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A morally bankrupt deviant culture.
I cringe every time some Liberal news organization, does a segment, how endearing it is, that many Muslim and waring African nations, are taking a liking to Bling and Hip Hop. Do these reporters listen to the lyrics in those songs? Or do they just like Booty shaking part. I mean you get a guy with an AK47 and a Grenade launcher rapping to NWA, it's going to be a bad next couple of minutes. m-kay?
Here is a link to the export report from the census bureau if you want to cheat.
It does not include arms. The US is the larges arms exporter in the world to the tune of 7.5 billion a year.
Mexicans - Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles deports more Mexicans than it exports product. Doesnt make sense that we waste so much money on sending people to a place they dont want to be.
It would be interesting to see what life was like for Mexicans prior to the US dumping all the cheap corn onto Mexico. What was there farming like prior to the cheap corn and the likes of US hog CAFO’s moving in?
I think it was still a 3rd world economy even without us injecting corn into the mix. Mexico needs to develop other industries outside of agriculture if it wants to grow.
That brings me to another point on Culturalism. Californians need to stop looking at Mexicans as immigrants because they were here before us...just because we have bigger guns doesnt make the land ours. That being said, I am not for an influx of poor people from any country....UK included. I mean, really, who wants to hire anyone from any of the crazy sub-cultures that exist in our society. Here are a few low life cultures and their traits I see in CA.
Bikers - Thugs on motorcycles, dont have pride in ownership of their property.
Gangs - Thugs period, dont have pride in anything but malt liquor
Mohawks, Tattooed individuals - No pride in their appearance, dont care about business employment, value individual freedoms.
Surfers - Thugs on boards, no style at all....
Poor Stupid People - crime, no pride in appearance, no drive, lazy, racist, victims.
It all comes down to the decency of the people so I am not saying the above list applies to all people of the sub-culture but it does apply more times than not. Choose the wrong culture and you are left out in the cold. Often you find decent people within the sub-cultures but its not the majority that you will find in a business conservative. The culture of the business conservative reminds me of how a decent person should look, smell and carry themselves. Really, when is the last time you thought you were gonna get raped by Barney Frank?
He might swindle you out of some cash but he aint gonna kill anyone.
"Really, when is the last time you thought you were gonna get raped by Barney Frank? "
Every time he speaks.
Here is a link to the export report from the census bureau if you want to cheat.
It does not include arms. The US is the larges arms exporter in the world to the tune of 7.5 billion a year.
We send $1 billion a year to Israel with the stipulation that they buy US arms with some of, always gotta have those strings attached;O)
Californians need to stop looking at Mexicans as immigrants because they were here before us…
I mentally cut them slack in any town with a Spanish name . . .
To answer the question, Fresno County produces $5B/yr in ag products, much of it cash crops like raisins and almonds.
That's the equivalent of 5 million ounces of gold, 2/5s South Africa's gold output.
LA produces intellectual property -- TV, movies, commercials, etc. $10-$20B there.
The Bay Area is the world leader in the production of software. We forget, but software is a form of wealth, too, in that it provides services that satisfy human needs and wants. Millions of people spend/waste their lives online, and this is only going to accelerate as technology improves.
Californians need to stop looking at Mexicans as immigrants because they were here before us…
I mentally cut them slack in any town with a Spanish name . . .
Porn, I forgot about the huge porn industry though I'm guessing much of it is consumed in the US.
Are "Cut Flowers" still the largest money crop in the agriculture sector ?
America's financial system is collapsing and once again gubmint will confiscate your gold, Should'nt we start hoarding Tulips ?
Red-colored stands out as the shining tone in contrast to additional hues, and do i think the that Craigslist. Relating to the purple singular boots and shoes, C . list involves many of our mental faculties at first. Even so the obvious badge pertains YSL's shoes or boots which causes Christian Lounboutin very angry hence he made an important fascinate the pair of boots boot footwear trial. It's a now manfulvalorous tendencies to accomplish such uggs something to be Clist. In spite of this, the particular reddish singular however help make star therefore crazy, that they hardly ever stop and try to look for all of the rush purple on the exclusive.
irrefutable ! But how many pancakes does it take to cover a sailboat ?
Aircraft (Boeing)?... weapons (Boeing, Raytheon, McDonnel Douglas)?..Movies (Hollywood-MGM, Warner Bors, 20th Century Fox)...?
Eventually they will figure out how to make the stuff to make the stuff, but by then WE will know how to make better stuff-making-stuff and they will STILL need to buy it from us.
I'm not so reassured. Once upon a time the British thought of "the colonies" as just raw resources, because they had all the shipping and industrial might to make finished goods. Some enterprising colonists get educated in British industries or Universities and return home. Next thing you know they are making the muskets your army uses. Fast forward a century or two and they are the ones selling you submarines and so on because you can't make your own. No empire lasts built on the assumption it can give away the store and still come out on top due to natural superiority.
If you look at it from a per-capita basis, we blow the competition (China) away.
We blow china away per capita, but don't beat germany, japan, or italy. Yes I know this is 2009, but I couldn't find 2010 numbers yet. http://www.ourfuture.org/blog-entry/2009104319/g20-manufacturing-output-capita
The US had better be the largest manufacturing nation on a raw output basis. In the first world the US 2.5 times as big as Japan and almost 4 times the size of Germany. China, which is still largely rural and poor, isn't that much of a direct comparison.
It's far from "AN ENORMOUS MARGIN" in terms of raw numbers. Barely 80% more than Japan, a little over double Germany, not much more than China at all.
It's far from "AN ENORMOUS MARGIN" in terms of raw numbers. Barely 80% more than Japan, a little over double Germany
Sorry to interrupt your little neg-head pity party, but I would call 80% and over 100% margins pretty enormous.
Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery -- Jane Austen
Compared to 125% and 400% population advantage?
I wonder how much "Aerospace" sales are the direct result from government-to-government loans/subsidized deals (ie Israel F-16s, China Boeing purchase), and whether it includes both military aircraft in additional to commercial.
Movies, movies and television dramas.
Nice katakana (above).
thunderlips11 said
>I wonder how much "Aerospace" sales are the direct result from government-
I wonder that too. The "free market" at work...Lol!
Who has been firebombing the best comments with "negs"? And astroturfer? Show yourself!
Coal and jobs come to mind, since everything else that is obvious has already been mentioned.
Oh, and all the great antique off-the-shelf goods we were once so revered for, which is now collectible.
Inspired by a previous thread I thought it would be interesting if we could list exports off of the top of our heads, no 'google-ing'. Add the region just for fun. I'll start.
Pacific Northwest exports cherries, apples, pears and wheat.
My brother works in the meat (beef) industry (Midwest) so I know we export beef which is fed heavily subsidized corn which helps keep beef prices low but adds the E. coli risk but that's another post.
Midwest: Corn, often as High Fructose Corn Syrup. Anyone else crave a good soda made out of cane sugar?!?!
Please contribute:O)
Edit: Heck, let's get it all out there. Let's have some fun but also enlighten some. Sure, google it, let's even get some $ amounts or some data for relativity.