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@leo, lol
@Dan, I know, you have said that before, I'm just seeing a patern. Not sure what it shows.
@thedaytoday, anyone you call a bigot is A-ok in my book. The cyber based persona that you are trying to create is pretend. You do understand that, don't you? Before you retort, find a window and go look out at real life ... now go find yourself a life. Put that semi-automatic keyboard to rest, you savage you.
@TheProfessor, lol
this new nerd turd poster is trying for a particular persona, and obviously it (the persona) must hate femanine personas too. It must be an important perst of the super educated, hertophobic liberal persona the poster is trying for. I would not take anything posted by this persona seriously. It's an obvious joke or ploy.
In America those like you come against on here have chosen bellum internecinum for all that do not agree with them. Load heavy.
Callitcrazy but conservatives with strong opinions are not well liked around
really, this should be in the Patrick hall of fame too.
For your information I am extremely well educated, I graduated with two bachelors before I was 21, a masters before I was 24 and even higher qualifications before I was 30.
"Higher qualifications?" Is that another way of saying "Would you like fries with that?"
Comprehension is obviously not one of your qualifications. Reading is a prerequisite for comprehension
Can you read:
I said: "even higher qualifications"
You have and always will misquote and misguide this forum. You do this on a regular basis.
You're RealtorsAreLiars/LiarWatch/DarrellinPhoenix..., aren't you? I take it that this is your new, none RE character for PC trolling.
"Even higher qualifications" would have mattered if you were referring to something you need to be qualified for... such as a job, or the Miss America Pagent.
But here, in patnet world, your degrees don't matter to us. What would matter is something awesome, such as the ability to effectively communicate your thoughts. You're falling short of this goal in a dramatic fashion.
By the way, "comprehension" isn't a qualification. It's the "capacity of the mind to perceive and understand; power to grasp ideas..." (Dictionary.com). Based on your posts, you are severely lacking in this area - so I believe that I'm speaking for many of us when I say that you might want to change the resume if you've listed it as one of your qualifications.
Frankly, I'm flattered that you've become such a fan of mine that you believe you possess direct knowledge of my ability to "misquote" and "misguide" this forum. Seeing as how I quoted you directly without editorializing, a better description of my abilities might be that I possess the ability to select & quote in such a unique way that you get a little turned on.
C'mon, you know that you do. Probably on a regular basis.
And that can be counted as a qualification. I'm pretty sure of it.
But here, in patnet world, your degrees don't matter to us. What would matter is something awesome, such as the ability to effectively communicate your thoughts. You're falling short of this goal in a dramatic fashion.
Ignore really does work.
Since thedaytoday put his "last word" in I have decided to ignore his persona.
His persona was vile. Often profane and adds little to the debate.
I appreciate someone who can debate me, try to persuade me, and show me the error of my ways. Attack my stupid ideas and clear me of my ignorance. Don't call me a stupid A-hole without providing convincing evidence.
No, you don't. You simply delete posts that show you to be wrong as evidenced by your ridiculous 9/11 thread.
I appreciate someone who can debate me, try to persuade me, and show me the error of my ways. Attack my stupid ideas and clear me of my ignorance. Don't call me a stupid A-hole without providing convincing evidence.
No, you don't. You simply delete posts that show you to be wrong as evidenced by your ridiculous 9/11 thread.
And you, Mr Bigsby, just like to argue. I have not ignored you because on occasion you have something interesting to say, you are not vulgar, and... and... you're a good speller.
I don't like to argue. I just don't like bullshit to pass. The simple truth is you set up a new 9/11 thread after one had already been done to death so that you could repeat your points from the former whilst also being able to delete those posts that showed you to be wrong. You did this with abandon.
Mr Bigsby,
I do not recall you "show"ing me wrong on the 911 thread. I don't remember you posting any convincing evidence. Please post any proof you have to the appropriate discussion.
Then you have a very poor memory. Your stark errors were pointed out by a good number of posters. It would be difficult to post the proof from your thread as you deleted it all, but people just need to go to the original 9/11 thread and see what people posted in response to you. You're one of those tin foil hat conspiracy believers (controlled demolitions FFS) who no matter what evidence they are shown continue to hold on desperately to their beliefs. As your arguments became more laughable and repetitive I recall you changed your name to The Professor, presumably in an effort to try and instill your arguments with a sense of gravitas. It didn't work.
My posts led you to The professor moniker? How exactly do you figure that?
You're just a 9/11 conspiracy quack who has now posted that ridiculous image how many times exactly? And which thread is the appropriate one? The one where you can delete any responses that refute your views or the one where the arguments have already been done to death? I imagine you are probably just looking for yet another opportunity to post exactly the same images and videos from your go to crackpot conspiracy websites that you have already done multiple times. Count me out from your mind numbing stupidity.
The one where you can delete any responses that refute your views or the one where the arguments have already been done to death?
I could delete your comments here.
Go ahead see if you can refute my views and see if I delete them. I just keep posting that image because it disproves your "theory" and you cannot refute it.
You make my point for me. Why should I give even more oxygen to your conspiracy theories? Pretty much everything has already been covered in the original 9/11 thread and yet here you are trying to kickstart it once again in a completely unrelated thread. Why not just go back and reread that thread, or do you, perhaps, simply want to have a rerun of the thing that seems to get your juices flowing the most? You'll have to forgive me for not wanting another run through of your conspiracy website go to videos. Enough brain cells died watching the videos/reading your posts last time.
And no, that image doesn't disprove the facts (or my theory as you put it). That image, where it came from, and how ridiculous it is has already been explained to you multiple times. If you choose to ignore that because it doesn't confirm your bias, then that is your prerogative.
I got about half way through your message before I heard blah blah blah
said every husband to himself about his wife at least once
I pretty much moved on from the wtc demolitions; tragedy though it was.
Which is presumably why you posted up that image yet again. Moving on indeed.
I pretty much moved on from the wtc demolitions; tragedy though it was.
Which is presumably why you posted up that image yet again. Moving on indeed.
I posted it for you Bigsby. I thought we bonded over our 911 debate?
I like that image. It shows how a building can destroy itself.
It shows you aren't a professor if nothing else.
It shows you aren't a professor if nothing else.
Oh Yeah!
Well maybe your not Bigsby either!
Correct, I'm not, but you did claim to be a professor in the 9/11 thread...
Just curious, when did this 9/11 conspiracy convo happen? This argument isn't about that conversation, it's about someone's panties being in a knot.
I got about half way through your message before I heard blah blah blah
said every husband to himself about his wife at least once
Ya'll have no idea what we're thinking, tho. :)
And I'm perfectly happy to change my mind. I do so frequently, but posting daft images and videos from conspiracy websites is not generally the way to change someone's mind if they have any kind of critical thinking skills.
Here is another "daft image" from a conspiracy website. Do you recognize this one? It shows how a building can destroy itself.
Yes, I recognize it as you are again posting the same stuff that has already been posted a number of times before. And as before, you seem to have totally failed to take note of the rather glaring differences between the Bazant image and your 9/11 conspiracy theory one, 'professor.'
And your moving on from all this doesn't seem to have lasted very long, has it?
I tried watching that clip and it got stuck at 2:32 mins.
2+3+2= 7
In numerology, the expression number "7" means:
"You are gifted with an analytical mind and an enormous appetite for the answers to life's hidden questions. "
That's from one numerology site. However, another one owned by someone who can't spell worth a shit says it's more about the spiritual and threw out a bunch of words like "chakra" in an attempt to impress me... then they wished me a "Woderful day." (hey - at least they spelled "day" correctly). But these two numerologists disagree with each other, and I'm thinking someone got to one of them in order to have me thrown off the scent.
Please note that I would provide links to these sites, but I truly don't give a shit and will now pour myself a glass of wine. Is it a conspiracy that I've been driven to drink at 1:30p? Hmmm...
I am certain that the video sticking is a conspiracy.
You know I was just yanking your chain, right? All of the sudden this thread became about whether or not you are a liar, rather than the childish name calling by a poster...
Oops - I guess we stole the original thread a while back so I have absolutely no room to talk. And yet I can't shut up.
It's a conspiracy!!!
All of the sudden this thread became about whether or not you are a liar
Really? When did that happen?
I didn't say that you are a liar - and my use of the word "liar" was incorrect. Actually, Bigsby used the words "biased" and "wrong." I have no opinion on those either, and I stopped reading that conversation. Hell, he might even have called you a poopy head for all that I know (again, I gots no opinion).
The thing about conspiracy theories is that most of the time they're hard to prove, and even harder to disprove. IMHO, as long as they cast some doubt on the subject, they can't be proven or disproven. I've read some of the 9/11 theories and while I don't believe them, I don't disbelieve them either. I don't know what to believe but I don't spend a lot of time on it either.
Truth be told, I have no problem with you or whether or not you are an actual "Professor." Silly me, though - I just looked up the description of "professor" and you meet it.
I do not have a Phd.
BS = Bullshit
MS = More Shit
Ph.D = Piled higher & deeper
Some of the most highly educated people I've met (3 Ph.D's and years of experience in their field) are dumb as sand in other area and possess no common sense.
you're a good speller.
I are to. It hirtz thet yew dint say sew.
Truth be told, I have no problem with you or whether or not you are an actual "Professor." Silly me, though - I just looked up the description of "professor" and you meet it.
Not in Europe, and I was under the impression that even in the US, university teachers need to hold a PhD to be referred to as a professor.
The thing about conspiracy theories is that most of the time they're hard to prove, and even harder to disprove.
Only in the sense that those who believe in them are so invested that no amount of evidence is likely to change their opinion. That isn't the same as being 'even harder to disprove.'
Professor derives from Latin as a "person who professes".
I do profess I am "The Professor"!
Case closed, conspiracy revealed, shows over.
Would my next Disliker please step up to the podium.
Keep posting your 9/11 nonsense and I'm sure plenty of people will step forward, 'professor'.
Keep posting your 9/11 nonsense and I'm sure plenty of people will step forward, 'professor'.
If I post one more picture will you let this conspiracy drop?
It's you who has been peddling the conspiracy theory, not me. And no, just keep your lack of critical thinking skills to yourself and save us from yet another already posted image.
well, it's not me...cause your avatar reminds me of my grandfather... giving me the bird....
Not in Europe, and I was under the impression that even in the US, university teachers need to hold a PhD to be referred to as a professor.
Professor derives from Latin as a "person who professes".
I do profess I am "The Professor"!
Case closed, conspiracy revealed, shows over.
Would my next Disliker please step up to the podium.
adam, eve, et al predates that...
I've read some of the 9/11 theories and while I don't believe them, I don't disbelieve them either. I don't know what to believe but I don't spend a lot of time on it either.
Their have been conspiracies ever since 2 men plotted to take a lone hunters kill...
I have made it to the top 20 most disliked on Patnet! That is quite an honor! Thank you for your support!
If you aren't disliked and ignore by some people, you aren't saying anything worthwhile. For example, if your book is banned or burned, you're in good company.
Just wondering, does anyone think of the proprietor Patrick?
He must 'keep the electricity on' somehow by paying to keeping the website online and up to date.
Has anyone ever considered that maybe 'your' behaviour has kept this site from moving forward to something bigger$ for the proprietor? Where he wouldn't have to get a real job?
Of course, I don't know Patrick and if this is just a hobby, then, I am off base.
I enjoy reading and occasionally posting, obviously and am grateful for yes, still, the information that can be retrieved from the site.
I'll just have to come out and say it, I find many of you selfish, very self obsorbed in your own, individual, distinct ways.
Again, when was the last time you thought of someone else? Like the owner who keeps the lights on?
Thought so.
I'll just have to come out and say it, I find many of you selfish, very self
obsorbed in your own, individual, distinct ways
That is a symptom of america and the world. I gotsta get mine and protect mines and my family or I will get rolled on. A matter of justice and ultimately survival.
Apparently somebody does.... he has 3 Ignores....
LOL, humor is good. You I like.
So, why did you dislike my post??
I didn't dislike your post, didn't even read the post above mine, which is yours until just now.
When I get a thought a paragraph or more, and think it might be interesting, I write it.
No worries.
I'll just have to come out and say it, I find many of you selfish, very self obsorbed in your own, individual, distinct ways.
and you took the time to tell us didja?
Wanna impress me, post your next post as a Premium member. I mean god forbid you should come across as a sanctimonious phony, like Husein.
Wanna impress me, post your next post as a Premium member
Look who is talking? I don't see a 'Premium Membership'.
I have already explained that before. I will not support a 'bully' site. It is against personal principles. From some, I am disrespected and called names, Premium membership or not.
Although I could change my mind..
But you're the one "Bullying" you don't agree with people so you're attacking them.
Why don't people like you, just go to the MSNBC headquarters, go around back to the outdoor spigot, turn it on full blast, tilt your head upside down and place your mouth over the tap, and just suck it all in.
Why waste your time on a site like this, where you might learn an alternate way to view things, other than the manufactured Liberal news sewage.
Is that in the TOS??
Terms of Service. Good Idea! If one exists, I have not seen it nor immediately found it.
Venturing out, maybe there will be an open house to wreak more havoc later..
Aren't the likes and dislikes weighted according to "ignore"s?
Most of the members who would give the "most liked" more "dislikes" have them on ignore so they can no longer dislike them. Otherwise, they would be giving them a lot more dislikes.
Doesn't one "ignore" count for 40 or 50 "dislikes"?
As pathetic, gratuitous, obnoxious, vile, ridiculous, irredeemable, antagonistic, revolting, childish, foul and gross as I have been, I have only gotten one ignore.
Turtledove, a soccer mom, has one ignore.
Elliemae, a kindly social worker who writes books about helping the elderly and disabled, and helps them to negotiate the byzantine, punishing gauntlet of government/nursing home bureaucratic services, has 4 ignores.
I guess I have to sink to the lowest of the low and start pointing out Sandy Hook photoshopped pictures.
I guess I have to sink to the lowest of the low and start pointing out Sandy Hook photoshopped pictures.
Where's Leo when you need him?
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the truth