Crest removes POISON Triclosan from Toothpaste finaly, what about Fluoride!

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2013 Aug 2, 4:46am   11,538 views  38 comments

by puhim   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


Did you know that many toothpastes contain an antibacterial agent called triclosan. Its in all kinds of products, like hand sanitizers and deodorants. If you look on your toothpastes ingredient panel you may find triclosan under "Active ingredients." What's the problem with triclosan? Last year, more than 70 groups filed a petition with the Environmental Protection Agency to restrict the chemical in consumer products because of health concerns. The European Union and other countries have banned or restricted triclosan. Still, the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says it is investigating the health issues, but doesn't yet have enough evidence...


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4   puhim   2013 Aug 2, 5:49am  

edvard2 says

So once more the realities of this situation should be weighed.

Yes, the realities of poisoning our children and lowering IQ's should help you wake up.

We OVER FLUORIDE EVERYTHING. We certainly are not putting low levels into water, but that is only the surface.

Do you really think you need it in drinking water when you brush your teeth with it as well? Water can contain over 1.6ppm and proven even higher in some cases.

How about when you shower? How about the medical uses of fluoride and what it can do to you? Wonder why your thyroid is fucked? Google, fluoride and thyroid treatments.

So called safe limits are 0.06ppm to 0.07ppm and we add it to EVERYTHING! Even food grown in certain soils contain it.

You are being over exposed to it.

5   puhim   2013 Aug 2, 5:53am  

But don't worry Crest is removing and poison TRICLOSAN from toothpaste.

6   edvard2   2013 Aug 2, 6:21am  

Here we go again. Its another conspiracy. What's the story going to be tomorrow? I know- It'll be "Chem-Trails".

Either way, can't wait to go home and brush my teeth with my good ole' tube of fluoridated tooth paste.

7   puhim   2013 Aug 2, 6:28am  

edvard2 says

Here we go again. Its another conspiracy

Here we go again a denier who see's conspiracies when clearly it is an agenda. Guess what dumb-ass the science has been in for decades and decades. The USA is finally catching up.

Harvard School Of Public Health
Impact of fluoride on neurological development in children


Your cognitive dissidence must be a by product of brushing your teeth with fluoride and losing 20% of your IQ.

Fact not conspiracy.

8   puhim   2013 Aug 2, 6:34am  

When a group in society that is so brain dead to believe even the peer reviewed science of Harvard (WHICH CANNOT GET ANYMORE MAINSTREAM) is a publishing conspiracy theories, well then that society will fail.

Wake the fuck up Edvard, how can you be so wide asleep.

9   edvard2   2013 Aug 2, 7:03am  

puhim says

Wake the fuck up Edvard, how can you be so wide asleep.

I get my information from reading facts. Oh- guess what? If you drink too much water you can die of water intoxication. Why isn't anyone doing anything about this horrible thing? I read it in some college paper so it must be true.

10   puhim   2013 Aug 2, 7:13am  

edvard2 says

I get my information from reading facts.

I don't think so Strawman.

Keep listening to your dentist about fluoride, RFLMAO

'Really Freakin' Laughing My Ass Off"

11   puhim   2013 Aug 2, 7:14am  

edvard2 says

Why isn't anyone doing anything about this horrible thing?

Such a simpleton, it's pathetic. Are you capable of independent thought that is not preprogrammed for you Zombie?

Like you said it's a conspiracy!

Wow, Zombie Simpleton.

Even when Harvard spells it out for you , you still are a blinked zombie.

Do you know how many countries have BANNED it over there own studies?

12   edvard2   2013 Aug 2, 7:23am  

This is hilarious and entertaining. I can't believe I've wasted as much time as I have on another one of these posts. Like I said- aren't you concerned that water is potentially toxic? It is! It is!

13   mell   2013 Aug 2, 7:55am  

edvard2 says

This is hilarious and entertaining. I can't believe I've wasted as much time as I have on another one of these posts. Like I said- aren't you concerned that water is potentially toxic? It is! It is!

That's a little condescending. Fact is that triclosan even more so than fluoride is a toxic waste (by)product that are being monetized just because they have some antibacterial properties while it would be much safer and healthier to use similar (natural) products that are far less harmful. The question is of course if the small dosage has a significant impact, but there is always accumulation and little kids often swallow toothpaste when they haven't figured out how to properly spit it out yet. It's a valid concern no doubt.

14   puhim   2013 Aug 2, 7:58am  

mell says

That's a little condescending. Fact is that triclosan even more so than fluoride is a toxic waste (by)product that are being monetized just because they have some antibacterial properties while it would be much safer and healthier to use similar (natural) products that are far less harmful. The question is of course if the small dosage has a significant impact, but there is always accumulation and little kids often swallow toothpaste when they haven't figured out how to properly spit it out yet. It's a valid concern no doubt.

Fluoride is more toxic than lead and marginally less so than arsenic

15   mell   2013 Aug 2, 8:00am  

puhim says

mell says

That's a little condescending. Fact is that triclosan even more so than fluoride is a toxic waste (by)product that are being monetized just because they have some antibacterial properties while it would be much safer and healthier to use similar (natural) products that are far less harmful. The question is of course if the small dosage has a significant impact, but there is always accumulation and little kids often swallow toothpaste when they haven't figured out how to properly spit it out yet. It's a valid concern no doubt.

Fluoride is more toxic than lead and marginally less so than arsenic

True - it has been maintained though by most dentists that it is the most superior form of preventing tooth decay, which I doubt. I'd say fluoride in toothpaste is a personal decision for adults, but definitely a crime in drinking water.

16   puhim   2013 Aug 2, 8:06am  

mell says

he question is of course if the small dosage has a significant impact, but there is always accumulation and little kids often swallow toothpaste when they haven't figured out how to properly spit it out yet. It's a valid concern no doubt.

and over fluoridation which is common and hazardous reduces IQ's by 20% PROVEN!

17   puhim   2013 Aug 2, 8:07am  

mell says

dentists that it is the most superior form of preventing tooth decay

I would not believe anything your dentist says about chemicals, they have no clue.

A dentist will fill your mouth with mercury and send you on your way!

18   puhim   2013 Aug 2, 8:09am  

mell says

I'd say fluoride in toothpaste is a personal decision for adults, but definitely a crime in drinking water.

What about when you take a shower or wash your hands or eat food grown in fields covered in fluoride. Should we really be adding it to drinking water?


It's too much!!!

19   edvard2   2013 Aug 2, 8:13am  

You know what else is Potentially fatal? Iodine taken in large quantities. Yet your body requires small amounts of iodine to survive ( hence why we have iodized salt). Science sure is funny ain't it? Part of what science is all about is comprehending different statistics, causes, and affect. This goes for chemical reactions not only in the lab but in our bodies. Too much of this or that can indeed be harmful while proper amounts are in some cases health benefits. The takeaway: dosage makes a HUGE difference.

Either way, it seems like we see many of these sorts of posts here. If you really want to have something to worry about, worry about getting skin cancer. Yup- skin cancer caused by the sun and is the most common form of cancer by far. So perhaps time would be better spent educating the public over the importance of wearing proper skin protective clothing and sun screen instead of railing against fluoride, chem trails, or long-proven vaccines.

20   Shaman   2013 Aug 2, 8:19am  

Omg! I just realized why I am not a super genius! It's because I've been brushing my teeth with fluoride toothpaste and drinking tap water all my life! Wow!
That's going to be my excuse the next time I fu$& up something at work. Thanks, puhim!

21   puhim   2013 Aug 2, 8:22am  

mell says

That's a little condescending. Fact is that triclosan even more so than fluoride is a toxic waste

Edvard is not a critical thinker. He has no interest in discovering the truth for himself. He is by definition of a pre-programmed Zombie. He goes with the hurd, straight in to the grave.

22   puhim   2013 Aug 2, 8:24am  

Quigley says

Omg! I just realized why I am not a super genius! It's because I've been brushing my teeth with fluoride toothpaste and drinking tap water all my life! Wow!

That's going to be my excuse the next time I fu$& up something at work. Thanks, puhim!

20 IQ points is nothing to sniff at when you are under 100 pts Quigley.

Glad you find it amusing. Like every other denialist.

23   puhim   2013 Aug 2, 8:25am  

Most if not all of the Western world had BANNED Fluoride as an additive.

Time for the dumb stragglers in the USA to wakeup.

GMO is next.

24   puhim   2013 Aug 2, 8:27am  

The Fluoride in Your Drinking Water is an Industrial Waste

25   puhim   2013 Aug 2, 8:28am  

"After examining the results of 27 Chinese-based studies, experts from the Harvard School of Public Health and China Medical University in Shenyang found evidence that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children."

26   puhim   2013 Aug 2, 8:30am  

Trolling will be deleted

27   puhim   2013 Aug 2, 8:48am  

sbh says

As would Hannibal Lector

Really! A fictional character, that's the best you can come with!

How about moving away from fiction and work with the FACTS!

You posted a ton of words and not one word shows you did any reading of the subject matter or any research for yourself.

You want answers yet you close your eyes and ears to what is around you. You want to know "MY" reasoning, mine is still irrelevant of the FACTS!

28   puhim   2013 Aug 2, 8:52am  

sbh says

If Hannibal keeps putting poison in your mouth and making money off of you in a free market condition aren't you supposed to allow the failure of his practice to take place organically before you can ask for alternatives?

You forget "ALL" US Medical practices are inside a monopolistic bubble.

It it not a FREE MARKET! Not even close.

Hence the fact that virtually all US medical treatment is THREE TIMES MORE than anywhere else in the world.

To believe it is 3x better is delusional.

29   puhim   2013 Aug 2, 9:10am  

Dentist like Doctors have no brains of there own.

They cling to the tree of knowledge that feeds them. They vomit whatever bullshit they are told to, just like politicians.

They are not designed to be independent thinkers, to even look beyond there own neighborhoods or to foreign shores for example.

What is legal or illegal is irrelevant , the rest of the world is not an Island.

Ignore them at your peril.

It's BANNED in nearly every Western Country and many others, just like GMO, for a VERY GOOD REASON.

Maybe you should ask the question why have the EPA and FDA done nothing about this for 50 years while all other Western Governments have acted?

Why, because they are all BOUGHT AND PAID FOR! The are OWNED!

Even the Chinese who now are the sole exporters of this shit have produced studies that it's Shrinking YOUR BRAIN! and activates CANCERS!

The Chinese will not dump it into there own water supplies but your local US municipality will purchase it from china and order it dumped into the water at 1.7PPM!!!! (0.06ppm is too much)! because his dentist said so!!

What a joke!

30   puhim   2013 Aug 2, 10:35am  

sbh says

Tell me I'm wrong.

You are wrong OK, first you continue to make brain dead suppositions that have no relation to the discussion and draw ZERO conclusions from the supplied evidence for yourself.


Poison is poison. Some poisons are clearly outrageous, just like arsenic should not be fed to Chickens and Arsenic should not be in Apple juice, Fluoride should not be dumped into the water because some stupid Dentist doesn't 't know shit about chemicals.

You should be more concerned about that than your stupid little irrelevancies.

The dangers of FLUORIDE have been well documented and studied for 50 years. It's only the dumb asses here that bury their heads in the sand.

What you should be worried about is the EPA and FDA not doing it's job in the slightest. Perhaps hire some non Monsanto workers over there!

31   Dan8267   2013 Aug 2, 1:32pm  

edvard2 says

Like many other chemicals, in small amounts fluoride is safe and in regards to its inclusion in tooth paste, is proven as a cavity preventing ingredient. There is a very small amount in tooth paste. Tooth decay on the other hand can lead to serious health problems such as infections and even heart disease.

So once more the realities of this situation should be weighed.

Absolutely true. Bacteria in tooth infections can destroy bone and release poisons into the blood stream which cause all sorts of problems including heart problems.

Fluoride and other poisons are used in toothpastes and mouthwashes precisely because they are poisonous. They kill off bacteria which causes tooth decay and a host of other problems. If they weren't poisonous to the bacteria, they wouldn't work.

Of course, one doesn't swallow toothpaste or mouthwash. Drinking water is another story and perhaps that should be fluoride free. It's not like the fluoride put in drinking water can act as a replacement for flossing and brushing.

Also, I have read that although alcohol can kill off the bacteria, there are other problems it causes. So you're better off using an alcohol free mouthwash. Just my two cents.

32   mell   2013 Aug 2, 2:55pm  

edvard2 says

You know what else is Potentially fatal? Iodine taken in large quantities. Yet your body requires small amounts of iodine to survive ( hence why we have iodized salt).

That's true, however the body does not need (want) ANY fluoride, even in small amounts it is unhealthy whereas with iodine you have a clear benefit up to a tipping point. I don't think it should be banned though from toothpaste as you can buy flouride-free toothpaste readily. I find it somewhat problematic in kids toothpaste. Putting fluoride in drinking water though should be a no-no for any government.

33   Shaman   2013 Aug 3, 7:03am  

puhim says

Quigley says

Omg! I just realized why I am not a super genius! It's because I've been brushing my teeth with fluoride toothpaste and drinking tap water all my life! Wow!

That's going to be my excuse the next time I fu$& up something at work. Thanks, puhim!

20 IQ points is nothing to sniff at when you are under 100 pts Quigley.

Glad you find it amusing. Like every other denialist.

Correlation does not equal causation. I'm actually a trained scientist, with a degree and everything. You can't prove your case with any of the studies cited. Take the Chinese kids example: the rural Chinese are probably duller to begin with! Smarter people gravitate toward urban life where more stimulation is available. While Jim Bob (Lim Bo) stays and works the rice paddy. Since the researchers didnt account for either socioeconomic factors, environmental factors beyond the single data point they cherry-picked (Fl), or average vocation/skill level among the compared populations . . .
Boom. Study is meaningless.

34   puhim   2013 Aug 3, 7:36am  

Quigley says

Correlation does not equal causation. I'm actually a trained scientis

Excuse me but I will not take your word for it.

You claim you are a scientist but arbitrarily dismiss the study without producing any of your own work.

Show us your peer reviewed study Quigley?

Quigley your no scientist, your more like a Bullshit artist.

35   puhim   2013 Aug 3, 8:00am  

Quigley says

the rural Chinese are probably duller to begin with!

WOW! What an idiot! This is your SCIENTIFIC EXPLANATION!

Do me a favor your a joke.

36   puhim   2013 Aug 3, 8:00am  

Dan8267 says

Fluoride and other poisons are used in toothpastes and mouthwashes precisely because they are poisonous

OMFG! Another idiot!

"only rx flouride is antibacterial"

37   puhim   2013 Aug 3, 8:03am  

"fluoride does not kill the bacteria, there are detergents in the toothpaste that do that. Also you can buy toothpaste that have bacteria-killing substances (these are usually called like "complete" toothpastes.) "

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