Christians Send Death Threats to a 16-Year-Old Girl

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2012 Feb 15, 12:21pm   67,463 views  185 comments

by Dan8267   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

And they are better than Muslims, how?


And atheist girl bravely points out the illegality going on in a public school, funded by tax payer dollars, that has been going on for half a century. Instead of correcting the problem, the local Christians threaten to kill her forcing the local police to escort the girl during school.

So where's all that "love thy neighbor" crap?

The real hypocrisy is that if a school had a Islamic prayer, all the Christians would be up in arms banning Sharia Law. Funny how separation of church and state only applies to other people's religions.

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121   marcus   2012 Feb 19, 1:04pm  

Kevin says

Saying that you require evidence of something in order to accept it is not a religion; it's exactly the opposite of that.

But when the extremist type atheist proselytize about the evil of religion, and take it to an irrational emotional and arrogant place, they are in my view being religious about it.

They are implicitly putting their beliefs above others in much the way that one religion puts theirs above other as the one true path. The parallels are obvious.

I do agree that religion can sometimes be dangerous or even evil. And in my view Dan's religion falls in to both categories.

122   freak80   2012 Feb 19, 10:18pm  

Dan8267 says

I've seen what Christians do to outsiders when they get control of the government. Remember Germany, 1930s?

Thank you for discrediting yourself with that statement.

123   freak80   2012 Feb 19, 10:22pm  

Dan8267 says

If we extreme atheists manage to get the masses to abandon all superstitious beliefs, then we succeed in taking away one tool from the toolbox used by evil

Dan, what is "evil"? That sounds like a superstitious belief.

In nature, the powerful dominate the weak. That's how evolution works. Survival of the fittest. That's not evil, that's nature.

124   freak80   2012 Feb 19, 10:48pm  

marcus says

I do agree that religion can sometimes be dangerous or even evil. And in my view Dan's religion falls in to both categories.

Agree. Any ideology can be dangerous if its adherents belive it is SO GOOD that it must be forced on the unwilling. Dan has gone on the record saying force should be used to advance his ideology for the "betterment" of the human race. That's just as fanatical as the Crusaders of old or the present day Jihadists.

He says he doesn't like it when Bush starts a war to (supposedly) spread Christianity to the Islamic world, but he says we must defintely spread Atheism to the the Islamic world; by force if necessary.

Justice MUST be poured out...as long as it's Dan's version of justice.

Evil MUST be destroyed...as long as it's Dan's version of evil.

Dan is just as much a "true believer" in his ideology as any religious fanatic.

The demons that Dan wishes to slay are staring at him in the mirror!

125   marcus   2012 Feb 20, 12:31am  

Dan8267 says

In my opinion, you are simply jealous of my intellect and your fragile ego cause you to be obsessed with fighting everything I say even when you know it's right. Instead of learning from me, which a more mature person would do, you throw little tantrums.

Yes, this sounds like someone who knows they are right (imagine a sarcasm font - I add this since Dan seems to miss it when I'm kidding ).

126   Dan8267   2012 Feb 20, 3:18am  

Kevin says

In the words of Bill Maher:

"Atheism is a religion like Abstinence is a sex position".

Saying that you require evidence of something in order to accept it is not a religion; it's exactly the opposite of that.

I agree that atheism isn't a religion, but it is protected by the First Amendment as that amendment protects us from being forced to accept any religion and it protects our rights to establish our own moral codes irrespective of religion. Unless you take a broad interpretation of the First Amendment, it is worthless for protecting our liberty in the modern world.

127   Dan8267   2012 Feb 20, 3:22am  

marcus says

Humans have done all of the evil things you ascribe to religion, and so much more. Why don't you condemn humans as evil and not worthy of existing?

The amount of good and evil that humans do depends largely on the culture in which they live. Some aspects of culture promote acts of evil and others promote acts of good. Religion empirical has promoted evil far more than good.

You can't change human nature, but you can change culture. Is there anyone here who honestly would argue that the culture of Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan is better than the culture of Britain or the United States when it comes to human rights especially the rights of women? Is there anyone here who would argue that the culture of America in the 1950s was better than today's culture in terms of equal rights for all people regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation?

Cultures can and do change. And that's a good thing.

128   Dan8267   2012 Feb 20, 3:23am  

wthrfrk80 says

Thank you for discrediting yourself with that statement.

Awesome analysis. Sort of like the following function:

return null;

129   Dan8267   2012 Feb 20, 3:26am  

wthrfrk80 says

Dan, what is "evil"? That sounds like a superstitious belief.

Only if you personify evil. I prefer a mathematical model.

wthrfrk80 says

In nature, the powerful dominate the weak. That's how evolution works. Survival of the fittest.

Just because that's how nature works doesn't mean that's how society should work. If we accepted the principle of "survival of the fittest" as the basis of society, there could not be any laws. Laws protect the weak from the strong. That is the whole purpose of law.

Do you honestly believe that our government should be based on survival of the fittest? Hell, we don't even apply that philosophy to banks.

130   Dan8267   2012 Feb 20, 3:34am  

wthrfrk80 says

Dan has gone on the record saying force should be used to advance his ideology for the "betterment" of the human race.

Quote please. Otherwise, you are making up bullshit.

My philosophy is that religion is tolerated to the degree that it is tolerant. Any religion that is incompatible with the Bill of Rights and other human and civil rights cannot be protected as doing so destroys the rights of others.

For example, religion does not give people the right to commit murder even if they call it a human sacrifice. Nor does religion give people the right to enslave another person despite the fact that the Bible says this is OK. Nor does religion give people the right to ban books they don't like or prevent interracial or intrasexual marriages.

Do any of you disagree with the above restrictions on religion? If so, have the balls to argue against them.

Any religion that insists on replacing our secular republic with a theocracy is utterly incompatible with the Constitution and the very basis of modern Western civilization. Such a religion cannot be protected while it tears apart the republic.

Nevertheless, this position I have just described does not come close to "Dan has gone on the record saying force should be used to advance his ideology for the "betterment" of the human race." Either you have completely misinterpreted everything I have said or you are deliberately misrepresenting my arguments.

131   Dan8267   2012 Feb 20, 3:48am  

wthrfrk80 says

He says he doesn't like it when Bush starts a war to (supposedly) spread Christianity to the Islamic world, but he says we must defintely spread Atheism to the the Islamic world; by force if necessary.

wthrfrk80, you are worst than a Super PAC. Are you

a. completely delusional?
b. a pathological liar?

I have never, ever said or implied in any way, shape, or form that a single person should be killed to promote Atheism. I am offended by that false and despicable accusation. And if you understood anything even remotely about my philosophy, you would know that the use of violence to force any idea on a person is antithetical to everything I believe.

What I have said is that military force is justifiable to prevent the slaughter of civilians and ethnic cleansing. To misinterpret this statement as implying that people should be slaughtered if they don't accept atheism is inexcusable.

But I guess one would expect such a thing from a religious person. It is how superstitious people have behaved throughout history. And that behavior demonstrates why we need to reject religion. The posts on this thread have clearly shown that religion prevents rational discussion. And we all know the dangers of irrationality in the modern age.

132   Dan8267   2012 Feb 20, 3:50am  

marcus says

Yes, this sounds like someone who knows they are right (imagine a sarcasm font - I add this since Dan seems to miss it when I'm kidding ).

If you want me to treat you like an adult, start acting like one. I was willing to bury the hatchet, but you decided to continue your tantrums.

133   Dan8267   2012 Feb 20, 4:03am  

thomas.wong1986 says

James Burke Connections

Btw, that's a great series.

134   freak80   2012 Feb 20, 4:30am  

Dan8267 says

Quote please. Otherwise, you are making up bullshit.

Here you go:

Dan8267 says

Some things should be tolerated and others things shouldn't be

Dan8267 says

I'd go to war over this issue since I've seen what Christians do to outsiders when they get control of the government.

Dan8267 says

then I say let's burn every Bible in the country

Dan8267 says

If we extreme atheists manage to get the masses to abandon all superstitious beliefs, then we succeed in taking away one tool from the toolbox used by evil. Yes, it's only one tool, but it's a damn important and often used tool. Eliminating that tool would greatly improve the condition of the world.

Dan8267 says

wthrfrk80 says

So you're going on the record as saying it's ok to attack a culture? That's a very authoritarian statement.
So be it. In Saudi Arabia women are stoned to death in honor killings because of the culture. I'll gladly go on record as saying that culture and others are bad and should end.

135   freak80   2012 Feb 20, 4:41am  

Dan, your extremism and intolerance is on display for everyone to see.

No one here is advocating a Theocracy in the USA. You are arguing against a straw man.

Your attempt to portray all religion as inherently evil shows your willful ignorance of facts that show the contrary.

And sorry, Hitler's ideology was not Christianity, it was German Nationalism that emphasized the supposed racial superiority of the Aryan race. Nice try. Christians such as Deitrich Bonhoeffer were vocally opposed to Hitler. And many of them got whacked because of it.

Atheist regimes are capable of the same atrocities of religous regimes, from the Reign of Terror to the Soviet Union to Communist China. Those are the facts. Your willful ignorance of those facts show you are just as irrational as any religious fanatic.

I rest my case. I have no more to say.

136   Dan8267   2012 Feb 20, 4:57am  

wthrfrk80 says

I rest my case. I have no more to say.

Thank god.

137   Dan8267   2012 Feb 20, 5:14am  

wthrfrk80 says

Any ideology can be dangerous if its adherents belive it is SO GOOD that it must be forced on the unwilling. Dan has gone on the record saying force should be used to advance his ideology for the "betterment" of the human race. That's just as fanatical as the Crusaders of old or the present day Jihadists.

Dan8267 says

Quote please. Otherwise, you are making up bullshit.

wthrfrk80 says

Here you go:
Dan8267 says
Some things should be tolerated and others things shouldn't be

The full quote, in context, of what I said was

Some things should be tolerated and others things shouldn't be. If you have a problem with gays, you should be tolerant. Better yet, you should not have a problem with gays at all, in which case you aren't tolerating anything. To tolerate X implies that X pisses you off. As gay people don't piss me off, I'm not tolerating them. However, I doubt you'll be able to understand this distinction and you'll do your best to deliberately misinterpret it.

However, other things shouldn't be tolerated. The belief that black men who are intimate with white women should be lynched, obviously should not be tolerated. The idea that a women who has been raped should be stoned to death to restore family honor should not be tolerated. Even though that belief is a religious one. Yes, religious beliefs should not be tolerated when they directly cause death and destruction.

You don't get a "get out of jail free" card simply because your crime was motivated by religion.

Therefore, wthrfrk80 is stating that because I believe that society shouldn't tolerate lynching black men or stoning women, that I am advocating a religious war. Yep, that makes total sense.

Give me some time and I'll look over his other false accusations. Tracing through all his bullshit takes time.

138   Dan8267   2012 Feb 20, 5:32am  

wthrfrk80 says

Dan8267 says
I'd go to war over this issue since I've seen what Christians do to outsiders when they get control of the government.

Full Quote:

Freedom of religion means freedom from religion. If you can't say no, you're not free. Atheism is most certainly protected by the First Amendment. And if our rights to not have religion forced down our throats isn't respected, then we won't respect your right to worship.

Tolerance is a two-way street and if atheists are protected on the same level as Christians, then I say let's burn every Bible in the country. I'd go to war over this issue since I've seen what Christians do to outsiders when they get control of the government. Remember Germany, 1930s?

Yes, I would go to war to prevent America from being taken over by neo-Nazis intent on eradicating anyone who isn't a Christian. That would be worth fighting for.

And if I had to choose between a world in which every Bible is burned and one in which you had to convert to to Christianity on pain of death like in the Middle Ages, then I'd choose the former as the far lesser of the two evils.

There is a huge difference between being willing to fight a defensive war to prevent the establishment of a tyrannical theocracy in America and proposing a preemptive war to eliminate all religious people. But I guess wthrfrk80 is incapable of seeing this difference.

139   Dan8267   2012 Feb 20, 5:38am  

wthrfrk80 says

Dan8267 says

If we extreme atheists manage to get the masses to abandon all superstitious beliefs, then we succeed in taking away one tool from the toolbox used by evil. Yes, it's only one tool, but it's a damn important and often used tool. Eliminating that tool would greatly improve the condition of the world.

Full Quote

Trust me. I don't get an ego boost from pointing out the follies and dangers of religion or disproving the existence of a god or showing how the religious myths are copies of older pagan myths. I do it because it is important to stop the irrationality that allows assholes like Rick Perry and Rick Santorum from getting elected and passing evil agendas that compromise life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

If we extreme atheists manage to get the masses to abandon all superstitious beliefs, then we succeed in taking away one tool from the toolbox used by evil. Yes, it's only one tool, but it's a damn important and often used tool. Eliminating that tool would greatly improve the condition of the world.

Does anyone deny that politicians use religion as a tool for passing evil policies and waging unjust wars?

I stand by my statement: Superstition is one of the tools used by politicians to get the masses to embrace evil policies and unjust wars.

How wthrfrk80 interprets this as waging a Crusade or Jihad -- both terms mean Holy War or the killing of non-believers -- is beyond reason.

140   marcus   2012 Feb 20, 5:39am  

Dan8267 says

If you want me to treat you like an adult, start acting like one. I was willing to bury the hatchet, but you decided to continue your tantrums.

Your being willing to bury the hatched was the response to a totally facetious remark on my part, when you knew you were wrong. I never stopped being certain that you were wrong. And you knew that. But that was a different thread, and a silly argument about semantics.

Instead of talking about my tantrums, why don't you just say "I know you are but what am I." For all of the times that I pointed out your childishness.

What's my most tantrum like remark in this thread? If you are going to consider my use of the word arrogant or ego or extremist in describing you or your position, as a "tantrum" I think that hardly makes sense. You only prove me right with this kind of thing:

Dan8267 says

Your perception of me does not reflect reality. Nor could your mind comprehend my thoughts. It's best you simply accept that you are incapable of understanding me as I can't dumb down me enough for you to understand.

or this:

Dan8267 says

In my opinion, you are simply jealous of my intellect and your fragile ego cause you to be obsessed with fighting everything I say even when you know it's right. Instead of learning from me, which a more mature person would do, you throw little tantrums.

Truth is you probably know you're wrong here too. I still think you might be an alter ego of Shrek, trying to associate liberals with the extreme and hateful religious type of atheism.

The usual intelligent atheist just doesn't believe in a deity, but would usually not be bothered in the slightest by that banner.

You either are Shrek or very much like him. You seem to think asserting your superiority or my inferiority is a substitute for a reasonable argument. I assure you that anyone reading it only sees it as pathetic.

All I am doing is looking at both sides of the issue before forming an opinion, something you or the character you play seems incapable of.

141   Dan8267   2012 Feb 20, 5:46am  

wthrfrk80 says

Dan8267 says

wthrfrk80 says

So you're going on the record as saying it's ok to attack a culture? That's a very authoritarian statement.

So be it. In Saudi Arabia women are stoned to death in honor killings because of the culture. I'll gladly go on record as saying that culture and others are bad and should end.

Of course the word "attack" in the phrase "attack a culture" does not imply military force as there are many ways to attack a culture: reason, counter-culture, media, etc. And the phrase is wthrfrk80's, not mine.

What I say is that a culture which stones women to death for being raped should be ended. I stand by that statement. In fact, I'd even go as far as to say that the United Nation's peace keeping forces should be used to prevent these women in Saudi Arabia from being stoned to death. Yes, that's military force, but it is justified to defend the lives of the innocent. I fail to see why wthrfrk80 has a problem with preventing rape victims from being stoned to death.

142   marcus   2012 Feb 20, 5:59am  

When you are playing a character instead of being yourself, it's easy to lose track of your position.

You started out associating all Christians in a community with alleged death threats from a few. When this was pointed out.

marcus says

I wonder what percentage of the Christians in the community sent death threats or approved of them ?

You're answer:

Dan8267 says

Sent: definitely a small percentage of the community.
Approved: definitely a large percentage of the community based on the community's treatment towards the girl.

So you are saying that the local Christian community approved of the death threats, because they thought her trying to have the banner taken down is wrong? Or because they thought she was being jerk for making a fuss about it.

(but now you try to moderate your position talking about condemning the worst type of fundamentalist ignorance - that you know EVERYONE AGREES WITH)

I believe that if the girl (subject of this thread) was a healthy atheist (rather than the arrogant and hateful kind) she wouldn't have worried about the beliefs of the majority of the school and she would have tried to relate to the good qualities of the people. As I said earlier.

marcus says

If I was going to fight it, in her shoes, I would have just brought the idea up at the student council, or some other group venue, and see if I could get some support for the idea of taking it down. IF there was a lot of strong objection, then I would back down. IT's not that big of a deal, and besides, it's a positive message.


marcus says

Let the people have their banner with the positive message that's slightly religious in a general way. You can be their friend even if they are different than you. But because they are very much in the majority, yeah, you can either tolerate their behavior that you don't agree with, or you can take a stand that will turn them off to you.

The people's "behavior" I referred to is really just beliefs, that have zero impact on her.

143   Dan8267   2012 Feb 20, 6:10am  

marcus says

Your being willing to bury the hatched was the response to a totally facetious remark on my part

Ironically, your facetious remark, if it were taken non-facetiously, would be the only mature thing you've ever said on this site. The only mistake I made was in thinking that you might be capable of such maturity. I fully admit that I was wrong about that. Yes, I was wrong. So very, very wrong.

marcus says

I never stopped being certain that you were wrong.

And that is your problem.

marcus says

But that was a different thread, and a silly argument about semantics.

So you started an argument on semantics and kept it up just for spite? How mature.

marcus says

I still think you might be an alter ego of Shrek, trying to associate liberals with the extreme and hateful religious type of type of atheism.

Then it comes down to this. One and only one of the following statements is true.

a. I am Shrek using a second account.
b. Marcus is full of shit and has always been.

Of course, we won't know the truth until Patrick implements the feature that finds "aliases" based on IP addresses used in postings. Hmmm, anyone want to take bets? I'll give 2:1 odds that I am not Shrek. Any takers?

Of course, anyone with even half a brain would know that I'm not Shrek as I meticulously and logically dismantle his arguments with the same ease as I do Marcus. Of course, I don't claim that Marcus and Shrek are the same person. They are both living in delusions that have nothing to do with reality, but that doesn’t make them the same person. As bad as Shrek is, at least he's not as immature and spiteful as Marcus -- and that's saying a lot given all the things that Shrek has said about Obama and liberals.

But Marcus and Shrek prove that there are idiots on both the left and the right. And both see any slight disagreement as being a polar opposite that must be destroyed.

marcus says

Truth is you probably know you're wrong here too.

Marcus, you fool, if you haven't learned anything else from our conversations, you should have learned at least this. A person like me is never wrong for very long because once someone else shows a good, rational reason why one of our beliefs is incorrect, we immediately reject our old idea and embrace the new one. But I suppose someone of your personality type can't understand this. You are ego-driven and I am driven by rational thought.

To you, it's all about who's right. To me, it's not even about what's right. It's about how you arrive at the conclusion. The process, not the conclusion, is what matters. You will never understand this, and that is what makes you intellectually inferior. Well, that and you refuse to learn from others when they graciously offer to share their understanding with you.

marcus says

I assure you that anyone reading it only sees it as pathetic.

I guess you don't take facts into consideration. Your assurances are worthless.

marcus says

All I am doing is looking at both sides of the issue before forming an opinion, something you or the character you play seems incapable of.

If you were as open-minded as I am, you would realize that there are almost always more than two sides of an issue. The possibility of only two sides implies a one-dimensional universe, which certainly is in keeping with your left vs. right mentality.

144   marcus   2012 Feb 20, 6:13am  

Let's not forget that the death threats may be fiction.

Without the death threats, all we, the media and everyone see is an antisocial girls who makes a big deal out of nothing and who is is probably trying to impress her father or something.

145   Dan8267   2012 Feb 20, 6:17am  

marcus says

So you are saying that the local Christian community approved of the death threats,

Based on the article, it certainly seems the community was ok with the threats. Whether or not they believed the threats would be carried out is another story, but they certainly didn't denounce the threats against a 16-year-old girl or any of the other bad treatment.

And based on your statements below, it seems you are just as heartless.

I believe that if the girl (subject of this thread) was a healthy atheist (rather than the arrogant and hateful kind) she wouldn't have worried about the beliefs of the majority of the school and she would have tried to relate to the good qualities of the people.

To accuse this girl of being arrogant or hateful is a ridiculous and ironically hateful. All this girl did was to ask the school to stop doing something that is blatantly illegal.

No matter how you try to spin this, the girl was right and those that ridiculed her or made death threats against her are wrong: both morally and legally.

146   Dan8267   2012 Feb 20, 6:19am  

marcus says

Without the death threats

Well, that's a big fucking change Marcus. Christ, Marcus, do you have children? If someone made a death threat against your daughter and you didn't know whether it was just some asshole blowing steam or a crazy zealot who intended to go ahead with it, wouldn't you be damn concerned?

147   nope   2012 Feb 20, 12:05pm  

If someone made a death threat against my daughter, I'm pretty sure that they'd find themselves on the receiving end of my boot.

148   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Feb 20, 9:00pm  

Look I grew up with Catholics and Christians. They can be brutal sometimes no doubt. I've seen people put through "hell" for what they consider "perversion". They go to church then the next day are merciless with their teasing of those that don't "fit in". Now the people that "get" all this religious bullshit or know its bullshit. Have sympathy for the people picked on. However they don't do one fucking thing to get rid of the "religious bullshit". So "religous bullshit" is a standard used to keep people in line. Paying there bills. Not giving the people "in charge" any trouble. The people that don't "fit in" are causuaties in all of this. They consider that "tough shit". Because once again in order to make "religion" work. You have to have a "bad guy". So to speak. The rich are "bad guys" however they are left till the "bitter end". Where "God" gets them. The rest? Well if they are dumb enough to fight back. Well they have their fight. While the rich with half a brain just let them wait for the apocolypse. Letting them be good little Christians turning the other cheek. Taking their cloak, pants and underwear. With the stupid little Christians just happy as hell because well the rich will get theirs in the end. Take a tip from the rich. Leave them the fuck alone and they go away. One thing you'll notice from that book. Other religions, "perverts" get theirs right now. Read the book. You'll see he fucks up everyone with a bad religion. He even stones perverts. The GD rich he leaves alone till the end. Why? It's who had the "book" printed. It wasn't Anton Levey. It was the people that wanted to be left alone while they stole every fucking thing they could find. I can see I'll never see anyone with much sense about this. Why? Because people love to be in their division. Which they are a part of in the first place, its cozy. They love a good fight. To some its better than being rich. The sad part watching their, wheels spinning, taking up their life. It's sort of a distraction from their reality. A form of entertainment. The funniest part is watching the well meaning non-Christians trying to talk "sense into the Christians. While the Christians are pretty sure the non-christians are in league with the devil.

The Christians of course at the same time are trying to talk their sense into the non-christians. Yes folks it can go on forever. At least till the end when nothing fucking happens and the rich enjoy a marvelous life. Courtesey of the very, very rich that were smart enough to print the book in the first place. To keep everyone away from them their familes and their stuff. While the rest work for some kind of cause or religion or philosophy not giving up until the bitter end. Each side, arguing, fighting trying their best to get the other side out of their delusion. Because thats what a nice person does. All in the meanwhile they are busy carting off everything you have or should have.

149   Patrick   2012 Feb 21, 9:50am  

Dan8267 says

b. Marcus is full of shit and has always been.

C'mon, don't insult other users. I don't want to have to jail anyone.

Dan8267 says

Hmmm, anyone want to take bets? I'll give 2:1 odds that I am not Shrek. Any takers?

I will say right now you are not Shrek, based on IP addresses.

150   MisdemeanorRebel   2012 Feb 21, 10:59pm  

Jessica Alquist is getting a $40k scholarship thanks to various Atheist groups.


Enjoy the comments section, after all, it is Fox News.

151   Dan8267   2012 Feb 22, 4:32am  

C'mon, don't insult other users.

I try, but some people just keep begging to be put down.

152   Dan8267   2012 Feb 22, 4:34am  

thunderlips11 says

Jessica Alquist is getting a $40k scholarship thanks to various Atheist groups.

Good for her.

153   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Feb 22, 9:58pm  

This is a little off yet to me its good for a laugh.

Britain and France demanded Syrian President Bashar al-Assad cease attacks against the besieged opposition stronghold of Homs to allow three journalists to receive medical care.

How many times have we read something like that? Think about it. We are outraged of course. Because well its newspeople folks. The ones that bring us the stark truth every single day of the week. Now they are under attack from the people that CENSOr and lie. British and french journalists always get lost and captured for some reason. Cause if a Journalist gets hurt whoah fuck. If they did get another gov't installed. They would chuckle at all the stupid people that actually believe that they had won their revolt. Take a look at the Democracy in Iraq and Afganistan. It's a fucking joke. You don't let countries like that go after all the effort gone to. For the purpose you went after them in the first place. If you think otherwise. You really believe in Jesus way to much. Or you have the ideaolgy of a 12 year old.

You've got your women, childern. Unspeakble acts. God do somethings. Throw in your journalists abused or cornered. Let see what else. Oh a target or two to outrage a country (thats if it really gets bad). Involve some Nato countries an outrage or two. Just so they can get the right puppet back in there. If you don't think Assad is their buddy. Think again. Mollamars didn't have a friend in the world. Ole Assad has the *trifecta of nuclear nonsense on his side. Deal is how to help him out. In a genuine revolt. Of large proportions. If hes been dead well fuck. What would Jesus do?

So Operation HARD PUPPET continues.

They tried it in Egypt folks you saw. They now have just about every ministry building. Even showing old film of the parliment meetings. They are huddled in a bunker just praying the outraged Egyptian people don't get ahold of them.

Call that one Operation Fucked Puppet.

*Nuclear trifecta exlained: A group of counties that have never gone to war with each other even before the "stink bomb" was invented. Nations that claim to be the "richest" on earth. Each country has aligned with it as many naive nations it can bullshit. Pliable bullshitted nations sometimes in "Zone" near largest trifecta bullshitter (eastern europe, duh)One example. Trifecta consists of 3 countries that have robbed the earth blind.

I get tired of this country setting up its own serve to invade another country. Question on CNN. Why isn't the world coming to help Syria. When setting up a puppet one has to be clever. If not even with their own people. Especially when they have one of the most incredible puppets ever in show. (I mean guys if you believe that one up there now in a country that has never fucking elected minority even to govenor. Your really gullible and lost in life. It just ain't natural.) Anyway no one wants to be invaded by this country and puppeted by it or the Nuclear Trifecta. That is if they know it.

So your being prepared for another great victory for democracy in Syria or some Russian strongman. Either way is should work out for US cause well in like in good ole Iraq. Iran has its pipelines right into its *refinery from the conqeored Iraq. Russia is pumping oil right there along with its buddy China and it really good ole boy poker player the U.S.

*They ship straight to terminal by the way. B.P. Shell, Exxon etc. Its much eaiser to refine heavy crude first then ship.

154   marcus   2012 Feb 23, 10:49am  

Dan8267 says

When you questioned my credentials, I can justify my experience in my areas of expertise. You can't.

I never questioned your credentials, but you twice have thought that showing us some code (gawwwleee - real programming code), and another time you thought that giving me your resume, was some kind of substitute for an argument. This is in fact what happens when you realize you are logically on thin ice.

"i'm not all about being right." Yeah, right, like you don't know that about yourself,...really?

Dan8267 says

no one would obsess so much over a random adolescent prick.

I'm not obsessing. Just trying to give you some constructive feedback to you about your bizarre behavior (see quotes above).

Dan8267 says

you are stalking me on this site

Right. It's all about you, not your post "Christians Send Death Threats to a 16-Year-Old Girl."

IF you want to learn more about NPD there are many internet sources, such as http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001930/


A person with narcissistic personality disorder may:

React to criticism with rage, shame, or humiliation

ding ding

Dan8267 says

You've never added anything to a conversation other than vicious personal attacks and deception

Dan8267 says

I can only conclude that your dick is so small that any woman would laugh at the sight of it. This is perhaps quite typical of trolls.

Perhaps you wouldn't be such a whinny, spiteful bitch if only you got some the last time you went to the cemetery. I guess you shovel must have broke.

Other Symptoms

Take advantage of other people to achieve his or her own goals

Have excessive feelings of self-importance

ding ding

Exaggerate achievements and talents

ding ding

Be preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence, or ideal love

ding ding

Have unreasonable expectations of favorable treatment

Need constant attention and admiration

Disregard the feelings of others, and have little ability to feel empathy

Have obsessive self-interest

Pursue mainly selfish goals

Dan8267 says

But like many trolls, you claim to be experts in things that you are not.


155   Dan8267   2012 Feb 23, 12:12pm  

I thought you were going away loser. You want another beating?

marcus says

IF you want to learn more about NPD there are many internet sources, such as

If you want to learn more about small dick syndrone, there are many Internet (it's a proper noun, dumb-ass), sources, such as


Small-penis syndrome is the anxiety of thinking one's penis is too small

ding ding


Personality syndrome identified by low self esteem in association with a disproportionately small penis. Symptoms include, but are not limited to, the provocation of others in argument in an effort to boost the Small Penis Syndrome (SPS) sufferer's low self esteem. SPS is easily identifiable among owners of monster trucks and forum trolls.

ding ding


a male with a penis too small to put into a vagina could not find a satisfactory social and sexual place in society.

ding ding


A certain psychological rigidity, obsessionality or fixation is present. These men are absolutely adamant in their conviction that their genitalia are too small. They insist that they have measured themselves and seem inordinately focused on such measurement. They are similarly convinced that they are incapable of pleasing a woman via intercourse, although they are, by and large, not able to cite much evidence to show that this is true. In fact, many of these men admit to having had few or no sexual experiences. There is an implication that some of the few sexual experiences had by some of these men were with prostitutes. Many may have had only a single sexual encounter. Others state that they avoid sexuality entirely as they feel deeply ashamed of their penis size. All of these men affirm the belief that women would universally treat them with contempt if they were to see them nude.

ding ding ding ding ding
They even have a picture of you, Marcus!


Women are much more interested in a man's personality and looks than the size of his penis,

Sorry, I guess that doesn't help you since you're ugly and have no personality, but hey, just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.

Marcus, I know you're very, very angry at me. But this video explains the real reason you are angry. It's called projection.


156   marcus   2012 Feb 23, 1:59pm  

Very creative.

The difference is that I really do think you have NPD, and the quotes I gave are really good evidence of it.

Do you really think someone who is confident of their superior intellect talks like that ? They don't. Trust me. In fact nobody does except the most royal type of jerk.

But from what I know of NPD, and other character disorders as well, is you won't come close to seeing it. In fact you have no idea how such comments reflect on you.

I'm not angry. But I am vicariously embarrassed for you at this point.

ps: I would be flattered that you can't stop thinking about my penis, but sorry, I'm straight.

157   Dan8267   2012 Feb 23, 2:05pm  

marcus says

The difference is that I really do think you have NPD, and the quotes I gave are really good evidence of it.

Only in your delusional, pathetic, little mind. But I guess you also have a masters in psychology along with a Ph.D. in bullshitting. Oh, I really do think you have a tiny penis.

marcus says

Do you really think someone who is confident of their superior intellect talks like that ? They don't. Trust me. In fact almost nobody does.

Trust you? Now there's a laugh. You're as trustworthy as a retard in a crayon factory. (Oh yeah, I'm going to get heat for that, but it was worth it.)


marcus says

I'm not angry. But I am vicariously embarrassed for you at this point.

If only you weren't a pathological liar, I might believe you. Well, no, not really.

158   JodyChunder   2012 Feb 23, 4:32pm  

marcus says

I've done all of the following. How many have you done?

1. Written open-source code that is used by people on every continent and almost every country.
2. Designed and built a working computer right down to the level of digital logic gates.
3. Built a robot with a neural network capable of learning and obeying commands.
4. Implemented video encoders and decoders.
5. Wrote code that transmits pages of the Wall Street Journal over Dow Jones' corporate satellites.
6. Wrote chess playing AIs.
7. Built ecommerce systems under various architectures.
8. Wrote code for law enforcement that tracks down pedophiles using the information embedded in digital images and displaying the address where the picture was taken on Google Earth.
9. Created 3D rendering engines and applications with 3D interfaces.
10. Wrote various distributed processing systems including audio encoder load balancers and ray tracers.

Well Dan, even though a lot of what is on this list is a little dorky, I must say you have inspired me. Here's my list plus one:

1. Threw a man near twice my beef out a plate glass window on account he sonofabtiched me. Almost made it with this same dudes woman that same night.
2. Rescued a litter of unweened kittens from a hopsack what was left in a storm drain and raised them to adult cats even tho I am allergic.
3. Got bit twice by a Mojave green on two separate occassions and lived without antitoxin treatment.
4. Bedded at least one woman in every state of the union except for Vermont and Hawaii (I got time yet)
5. Held my breath for four minutes.
6. Wove a complete sweater without a single lesson size 46 chest
7. got a kid out of gangbanging and into his own dent removal biz
8. skinned a horse
9. Met Clark Gable's brother
10. Won Spectacularly at the 1979 Kentucky Derby. Enough to start investing like a mother
11. Karate

159   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Feb 23, 9:15pm  

JodyChunder says

8. Wrote code for law enforcement that tracks down pedophiles using the information embedded in digital images and displaying the address where the picture was taken on Google Earth.

Praise Jesus! Thank you Lord! I'll bet that lil fucker tracks down Bar Mitzvah's too.

160   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 Feb 23, 9:19pm  

World powers convening Friday in Tunisia are working to deliver aid to the Syrian opposition, while Arab nations (FedEx) have begun supplying arms to rebels, sources say: Meawhile Saudi Arabia (FedEx)(Das Vidania) (Should say ARAMCO on the box. Pronounced Armco) will be handling arms shipments for the Assad government. Hey are those guns in that oil equipment?


Adnan Khashoggi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Showing you how the game is played daily. CUZ..

tHEY SAId don't come back here yankee cause if you ever do......

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the opposition Syrian National Council is emerging as an alternative to the Bashar al-Assad regime and that the consensus opinion among Arab League and other nations.

This ought to be hysterical. Want to see them try to install their puppet? Right before your eyes.

Notice it did not say the Assyrian people that are revolting. Its a consensus of outsiders. I asked my GF. Syrians don't know who the fuck these people are. It's not the people in the streets thats for sure. So in essence they have spilled their blood to put the same people in power. That were before. Shhh wonder how they will get Assad out shhh.

I want you to notice one thing. When they march these new "leaders" in watch the army stand down. Another democratic miricle folks. The key is easy installation.

Where ever the assholes gather. There the puppet will be.

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