Tax fraud committed by illegal aliens (Thank You Obama)

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2012 May 5, 3:02am   31,625 views  51 comments

by nosf41   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Millions of illegal immigrants are getting a bigger tax refund than you. Eyewitness News shows a massive tax loophole that provides billions of dollars in tax credits to undocumented workers and, in many cases, people who have never stepped foot in the United States. And you are paying for it:



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1   nope   2012 May 5, 4:40am  

How is it tax fraud if they're claiming credits which are valid under the tax code?

"you are paying for it", is, of course, a lie. Americans do not pay for their government.

2   nosf41   2012 May 5, 9:08am  

You obviusly did not read the article carefully. Illegals aliens are claiming tax credits for children who are neither US citizens nor US residents.

This is an amazing story about governemnt corruption yet an illegal alien ass-kisser like yourself found the way to say something negative about US taxpayers who follow the rules.

3   elliemae   2012 May 5, 11:43am  

nosf41 says

Tax fraud committed by illegal aliens (Thank You Obama)

The IRS Says

Full statement to WTHR from the Internal Revenue Service

The law has been clear for over a decade that eligibility for these credits does not depend on work authorization status or the type of taxpayer identification number used. Any suggestion that the IRS shouldn't be paying out these credits under current law to ITIN holders is simply incorrect. The IRS administers the law impartially and applies it as it is written. If the law were changed, the IRS would change its programs accordingly. The IRS disagrees with TIGTA's recommendation on requiring additional documentation to verify child credit claims. As TIGTA acknowledges in this report, the IRS does not currently have the legal authority to verify and disallow the Child Tax Credit and the Additional Child Tax Credit during return processing simply because of the lack of documentation. The IRS has procedures in place specifically for the evaluation of questionable credit claims early in the processing stream and prior to issuance of a refund. The IRS continues to work to refine and improve our processes.

Over ten years? Hmmm, wouldn't this be the responsibility of whomever was in office 10 years ago? I don't recall that being President Obama.

It must be a relief to be able to blame all your ills on the President, even if it's the wrong one.

4   nosf41   2012 May 5, 1:58pm  

elliemae says

Over ten years? Hmmm, wouldn't this be the responsibility of whomever was in office 10 years ago? I don't recall that being President Obama.
It must be a relief to be able to blame all your ills on the President, even if it's the wrong one

What is it with Obama apologists -the cost of this fraud exploded in the last three years:

"The magnitude of the problem has grown exponentially," said Russell George, the United States Department of Treasury's Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).
And he says the IRS has known about the problem for years.
George has repeatedly warned the IRS that additional child tax credits are being abused by undocumented workers. In 2009, his office released an audit report that showed ITIN tax filers received about $1 billion in additional child tax credits. Last year, the inspector general released a new report showing the problem now costs American tax payers more than $4.2 billion.

...In 2010, the IRS owed undocumented workers more in claimed additional child tax credits than it collected from those workers in taxes...

5   elliemae   2012 May 6, 1:15am  

nosf41 says

What is it with Obama apologists -the cost of this fraud exploded in the last three years:

We get it - you hate Obama. But once again, why is it his personal fault that a tax code policy that has been in place long before he took office has been used to its greatest advantage?

Why not blame congress for its lack of introducing a bill to change the tax code? Why not blame George Bush and President Cheney for not changing this code?

It's because you fall back on "I hate Obama" for all the injustices you can find. By blaming the current president for all of the ills of past presidents, your message is diluted. All we hear is "blah blah blah, I hate Obama."

6   nosf41   2012 May 6, 2:13am  

elliemae says

But once again, why is it his personal fault that a tax code policy that has been in place long before he took office has been used to its greatest advantage?

We are not talking about tax code but tax fraud. Children tax credit is reserved for children who are US citizens/residents, not for foreigners.

Under this regime the fraud has escalated to unprecedented levels. Obama makes "spend-like-drunken-sailor Bush" look thrifty when dealing with public funds. This is not an accident.

7   Bap33   2012 May 6, 11:36am  

Cal's Prop 187 was needed then, and is needed now.

8   clambo   2012 May 7, 6:12am  

This is correct. I personally know illegal aliens who get huge cash refunds from Uncle Sam by claiming dependents who are not even in the USA.
Lupe did this a few years ago. She filed her back taxes with a guy in Watsonville who prepared the amended returns for her.
The illegal aliens do not need a social security number contrary to liberal posters.
They get an ITIN=Individual Tax Identification Number.
Go look at your California form, the box is right there.
With the ITIN and some dependents, the average illegal alien pays ZERO income tax.
Of course, when they have an anchor baby, they also get WIC, Sec. 8, in addition to the "earned income credit" using the anchor baby.
They never get legally married in the USA since a "single mother" gets more benefits.
They are all taking the American taxpayer for suckers. Those who are blissfully ignorant liberals are the real suckers.
These illegals have typically tens of thousands of dollars laying around.
The guy at McDonalds I get coffee from sometimes has a family and his house is in Cancun. He's an illegal.
Would you like to retire to Cancun someday? Good luck after paying all of your taxes, property taxes, etc. etc.
I guess if you can't beat em, join em.
That's why I am buying AAPL balls to the wall. I want to have a nice chunk of change in 5-10 years.

9   clambo   2012 May 7, 6:17am  

Actually now I just remembered a kind of funny story.
A while ago I got a call from Lupe. She chitchats for a minute but I know that she is going to ask me a favor eventually. She did.
She wanted me to lend her $25,000. No shit.
I was curious why? She said she wanted to buy something but her CD with the $25,000 in it wasn't mature yet. She didn't want to "lose money" so she immediately thought of her friend clambo.
I told her she can take her own money out of the CD and good luck.
I haven't even had sex with her. She *really* thinks I am a sucker.
Some of us take this nice guy act just a little too far, I suppose I am guilty of it.
Since I am bilingual and they know I visit Mexico they think I am somehow "simpatico" to their needs and whims. Nope.
But girls never get anywhere unless they try right?
Oh, and Maricela is having her baby shortly. The father is still unknown, there are 3 candidates.
She is illegal, was fired *for cause* and yet she is going to get unemployment. She said to me "God is helping me". I said "I think it's actually people here are helping you."

10   clambo   2012 May 7, 6:20am  

Now you bleeding heart clueless liberal koolaid drunks, multiply my acquaintances by about 10 million and you get a little idea what is going on.
I almost would not mind them being here so much but they are the illiterates of Mexico, the absolute bottom of the social barrel down there.
Do you all realize that although college is essentially free only 33% of adult Mexicans have finished high school?
We get nowhere having these people here.

11   tatupu70   2012 May 7, 6:23am  

clambo says

Now you bleeding heart clueless liberal koolaid drunks, multiply my acquaintances by about 10 million and you get a little idea what is going on.

10 million times 0 = 0. Your acquaintances are all madeup BS.

clambo says

She is illegal, was fired *for cause* and yet she is going to get unemployment

Well, that's on the company that fired her. They are the ones that need to contest it--it's their unemployment insurance premiums that are going to rise...

12   rooemoore   2012 May 7, 6:26am  

"Ignore the man behind the curtain!"

from the investigative report:

"Keep in mind, we're talking $4 billion per year," he said. "It's very troubling."

Yes it is and it should be addressed with PERSPECTIVE:

Bush tax cuts conservative estimate 2001 -2011:

Using CTJ's numbers, if one assumes that 20 percent of the tax cuts paid for themselves (overall), the non-interest cost would be approximately $1.7 trillion. If one assumes that half of the tax cuts paid for themselves (which we would consider to be a pretty extreme assumption), then the tax cuts would have cost around $1 trillion over the past 10 years.


13   FortWayne   2012 May 7, 6:43am  

Another reason to never pay taxes again. I don't believe I should pay taxes in America to support some deadbeats children living in Mexico.

14   tatupu70   2012 May 7, 7:00am  

FortWayne says

Another reason to never pay taxes again. I don't believe I should pay taxes in America to support some deadbeats children living in Mexico.

Quality Auto Repair Since 1979

Good idea. Once they throw you in jail, I'm sure things will change.

15   rooemoore   2012 May 7, 7:00am  

FortWayne says

Another reason to never pay taxes again.

Enjoy prison - our tax dollars at work!

16   WillyWanker   2012 May 7, 3:33pm  

The Welfare President is now also the Tax Fraud Leader. Having been raised by a single mother (part of the time and then being tossed off to relatives so she could chase d*ck in foreign lands), Hussein feels that the great unwashed masses deserved the largesse from those who actually work for a living and who actually pay taxes.

17   Bigsby   2012 May 7, 7:26pm  

clambo says

We get nowhere having these people here.

You live in Santa Cruz. Who picks the salad on your plate, or is your diet solely made up of raw meat?

18   elliemae   2012 May 7, 11:39pm  

clambo says

I haven't even had sex with her....


19   clambo   2012 May 8, 2:02am  

taputu, you're full of shit. I know these people personally.
bigsby, who cares if the corporate farms like Dole hire illegals to pick lettuce? Like many clueless provincials, you haven't been around. Take a trip up to Quebec Canada and see the CANADIANS working in farming, etc.

20   clambo   2012 May 8, 2:06am  

Roberto, some illegals who arrive go into agriculture first. They quickly try to find other jobs. This is why farmers/slave owners constantly complain of "worker shortages".
Also, your ignorance is stunning. Only a small % of illegals in the USA work in AGRICULTURE.
We have forgotton to compliment you on your girlfriend in your profile photo.
Must be nice being a real estate magnate you scored a blonde.

21   clambo   2012 May 8, 2:52am  

Illegal alien mommy.
Obama sued states that are trying to stop illegals coming here=supporting fraud. If they are not HERE it is harder to defraud us.

Caption: Mexican preggo

22   clambo   2012 May 8, 4:55am  

The specific actions by Obama is siccing the DOJ on states like Arizona who are trying to find a way to *simply identify* illegal aliens.
The other specific action by Obama is he directed ICE to NOT deport illegals who are not identified as violent criminals.
Drunk drivers like Obamas uncle may not be deported.
Incidentally, Obama is a total hypocrite. His aunt living here was illegal and she got an amnesty to stay here, but she is living on the taxpayer's dime. Why doesn't Obama support his own aunt financially? She's a welfare case.
We shall see whether Obama's illegal alien drunk driver UNCLE gets thrown out or not.
You liberals can adopt him. Have him move in with you or maybe send him to community college, twelve step programs, etc.

23   clambo   2012 May 8, 4:57am  

The liberal hypocrites of course 1. never know any illegals personally 2. never want to live anywhere near them 3. never want their kids to be stuck in a class with them 4. never want their daughters to date them.

24   rooemoore   2012 May 8, 6:06am  

clambo says

The liberal hypocrites of course 1. never know any illegals personally 2. never want to live anywhere near them 3. never want their kids to be stuck in a class with them 4. never want their daughters to date them.

As long as they have money and know how to spend it, we have no problem with anyone.

25   clambo   2012 May 8, 6:10am  

The point is they are not paying taxes, they are depressing wages, they cost California $5 billion/year, according to Governor Arnold who loves them.

One thing no illegal ever spent a dime of his money on is his own health care. You and I paid for it.

26   Dan8267   2012 May 8, 8:55am  

clambo says

We shall see whether Obama's illegal alien drunk driver UNCLE gets thrown out or not.

Relatives of high ranking politicians never get thrown in jail. If they did, then G.W. Bush would be serving a 40-year-sentence for multiple charges of possession of cocaine with intent to distribute.

27   finehoe   2012 May 9, 3:56am  

US deportations reach record high

"According to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), nearly 400,000 illegal immigrants were deported from the US in the 2011 fiscal year – an increase of around one per cent on the year before, and the largest number in the history of the agency."


28   clambo   2012 May 9, 5:42am  

See how insane liberals change the subject? Bush last time I checked wasn't an illegal alien.
Coke? Funny, Obama in his book mentioned his addiction to coke and pot when he was living with his grandparents (avoiding crazy mother) in Hawaii.
Obama's illegal alien uncle should be deported yesterday.
His employer the liquor store should be fined $1000 per day for employing him knowing he is illegal.

29   freak80   2012 May 10, 12:26am  

clambo says

Maricela by the way is the preggo whose picture is above and she is a fact, not a fantasy.

Of course, now that her picture is on the internet, she's definitely someone's fantasy...

30   leo707   2012 May 10, 4:11am  

clambo says

The point is they are not paying taxes

clambo says

I was at McDonald's today chatting with my two illegal friends...they see taxes sucked out of their paychecks.

Well, what is it? Are illegals paying taxes or not?

31   freak80   2012 May 10, 4:19am  

leoj707 says

Well, what is it? Are illegals paying taxes or not?

lol. I guess that's why the IRS does witholding. I suppose if I were an illegal I'd just claim "99" exemptions on my W-4. If I'm not even in the country legally then why should I have to pay taxes? ;-)

It reminds me of Al Capone getting busted for not paying federal income tax on his boot legging profits.

32   Vicente   2012 May 10, 5:00am  

I thought paying no taxes, or getting huge refunds you don't deserve, was The American Dream? Major corporations do it, why shouldn't everyone?

Clearly nos41 you are not tuned into AM radio & Fox News often.

33   FortWayne   2012 May 10, 6:59am  

rowemoore says

Enjoy prison - our tax dollars at work!

To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical.

34   CL   2012 May 10, 7:44am  

clambo says

Maricela by the way is the preggo whose picture is above and she is a fact, not a fantasy.

She works at Istockphoto?

35   leo707   2012 May 10, 7:51am  

CL says

She works at Istockphoto?

I suspected the same. A tinyeye search turned up zero hits, but that does not indicate a lot.

Clambo has made claims of these associations with illegals in the past. It would be funny if he could actually prove that he does come on the internet to berate, putdown, degrade and post pictures (with associated derisive commentary) of his/her real-life associates.

36   CL   2012 May 10, 7:53am  

leoj707 says

I suspected the same

(In the interest of objectivity, I did not find it on Istockphoto. However, a quick google search for the photo is probably attracting the attention of HR!)


37   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 May 11, 12:38am  

This is the most assine article I have seen at least the others are clever. Deal is the stupid morons have trouble recconing the His panic vote to the farce Obama is. Because when they can't come up with an idea well they start farting. Of course the idea presented by that writer is a fart. I doubt it will become a popular fart cause well it smells. Smell my farts they say or I will make you squirm. Fuck them.

Hey why not town hall the bigger the fart the harder it is to cover up the smell. No one black elected outside their districts until when. DUH. Has never happened in the history of the earth what would that statement apply to. Don't be gullible this kind of stuff and pandering is nothing but self serving because of the embarrasment of it all. It's stupid and so obvious all over the world. Induldge yourself in fantasy as a warriors in a democratic power stuggle. Then there is fucking reality. Live in it. You will get somewhere. Just rename The United States of America. To the land of the Pliable and home of the Gullible. So in my opinion. We need a Mexican 5 star general or at least a Mexican president. It all makes fucking sense if your all in debt and the only other place you have to live in. Is the box your TV came in.


38   ArtimusMaxtor   2012 May 11, 1:36am  

Those Mexicans that live where the earthquakes are now because of the offshore and drilling down there. Because part of Mexico sits on rock shelves. Need to come up here and shove a bag full of lizards up the debt merchants ass. I wouldn't take their crap for 2 seconds. When disaster hits there remember where you got this. Mexican drug lords my ass. Its all about humanity. I guess thats my point. What are gonna do when their kids die because of your senseless bullshit. Blame the earth?

39   nosf41   2012 May 12, 2:17am  

Vicente says

I thought paying no taxes, or getting huge refunds you don't deserve, was The American Dream? Major corporations do it, why shouldn't everyone?
Clearly nos41 you are not tuned into AM radio & Fox News often.

Illegal aliens impact my pocket more directly through increased health care costs, insurance rates, increased housing costs,...

As a reward they even get bigger refund than the money they pay into the system.

It would be benficial to our society to deport them back to their home countries.

40   rooemoore   2012 May 12, 2:41am  

Let me finish that sentence for you.

nosf41 says

Illegal aliens impact my pocket more directly through increased health care costs, insurance rates, increased housing costs, than the legal aliens that own me.

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