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. Back in 1961 people of color were called 'Negroes'. So how can the Obama birth certificate state he is 'African-American' when the term wasn't even used at that time? It’s a 2000-2010 TERM!
Do you even read other people's posts. The term "African-American" is not on the birth certificate you idiot!. The term "African" is and that term was in use during the 1960s. This was explained in the videos on the page I linked to.
Watch them. They refute all your bogus arguments.
So now all you birthers should admit that you are either idiots who have been duped by Fox News, or you are liars who would say anything to get Obama impeached.
Show me one person who isn't a nutty social conservative that thinks Obama was born in Kenya.
This joke was much funnier the first time I heard it, and the "clocks" hands moved at the rate of which people masturbate.
Wouldn't the rate at which people masturbate differ with the size of the subjects "parts?" And hands? And whatever inanimate object they might incorporate into the act?
And of course we can't forget that the size of the gerbil matters too.
Show me one person who isn't a nutty social conservative that thinks Obama was born in Kenya.
A socially liberal (progressive Birther)....hmmm.
Searching..... nope. Occasionally find a Libertarian or two, but when you drill down with those folks it's always TALK about social "liberty" which means they are actually social conservatives who obfuscate with Constitutional issues. I should know, I was one.
This joke was much funnier the first time I heard it, and the "clocks" hands moved at the rate of which people masturbate.
Holy crap! I just had an idea to solve the energy crisis!
clocks + teenage boys = unlimited wind power
Occasionally find a Libertarian or two, but when you drill down with those folks it's always TALK about social "liberty"
Yeah, that's the reason why Libertarians always seem to go Republican instead of Democrat.
The Libertarian philosophy is suppose to be about social and economic freedom. And as a philosophy, it's pretty good. But the Libertarians seem to only emphasize the economic freedom.
Also, Libertarians don't accept the concept of public property like the atmosphere and oceans, and they lack the ability to apply game theory when implementing policies and as a result their philosophies get perverted by the implementation. If it wasn't for those two fundamental flaws, the Libertarian Party would be great.
Fast forward to 42 minutes and watch Sheriff Joe Arpaio break this down in as absolute a manner as it can be.
Some of you better wake up. Sheriff Arpaio isn't toying around with this and he's got the American people behind him. TREASON has been committed and all some of you can do is turn your head like Yellow Bellied Lizard Lickers.
Serve your masters and pay for it in hell. Karma will ultimately come for you and the crimes of ignorance. Knowing the truths and denying their existence is a crime in itself.
They tried to send a subpena to the president. Ha ha. Like you can subpena the president.
Then they try to argue that you can't be president if your parent isn't a U.S. citizen even if you are a naturally born citizen. Yeah right, that will work. I guess you have to be descendant from a white land owner, too.
I'd like to see Georgia kick Obama off the ballet. Georgia will get zero votes in the electoral college.
Where were these assholes when Bush stole the 2000 election?
These idiots should be arrested for perjury by stating in court that the birth certificate is a forgery. Maybe Obama will send a drone after them.
Knowing the truths and denying their existence is a crime in itself.
Then why isn't Fox News arrested?
Well, where were they? Maybe not FOX itself as the corporate entity, but they sure could go after some of them as well as those in the other outlets as well. Maybe many of them who turned their heads for sake of a buck should be banned from reporting ever again.
It' s obvious that there is mass collusion afoot and for what real reason? Why is it always a left vs right problem. Is this their way of keeping us at each others throats, while they masterfully create the magic trick behind their backs?
Who are the assholes? To me, the assholes are us citizens, both left and right, who simply bury our heads in the hole when we're paid to. "ASSHOLES AND ELBOWS"
America needs to get it's backbone back. How many innocents died in WWII because Hitlers police and henchmen, many who were German Jews themselves, sold out to the dictator. When do you draw the line in the sand and say enough is enough?
"Absolute power, absolutely corrupts" The left is to blame as much as the right. Bill Maher should be held as accountable for his words as they're making Limbaugh. All this crap of what's good for one is not good for the other needs to stop.
Fair is fair. PERIOD
The left is to blame as much as the right.
"But you know, it's just a COINCIDENCE I always vote Republican."
So, every other dick that claimed he wasn't a US Citizen doesn't matter - Arpaio is the ultimate word?
So, every other dick that claimed he wasn't a US Citizen doesn't matter - Arpaio is the ultimate word?
Eschew Obfuscation
Arpaio is the biggest dick in the world. He personifies everything wrong with the criminal justice system.
Solver is rapidly approaching my ignore list. If I want random bullshit from Infowars.com I can get it on my own.
America needs to get it's backbone back. How many innocents died in WWII because Hitlers police and henchmen, many who were German Jews themselves, sold out to the dictator. When do you draw the line in the sand and say enough is enough?
When all else fails, say "Hitler" or "Holocaust."
When all else fails, say "Hitler" or "Holocaust."
Isn't that called "Godwin's Law"?
Yes, and it's been invoked many times here. Usually it's triggered by conservatives.
Usually it's triggered by conservatives.
Often it's triggered by assholes. Conservative or Liberal, it doesn't matter. It's an offensive tool used by a tool.
Usually it's triggered by conservatives.
Often it's triggered by assholes. Conservative or Liberal, it doesn't matter. It's an offensive tool used by a tool.
Eschew Obfuscation
Of course, once in a while, a reference to the Holocaust is in order such as when discussing Darfur, Rwanda, and most recently Syria.
Unfortunately, there is still mass, systematic killing of innocents by their governments. One of the few legitimate reasons to engage in warfare according to post-WWII international law is to prevent or stop an ongoing genocide. Yet, the U.S. has not stopped any of these atrocities. Yet, we claim to have invaded Iraq for "humanitarian reasons".
Yet, we claim to have invaded Iraq for "humanitarian reasons".
to make the president & his co-president appear more human?
to make the president & his co-president appear more human?
I managed to snap a picture of Cheney without his make up.
Clocks in heaven
A man died and went to Heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.

He asked, "What are all those clocks?"
St. Peter answered, "Those are lie-clocks. Everyone on Earth has a lie-clock. Every time you lie, the hands on your clock will move."
"Oh", said the man. "Whose clock is that?"
"That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved, indicating she's never told a lie."
"Incredible," said the man. "And whose clock is that one?"
St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire life."
"Where's Obama's clock," asked the man?
"His clock is in Jesus' office. He's using it as a ceiling fan."