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86   Bigsby   2012 May 20, 4:42pm  

clambo says

My speech is protected unlike speech where you live, ain't that great too?

Freedom of speech in the US is not an absolute. I thought even you might have known that, but surprise, surprise...

And you hate the Obamas? Is that based on anything in particular or just their color and the fact they aren't frothing right-wingers?

87   rooemoore   2012 May 20, 4:52pm  

clambo says


This is a nice feature on Patrick.net. One cannot delete stupid comments but must leave them blank. The "cone of shame" if you will.

88   rooemoore   2012 May 20, 4:55pm  

robertoaribas says

Are you folks really this stupid?

We are all stupid for wasting our precious hours here.

89   nosf41   2012 May 21, 10:29am  

tatupu70 says

OK--help me out with this string of lies.
Why did Obamas Mom go through the trouble of getting his birth announcement in two Hawaiin newspapers, getting him a US passport, US Drivers License, etc. and then tell a random literary agent that he was born in Kenya?
Does that make sense?

I don't think it was Obama's mother who gave the information about birth in Kenya to the literary agent. That information came from Obama.

We don't know which passport Obama got (US, Indonesian,...). We know that his mother excluded him from her passport when she applied for passport reneval.

Definite answer to your question will be possible only when original documentation on file with US government agencies is examined. You cannot trust Obama's word alone when it comes to his biography. Too many lies have been told.

In my opinion, based on publicly available facts, his birth was registered in Hawaii as an unattended (by a physician) birth. His grandmother submitted birth registration form and based on that form newspapaer announcements have been made.

Governer Abercrombie vowed to shut the birthers up at the beginning of his term 1.5 years ago. Initially he was very loud about his intentions to resolve this issue. However, he did not deliver on his promise - he could only claim that something 'written down' had been found in the archive.

Obama's SSN does not make sense. In 1977 he was living as a teenager in Hawaii. The SS number, he has been using throughout his life, was issued in 1977 and it was reserved for an applicant from Connecticut. Most likely this indicates ID fraud.
According to Sheriff Arpaio's investigation, Obama's birth certificate "pdf" file and Selective Service registration card are forgeries. Director of Selective Service refuses to cooperate with Arpaio's investigation and provide a copy of the microfilm for the date when Obama's alleged registration was made.
US government refused to release passport information (prior to 1965) for Obama's mother.
Stuff like this does not happen to a person born in a US hospital (the offical birthplace story).
There is much more. It will be interesting to watch Sheriff Arpaio's next press conference about this topic.

90   tatupu70   2012 May 21, 12:05pm  

nosf41 says

I don't think it was Obama's mother who gave the information about birth in Kenya to the literary agent. That information came from Obama.

lol--uh, does that make any more sense? That Obama would say he's from Kenya??

So, your theory now is that Obama's mother went to all the trouble to get him a birth certificate in the US when he was born, but Obama said screw it and decided to tell some random brochure author the truth about being born in Kenya.

That's your theory?

91   marcus   2012 May 21, 12:13pm  

tatupu70 says

So, your theory now is that Obama's mother went to all the trouble to get him a birth certificate in the US when he was born, but Obama said screw it and decided to tell some random brochure author the truth about being born in Kenya.

That's your theory?

Theory ? Ha.

These boobs are all about throwing some shit against the wall and seeing if maybe something sticks.

We attribute it to stupidity, but nobody is that stupid. It's a lack of integrity.

92   marcus   2012 May 21, 1:53pm  

okay, maybe sometimes it is both stupidity and lack of integrity.

Toe jam says

The White Guilt complex

Racist dimbulb had to hide his identity for that one, because of his shame.

93   clambo   2012 May 21, 4:48pm  

Toe Jam, I think that the female liberal doxy loves Obama not because she has liberal guilt (although she might), it's because liberal females who have not grown up in the ghetto have a *black man fetish*.
It's a bit like how caucasian men have an Asian woman fetish, sometimes they marry the object of their fetish (e.g. Rupert Murdoch, Mark Zukerberg, etc.)
Every single overweight, single, older American woman who owns cats voted for Obama last time.
It's actually a bit sad. I have been glancing on Facebook and there are TWO pictures of my classmates (who are now of course old hag women) posing with a lifesized cardboard Obama. They are smiling like they are his little girlfriends.
Pathetic really. Women are such strange creatures sometimes.
Liberal men are strange too but they are easy to identify.

94   Bigsby   2012 May 21, 5:01pm  

Clambo in grown man Facebook user shocker.

95   clambo   2012 May 21, 5:34pm  

Yeah, of course I look at facebook because an alumni association wants me to attend some reunion or keep them updated on my news, etc. The spam directs me there to be "friends' with my class.
I can look at facebook and see what my foreign friends are up to, what beaches, who wore a bikini, etc. It's voyeuristic fun.

96   Bigsby   2012 May 21, 7:56pm  

clambo says

Yeah, of course I look at facebook because an alumni association wants me to attend some reunion or keep them updated on my news, etc. The spam directs me there to be "friends' with my class.
I can look at facebook and see what my foreign friends are up to, what beaches, who wore a bikini, etc. It's voyeuristic fun.

And so naturally, following your predilection for massive over-generalization, we can now safely surmise that you are in fact a teenage girl.

97   Bigsby   2012 May 21, 10:14pm  

Toe jam says

And yet, Marcus, I've described the situation far more eloquently and accurately than you could ever bring yourself to do.

Eloquent and accurate? So eloquent and accurate in fact that it looks like it's been removed.

98   Bigsby   2012 May 21, 11:24pm  

Toe jam says

Leftism can only exist in a censored environment. And it's amusing that Leftists always decry the need for 'tolerance', yet when the truth hits them in the face, they can't tolerate it! The fact that it was censored proves that it was the truth, which hit a nerve deep into the psyche of the Leftist, bringing on a bout of reactive tattletalism. I think it's the word Negro that bothered you the most.

What a load of bullshit. You posted something blatantly racist and your post got pulled by the person running the site. That doesn't make what you said true, it justs makes what you posted stupid and offensive.

99   Honest Abe   2012 May 21, 11:53pm  

Bgisby, Ah, "racist" - another liberal catch phrase. Kinda like "gun contol", or "hate crime". They have no real definition and can mean different things to different people. Perfect for liberals living in the world of double standards and undefined terms.

You claim T.J's comments were a load of bullshit, and were blatently racist. Thats your opinion. I don't think his comments were racist, nor 'stupid and offensive' . Seems like you were born with a dominant political correctness gene. Hope you get well soon.

100   Bigsby   2012 May 21, 11:57pm  

Then it's perfectly clear you share his racist views, isn't it?

101   Dan8267   2012 May 22, 1:21am  

Honest Abe says

Bgisby, Ah, "racist" - another liberal catch phrase. Kinda like "gun contol", or "hate crime". They have no real definition and can mean different things to different people. Perfect for liberals living in the world of double standards and undefined terms.

Racism is not a liberal catch phrase. American history is full of racism and nationalism and other forms of bigotry. It's not something to be proud of, but a good society admits its flaws so that it can correct them and stop injustices.

The fact that conservatives shrink at the sound of the word racism just goes to prove that conservatives are still racist. Look, I'm a white guy but I have absolutely no white guilt because my ancestors didn't enslave Africans, torture and rape them, and then terrorize them when forced by other white men to stop enslaving them. But even if I was descendant from southerners, I would still not have any white guilt because I would readily renounce the actions of my ancestors. I would admit that the South was wrong, immoral, unethical, and downright dickish hypocrites. And after renouncing the wrongdoings of my ancestors, I would simply lead a non-bigoted life and would therefore have no reason to be sensitive to the word racist for it would not apply to me.

Now I am part Italian. This means I am almost certainly descendant from both slaves and slave owners from the Roman Empire. I have sympathy for my slave ancestors, even though I don't know who they are, and I renounce the actions of any of my slave owning ancestors. So I have absolutely no guilt over the slavery of the Roman Empire. I am appalled by it, as well as by the Roman Empire itself -- I'm more of a Greek fan even though I have no Greek blood that I know of.

Unfortunately, most people in the South do not have the maturity to simply admit that the South was fucking evil. The South was immoral and wrong on the issue of slavery. And the Civil War was really about slavery, not states rights. The fact that the South can't just own up to its dark -- no pun intended -- history is evident by the fact that on the U.S. citizen test I took (for shits and giggles) it claimed that the Civil War was not about human rights issues, but rather economic issues.

Another example of this inability to deal with the truth is the fact that southerners are always waving that damn Confederate Navy flag and calling it the Confederate flag. It's not. These are the Confederate flags.

Notice that the so-called "Confederate flag" is really the Confederate Navy Jack. It was adopted as a symbol by the KKK to state that they were continuing the Civil War. That's why it's popular in the south. It has nothing to do with southern autonomy and everything to do with the KKK waging war against blacks.

I would have a hell of a lot more respect for modern southerners if they just admit that their ancestors, no matter how attached to them they are, were just fucking immoral bastards who did terrible things. Instead of renouncing that evil and living descent lives in contrast to their ancestors, today's southerners, out of arrogance, have to continue the evil and lie that it doesn't and never existed. And that's why I have zero respect for southerners.

If you go far enough back, we all are descendant from rape babies, rapers, slaves, slavers, murderers, thieves, kings and peasants, heroes and villains. The difference between respectable people and unrespectable people is that the respectable ones decide to part ways with the baser behaviors of their ancestors.

I don't care what your ancestors did. I do care that you whitewash it and continue it as much as legally allowed. That reflects on you.

Honest Abe says

Kinda like "gun contol", or "hate crime".

I'm all for unregistered guns of any type available to the military to be available to citizens. I just want a camera on the gun that sends video to a publicly readable server for at least five minutes before the trigger is enabled. That way guns won't be used in crimes, but will be available to anyone who wants to use them legally.

Now, some of you are probably thinking that the bad guys can always put a towel over the camera. It's so cute when you try to think. You're so analog. You have no idea how sophisticated software is today and what we can do. If you did, you're pants would constantly be full of your own excrement.

Here's the executive summary. We can tell if anything is tampered with. We can tell if anything is obstructed. We can use GPS to tell where the gun is, and we can tell what direction it's pointed. We can know everything. And if we bother to do it right, which isn't that hard -- we've done far harder things already -- then there's no way you can get around our system.

Personally, I want the cops to be afraid that if they pull out their gun they will be dead. It's one of the few things that keeps cops from murdering innocent people. I want the military and the politicians to fear for their lives from a violent uprising. It's one of the few things that keeps government from committing atrocities.

Liberal does not mean anti-gun. Perhaps leftist does, but I'm not even sure about that. Of course, the issue of gun control has no intrinsic bearing to the issues of race.

As for hate crime, I think that such legislation is wrong. The justification for hate crime legislation is that a person is terrorizing an entire community, not just the victim. And that's true, but there are anti-terrorism laws and anti-conspiracy laws already for just those things. If someone is terrorizing a community or ethnic group by targeting individuals, he should be prosecuted under anti-terrorism laws, not hate crime legislation.

Not all liberals are for hate crime legislation. "Conservatives" are all single-minded, but there is tremendous variety in "liberal" politics. Basically, the conservatives are all either Jesus-freaks racists or godless financial parasites who snort coke off a hooker's ass. There is no variety within each of these two groups, and the two groups ignore the other's actions to maintain their unholy alliance.

Liberals are simply the entire rest of the country that does not fall into either of those two groups. As such, liberals have about as much cohesion and agreement with each other as two teenage boys fighting over a single peephole into the girl's locker room.

That's actually the biggest problem with the Democratic Party. It's composed of anyone who isn't a financial parasite or a batshit-crazy Jesus-freak. That's why it can't ever get anything done. I can't wait until the day the Republican Party dies. Soon afterwards the Democratic Party will fragment into at least several pieces and we can start to have real debates on the issues. Ironically, the Republican Party's shit craziness is the only thing keeping the Democratic Party together.

And yes, 80% of the Democratic Party is pure shit. But that leaves 20% of it that's composed of knowledgeable, intelligent people. Compare that to 0% of the Republican Party. And the reason for that is that the lunacy of the Republican Party since Reagan has caused all the intelligent people in it to leave either becoming independents or Democrats. For example, there are far more Democrats than Republicans who actually believe in small government contrary to all the sound bites the conservative press puts out.

Honest Abe says

They have no real definition and can mean different things to different people.

This is true for any word in any natural language. That's why we software developers use real languages.

Toe jam says

Leftism can only exist in a censored environment.

Yes. Liberalism, in contrast to Leftism, requires an uncensored environment. Leftism and righism are essentially the same thing with opposing facades.

Toe jam says

And it's amusing that Leftists always decry the need for 'tolerance', yet when the truth hits them in the face, they can't tolerate it!

Well, I wouldn't say amusing. I'd say hypocritical and despicable. A perfect example of this is the lack of free speech on college campuses. Every place in America should be a free-speech zone, but even more so on college where students should be encourage to discuss and passionately debate controversial issues. Without dialog, there can be no progress, and all good ideas can withstand any questioning.

Toe jam says

The fact that it was censored proves that it was the truth, which hit a nerve deep into the psyche of the Leftist, bringing on a bout of reactive tattletalism. I think it's the word Negro that bothered you the most.

The word "negro", like the word "nigger", is a derogatory term with a history entirely composed of stupid ideas: racism, dehumanization, slavery, etc. As such, there is no respectable reason to call another person that term, except by African Americans to take away the power of the word. I don't think that their approach is the most effective way, but I understand the intent.

It is perfectly acceptable, and even required for mature discussion, to use the word instead of euphemisms when discussing the term and it's historical, present, or future use. To do otherwise is simply childish, and childish discussions yield little fruit.

Personally, I don't believe in censorship with the possible exception of protecting innocent people and troll killing. As I don't see Toe jam's comments that were deleted, I cannot comment on whether or not they were racist.

I can say confidently that racism has certainly risen since Obama took office. It's like all the racists came out of hiding from where they were since 1969. It's a shame because I thought this was ancient history. Besides, there are plenty of wonderful reasons to hate Obama that have nothing to do with his race or bullshit accusations like him being from Kenya or being a socialist, neither of which are remotely true, and quite frankly ridiculous to anyone with half a brain.

Toe jam says

And it's amusing that Leftists always decry the need for 'tolerance', yet when the truth hits them in the face, they can't tolerate it!

Tolerance is a leftist sound bite. The left doesn't have nearly as many sound bites as the right, but this is one of them. Tolerance is putting up with something you hate. As such, it's not really a good thing. I am not tolerant of gays because I don't hate them. There's nothing for me to tolerate. I'm accepting of gays, and I hold the position that it's none of my damn business what goes on between consenting individuals behind closed doors. So I don't tolerate gays. I tolerate idiots; those fucks piss me off big time. OK, maybe I'm not quite as tolerant of idiots as I should be, but they actually do lower the quality of life by fucking up government and starting unjust wars while letting just ones go unanswered even in the face of genocide.

102   Bigsby   2012 May 22, 1:30am  

Toe jam says

Bigsby, what IS perfectly clear is that YOU are an INTOLERANT person, a hater. You Leftist females have mental orgasms whenever you get to pull out the 'R' word.

Diversity is Hate.
Tolerance is Hate.
Equality is Hate.

What is the object of this Hate? White males.

Yeah, I'm intolerant. Intolerant of racists. And your post is moronic, rather like all four of your posts, whoever you actually are - why not man up and post under your usual name? And what does all that say about you? I guess that it means you're a moronic racist.

103   clambo   2012 May 22, 1:36am  

Negro is not derogatory, not pejorative. Negro is the Spanish word meaning black. The Spanish were the first to buy slaves and bring them to their farming operations in the New World. So, this word stuck for hundreds of years.
If I used the word "tortilla" instead of "crepe" does that make it racist? They are actually no different except for the recipes.
The reason we hate Obama is not because he's a mulatto (1/2 white), it's because we hate what he says and does.
I sent Herman Cain money when he was getting started after he won the first debate in S. Carolina. I thought he was a super capable and articlate guy. So, I hate Obama the mulatto and I like Cain the African American black descended form slaves. One has real accomplishments and the other is a dilettante.

104   Bigsby   2012 May 22, 1:46am  

His post wasn't offensive solely for the use of the word negro (and you know that that word is offensive in general usage so stop playing dumb about it, or are you telling us that you would happily go up to a black person and use that term?) - his entire post was suffused with racist intent.

105   Bigsby   2012 May 22, 2:06am  

Oh, and Clambo, I've never really got a sense of your latino heritage in any of your posts. I have, however, got a very strong sense of your desire to antagonize with your use of the word mulatto at any and every possible opportunity that presents itself.

106   clambo   2012 May 22, 2:19am  

Mulatto is simply the word that describes Obama, not "black".
I guess I heard this word so often growing up that I assumed all know it.
It's a media lie to call Obama black because of his skin tone, he's actually equally white.
Negro is not offensive, but nigger is. Even so, using the word nigger at first was not intended to be pejorative but later was.
However, perhaps because you are 1. foreign 2. didn't know people from the US south in the 70's you would be surprised that the term negro was common and not intented to be pejorative in any way.
You can read the older issues of the liberal NYTimes and the word negro is quite common.
So is the word mulatto probably.
If it bothers readers that Obama is a mulatto that's their problem, not mine.
I simply believe in truth in advertising.

107   Bigsby   2012 May 22, 2:31am  

You are just deliberately acting dumb here. You know damn well what you are doing using the words negro and mulatto. You can bullshit all you want but it's obvious what the illocutionary force is behind the words you are using. Rather like the fact you spend an inordinate amount of time personally attacking Obama and his wife rather than focusing on the policies of his party that you dislike.

108   rdm   2012 May 22, 2:37am  

Dan8267 says

The word "negro", like the word "nigger", is a derogatory term with a history entirely composed of stupid ideas:

When I was growing up these were two words existed to describe what are now called African Americans. Negro was absolutely not considered derogatory until the late 60's when the word "black" came to be the "correct" word. When I went to school in New York in 1968 coming from the mid west I used the word negro and was corrected fairly gently by a black student. I remember it well because I had been schooled by my parents never to use the "N" word ( it still feels uncomfortable to use it) but to use the word negro. There was a shock to be corrected by the other student, the word had become unacceptable.

109   Bigsby   2012 May 22, 2:39am  

But that's the point. 1968 isn't 2012.

110   clambo   2012 May 22, 2:40am  

That last phrase in your post was a sentence fragment.
You can edit with this blog however and fix it.
Now you say mulatto is a racist word or what?
This is simply what they called people who were 1/2 white and 1/2 black when I was growing up.
I also had contact with old people from places like Virginia and the word negro was actually not used as a pejorative.

111   clambo   2012 May 22, 2:41am  

Martin Luther King used the word all the time FYI.

112   Bigsby   2012 May 22, 2:43am  

Oh good grief, what part of the phrase 'times change' do you not understand?

113   Bigsby   2012 May 22, 2:45am  

clambo says

That last phrase in your post was a sentence fragment.
You can edit with this blog however and fix it.

If you mean the "rather like...' comment, then I'm afraid it's perfectly acceptable English for a forum. But if you're trying to be a clever dick, then I'd suggest you go back and correct the majority of your posts because they aren't exactly glowing examples of correct English usage.

114   Bigsby   2012 May 22, 2:50am  

clambo says

That last phrase in your post was a sentence fragment.
You can edit with this blog however and fix it.
Now you say mulatto is a racist word or what?
This is simply what they called people who were 1/2 white and 1/2 black when I was growing up.
I also had contact with old people from places like Virginia and the word negro was actually not used as a pejorative.

And yet you use the term over and over again. You could almost get the impression you have a problem with Obama's skin color. But of course, it's nothing of the sort, is it?

115   Honest Abe   2012 May 22, 4:22am  

It seems that over the years its been the conservatives who have embraced the concept of "judging a person by the content of their character and not the color of their skin".

Whereas the liberals still judge, select, and discriminate against others based ON THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN. Thats hypocrisy too blatant to hide. Liberal mantra = do as I say, not as I do.

I USED to be a democrat - until it became so very obvious that double standards, theft and redistribution, political correctness, infantacide, class and race warfare, dependency, the support of unsound currency and the like were things that well adjusted adults could not embrace. Then I changed.

116   Bigsby   2012 May 22, 4:33am  

Honest Abe says

It seems that over the years its been the conservatives who have embraced the concept of "judging a person by the content of their character and not the color of their skin".

Whereas the liberals still judge, select, and discriminate against others based ON THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN. Thats hypocrisy too blatant to hide. Liberal mantra = do as I say, not as I do.

I USED to be a democrat - until it became so very obvious that double standards, theft and redistribution, political correctness, infantacide, class and race warfare, dependency, the support of unsound currency and the like were things that well adjusted adults could not embrace. Then I changed.

You have to laugh. Do you have a smile on your face when you are typing your shite or do you really not understand what nonsense you are saying? The whole thrust of this and other threads is that again and again you, Clambo, Cloud, whoever is hiding behind Toethefuckwit etc. do very little but talk about the color of Obama's skin. You talk about the fucking appearance of him and his wife. You then personally attack him with nothing more than the bollocks you pick up second hand on Fox and talk radio. And all the time, it's almost a constant stream of negro, mulatto, Kenyan born, Muslim, blah-bloody-blah. And then you post the sort of shite you wrote above. Utterly lamentable.

117   Dan8267   2012 May 22, 7:59am  

clambo says

Negro is not derogatory, not pejorative. Negro is the Spanish word meaning black.

In Spanish the word negro is not derogatory. In English the word has been used as a tool for discrimination and keeping blacks "in their place" and thus became derogatory. It's the intended use of a word that makes it become derogatory.

If a white man walked up to a black man and called him negro, I assure you that the black man would take offense. And there is no good motivation to use that word anyway.

118   Dan8267   2012 May 22, 8:06am  

Bigsby says

But that's the point. 1968 isn't 2012.

Precisely. A lot has changed in our society since the 1960s.

Quite frankly, I think we'll have to wait until all the Baby Boomers are dead to finally drop this ridiculous baggage. People who lived through the 1960s cannot leave the 1960s. The vast majority of us born after the 1960s never gave a rat's ass or thought about race. I guess you can't transgress from a racial to a post-racial society; you just have to be born in a post-racial society. It's a state of mind.

If it wasn't for all the idiots being blatantly racist like holding signs of Obama as a witchdoctor, we wouldn't even be discussing race today. There are plenty of reasons to criticism Obama that have nothing to do with his skin tone or place of birth, which, by the way is Hawaii.

It's ridiculous that the whole birther bullshit isn't dead already. It's a waste of time that could be used to discuss real issues like fixing the financial sector, reforming the economy, reforming elections, etc.

119   Dan8267   2012 May 22, 8:52am  

Honest Abe says

It seems that over the years its been the conservatives who have embraced the concept of "judging a person by the content of their character and not the color of their skin".

A liberal, by definition, does not. Some leftists do, but so do many rightists. By definition, a liberal believes in liberty, human and civil rights, and equality under law.

Honest Abe says

I USED to be a democrat - until it became so very obvious that double standards, theft and redistribution, political correctness, infantacide, class and race warfare, dependency, the support of unsound currency and the like were things that well adjusted adults could not embrace. Then I changed.

Theft and redistribution

The vast majority of your federal income tax is used to pay the military, not public schools or welfare.

Political Correctness

Political correctness is bad. It's the left equivalent of the right's pseudo-patriotism. However, political correctness is the use of political force to cover inconvenient truths that contract the left's political and social agendas. The right does the exact same thing with denying racism where it does exist, denying climate change, denying evolution, lying about WMDs and terrorism, and promoting the religious takeover of government.

In short, although the left's political correctness is bad, the right's equivalent costs lives and basic human rights.


No one supports infanticide. If this is hyperbole for abortion, that issue comes down to the question of when does living tissue become a person. And the fact is, this is a grey issue and there's nothing you can do about that because nature is messy and has no obligation to be convenient to human categorization.

class warfare

The rich have started the class warfare we're experiencing by dismantling all the progressive reforms of the early 20th century. Those reforms created the middle class. Before those reforms, life pretty much sucked ass for 99% of the American population.

The ultra rich have also been pillaging the infrastructure and resources created by generations of working class Americans. That is why the middle class is pissed off at the rich. The rich are presently destroying the middle class -- a point well documented -- and threatens to turn America into a banana republic.

If the ultra rich actually earned their wealth by creating wealth instead of destroying it, no one would be pissed off at them.

race warfare

The whole purpose of the Civil Rights movement was to end race warfare once and for all by providing equality under law for all races and culturing changing America so that race was a non-issue. For almost all Gen Xers and Millennials, race has always been a non-issue.

Unfortunately, when Obama was elected, all the racists got upset and started making a lot of noise after being silent for about three decades. This shocked people like me who never even think about race.

Now, not all republicans are racist by far. The financial parasites at the top of the food chain don't give a rat's ass about race either. They only care about making a lot of money while doing no work, and thus producing no wealth.

However, the gun-toting Jesus freaks are basically racists decedent from slave owners, and they can't admit that their ancestors were assholes so they keep doubling down on the same evil ideas. Those people deserve no respect.

And those people are the same assholes who hate science, want to indoctrinate children with the false dogma of creationism or intelligent design, and have been oppose to every human and civil rights defense in the past 200 years including the right of habeas corpus and freedom from being tortured. In other words, these fuckers are fucking evil motherfuckers and should be treated as such.

Now there are, of course, some rednecks that aren't evil bastards, but they seem either to be a minority or a very silent majority. In any case, they don't denounce the evil bullshit from their neighbors. So it's hard to respect them as well.

Again, you can hate Obama all you want and not be a racist if that hate is based on what he has done and not on his African descent. Anyone who actually thinks that Obama was born in Kenya at this point is just a racist imbecile. There is no rational reason to believe that and there is so much counter-evidence it's transparently racially motivated.

And by the way, I'm one of the people who hate Obama. I just also hate most of the knuckleheads on the republican side too including the asswipe Romney. But the reason I hate Obama is that he has trampled on civil and human rights, not because he's black. I don't give a rat's ass about his race. I only care about his dismal voting record. And really, the issues and diplomacy should be the only thing that do matter when evaluating presidents. Why is this even a controversial issue in the 21st century?


Neither the left nor the right advocates dependency although they both certainly encourage it through foolish policies. I'm for workfare, not welfare, for those able to work. However, most liberals and most leftists do believe in "teaching a man to fish" instead of "giving him a fish", but that isn't sufficient if he's starving so you still need homeless shelters and soup kitchens to provide for immediate needs.

The right also promotes dependency on the government. The entire military industry is a massive public jobs program for the mid-west and heartland. Only, it's a job program that produces nothing useful for society and in fact destroys wealth, both ours and other nations. Bombs have to be used in order to justify building more, so we wage wars that empty our treasury and motivate terrorism. Meanwhile, we destroy the very infrastructure that would promote trade and stabilize the world economy including our own. So the right is every bit as guilty of promoting dependency on government as the left, if not more, considering the massive military budget.

Liberals, of course, believe in liberty and independence by their very nature. That includes economic independence from both government and corporations.

the support of unsound currency

Both sides support the Federal Reserve and it's debasement of our currency. Ron Paul and Peter Schiff are outcasts of the right. Have you seen Peter Schiff on Fox News. For years he went on Fox News and was laughed at by the hosts, moderators, reporters, and other guests. Even after history has vindicated most of what he said, and certainly the principles he stated, Fox News still treats him like shit. And the republicans and the conservative media have absolutely banished Ron Paul. The right has done more to destroy Ron Paul's electability than they have attempted to attack Obama.

Ironically, Ron Paul receives most of his support from liberals, even leftist liberals. And the main reason liberals support Ron Paul is that he's strong on human and civil rights.

Oh, and supporting sound currency doesn't mean supporting gold as currency. Not that republicans or the right, who are sexually dominated by bankers, at all support going back to the gold standard.

I hope this all clarifies a few things, but just in case, here's the executive summary.

1. The left is bad, but the right is far worse.
2. The truth is orthogonal to the whole left vs. right bullshit.
3. Liberal does not mean the same thing as left.
4. The right is every bit as much for big government and government dependence as the left. The only difference is that the right wants to spend all our money on bombs instead of schools and social safety nets. Neither is correct, but the right's agenda is worse.
5. Both sides lie, but the right's lies are more destructive, transparent, and childish.

One other truth we didn't mention so far. The republican elected officials were more than happy to utterly destroy America's economy in order to prevent Obama from being re-elected. They were willing to and did create massive unemployment to further their chances of taking the White House. No democrat today has done anything so despicable and quite frankly treasonous as that.

And I say treasonous because America's national security is utterly dependent upon it's economic security. We can't maintain our high-tech defenses without a strong economy. So by wrecking our economy, the republicans did give aid to our enemies. And this is the party that pretends that it is patriotic and composed of the only "true Americans". What bullshit.

120   Vicente   2012 May 22, 8:57am  

I've lost track.


121   just someone   2012 May 22, 9:29am  

confused... in 1991 he was graduating Harvard.
where did he find time to write a book?

122   bob2356   2012 May 22, 11:30am  

Vicente says

I've lost track.


“Eagles are dandified vultures” - Teddy Roosevelt

Same answer as how long does the average female take to achieve orgasm.


123   freak80   2012 May 23, 12:59am  

bob2356 says

Same answer as how long does the average female take to achieve orgasm.

I suppose the average female might care...

124   Dan8267   2012 May 23, 5:15pm  

Vicente says

I've lost track.


Don't worry, my new book explains it.

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