Women. You have men by the balls. No one can network like you; yet you do not sq

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2013 Feb 18, 2:40am   11,943 views  33 comments

by Greatest I am   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Women. You have men by the balls. No one can network like you; yet you do not squeeze. Why do you not and take over the world and solve man’s woes?

Man has shown that he is not up to the task.

No one can network like women, and you control the spending/poverty/war. Men are in the street with guns and kill each other for your pleasure. You can stop it all. Why do you not do so?

You control the shape of our socio economic demographic pyramid. It just so happens that it is the perfect shape for adjustments/wealth redistribution; as the shape of our pyramid allows you to see all the levels except those beneath and they are few. It looks like a top. In real world terms; our top is wobbling rather precariously. You can stabilize it and in doing so make us all more prosperous.


I am told that the rich have been getting richer and the poor poorer for a number of years now. I also hear numbers like 2 % of military budgets would solve the poverty and starvation problems. The poor and middle of our economy can be helped without hurting the rich if redistribution is done at this point in time.

What this speaker says of Africa you must do; regardless of your country, ---- if women are to save man from himself. Show your love ladies or miss a prime opportunity to retake your place of equality within our societies. It is all in your hands. Squeeze. It will be tough love but many men are in your court. Your force and theirs cannot be stopped by the more chauvinistic minority of men, --- once women start moving.


It need not take generations. You and mankind can have what it will have in the future; if you network as only you can. Put corrupt man in his place and take your rightful place now.

Open your third eye or condemn your sisters, daughters and yourself to more years of pain as man’s subjugated bitch.


I apologise in advance for the language but people today notice nothing that is not startling and I wish to startle you women out of your lethargy and mental doldrums.

Do you understand that you have the power of change, peace and prosperity in your hands?

Why are you not networking and doing your duty to society by taking your rightful place of leadership and equality?


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3   Greatest I am   2013 Feb 26, 4:26am  

c s.





4   Vicente   2013 Feb 26, 4:36am  

I know quite a few women, who have no female friends. Well they have Girlz they sometimes hang out with. But I think the social dynamic for women is a lot different than men. It's hard to get them to band together except for a really big obvious threat. Change, peace, and prosperity? Plenty of women in my family live with a Teabagger and turn into one.

5   epitaph   2013 Feb 26, 5:00am  

Men have both the highest potential and the lowest. We create technology that pushes us into the future and also murder people and overcrowd jail cells. Woman can be leaders, but leadership traits are mostly found in men. The problems with leadership in America(and most other governments) are mostly systematic.

6   thomaswong.1986   2013 Feb 26, 4:33pm  

Greatest I am says

No one can network like women, and you control the spending/poverty/war. Men are in the street with guns and kill each other for your pleasure. You can stop it all. Why do you not do so?

crazies place i worked years ago had many female managers... as a result there was division among teams, borders you do not cross, ugly politics, spying, wars against peers and lots of name calling during meetings. when you see such behavior, your view of women as dominate leaders quickly disappear.

talk to me about women who actually understand what collaboration is about..
there are some, a few, out there..

7   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 Feb 27, 11:46pm  

Some good stuff on this subject:


This is a video that tackles some of the claims of Patriarchy Theory.

There's also a great set of blog posts by one of those rare Female to Male transgendered people. It's an eye-opener. Before his surgery, he thought Men had it easier - afterwards, he encountered a whole new set of problems. I'll have to track it down.

8   Indiana Jones   2013 Feb 28, 12:26am  

Oh great. This is so messed up I don't even know where to begin. First of all, MEN are the ones who have messed up the world, so why should women come in and save their bottoms? It is one of the typical male games: I destroy and cause chaos out my selfishness and greed, and then I believe woman should come in and clean up my mess and make everything all right again, and if she doesn't, then I can blame her for the mess! Such a win-win for the man!

The big problem is that MEN have control of the world, if you haven't noticed, and are choking it and will not let go until they have every last possible piece of it in their own self-serving little hands.

Women do NOT have control of spending/poverty/war- that is all in men's hands. You think a woman controlled world would let children starve? You think women cause wars? Are you kidding me?

And as far as others comments on women managers and all the infighting among women: When a group is controlled and subjugated, without power of their own, they will start to compete with each other to "win", to gain even a little bit of power. It is a classic case of Divide And Conquer. When men disempower women through a patriarchical society as we have (and then deny they are being controlled or disempowered "well, now you can raise babies AND be a work slave- you aren't disempowered") women are lied to about who is the one who is actually depriving them of their authority, and like caged lions, they can turn on each other.

9   Reality   2013 Feb 28, 12:35am  

Holly Shitsa, I just realized Harrison Ford's character had a girl's name. Was s/he a transgender lesbian in the movies?

10   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 28, 12:36am  

Oh Poppy Cock, both Women and Men are full of shit in equal proportions.
Real leaders become that way with out as much of a ruckus. They just assume the role and there's not a better person to replace them. Where as any one that is thrust into a position to satisfy the narcissism of some agenda is a disaster for all concerned. Regardless of sex or race.

Just take our President for example.

11   Tenpoundbass   2013 Feb 28, 12:38am  

thunderlips11 says

There's also a great set of blog posts by one of those rare Female to Male transgendered people. It's an eye-opener. Before his surgery, he thought Men had it easier - afterwards, he encountered a whole new set of problems. I'll have to track it down.

Yeah I'm sure people clammier all over Chasity Bono when he speaks with authority. It sucks to be anyone that doesn't believe in them selves and hates to be in their own skin.

12   Indiana Jones   2013 Feb 28, 1:10am  

Reality says

Holly Shitsa, I just realized Harrison Ford's character had a girl's name. Was s/he a transgender lesbian in the movies?

Quite the fantasy, eh?

13   epitaph   2013 Feb 28, 6:38am  

I love how people come to the conclusion that there is a massive conspiracy to why things are the way they are instead of accepting that there is just a natural order to things.

14   Dan8267   2013 Feb 28, 7:39am  

thunderlips11 says

Some good stuff on this subject:

girlwriteswhat has a couple of very good and detailed videos. Her channel is worth perusing.

Personally, I don't consider the word feminism to be meaningful anymore because it's been bent and twisted by so many different groups and persons to further their own agendas that it no longer conveys a common meaning to anyone. It's best just to retire such words as they only result in miscommunication.

It is interesting and undeniable that the removal of gender roles and the distinction of gender occurs only in societies that are easy to live in and where the everyday dangers of life have been removed.

It is also interesting and demonstrable that men must have incentives to perform hard and dangerous work. The largest complaint that Millennial women have about their male counterparts is that Millennial men just want to play XBox and party and have no motivation to work hard at careers or relationships. Of course, there are no longer any incentives to men to work hard to "earn" sex and fatherhood status.

15   turtledove   2013 Feb 28, 7:52am  

All women are this....

All men are that....

Gosh. How could anyone find weaknesses in these arguments?

Truly, guys... A gem of a thread! Have you considered joining the lecture circuit?

16   Dan8267   2013 Feb 28, 7:59am  

Indiana Jones says

Oh great. This is so messed up I don't even know where to begin. First of all, MEN are the ones who have messed up the world, so why should women come in and save their bottoms? It is one of the typical male games

Bullshit. Alpha men are the ones who have messed up the world. Beta men are the ones who are responsible for every single advancement in society and technology until recently, and still are responsible for most of them. Low childbirth and infant death rates? Thank men for that. Epidurals? Thank men for that. Birth control? Thank men. Elimination of smallpox. Thanks men. Clean and readily available water? Thank men. Ample food supplies? Thank men. Electricity? Thank men. Air conditioning? Thank men. Dishwashers, clothes washers, clothes dryers? Thank men. Planes, trains, and automobiles? Thank men.

People used to have six children expecting three or four to die before adulthood. Now that's unheard of. Thank men. People rarely lived to see 40. Now it's the norm and most people make it to at least 70, some to over 100. Thank men.

The printing press? Thank men. Computers, radio, television, the Internet, the lunar landing? Thank men. Building codes, machinery required to build skyscrapers? Thank men.

I could go on for a very, very long time. Stop blaming all men for the actions of less than 1% of men, the sub-one-percent that ruled government and business. If you blamed all blacks for the actions of less than 1% of blacks, you would be a racist. Blaming all men for the actions of less than 1% is just as bigoted.

Beta males are as awesome as alpha males suck. And if you are going to blame anyone for the existence of alpha males, it's got to be women. Every time a woman fucks the captain of the football team instead of the captain of the mathletes team, she's voting for more asshole alpha males and fewer awesome beta males, and bringing us one step closer to Idiocracy.

Hell, the entire reason alpha men start wars is to get pussy. If women only had sex with doves, every single male would be a dove. Hell, Liberian women proved this. Liberian women stopped warfare between Christians and Muslims by withholding sex. Holy fuck! Sex is way more powerful than religion. Image if all women in the Middle East did this. The entire regions would be transformed overnight.

Hell, women withholding sex can topple regimes and build republics.

The flip side, of course, is that women use sex to promote warfare and violence, say by screwing men who bring gold back from the Americas or slaves back from Africa, they are responsible for the evil we see in the world.

Millennial men aren't going around the world killing natives to steal their gold or enslaving people, because Millennial Men get plenty of sex without having to do anything. That's why there are no Millennial Conquistadors, and it's why Millennial men spend all their time on leisure activities.

17   Shaman   2013 Feb 28, 8:44am  

Women don't thank men for what they provide. Rather, they accept it as their natural due (on the basis of what their bodies can do that men's can not) and only ask why the men aren't providing more? It's their nature to be this way, instilled by thousands of years of biological supremacy, where the most successful women secured the men capable of providing the most.

18   everything   2013 Feb 28, 9:26am  

Women like to talk allot, talk is cheap.

19   Indiana Jones   2013 Feb 28, 1:40pm  

Dan8267 says

Alpha men are the ones who have messed up the world. Beta men are the ones who are responsible for every single advancement in society and technology until recently, and still are responsible for most of them.

Thank you for being reasonable here. I agree with your assertion that the ills of the world is not the fault of ALL men. Absolutely. Many men understand chauvinism and its repercussions, think of women as their equal, and respect a woman as another actual human being, albeit different in certain ways. Kudos to those men out there. Unfortunately, I don't really see those men on this thread.

Dan8267 says

women use sex to promote warfare and violence

This is not a reasonable statement. This is part of the blame game. Having sex with a person who kills does not make the sex partner responsible for the act of killing.

20   Indiana Jones   2013 Feb 28, 1:55pm  

Dan8267 says

It simply would never ever ever EVER cross any woman's mind in her socioeconomic position to deny a rich powerful male like Arnie reproductive sex.

Likewise a man with more money than he could ever use would probably never think twice about having a love child with a discreet and loyal domestic servant.

Both true.

ANY women? Really? How do you know this to be true? Some women, yes, but not all women go for the big powerful guy. Some women tell the big powerful guy to take a hike. I can vouch for it, as I personally know women like that. They don't want to be used as sex objects (!) and aren't interested in status, money or even how big his honker is. They are not trying to have babies to trap a man. And to break the big myth here on Pat.net - they don't even care if he owns a house!! They are actually looking for a mature man, who respects, values and loves himself and by extension respects, values and loves her. Wow, what a concept!

21   Reality   2013 Feb 28, 2:35pm  

Let's keep some perspective here:

1. Men don't give birth to men. Women don't just give birth to women only. Loyalty towards one's own gender is a modern intellectual brain fart.

2. Historically women were much more assured of having any reproductive success. Men faced a larger covariance. In exchange for lower burden in child bearing, men were genetically selected (against) by women.

3. While women choosing to have sex and babies with the violent alpha male may not be responsible for her mate's behavior, she is certainly responsible for the over-representation of violent alpha males in the next generation. That point should be tempered by the dimorphism between the two genders hinting at widespread rape initiated by t he violent alpha male himself may also be partially responsible for the over representation of the violent alpha males in the next generation.

4. Without women selecting better providers and cheating enough to maintain genetic diversity, we may not be here as human beings at all, but happily up some trees picking fruits, until violent death by another herd of monkeys or predators.

5. An individual does not have to consciously fit his/her behavior according to genetic prescription. As a society we have learned to co-operate and trade in order to produce more wealth, instead of killing all non-kins.

22   Greatest I am   2013 Feb 28, 10:58pm  

Vicente says

I know quite a few women, who have no female friends. Well they have Girlz they sometimes hang out with. But I think the social dynamic for women is a lot different than men. It's hard to get them to band together except for a really big obvious threat. Change, peace, and prosperity? Plenty of women in my family live with a Teabagger and turn into one.

I offer my sympathies.


23   Greatest I am   2013 Feb 28, 11:01pm  

epitaph says

Men have both the highest potential and the lowest. We create technology that pushes us into the future and also murder people and overcrowd jail cells. Woman can be leaders, but leadership traits are mostly found in men. The problems with leadership in America(and most other governments) are mostly systematic.

Yes. Men have forgotten that they are to rule for women's sake and not their own. What ever happened to the sanctity of the family?


Men have forgotten their duty and honor.


24   Greatest I am   2013 Feb 28, 11:04pm  

thomaswong.1986 says

Greatest I am says

No one can network like women, and you control the spending/poverty/war. Men are in the street with guns and kill each other for your pleasure. You can stop it all. Why do you not do so?

crazies place i worked years ago had many female managers... as a result there was division among teams, borders you do not cross, ugly politics, spying, wars against peers and lots of name calling during meetings. when you see such behavior, your view of women as dominate leaders quickly disappear.

talk to me about women who actually understand what collaboration is about..

there are some, a few, out there..

Name calling beats a fist fight.

The few women are becoming the many.


25   Greatest I am   2013 Feb 28, 11:43pm  

Indiana Jones says

Oh great. This is so messed up I don't even know where to begin. First of all, MEN are the ones who have messed up the world, so why should women come in and save their bottoms?


You admit things are screwed up and males are not capable yet you would not be beholden to women who would fix our mess.

Live in your filth then if that is what you think a society should do.

Let me hope that women have a better social conscience than you do.


26   taxee   2013 Feb 28, 11:48pm  

Clearly the human race has some issues :O)

27   Greatest I am   2013 Feb 28, 11:50pm  

epitaph says

I love how people come to the conclusion that there is a massive conspiracy to why things are the way they are instead of accepting that there is just a natural order to things.

So it is natural for human males to subjugate human females.

A fool might think so or an Afghanistan Muslim yielding his rape law.


28   Greatest I am   2013 Feb 28, 11:57pm  

everything says

Women like to talk allot, talk is cheap.

War is not.
Is 3,000 years of it not enough for you?


29   Greatest I am   2013 Feb 28, 11:58pm  

Quigley says

Women don't thank men for what they provide. Rather, they accept it as their natural due (on the basis of what their bodies can do that men's can not) and only ask why the men aren't providing more? It's their nature to be this way, instilled by thousands of years of biological supremacy, where the most successful women secured the men capable of providing the most.

Poor puppy needs a hug.


30   Greatest I am   2013 Mar 1, 12:02am  

taxee says

Clearly the human race has some issues :O)

It cannot help itself while living under a Noble Lie.


31   Shaman   2013 Mar 1, 1:08am  

There's an excellent reason why the Chinese character for "trouble" is two women under one roof. Women are so disinclined to cooperate with each other that even mother/daughter relationships are strained once the daughter has reached sexual maturity. Women (in general) are reinforced for claiming a man, a dwelling, and resources for themselves, and jealously enforce the disposition thereof these things. Other women are threats first, and allies only tenuously up to the point when the aforementioned resources are threatened.

Men, on the other hand, are conditioned from childhood to cooperate with other males to achieve goals, as a part of a team mentality. Is it any wonder that men excell better at leadership (which must include highly developed cooperation skills) than women? Women can be part of a team, but work best in subordinate roles. If they acquire status and leadership, they may begin to consider their primary mission to be protecting these assets rather than cooperating to do a job or series of jobs as a team.

Disclaimer: not all women have this problem and there are exceptions to every rule. However THE exceptions DO NOT disprove the rule! So pompous claims to know a woman who is fabulously successful in a management role are meaningless. My own sister is an exception, but she does not disprove the general rule.

32   Reality   2013 Mar 1, 1:31am  

Then just keep each woman in a different house, and have three-some only in your own backyard, not under a roof. Problem solved.

Jokes aside, women can become high maintenance once they are older than 30, especially after turning 35. The genetic programming is no different from a roosting hen after laying eggs for a couple years. Since it's illegal to make a soup of her, and she will take care of your kids if there are any, so give her a nest, and encourage her to be the queen of her own domain. You get your freedom back to raise the next bird. It's really a win-win. Stop complaining, and be grateful that you are born with some extra bits at birth.

We are only on this planet for a few decades, only long enough to have a few pet dogs and pet cats. Why waste time complaining about what the dogs and cats can't do? Just enjoy their company for what they are.

33   epitaph   2013 Mar 1, 2:29am  

Quigley says

Men, on the other hand, are conditioned from childhood to cooperate with other males to achieve goals, as a part of a team mentality.

Obviously none of these men are in Washington.

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