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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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36606   HEY YOU   2013 Aug 24, 1:28am  

SoftShell says

We should stay away and let both sides self-destruct..


America never misses a chance at a good war.

36607   Entitlemented   2013 Aug 24, 1:34am  

This is why we created NATO.

36608   ttsmyf   2013 Aug 24, 3:50am  

Recent Dow day is Friday, August 23, 2013

36609   StillLooking   2013 Aug 24, 5:58am  

Why Would Syria Use chemical weapons To bring the United States in?

They could just as easily use bombs and bullets.

Something smells fishy.

36610   Robert Sproul   2013 Aug 24, 6:06am  

To quote....me.....from another thread:
The ONE beyond the pale move that Assad could make, that would be indefensible to the entire international community, would be to use a (Oh Lawdy!) "WMD" on his people.
He can bomb 'em and shoot 'em to his heart's content, but no, he is going to make the completely alienating move of gassing them.
That would mean he is a very stupid man…….and he is not a stupid man.

The last time that chem weapons were used in Syria the UN Inspector thought it was probably by the rebels-

36611   Shabba   2013 Aug 24, 6:08am  

So then why can't we elect a non-neocon Republican? Do you think Romney was a neocon? I don't. I would agree that there is a lot more to 911 than we are told but I am just not sure what it is.

36612   Y   2013 Aug 24, 6:17am  

Why would zimmerman start a fight to bring martin in??
he could just as easily have called the police...

Oh, that's right. He did.

StillLooking says

Why Would Syria Use chemical weapons To bring the United States in?

They could just as easily use bombs and bullets.

Something smells fishy.

36613   theoakman   2013 Aug 24, 7:43am  

bgamall4 says

CaptainShuddup says

Why fly a plane into, why now just push the button at 10am on 9/11/01 and marvel at the implosion, while they blame Osama Bin Laden for it?

You couldn't do that. You have the operation northwoods MO in your mind if you are a neocon. There would be such doubt as to how Bin Laden could ever equip the towers with that much explosives. Especially since Marvin Bush, George Bush's brother, was in charge of security!

ahh yes, there's no way Bin Laden can equip the towers with that many explosives, yet somehow, the U.S. government managed to do it. Do you realize how many people were in and out of the trade center each day? Why didn't they ever notice someone lining the entire building with explosives. Maybe cuz, it never happened.

36614   Bigsby   2013 Aug 24, 9:29am  

bgamall4 says

SoftShell says

Why would zimmerman start a fight to bring martin in??

he could just as easily have called the police...

Oh, that's right. He did.

We are talking about a sovereign nation that has the backing of Russia, even to nuclear escalation. No need for gas. And there is much that points to the rebels using gas and that points to the UK being behind it.

Good grief. You sure know a lot for someone who doesn't even know what Qatar is. And why exactly would any Western country like to put boots on the ground? If they wanted to arm the rebels, they could have easily done that, but that option has clearly been getting less and less appealing as time goes by.

I also find it ridiculous people saying why would Assad's forces use chemical weapons. Probably because they've got away with doing pretty much everything else so far. But oh no, it has to be a false flag because according to Bgamall the US, UK... are desperate to invade. Except, they aren't.

36615   HEY YOU   2013 Aug 24, 10:12am  

Let's see how far Russia can be pushed before they push back. What fun!

36616   Bigsby   2013 Aug 24, 10:17am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

And why exactly would any Western country like to put boots on the ground?

I am quite sure that Israel would love for the US to put boots on the ground. And the UK has an interest to replace Assad. Their wealthy fellows are investing in developing the Golan oil fields. This is why the UK wants false flags, and wants to get rid of Assad.

Israel is in violation of international law by granting this power to Rotshchild/Cheney/Murdoch, the major investors in the company responsible for developing Golan oil. Only thing is, Golan belongs to Syria.

Yes, yes the UK wants to invade Syria just to secure a bit of oil shale rights. Sure, sure. Explain to me why they need to invade Syria to secure this if another non-UK company has already been granted the exploration rights.

36617   marcus   2013 Aug 24, 10:27am  

Not only does it have Jane Fonda in it (some conservatives just can't let go of how those Damn hippies were against the Vietnam war), but c'mon, the movie is also about a negro butler. No self respecting Rush Limbaugh listening OBama hating conservative wants to see that movie anyway.

I'm sure there's plenty of movies that guy has not played in his theater, if he thought they were for commies or faggots. Not sure why this one deserves any special attention.

36618   Bigsby   2013 Aug 24, 10:36am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

Yes, yes the UK wants to invade Syria just to secure a bit of oil shale rights. Sure, sure.

Well, just have your bags packed in case someone does something stupid. Or get a good fan to blow the nuclear fallout away from your window.

You do understand that Israel has occupied the Golan Heights since 1967. They are simply taking advantage of Syria's weakness to find out what is there. If you then throw about invasion/UK etc.. randomly, you should at least have a rational argument to support it. All you have are 9 month old stories published on infowars that you've suddenly picked up on and that you have decided to use to formulate one of your typically ill-informed conspiracy theories.

36619   Bigsby   2013 Aug 24, 10:45am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

You do understand that Israel has occupied the Golan Heights since 1967. They are simply taking advantage of Syria's weakness to find out what is there.

I know that is the company line. But if Israel could see a government installed that was sympathetic to their quest to develop the territory, it would go better for Israel. Of course, from here to there could involve nukes. That is something that nation should carefully consider.

Christ, you know nothing at all about the region. 'See a government installed that was sympathetic to their quest to develop the territory.' Ha, ha, ha. You are clueless.

36621   Bigsby   2013 Aug 24, 11:09am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

Christ, you know nothing at all about the region. 'See a government installed that was sympathetic to their quest to develop the territory.' Ha, ha, ha. You are clueless

I will just remind you that Larry Eagleburger, a famous neocon, state that Russia and the US will lob nukes at each other. He died not long after that, but he made his statement. And he was on the board of the think tank directed by Patrick Clawson. You know, the guy who called for a false flag against the United States.

You should try using a coherent argument rather than random conspiracy talking points.

36622   Bigsby   2013 Aug 24, 11:14am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

You should try using a coherent argument rather than random conspiracy talking points.

Excuse me? I heard Eagleburger make the threat of nukes with my own ears, on Kudlow. Kudlow looked wild eyed for a minute and them moved onto something else.

Duh! Try posting something that actually has something to do with what is being discussed rather than going off on one of your typically irrelevant tangents. Do you see the point now?

36623   Bigsby   2013 Aug 24, 11:50am  

Ah yes, the old oil/gas pipeline argument. It's certainly been difficult getting those two things out of the ME so far. I guess all these shale oil and gas deposits found in Israel/the UK/all around the world have made building a pipeline through Syria a hugely pressing concern. Or not.
And why do they need to push against Russia? It's unbending over Syria because it is one of its few remaining spheres of influence. There's not much left to push against.

36624   Bigsby   2013 Aug 24, 12:03pm  

And natural gas is extremely cheap right now and will continue to be so with the expansion of fracking. You or Blurtman were blathering on about Qatar's pipeline conspiracy plans. Guess what constitutes a large part of their exports, not to mention their geographic location, which makes the pipeline argument a bizarre one, not even considering their exports are Asia focused.

The pipeline issues are between Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey. The real beneficiaries of the fall out from the Syrian civil war will be those surrounding countries, not the West, or more specifically, not Europe.

Perhaps you should take a break from infowars.

36625   Bigsby   2013 Aug 24, 5:20pm  

bgamall4 says

Sorry, most people have a lot of respect for what Zero Hedge has to say.

Not from what I've heard. And they could do with getting a map of the world out because there are one or two countries between Qatar and Syria. Zerohedge might also like to contemplate the likely destination for much of Qatar's LNG over the next century given the changes in the world economy. There are very basic religious and political animosities playing out there and pipelines are hardly central to that especially given the changes brought about by shale oil.

And all that is rather distinct from the bullshit UK/US conspiracies you have been peddling in this thread. But hey, I'm glad you've learnt what Qatar is.

36626   elliemae   2013 Aug 24, 6:00pm  

hey, AF. When will it be open hunting season on realtors in Florida?

36627   Vicente   2013 Aug 25, 3:15am  

Was the Fleshlight injured?

36628   Dan8267   2013 Aug 25, 3:21am  

According to the article, he wasn't even driving. As far as I'm concerned, that means he's free to get head if he wants as long as it's not from the driver.

36629   HydroCabron   2013 Aug 25, 4:18am  

I'm going to have to know the race of the victim before commenting further: if white, and Fox News gives me the go-ahead to say so, then I'll get pretty steamed about this.

What's the best path forward for using this to complain that the world is going to hell, and that people who want the same rights as me are demanding "special treatment"? As an asshole, I need some guidance here.

36630   Blurtman   2013 Aug 25, 6:33am  

A schwanz in the bush is worth two in the hand.

36631   HydroCabron   2013 Aug 25, 6:44am  

Can we get this guy ground up for fertilizer yet, or at least shipped to a Trojan asteroid at one of Jupiter's orbital LaGrange points, together with Chris Brown and the cast of Twilight?

36632   Bap33   2013 Aug 25, 8:30am  

hmmm ... ok, I see that. I dont read ZH much.

36633   Vicente   2013 Aug 25, 8:32am  

The real problem with ZH, is the stream of different Tyler Durdens with positions that can contradict each other. At least with CNBC they put Jim Kramer up with BuY BUY buy! and then Santelli with TEA PARTY RAVE so you can sorta pick which lunatic you want to attribute sanity to.

36634   Ceffer   2013 Aug 25, 8:39am  

HydroCabron says

Can we get this guy ground up for fertilizer yet, or at least shipped to a Trojan asteroid at one of Jupiter's orbital LaGrange points, together with Chris Brown and the cast of Twilight?

That would be cruel and unusual punishment. Just send him out there by himself.

36635   ttsmyf   2013 Aug 25, 11:21am  

In my last Comment, four real price histories are shown. They show a LOT of ups & downs of prices, which are VERY instructive. So, why are these histories seen only rarely ... This is America!? Because the people of the financial sector and the financial news media are NOT TRUSTWORTHY.

36636   David Losh   2013 Aug 25, 1:37pm  

Geez, let's get back on topic, because I look at Egypt, Iraq, and Afghanistan as reasons why we don't want to invade a Muslim country.

We won't win, and neither would Russia. Actually Russia backing Syria is a bad move for Assad. Russia is as hated, and maybe more so than the United States.

The pipeline is just another weird talking point that governments of Africa use to create National pride. It reminds me of Eritrea, and Ethiopia. Ethiopia just can't negotiate rights to the ports of Eritrea after what? thirty years.

It's a game the politicians play the same as Obama is doing in this country. It just happens to be a complete farce in my opinion.

So will we invade with Obama at the helm? I don't think so. He might box them in, but getting boots off the ground is what got Obama elected.

36637   Robert Sproul   2013 Aug 26, 12:53am  

Americans polled, don't give a fuck what Syrians do to each other:
(Reuters) - Americans strongly oppose U.S. intervention in Syria's civil war and believe Washington should stay out of the conflict even if reports that Syria's government used deadly chemicals to attack civilians are confirmed, a Reuters/Ipsos poll says.

36638   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 26, 2:38am  

bgamall4 says

This is the most dangerous period since the Cuban Missile Crisis

Yeah but back then we had a real Kennedy that diverted a Nuclear conflict, now we have Counterfeit Gorbachev pretending to be an American historical icon.

36639   FortWayne   2013 Aug 26, 3:05am  

bgamall4 says

HEY YOU says

Let's see how far Russia can be pushed before they push back. What fun!

It would be a lot more fun if I had a bomb shelter in my back yard.

That wouldn't comfort me. I'm not feeling enthusiasm over millions of people dying so that a few oil men can make their money.

36641   freak80   2013 Aug 26, 3:12am  

A skullfucking would be fairer.

36642   Dan8267   2013 Aug 26, 3:13am  

I've found that the Do Not Call List doesn't do anything. It's best not to have a land line. I got rid of mine because of telemarketing.

It's also illegal for telemarketers to call mobile phones or to send faxes because the receiver has to pay for these resources. Nonetheless, telemarketers do this.

My policy is to not answer a phone call unless the caller's phone number matches a name in my contact list.

The solution to this problem is the same for email spam. Addresses and phone numbers should not be endpoints, but rather communication channels. You can't contact someone with having a specific channel ID (phone number or email address). I've implemented that for my email.

Short of that, a solution is to let the receiver of a call charge the caller for telemarketing calls. If the NSA can track and record every conversation, they can do the same for telemarketing. And if you can't track the telemarketer, you can certainly track the company whose service they are selling.

And spoofing caller ID is not only easy to do, it's ineffective against police tracing and the shit that Prism does. Just because you send a caller ID header does not mean the telephony company aren't routing your telephony IP packets in a way they can trace. Do you really think that spoofing a caller ID would prevent the police from tracking down a terrorist, a drug dealer, or even someone who donated money to the Taliban? Hell, no.

36643   zzyzzx   2013 Aug 26, 3:18am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

The fucking Do Not Call list request on my desk phone lapsed after 5 years

Your registration will not expire. Telephone numbers placed on the National Do Not Call Registry will remain on it permanently due to the Do-Not-Call Improvement Act of 2007, which became law in February 2008. Read more about it at http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2008/04/dncfyi.shtm.

36645   FortWayne   2013 Aug 26, 4:42am  

bgamall4 says

FortWayne says

That wouldn't comfort me. I'm not feeling enthusiasm over millions of people dying so that a few oil men can make their money.

That is all this is about, oil. It is just sick that these guys can put the world in danger because of their unstoppable greed.

Think they'll be successful in getting their war started, think they can sell it to the public?

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