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36544   SiO2   2013 Aug 23, 12:49am  

How do you know if a buyer is a foreign resident or not? I know lots of people with foreign names and accents who own houses in sfba. But almost all of them came as students, worked, saved, then bought houses. And have either green cards or US citizenship. I know just a handful of people who came directly from overseas and bought. (fwiw mostly from Europe - and - these people have ended up living here more or less permanently. People might perceive this as good or bad. ).

My anecdote is not data either. But my point is that just because someone is named Zhang or Krishna doesn't mean that they are "foreign bagholders" as meant here.

Is there some report on how many foreign non-residents are buying? I'm honestly curious.

36545   HydroCabron   2013 Aug 23, 2:01am  

bgamall4 says

Read my ebook, False Flag Murdering Neocon Crazies

I'm sorry, but these people all had valid long-form birth certificates and never lost an ambassador to Libya on their watch.

BTW: How do we know you are who you claim to be? Whom do you answer to?

The reason I ask is that I detect a pattern in your diction which suggests an east-coast education and time served in a defense/NatSec bureaucracy. Are you a mole?

36546   Blurtman   2013 Aug 23, 2:27am  

bgamall4 says

What is Qataris?

Qatar is a player in funding one side aligned with their version of Islam against the other. Mucho dineros. Like the Saudis.

36547   Blurtman   2013 Aug 23, 2:39am  

bgamall4 says

Thanks. So, Qatar is bankrolling a false flag against Syria?

It's a proxy war. TPTB partner with whatever side meets our goals. No morals.


36548   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 23, 2:44am  

Wake me up when they protest in San Francisco because a theater there didn't show a Bill O'Reiley barkumentary.

Rip Vanwinkle

36549   Shaman   2013 Aug 23, 2:49am  

My wife went to our local park yesterday, said it looked like a meetup group for Asian moms. She's half Asian herself and I said maybe you'll fit in? But she said they were all speaking some language she wasn't familiar with. I guess maybe the foreign buyers, some of them, are shipping their wives and kids here to live and go to school.
Anyway, price cuts in housing are showing up here as well. Stuff that's IMHO overpriced is just sitting.

36550   Philistine   2013 Aug 23, 3:00am  

CaptainShuddup says

Wake me up when they protest in San Francisco because a theater there didn't show a Bill O'Reiley barkumentary.

I'm not exactly sure what this gibberish sentence is suppose to say; I guess if I take a stab and read it Art Collage style, I can pull out SF and O'Reiley [sic] and draw out some sort of thinly veiled invective on liberal hipsters and hypocrisy.

What I would say is that neo-conservative gas bags make for much better entertainment (see: AM talk radio, Rush Limbaugh, et al.) with their ridiculous diatribes, deliberate obtuseness, and shell game talking points. Viewed through the lense of irony, they are a sort of Theater of the Absurd that shows us how *not* to think (as in, "use logic", not "be told what opinions to have").

La Fonda, on the other hand, is a bland mess, didn't even look that hot when she was a young Jazzersizer, and suffers from the same Boomer Hippie, boring bleeding heart airheadedness that affects the likes of Darryl Hannah (definitely hotter) and Rosie O'Donnell (appraisal redacted).

36551   Goran_K   2013 Aug 23, 3:10am  

Investors started disappearing back in June. It's hard to get out of bed in the morning for 1% or negative yields.

36552   Y   2013 Aug 23, 3:20am  

Post 10 years of tax returns to verify identity....

HydroCabron says

BTW: How do we know you are who you claim to be?

36553   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Aug 23, 3:23am  

SiO2 says

I know lots of people with foreign names and accents who own houses in sfba. But almost all of them came as students, worked, saved, then bought houses. And have either green cards or ...

...doesn't mean that they are "foreign bagholders" as meant here.

You are so right.

Those folks who said such things just don't get it.

Since they got their student visa -> H1 -> green card they are not foreigners. It's just the money from "back home" that is "foreign".

Sky's the Limit in The Fortress.

36554   FortWayne   2013 Aug 23, 3:33am  

Walmart business plan is simple. Come into an area and dump products at break even or less until everyone around goes out of business.

They always hire the least skilled kind of people, (an average union worker without an IQ of a union worker to get a union job). And keep all costs as low as possible. They have enough money to take a loss for a while until others are out of business and they are the only company left on the hill... then they raise the prices.

36555   Facebooksux   2013 Aug 23, 3:53am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

Alexander Kinyua Pleads Guilty But Not Criminally Responsible In Killing, Eating Of Kujoe Bonsafo Agyei-Kodie


Housing market in freefall. No jobs. GOP shrieking their SIEG HEILS like possessed hyenas. Cannibalism breaking out everywhere. [see above]

Smells like CANNIBAL ANARCHY to me, guys!


36556   Heraclitusstudent   2013 Aug 23, 3:55am  

Bigsby says

The US is far better served by not getting involved in Syria. You'd have thought people would have realized that after Iraq, but seemingly not.

It's troubling that, even after Iraq, people still think the US can invade a country get rid of the bad guys, and everything will be ok thereafter.

You know, people will suddenly love democracy more than their religious dogma, jihadists will go home and become contributing members of society, and everyone will hold hands and sing Kumbaya.

36557   Dan8267   2013 Aug 23, 4:06am  

I actually understand the right's point-of-view on this one. Nancy Reagan would be much better portrayed by Bonzo the Chimp.

36558   Blurtman   2013 Aug 23, 4:16am  

Heraclitusstudent says

's troubling that, even after Iraq, people still think the US can invade a
country get rid of the bad guys, and everything will be ok thereafter.

It's not that folks inside the loop think that. It is what they have to sell to the Joe Six Packs around the world. What esle can they say? Hey, to have access to natural resources, we have to keep the region in a constant state of instability. Hope that is OK with everyone. Now salute the flag, you dumbfucks.

36559   Ceffer   2013 Aug 23, 4:36am  

If it weren't for Wal Mart, we would never have collected the necessary data to prove that the white race, is, indeed, not superior.

36560   Vicente   2013 Aug 23, 4:48am  

Dan8267 says

Do it yourself for less than one tenth the cost. Batteries are cheap, but you'll pay $10+ to have it done at a kiosk in a mall.

Only watch I have doesn't need batteries, it's one of these:

Of course it hasn't worked in about 100 years, stuck at a particular time that great-great-grandpa had it in his pocket when a train hit him. He was pretty much deaf and was foolishly walking along the train tracks.

I haven't worn a wristwatch since mid 90's.

36561   SiO2   2013 Aug 23, 5:35am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

SiO2 says

How do you know if a buyer is a foreign resident or not?

They're staring at you from the corner of their eye, rubbing their stomachs and licking their chops.

We can always count on AF to keep it real!

36562   SiO2   2013 Aug 23, 5:38am  

B.A.C.A.H. says

SiO2 says

I know lots of people with foreign names and accents who own houses in sfba. But almost all of them came as students, worked, saved, then bought houses. And have either green cards or ...

...doesn't mean that they are "foreign bagholders" as meant here.

You are so right.

Those folks who said such things just don't get it.

Since they got their student visa -> H1 -> green card they are not foreigners. It's just the money from "back home" that is "foreign".

Sky's the Limit in The Fortress.

BACAH, I can't tell if you are being sarcastic, please forgive my obtuseness.

The people that I know who came as students - > h1 - > green card don't have money back home. They came with $50, $500, $1000 in their pocket, went to grad school (working as research assistant), and made money here. Then used that money to buy here.

There are definitely some people who made money overseas, then came here as 30-40-50 year olds and bought here. I think this is less common than the student case, but I have no data to support my claim.

36563   SiO2   2013 Aug 23, 5:39am  

Quigley says

My wife went to our local park yesterday, said it looked like a meetup group for Asian moms. She's half Asian herself and I said maybe you'll fit in? But she said they were all speaking some language she wasn't familiar with. I guess maybe the foreign buyers, some of them, are shipping their wives and kids here to live and go to school.

Maybe, but also is likely that these moms came here as students, etc etc as BACAH and I have discussed.

If they didn't know English at all, that would support the idea that they are wives of foreign buyers. But I know plenty of people who speak languages other than English, and easily flip back and forth depending on who they are talking to.

36564   Mobi   2013 Aug 23, 5:43am  

B.A.C.A.H. says

You are so right.

Those folks who said such things just don't get it.

Since they got their student visa -> H1 -> green card they are not
foreigners. It's just the money from "back home" that is "foreign".

I suspect this kind of immigrant buyers out number real foreigner buyers in CA. However, the inflation of money in Asia would surely help some of the immigrant buyers (think of the one-child policy in China. Who else will inherit/get the money from their parents?)

36565   Mobi   2013 Aug 23, 5:48am  

SiO2 says

The people that I know who came as students - > h1 - > green card don't
have money back home. They came with $50, $500, $1000 in their pocket, went to
grad school (working as research assistant), and made money here. Then used that
money to buy here.

These were old days (5-10 years ago.) Nowadays, if you know the right communities, you can easily find young immigrants (or even just visa holders) buying properties with their parent's money. I am not saying they form a majority though.

36566   Shaman   2013 Aug 23, 6:36am  

I decided to buy a home a few months back in large part because I discovered the breadth and depth of the foreign investor market in my area and it outweighed my concerns about housing with respect to the local/national economy. Our economy might suck, or at least parts of it may, but there are solid perennial jobs in the area that pay well and which holders will be able to purchase homes provided the prices don't go too far out of sight. And it's a hotspot for Chinese immigrants. I got this info from mandarin speaking friends whose realtor only worked with Chinese speakers, mostly with cash. There are bus loads of Chinese house tours that roll around the area, helping potential investors find the most desirable areas to buy and dump their families. It's a business. It's a factory procession but it stays mostly out of our news.
Lately, however, very very fast rising prices have made the market cool considerably and I am seeing dropping list prices, as the mls site I subscribe to notifies of both new listings and new drops in price. Sellers who are too optimistic about the price of their shack will not attract buyers.

36567   Shaman   2013 Aug 23, 6:39am  

And silicon boy, you wouldn't know these folks unless you speak mandarin and frequent the same social circles. I doubt many of them have local jobs or plans to get any.

36568   FortWayne   2013 Aug 23, 6:50am  

The 13 crazy people who voted Yes probably work for NSA.

36569   FortWayne   2013 Aug 23, 7:03am  

That watch is correct at least twice a day.

36570   FortWayne   2013 Aug 23, 7:04am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

FortWayne says

then they raise the prices.


The Rape is the dumping of the product and destroying local businesses. Everything after is just the cigarette after.

36571   Shaman   2013 Aug 23, 7:11am  

Anyone still wear a wristwatch? If so, why? Don't you have a cell phone?

36572   Shaman   2013 Aug 23, 7:14am  

So it'll be just like Japan, except much paler and without the anime?

36573   Dan8267   2013 Aug 23, 8:21am  

must be a boom market

36574   theoakman   2013 Aug 23, 8:30am  

Dealt with some Well's Fargo people when applying for a loan. Never met a worse group of condescending pricks that thought they were the only game in town.

36575   HEY YOU   2013 Aug 23, 8:48am  

I've not found confirmation of the story yet.

36576   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 23, 9:08am  

Obama doesn't fight he might sucker punch someone with a drone though.

36577   Bigsby   2013 Aug 23, 9:14am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

The US is far better served by not getting involved in Syria. You'd have thought people would have realized that after Iraq, but seemingly not.

Bigsby, you live in Kuwait. What did you think of those emails here:

What is Qataris?


I think you shouldn't automatically believe what you read on your conspiracy websites, and that if you don't know what Qatar is, then you'd be best served learning a bit more about the region before commenting on what is going on there.

36578   Bubbabeefcake   2013 Aug 23, 9:28am  

...and the party is only beginning to get started!

36579   zzyzzx   2013 Aug 23, 10:25am  

Dan8267 says

I think we should end this thread on a positive note..

I was thinking more along these lines:

36580   curious2   2013 Aug 23, 11:15am  

Bigsby says

It doesn't matter if he is or he isn't. Being a war vet hardly makes you an expert on a region. Far from it.

It does matter. The evening news in America is brought to you by the medical industrial complex and in some instances literally owned by the military industrial complex. They sell war all over the world. The Republicans especially are a party of chickenhawks, i.e. they don't put themselves or their kids in harm's way, but they'll gladly put other kids in harm's way because that's a politician's proven path to money and power. From the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution to the phony Kuwaiti testimony that sold the Gulf War to the WMD in Iraq, it's the same story in every region. People who have actually been through it, somewhere, might possibly have a better chance of seeing through it.

36581   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Aug 23, 11:19am  

Bigsby says

It doesn't matter if he is or he isn't. Being a war vet hardly makes you an expert on a region. Far from it.

That's true. But maybe he has some first hand knowledge he can share about wars in places like that do to our kids.

36582   Bigsby   2013 Aug 23, 11:26am  

B.A.C.A.H. says

Bigsby says

It doesn't matter if he is or he isn't. Being a war vet hardly makes you an expert on a region. Far from it.

That's true. But maybe he has some first hand knowledge he can share about wars in places like that do to our kids.

Maybe he does. Perhaps he's an intelligence officer, but so far he hasn't said anything beyond having served over there (where, I am not clear).

36583   Bigsby   2013 Aug 23, 11:28am  

curious2 says

Bigsby says

It doesn't matter if he is or he isn't. Being a war vet hardly makes you an expert on a region. Far from it.

It does matter. The evening news in America is brought to you by the medical industrial complex and in some instances literally owned by the military industrial complex. They sell war all over the world. The Republicans especially are a party of chickenhawks, i.e. they don't put themselves or their kids in harm's way, but they'll gladly put other kids in harms way because that's a politician's proven path to money and power. From the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution to the phony Kuwaiti testimony that sold the Gulf War to the WMD in Iraq, it's the same story in every region. People who have actually been through it, somewhere, might possibly have a better chance of seeing through it.

No, it doesn't matter because being a grunt on the ground (somewhere) doesn't give you any special insight into an extremely complex region.

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