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Thread for comments whose parent thread has been deleted

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36787   freak80   2013 Aug 29, 4:21am  

SoftShell says

Well, the grandchildren are another subject. They are fucked regardless of who does what...this planet only has so many resources and the population keeps growing astronomically. At some point it will all come crashing down.

Precisely why I'm not having children. I'm not that cruel.

36788   Y   2013 Aug 29, 4:27am  

So if you wrote an e-book about it, it must be true.
I see.....

bgamall4 says

SoftShell says

So if Larry says it, it must be true.

I see.....

Well Larry was on the board of directors of the neocon/zionist institute that is run by Patrick Clawson. He called for a new False Flag as I wrote in my ebook, False Flag Murdering Neocon Crazies:


36789   Y   2013 Aug 29, 4:34am  

Robert Sproul says

You think you are a hard-nosed realist,

Your warped reality.
Robert Sproul says

but yours is a comic book, Dallas Cowboys vs the evil Oakland Raiders, version of national diplomacy where America is Hopalong Cassidy versus the nameless Black Hatted arch-nemesis.

A foolish, adolescent, world view that the Neocons play to.

I can see this as a component of their long term strategy.

Robert Sproul says

Meanwhile Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran, contemplate a future where "Western special interests can invade with impunity, WITHOUT PUBLIC SUPPORT, or even the tenuous semblance of justification being necessary."

Possibly. But we really won't know until they get possession of the nuke and delivery system. And by then it is too late for us to do anything about it. We can only judge them by their words. Iran is not saying the right words to make your case. They are making my case.

Robert Sproul says

I don't believe these people want to "wage nuclear war" with whatever punk ass weapon that they manage to cobble together. They are terrified and want a rape repellant.

36790   Y   2013 Aug 29, 4:36am  

LOL...I gave you a 'like' for the humor....

bgamall4 says

Robert Sproul says

I don't believe these people want to "wage nuclear war" with whatever punk ass weapon that they manage to cobble together. They are terrified and want a rape repellant.

I totally agree. Israel is the threat to world peace. The Muslims have a jihad, or some of them, but the Israelis have a holy war that includes the ultimate subjection of the United States.

36791   Y   2013 Aug 29, 4:39am  

Send me a free copy and I'll read it.

bgamall4 says

SoftShell says

So if you wrote an e-book about it, it must be true.

Are you a neocon Softbrain, I mean Softshell? Read it you idiot.

36792   Y   2013 Aug 29, 5:59am  

Actually I'm a NeoLib....does that disqualify me??

bgamall4 says

SoftShell says

Send me a free copy and I'll read it.

Sure. Give me your email. But let me know if you are a neocon first.

36793   Y   2013 Aug 29, 6:24am  

Which end do you stick it in??

bgamall4 says

They adopted the YINON militant Zionist view

36794   Y   2013 Aug 29, 6:28am  

Yes, I noticed that. When he does not have an answer for something, he refers to his 'e-book bible', creating a situation where one would want to purchase it and read it to verify his claims, all the while he sits there cackling while enriching himself at the expense of the patnet crew...

Straw Man says

SoftShell says

Actually I'm a NeoLib....does that disqualify me??

Gary has ran out of his (very limited) knowledge on geography and military matters so the only fall back for him is to start name-calling campaign. I bet he couldn't even define "neocon".

36795   freak80   2013 Aug 29, 6:29am  

Lot's of money out there sloshing around from one "hot" asset class to the next.

And absolutely no productive work is done.

36796   Y   2013 Aug 29, 6:29am  

Between what parties?

bgamall4 says

Sorry, it was just reported that Russia is sending warships. There will be a major conflict if Obama does this.

36797   B.A.C.A.H.   2013 Aug 29, 7:25am  

It's just me, but I don't think houses and gold are the same asset class.

36798   Robert Sproul   2013 Aug 29, 8:35am  

SoftShell says

I can see this as a component of their long term strategy.

Robert Sproul says

Meanwhile Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran, contemplate a future where "Western special interests can invade with impunity, WITHOUT PUBLIC SUPPORT, or even the tenuous semblance of justification being necessary."

Ah...The old Insane Terrorist State Strategy

36799   Y   2013 Aug 29, 9:14am  

Uhh. I'm agreeing with you....WTF??

Robert Sproul says

SoftShell says

I can see this as a component of their long term strategy.

Robert Sproul says

Meanwhile Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran, contemplate a future where "Western special interests can invade with impunity, WITHOUT PUBLIC SUPPORT, or even the tenuous semblance of justification being necessary."

Ah...The old Insane Terrorist State Strategy


36800   michaelsch   2013 Aug 29, 9:40am  

btw, take a look at Yahoo news from 1/30 of this year:


"As per the scheme 'Qatar would fund rebel forces in Syria to use chemical weapons,' the Daily Mail reports."

36801   zzyzzx   2013 Aug 29, 10:20am  

We should all write our legislatures and demand that they legislate that men pay the same lower auto insurance rates that women do.

36802   Bigsby   2013 Aug 29, 1:12pm  

Straw Man says

So UK is out. Isn't it funny when monarchy asks their legislature for permission to go to war while republic doesn't even bother? Who really has a king now?

That's not exactly how it works.

36803   Bigsby   2013 Aug 29, 1:27pm  

Straw Man says

Bigsby says

That's not exactly how it works.

Still ironic as hell.

I don't think it's ironic. The UK isn't a monarchy. It has a monarchy. We have an old democratic system. It did its job. I suppose it's more interesting how little power the US president has to push forward legislation but how much power he has to drop bombs.

36804   Bigsby   2013 Aug 29, 2:15pm  

The monarch does what parliament (or the PM) tells it to. The monarch is the official announcer for the party in power under certain circumstances because that aspect of tradition hasn't been done away with, but to say that the monarch has the power to declare war (and peace) is simply you taking a wikipedia entry as a reality when the simple fact is that parliament makes those decisions and the monarch makes the announcement. If that is what you think constitutes 'the power', then fine.

36805   DapperDan   2013 Aug 29, 2:39pm  

Why not just outsource all of the Industrial Military Complex to China...no more $1000 hammers & $3000 toliet seats...we could get a whole tank for $50,000 & can hire Chinese peasant mercenaries for $1000 per month .....I'm getting giddy thinking of all the saved tax dollars.....come on Republicans--you know you wanna do it.....hire the Chinese for pennies on the dolla

36806   Bigsby   2013 Aug 29, 3:30pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

The monarch does what parliament (or the PM) tells it to.

That is BS. Did you know that the Square Mile does not answer to the Parliament? Did you know that when the Queen goes into the Square Mile she bows to the Lord Mayor? Did you know that Gog and Magog, two statues of Roman soldiers, guard the Square Mile and that the Square Mile fancies itself the rebirth of the Roman Empire?

Bet you didn't know that Bigsby. Did you know they are all going to hell?

Are you completely mental? Lord, you come up with some utterly irrelevant (not to mention stupid) crap. I said the Queen doesn't make any political decisions because, er, she doesn't. And did you know I am English? I am aware of the very long history of the City of London, and its unusual privileges through the exercise of its power and wealth over that period. That doesn't mean it doesn't answer to parliament, though I suppose it depends on what you think you mean by that. And I also know what Qatar is.

36807   Bigsby   2013 Aug 29, 3:32pm  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

Proving your position? PROVING? Bloody hell. I guess when David Icke opened his mouth and highlighted his mental breakdown on national TV by babbling about a reptilian conspiracy (or whatever nonsense it has now transformed to) that you took that as proof as well.

So you don't think that Israeli militant Zionists want a Greater Israel?

I know you don't think the neocons who want a Greater Israel did 9/11. But you are wrong there. Want to go for two wrongs?

You want a coherent argument. It doesn't mean you're going to produce one.

36808   HydroCabron   2013 Aug 29, 3:35pm  

Hey - only military spending creates jobs.

The only concern about this plan is whether there is such a thing as too much economic growth!

36809   Ceffer   2013 Aug 29, 3:45pm  

The judgment level for starting wars couldn't get any worse.

36810   marco   2013 Aug 29, 8:53pm  

Artistotle suggests that a tyrant rises to power by first demonstrating that he is a man of the people:

“He ought to show himself to his subjects in the light, not of a tyrant, but of a steward and a king.”


“He should be moderate, not extravagant in his way of life; he should win the notables by companionship, and the multitude by flattery.”

But once in power, a tyrant uses all available means to hold on to power, including spying on his people:

“A tyrant should also endeavor to know what each of his subjects says or does, and should employ spies . . . and . . . eavesdroppers . . . [T]he fear of informers prevents people from speaking their minds, and if they do, they are more easily found out.”

(Anybody have any ideas who this might describe today ?)

36811   freak80   2013 Aug 29, 10:44pm  

Someone is wrong on the internet!!!!

36812   Tenpoundbass   2013 Aug 29, 11:03pm  

He thought he was playing to his townhall comedy tour audience when he said, that there was a red line that Syria must not cross.
He could have sworn that he was going to Kill with that bit.

It got loads of laughs in the Chicago community leader theater.

Yeah funtimes funtimes.

36813   Y   2013 Aug 29, 11:47pm  

Isn't that an english sexual lubricant?

Bigsby says

And I also know what Qatar is.

36814   Bigsby   2013 Aug 30, 2:02am  

bgamall4 says

The City has resisted all efforts at democratisation for more than 1,000 years, through lobbying, bribery and threats. Post War Labour Prime Minister Clement Atlee, father of the Welfare State, said “”over and over again we have seen that there is in this country another power than that which has its seat at Westminster.” But neither Atlee nor any subsequent government have laid a single glove on this corrupt protectorate, quite the opposite. Until shortly before 1997, removing the Remembrancer was a Labour Party pledge – then even that paltry, unmet promise disappeared.


I guess only Brits don't know that the Square Mile is unruled by Parliament. It answers to the Queen, or some say, vice versa.

The City of London has a mountain of anachronistic quirks that have developed over many centuries. Why is that so surprising? It predates the creation of the country itself. That doesn't mean it doesn't answer to parliament, but hey perhaps you'd care to clarify what you mean by that because the City of London isn't the vatican. It is part of the UK and parliament legislates on the laws of the land. And FFS, the Remembrancer is just an historical carry over that has (wrongly) not been removed. Exactly what influence do you think that position has? The position is the world's oldest lobbyist if that makes you happy, but what do you think the position can do that any big business wouldn't be able to do? It's the peddling of influence not some grand bloody conspiracy.

I imagine you have been lapping up more of your conspiracy website guff once the City of London was mentioned and you now (like everything else you comment on) think you are an expert despite only reading a very slanted perspective of the actual situation. Unusual electoral practices in the City for its local government (companies having votes for instance) are hardly that surprising given that only 11,000 people actually live there and so many commute in daily (300,000). If you think that means parliament has no legislative power over the people and businesses that are there, then you are conflating some rather distinct issues.

36815   FunTime   2013 Aug 30, 3:04am  

egads101 says

So, how will "other house buyers be screwed" if they only let prices go up 10% more?

They'll be fine if they sell before the institutions. If they sell after...that doesn't seem so good.

36816   ttsmyf   2013 Aug 30, 3:15am  

Say hey! This was in the New York Times on August 27, 2006:

Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!

And where is it up to date??? Right here:

Elaboration: http://www.showrealhist.com/RHandRD.html

WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden!

36817   HydroCabron   2013 Aug 30, 3:17am  

egads101 says

the oracle can show you the mistake in your thinking. the investors will sell at a certain price, but no lower. While that may someday limit home price increases beyond that amount, it won't lower them below today's amount.


36818   retire59   2013 Aug 30, 3:38am  

Why would investment portfolios only sell if they get the price they paid or more for real estate? Past history does not guarantee that. There are many reasons that investors get out for less than what they paid....it is the individuals who lives in a home that has more reasons to hold on. Or the small investor that has one or two homes.

So I am not that convinced that investors only sell for a profit...especially real estate which has built in expenses such as taxes and insurance, etc....so I am not as sure as you....just lived too long to see that history tends to repeat itself....

36819   Heraclitusstudent   2013 Aug 30, 4:07am  

1. quig

a quig is a long haired frail creature with human like characteristics,yet more primative.

36820   Bigsby   2013 Aug 30, 5:01am  

bgamall4 says

Bigsby says

Or maybe the rebels did it. That is precisely why there shouldn't be a rush to judgement and the UN should be fully involved this time.

I agree.

Agree with what?

36821   michaelsch   2013 Aug 30, 5:11am  

OK, that's what Americans think:

and that's what John Kerry says:
"None of the actual evidence was released."

Note, it's just a repetition of infamous WMD of Iraq. I believe that some evidences would be released would they exist. The only reason not to release them is the message that the Empire wants to send to the World: I own you, when I want to attack you I need no reason, my wish is the reason.

The question is: why now? Here we may only guess, but i think it's related to Snowden case. US government was badly humiliated in this case. Partly it humiliated itself, like with Evo Morales' plane grounding or 35 years sentence to Manning, but partially the humiliation came from Russia and personally Putin. So attacking Syria is a way to show Putin who is the Emperor and who is just a local satrap.

bgamall4, the Greater Israel dream -- or Israel from Nilus to Euphrates -- is just that: a dream, I don't think it influences this current decision, no matter what some neo-con or neo-lib zionists may think about it. I'm not even sure the state of Israel really wants Asad regime fall. They know what a chaos with the rise of strong Islamists paramilitary forces will follow such a fall. They tried it in Lebanon and were defeated there.

36823   retire59   2013 Aug 30, 5:53am  

Sorry, but it has...one example, during the Great Depression, when folks needed cash they sold what they had for whatever they could get. It is not the same exact situation, it is the fundamentals that repeat. Same holds true for a stock market crash...an event happens that no one expects, and cash is needed, so people sell for whatever they can get before they cannot sell at all or for a lot less and take a loss. If you are looking for an exact example with every detail the same, you will not find that in history....it is an understanding of human nature....by the way, I do not care to argue or counter. I come to this site to read, learn and for a good discussion. You may be right, but I place my decisions on past history and so far so good. ...I wish you the best in your decisions as well.

36824   anonymous   2013 Aug 30, 6:24am  

"Vetted by the banks"

The same banks that roberto always claimed were so effing stupid


36825   ttsmyf   2013 Aug 30, 7:06am  

Say hey! This was in the Wall Street Journal on March 30, 1999:

Holy cow/interesting/compelling ...!

And where is it up to date??? Right here ... see the first chart shown in this thread.
(Recent Dow day is Friday, August 30, 2013 __ Level is 94.6)

WOW! It is hideous that this is hidden! Is there any such "Homes, Inflation Adjusted"? Yes indeed, go here:

36826   michaelsch   2013 Aug 30, 7:23am  

Yes, gsr, that's getting really interesting.

And according to this: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/oilandgas/10266957/Saudis-offer-Russia-secret-oil-deal-if-it-drops-Syria.html

Prince Bangar actually proposed to Putin creating a world oil cartel, if Putin gives up supporting Assad.

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