Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked an "insourcing" bill

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2012 Oct 20, 5:12am   4,261 views  13 comments

by kentm   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked an "insourcing" bill from Democrats that would have ended tax breaks for companies that move jobs overseas.


Really, guys who support republican candidates, WHAT exactly are you supporting these days?


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1   Tenpoundbass   2012 Oct 20, 5:43am  

Well Obama seems to have muscles to flex when he WANTS to.
No GOP ever stopped him, when he makes his mind up, Senate or Congress.

It's always good to have a bad guy to be the fall guy, when both parties are doing the corporate bidding. And I agree with everything you say however.

The Liberals have had 4 years for this kind of posturing, if they really wanted it passed it would have been passed.

2   kentm   2012 Oct 20, 6:58am  

Ah yes, captain, the outsourcing is all Obama's fault, personally. But yes, I do agree wit hyou generally, but you can't sluff off a SPECIFIC incident with an off the cuff remark about "well, you know, everybody , mumble mumble..."

Ah yes, iddqd, there's really no such thing as outsourcing, just as Valerie Plame's Husband is not Joe Wilson's wife and 'going out' is not the same as 'leaving'.



Angry workers from Sensata and other Bain-owned companies unfurled a 40-foot anti-Romney banner at his campaign headquarters in Boston, and then protested the Romney/Bain model at Bain Capital’s nearby headquarters as part of a 14-state Bain Worker Bus Tour. Romney, they charged, “would treat the United States like a business acquisition.”

3   Tenpoundbass   2012 Oct 21, 12:49am  

kentm says

Ah yes, captain, the outsourcing is all Obama's fault, personally.

For adults you folks on this forum sure have a big issue with your comprehension skills.

It's like...
"What's your favorite colors?"
"Well I like Red and Green."
"Yo man why do you HATE Blue?"

4   kentm   2012 Oct 21, 6:51am  

Of course. Why would I think you were talking about Obama (again) when you just mention him by name. In regards to something completely unrelated to him.

Now go answer my question in the other thread about what you're voting FOR, please. I am curious.

5   thomaswong.1986   2012 Oct 21, 11:59am  

IDDQD says

Nowadays nobody moves neither equipment nor people overseas: companies hire locals there and fire locals here. What exactly is deducted in scenario like this?

Exactly. Further more they cease all domestic business and have the foreign firm do all production. The workers/equipment are and have been hired/owned by foreign firms. so there is no additional costs to move production. Had they even restarted domestic production the costs, they would count as new production costs, no different from typical equipment purchases or new hires... which already gets deducted as business expense.

Therefore the bill makes sense.

6   thomaswong.1986   2012 Oct 21, 12:03pm  

kentm says

Ah yes, iddqd, there's really no such thing as outsourcing,

Ask Solectron, Flextronics, and a dozen of other contract manufacturers.

Oh... none were created by Bain, but many have deep ties to Obama and friends!

You want names.. I will give you names..

7   thomaswong.1986   2012 Oct 21, 12:21pm  

JOYCE: A class-action blow to U.S. manufacturing
Supreme Court Whirlpool case to determine fate

The U.S. Supreme Court has until Friday to determine whether it will hear an appeal involving a class-action lawsuit against Whirlpool, the nation’s largest washing machine manufacturer. Until then, the future of all manufacturing in the United States hangs in the balance.

The case is one of dozens that class-action attorneys have brought against every major maker of washing machines sold in the United States. If the high court ultimately lets stand the legal theories of liability these attorneys are advancing, the resulting flood of litigation will not be contained in the laundry room. Virtually every U.S. producer of durable goods, for which August orders alarmingly plummeted 13 percent, will be subjected to the constant threat of crippling litigation and the erosion of global competitiveness that goes with it.

The contingency-fee lawyers suing Whirlpool claim that all modern water- and- energy-efficient, fabric-friendly, front-loading washing machines aren’t good enough. Why? If not properly maintained, these washers can develop a moldy, musty odor. The lawyers acknowledge this is true of older washers, too, but they say modern washers smell more often. Estimates of potential jury awards against the industry overall range into billions of dollars.

Read more: JOYCE: A class-action blow to U.S. manufacturing - Washington Times http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/oct/8/a-class-action-blow-to-us-manufacturing/#ixzz29zS8p66L

8   gbenson   2012 Oct 21, 3:12pm  

go a little easy on him Roberto, Fox has made Obama out to be some power-mad super-president or some such nonsense. The other two branches of our government apparently no longer exist in their world. It's rather obvious that Captain is a bit tipsy on their brand of kool-aid at times.

Obama isn't half as progressive as I would have liked to have seen, but he's a moderate (and compromiser) at heart and that just isn't going to change. He's also trying to deal with a very entrenched Washington DC political system that has crossed the line into lunacy. All things considered, he's doing pretty damn good with the hand he's playing with.

9   kentm   2012 Oct 22, 4:13am  

I'm not answering Shit, I don't have too, YET!

But if WE give you fascist Liberals 4 more fucking years, I'm sure I would be required by law to answer your questions.


Honestly, are you insane?

But I get it, you won't answer anything because you HAVE nothing. Nothing but hatred of... something or other. ...But it SURE IS bad!

And then you blame others for your issues. Were you maybe beaten up too much on the playground in kindergarden?

CaptainShuddup says

kentm says

Now go answer my question in the other thread about what you're voting FOR, please. I am curious.

10   kentm   2012 Oct 22, 4:15am  

IDDQD says

I don't understand how a bill abolishing tax deduction for relocation expenses would help to bring manufacturing of iPhones to US.

I don't understand how doing nothing is the same as doing something.

Words, its all just words.

11   Tenpoundbass   2012 Oct 22, 4:34am  

kentm says

And then you blame others for your issues. Were you maybe beaten up too much on the playground in kindergarden?

No were touched by Dr Spock?

12   thomaswong.1986   2012 Oct 22, 11:43am  

kentm says

I don't understand how doing nothing is the same as doing something.

Words, its all just words.

The liberals are skirting the issues. They are unwilling to have factories which could cause any pollution from being operated in the US. Having unemployed workforce is unimportant. They are all too pleased to have it in China or any other overseas plant as long its not here.

If you want to do something about it then you should vote out the anti-growth and anti-business cronies in Fed and State governments which have crippled US manufacturing and R&D.

13   JodyChunder   2012 Oct 22, 12:23pm  

I found this back-and-forth between Bill Black and Glen Ford very interesting, particularly the last three minutes, regarding who each of them will vote for in November.


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