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It's a Panda !
What did you think it was ?
Until the third picture, when you start to see the black around the eyes and head, my guess was naked mole rat with missing teeth.
I save stuff when I come across ones that amuse me. People don't email me funny stuff nearly as often as they used to 14 years ago, when the internet was young.
Those are just a few from the past year or two, and took me about 10 minutes to share.
As for trying to share other things, like a point of view, I need to give up on that for a while. A New Years Resolution perhaps. But I will still be reading some of my favorites.
They were funny, I was just yanking your chain. I have an entire folder in my email full of funny stuff.
share other things, like a point of view
Watching your Pandas reassures me that Animals have emotions including a sense of humor. Thanx.
I first observed that prankster type behavior watching different types of parrots.
Snowball the dancing Cockatoo, on youtube proves white people aren't the only animals that can't quite keep a beat.
I have several different animal varieties that I'll sell for less. Hell, I'll pay ya to take it away!
With the breakup lines - the classic "It's not you, it's me..." wasn't there.
There's an immigrant grocer here in SoFla called Bravo, I chuckle every time I pass by their Fish display. They have "Hole Shrimp" for sale.
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