyzzx says

but I'll never forget some guy telling me how hard he had to work mt make that $900/month child support payments he had to make. And that was decades ago when $900 was real money.

Unfortunately, it is worst than that. We've all heard about men who, through no fault of their own, lost their job in a corporate downsizing -- that happens all the time and it happened a lot in the 1980s.

As a result of losing their jobs, men were put in prison for being delinquent on child support payments. That's right, men were imprisoned because a whole bunch of corporations decided to downsize at once and cause an unemployment spike.

When stuff like that happens, it's no wonder that generations of boys grew up thinking that marriage is scary and foolish.

15   elliemae   2012 Mar 21, 11:32am  

Having been the second wife, I saw what divorce/child support & custody issues do to a man. He can become a third party in his own family. It's so important that children be allowed to grow up with both parents if possible - and that the two parents support each other no matter what. It doesn't matter if mommy's sleeping with someone or daddy's doing the same... or someone comes out of the closet, etc. All that matters is that there are children who need both parents and to know that their parents didn't divorce them.

Child support is something different - it's a weapon to be wielded by both sides in order to cause emotional distress and hardship. My ex paid every dime and then some, yet we ended up in court five times in one year. Each time we won, and she turned around and filed anyway. The last time we would have been awarded attorney fees, except my husband represented himself.

And yet, somehow, the kids grew up into productive (awesome) human beings who know that their parents love them and and I believe they'll be good parents if they choose to be. Their memories of childhood don't include the bad parts - all that was kept away from them for the most part.

16   zzyzzx   2012 Mar 22, 12:49am  

Dan8267 says

Unfortunately, it is worst than that. We've all heard about men who, through no fault of their own, lost their job in a corporate downsizing -- that happens all the time and it happened a lot in the 1980s.

Now that you mention it, I also recall that if you lose your job or lost it and get another lower paying job, the child support does not go down.

17   freak80   2012 Mar 22, 1:59am  

It's just not fair that gays don't have the same opportunity to make themselves miserable as regular couples do.

It's only fair to have gay marriage...gays should be allowed to ruin themselves financially too!

18   Dan8267   2012 Mar 22, 4:43am  

wthrfrk80 says

It's just not fair that gays don't have the same opportunity to make themselves miserable as regular couples do.

The hell they don't. They can adopt and get divorced, too. And what a few decades and they can clone, too.

19   everything   2012 Mar 22, 7:20am  

Take a look around you, it's already being capitalized on - it's called feminism.

20   elliemae   2012 Mar 22, 12:20pm  

zzyzzx says

Now that you mention it, I also recall that if you lose your job or lost it and get another lower paying job, the child support does not go down.

I've seen many cases where the child support was reduced accordingly.

21   zzyzzx   2012 Mar 26, 3:40am  

wthrfrk80 says

It's just not fair that gays don't have the same opportunity to make themselves miserable as regular couples do.

It's only fair to have gay marriage...gays should be allowed to ruin themselves financially too!

I would say that the reason why so many states are allowing gay marriage is because most state legislators are lawyers who want to cash in on the lucrative gay divorce market.

22   zzyzzx   2012 Mar 26, 3:40am  

elliemae says

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zzyzzx says

Now that you mention it, I also recall that if you lose your job or lost it and get another lower paying job, the child support does not go down.

I've seen many cases where the child support was reduced accordingly.

Yeah, after 2 years or so.

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