President Barack Obama could lose his home state of Illinois in November

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2012 Aug 22, 2:05am   11,963 views  28 comments

by zzyzzx   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  


Shock poll: Obama could lose Illinois, Romney leads in Chicago suburbs
Published: 1:31 AM 08/20/2012

President Barack Obama could lose his home state of Illinois in November, a new poll shows.

A poll conducted by Illinois-based pollster and political strategist Michael McKeon found Obama leading Republican Mitt Romney by 49 percent to 37 percent in Cook County, the home of Chicago. That puts him ahead by a far thinner margin than expected in a county he should be winning handsomely.

Cook is the most Democratic leaning county in the state. It is also the most populous.

Those numbers do not bode well for the president.

“He has to come out of Cook County with a big lead or he’s gonna have problems downstate,” explained McKeon, who said that based on the numbers he had seen, Obama polled only in the forties in downstate Illinois.

“It’s not like his policies are very popular downstate,” McKeon said. “He’s viewed as more part of Chicago than he is part of Illinois.”

According to the poll, which surveyed 629 registered voters last week, Obama’s problems are not in Chicago proper, but in suburban Cook County.

In the city of Chicago itself, he retains a 60-29 lead over Romney. But the Republican challenger leads 45-38 in the surrounding areas. Across the county as a whole, Romney leads 43-31 among independent voters, a crucial voting bloc. Romney also holds a 44-38 lead among male voters, and a 53-40 lead among white voters.

Illinois is not considered a swing state by any means; it is seen as solidly blue, and has been for the past two election cycles. But McKeon pointed to the 2010 gubernatorial race when Republican Bill Brady came within a single percentage point of now-Gov. Pat Quinn because Brady won most of the downstate counties. That is a feat Romney could repeat this year, leaving Obama vulnerable if he cannot expand his lead in Cook County.


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1   moonmac   2012 Aug 22, 2:20am  

Yeah his crook friend Valerie Garret will see to it!

2   zzyzzx   2012 Aug 22, 3:14am  

Voter ID law was passed in VA, so I'm moving that one to Romney in my electorical count.

3   Tenpoundbass   2012 Aug 22, 3:19am  

Interestingly enough I'm 45, and a musician.
Lately by chance, and as a musician, I have been associating with more younger people, than I have in the last 10 or 15 years, 21-26.
These kids sound like 1980 republicans. They are so disillusioned by the new Liberals and OWS distraction, and agenda to create a Stipend Benefit society(for lack of the "Entitlement" word that is used way to much).

These kids do the talking I just listen. They aren't NOT the hip and trendy Okeydokes that rubber stamped Obama's 2008 "Change" propaganda with out question.Did I mention many of these kids are of Hispanic heritage?

Obama is going to need a bigger Blackberry to win this time around.

4   PockyClipsNow   2012 Aug 22, 3:26am  

Tell all those kids to get federal jobs with pensions so they can be retired musicians who dont have to work when they are 45.

5   Tenpoundbass   2012 Aug 22, 3:33am  

"Hey you kids, Get off... Mow my lawn! "

6   zzyzzx   2012 Aug 22, 3:50am  

CaptainShuddup says

"Hey you kids, Get off... Mow my lawn! "


7   edvard2   2012 Aug 22, 3:55am  

Its also pretty certain than Romney could lose the election in general. Next....

8   edvard2   2012 Aug 22, 3:56am  

CaptainShuddup says

These kids sound like 1980 republicans. They are so disillusioned by the new Liberals and OWS distraction, and agenda to create a Stipend Benefit society(for lack of the "Entitlement" word that is used way to much).

Generalize much?

9   Tenpoundbass   2012 Aug 22, 4:18am  

edvard2 says

Generalize much?

No not all.
I do remember even hinting in 2008 that you voting for anyone other than Obama to the 21-31 crowd you would get jeers and scorn resentment. Especially if you said you would vote independent. That just stealing votes from the Liberals. It was unpopular to say you were voting for anyone other than Obama. It was just uncool.

Now the only people that say they are voting for Obama are on the internet. I suspect it's just HRHMedia working over time, burning the midnight oil.

Then after those that say they are voting for Romney, there's a just as large segment that claim they aren't voting at all. They drank the Obama cool-aide and are disillusioned with the whole process. They've been lied to and relegated to unemployment and diminished by being lumped in the "99%" lot, where their voice even is even more dimmed by clutter and noise. They don't rate, they don't count, and they don't matter, so they aren't voting.

Pay attention much, I mean besides what misinformation you read on the interwebs that HRHMedia wrote.

10   dublin hillz   2012 Aug 22, 4:47am  

Currently, Barack is favorite by 52.5 electoral votes. He has a 67% chance of winning the election. My prediction that Barack is favorite by 3.5 points in football terms still stands. Some interesting stats - California - Barack has 100% chance to win. Texas - Romney has 99% chance of winning. It's gonna come down to swing states - Colorado - Barack 59% chance. Florida - Romney - 55% chance. Iowa - Barack 64% chance. And yes, Illionois - Barack has 100% chance of winning.

11   anonymous   2012 Aug 22, 4:54am  

dublin, i agree with everything except for your football pointspread. 3pts is usually your generic home field advantage, and the money line odds on that can range anywhere from -145 to -165. Obama is -200, which is closer to a 6 pt favorite. Splitting hairs? Maybe, but in order to make money on odds, you better be sharp with your lines

Thu 8/30 Winning Party (All in wagering)
05:00 PM 1351 Democrat 1.526
1352 Republican 2.740

as per pinnaclesports.com, the most liquid wagering shop in the world

12   Tenpoundbass   2012 Aug 22, 5:19am  

Obama was Jo Jo Dancer your life is calling?

13   edvard2   2012 Aug 22, 5:23am  

CaptainShuddup says

No not all.
I do remember even hinting in 2008 that you voting for anyone other than Obama to the 21-31 crowd you would get jeers and scorn resentment. Especially if you said you would vote independent. That just stealing votes from the Liberals. It was unpopular to say you were voting for anyone other than Obama. It was just uncool.

The problem with making generalizations is that they're sweeping in nature and inaccurate. That said, I don't think its unsafe to say that younger people are more likely to vote for more liberal politicians. Its been that way forever. Just as all other things in life, politics "progress". All anyone has to do is crack a history book and see that throughout US history, ultimately many things that those who want to remain the same ( also known as conservatives) have not really succeeded other than slowing down the action of progress. Its less to do with politics and more to do with science. Simply put, it is scientifically impossible to " conserve" anything and that goes for American politics as well. But as time passes, young people continue to vote more progressively, and with each generation the bar of progress is risen ever so slightly upward.

The way I look at it is to also compare the musical tastes of various age groups. Not all but a great many older people will often in my opinion stop listening to or trying new music once they pass a certain age. They're then forever stuck in a musical era. For example, a lot of boomers listen to bands from the 60's and 70's. They often don't expand their musical horizons.

The same can also be said to some extent with these same people and their political leanings: In an attempt to retain whatever political standards they feel comfortable with- as in what they think to be right- many turn to conservative politics. Perhaps whatever passed for "ok" 30-40 years ago has changed and is no longer viewed as totally acceptable. But just like music, some people are stuck in an era and thus they vote for people who promise to somehow prevent those changes from occurring. Of course saying all old people vote for conservative politicians is a gross generalization. Many others do exactly the opposite. But here is some truth in that as well.

14   Tenpoundbass   2012 Aug 22, 7:14am  

Let's be perfectly clear here. These aren't the Liberals of yester year, hell I was one of them, I ought to know. These liberals have more in common with the GOP of 2003 that were fighting the good fight(in their mind) defending Democracy, for those of us that wanted them too or not. Threat or no Threat.

"Remember STFU Liberals we'll defend Democracy"

The Liberals today have that same tone, they are creating bad bad legislation giving the farm away to the banks, and wall street, while telling everyone we're to stupid to understand why so don't worry about it.

Kids today they are turning around. After they turned Fiddy Cent off, and realized they had to get a real job, they saw just how screwed they really are.

I can tell you as a 20 something when Ross Perot was running against Bush and Dukakis as an independent. I liked the fact that Perot had business sense and thought him just the antidote for our ailing economy back then. So no, youngsters don't always vote Democrat, that's just a liberal fantasy. Sure they can be bullshited and fooled once, but Obama wont fool them again.

15   edvard2   2012 Aug 22, 7:57am  

CaptainShuddup says

Let's be perfectly clear here. These aren't the Liberals of yester year, hell I was one of them, I ought to know. These liberals have more in common with the GOP of 2003 that were fighting the good fight(in their mind) defending Democracy, for those of us that wanted them too or not. Threat or no Threat.

.... but to turn the coin, the GOP of today isn't the GOP of yesteryear either. If Reagan were to run for President today, he would have not made it past the first round because he would have been deemed to liberal. Looking back even further, famous Republicans of the past, like Lincoln and later Teddy Roosevelt were fairly progressive and perhaps even more so by today's standards. TR was a great conservationist, responsible for much of the national parks we now enjoy. He was an avid reader and wrote profusely. He was also a champion for populist concerns, such as labor rights,and organized labor. Of course none of these would be at all acceptable to today's Republicans. Instead, their view has changed almost 360 degrees.

So yes- perhaps the Democratic party has changed. But the Republican party has changed as well. Hence I don't get the counterpoint being made here...

16   michaelsch   2012 Aug 23, 4:14am  

I looked at the delegates’ distribution. It looks like:

Romney is winning Florida and Virginia on Jewish votes.

Romney is likely to get Colorado, Nevada, and Iowa by just outspending Obama there.

Assuming Obama holds other Midwestern states (including Pennsylvania) and New Hampshire they both will end up with 269 delegates.

What will happen in such a case?

17   MisdemeanorRebel   2012 Aug 23, 4:17am  

While we're posting nude pictures:


Now go take on the day, you shack up sluts. - Dr. Laura

She schtupped her way into radio, cheating on her husband with the radio station manager.

18   freak80   2012 Aug 23, 5:05am  

michaelsch says

What will happen in such a case?

Cannibal Anarchy.

19   rootvg   2012 Aug 23, 6:23am  

michaelsch says

I looked at the delegates’ distribution. It looks like:

Romney is winning Florida and Virginia on Jewish votes.

Romney is likely to get Colorado, Nevada, and Iowa by just outspending Obama there.

Assuming Obama holds other Midwestern states (including Pennsylvania) and New Hampshire they both will end up with 269 delegates.

What will happen in such a case?

I understand Pennsylvania is also leaning Romney because of coal country.

Pennsylvania + Florida going for Romney would mean he didn't need Ohio. He may win it anyway but technically would not need it.

20   freak80   2012 Aug 23, 6:30am  

It won't really matter. There's no real difference between the two candidates.

It's just "us vs. them" tribal warfare at this point. It's all about ginning up fear and hatred to get votes.

21   rootvg   2012 Aug 23, 6:32am  

michaelsch says

I looked at the delegates’ distribution. It looks like:

Romney is winning Florida and Virginia on Jewish votes.

Romney is likely to get Colorado, Nevada, and Iowa by just outspending Obama there.

Assuming Obama holds other Midwestern states (including Pennsylvania) and New Hampshire they both will end up with 269 delegates.

What will happen in such a case?

Election would be thrown into the House.

It won't happen. I don't think it's ever happened before.

22   freak80   2012 Aug 23, 7:05am  

Either way it's going to be fun watching Romney gin up the base with anti-Obamacare rhetoric when Romney enacted the same kind of thing as governor of MA.

23   michaelsch   2012 Aug 23, 7:15am  

rootvg says

It won't happen. I don't think it's ever happened before.

Past results do not guarantee future performance.

24   michaelsch   2012 Aug 23, 7:17am  

rootvg says

I understand Pennsylvania is also leaning Romney because of coal country.

I don't think so. Pennsylvania is much bigger than the coal country part of it.
But of course, if Romney wins Pennsylvania he will win the elections.

25   michaelsch   2012 Aug 23, 7:46am  

freak80 says

Either way it's going to be fun watching Romney gin up the base with anti-Obamacare rhetoric when Romney enacted the same kind of thing as governor of MA.

Well, it isn't the same kind if thing.

1. There was a large difference in uninsurance rate in Mass and nationwide. I do not remember the exact figures but something like 5% vs 12%. It was much easier to finance.
2. Romneycare enjoyed huge support in Mass. Obamacare is extremely unpopular.
3. Romneycare was quickly implemented and it actually increased the total amount of services provided to the public. Unemployed uninsured people now receive a top healthcare in Mass. Obamacare still does not work, but it has already caused huge transfers of money to healthcare corporations and vary painful reduction of services, especially provided to Medicare patients.

26   Bellingham Bill   2012 Aug 24, 6:29am  

rootvg says

Obama won in 2008 because Paulson refused to save Lehman Brothers.

The rot was much wider than LEH. They were just the third or fourth cockroach.

The cause of the financial collapse was not the financial collapse itself. The cause was the ponzi bubble in housing running its course after prices finally topped in the summer of 2005. After that, everything was in run-off mode and due to the trillions in mortgage fraud allowed to go on 2004-2007 the crash was going to be immense as borrowers defaulted on their loans and the underlying collateral valuations were nowhere near sufficient to save the system.

27   Shaman   2012 Aug 24, 7:44am  

I've a couple friends from my college years who live in IL. Both are homeowners and both are looking at getting out. The problem is taxes. Unlike our mess in California, when the IL legislature was presented with a budget shortfall thu just raised the hell out of taxes. RE tax is twice what it is here, so my one buddy was paying 5k/year in taxes on his 250k house. My other buddy was paying 7k on his 350k house. Plus state income taxes are high, as are state sales taxes. The government is fatter than ever, and Cook county ghetto dwellers are living high on the hog.
I wouldn't underestimate the anger of the tax payer base in IL. My one friend (250k house) is moving in November to Montana. The other hasn't yet found a solution, but is considering Denver.
Neither has any love in his heart for Obama.

28   thomaswong.1986   2012 Aug 25, 3:17am  

Chicago will do just fine voting for Obama, once again! gotta show your colors !

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