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At 18, Romney organized his fellows to tackle a younger kid, who was gay, so that Romney could pin the kid down and then cut off the kid's hair.( The kid was crying and begging for help, btw, which will surely engorge the bloodlust of today's GOP stalwarts, producing a frothy mix of Santorum all over the GOP convention.
Anyway, it sounds like Mitt's found a running mate.
I seriously wasn't thinking Romney - but since you brought it up, let's not forget his strapping his dog to the roof of the car and driving batshit crazy fast down the highway. His mindless wife defended him by saying that the dog had the runs so they took him down, hosed him off and stuck him back in the carrier on the roof.
Mitt was asked if he'd do it again (has he learned anything in the years since he was so cruel to animals)? his answer?
Certainly not with the attention it's received.
“I think that President Obama’s attacks have been so low and so despicable on a personal level that they’re backfiring on him,†Saul told Fox News on Wednesday, pushing back against the ad.
“If people had been in Massachusetts under Gov. Romney’s healthcare plan, they would have had healthcare,†she added.
“I think that President Obama’s attacks have been so low and so despicable on a personal level that they’re backfiring on him,†Saul told Fox News on Wednesday, pushing back against the ad.
Romney's camp claims that they have no control over the shit their superpacs are shoveling over Obama. They've edited & replayed a comment that he made - which out of context, sounds horrible. They claim he's attacking small businesses. Now, they're attacking his adminstrations' allowing states to determine welfare to work programs rather than force them to meet federal standards by saying that Obama personally is responsible for removing the "work" component from the program. They've attacked his record politically and personally.
Yet they scream foul when Obama ads point out that Mitt bought companies, gutted them and fired all the workers during his profitable private career at Bain. They take all of the credit for Mitt turning the Olympics around, as if he were personally responsible and didn't have a shitload of people doing the actual work. And they also claim that Obama is personally responsible for the crap superpacs that support him shovel.
This campaign is so nasty, but Mitt's ahead in the nasty race.
“If people had been in Massachusetts under Gov. Romney’s healthcare plan, they would have had healthcare,†she added.
If Mitt hadn't fired the husband and removed his opportunity for healthcare they also would have had the ability to treat the wife. He profited off of her pain & suffering, just as he has profited off the pain & suffering of all of the people he put out of work.
APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says
It's a festival of unfathomable hate and rate.
... and we're paying to attend.
He profited off of her pain & suffering, just as he has profited off the pain & suffering of all of the people he put out of work.
Hey now, don't knock profiting from the pain and suffering of others. It's what America is all about!
Are you sure the guy just wasn't trying to get a listing and got upset when the Mother said no?
So, this LDS Branch President attempts to sexually assault a young girl (grabs her & freaks her out) but her family members scare him off. Of course, they don't press charges or even call the cops.
But this was a religious act. According to freak80 and Quigley, it would be a violation of the First Amendment to prosecute this guy.
Clearly the brother wasn't a Mormon as he was not wearing his magical underwear, wearing boxers made him "fair game."
Hate to break it to you, but the magical underwear are just fabric. I know that ya'll think they're made of armor or steel, or that lightweight stuff that cool motorcycle dudes wear - but it ain't so.
The family simply didn't have enough faith in Heavenly Father to cast out the evil.
That's it! I'm moving away! now I'm talking like They.
At 18, Romney organized his fellows to tackle a younger kid, who was gay, so that Romney could pin the kid down and then cut off the kid's hair.
Yeah but come on it was a different time then. Romney was just following strict guy code protocol.
let's not forget his strapping his dog to the roof of the car and driving batshit crazy fast down the highway.
At least he didn't tie the dog to the rear bumper like on National Lampoon's "Vacation."
There's definitely some big sexual undercurrent in Mormonism, IMHO.
The idea of the "respected church elder" being entitled to more sex was present right from the start, and probably motivated quite a number of men to join and rise in the ranks.
Yeah but come on it was a different time then. Romney was just following strict guy code protocol.
No, he wasn't. In fact, during exactly the same year, George W. Bush (who was less than a year older than Romney) did exactly the opposite. Bush "reportedly stuck up for a reputedly gay student. Bush heard the student being called “queer,†told the taunters to shut up, and apparently also said, “Why don’t you try walking in his shoes for a while?†( I never voted for W, but even I have to admit that's the kind of leadership and compassion to look for in a future President. Romney's scissor attack was by all accounts extraordinary; witnesses recalled it with horror and his fellow participants later said they felt deeply ashamed about it. Romney wasn't the only bully to talk the way he did in 1965, but bullies are extremely dangerous candidates for President.
Bush heard the student being called “queer,†told the taunters to shut up, and apparently also said, “Why don’t you try walking in his shoes for a while?â€
This is the same guy that landed on an air craft carrier, dressed in a Fighter Pilot outfit, with the words "Fabulous" behind him. But then at the last moment Karl Rove decided it would be more appropriate to have "Mission Accomplished" on the back drop banner.
They did bring back polygamy after all.
To be fair... polygamy is not acceptable in the mormon church. the "flds" (fundamental latter day saints) and many offshoots believe in polygamy, but the official church doesn't accept it.
Polygamy was found to be unacceptable right around the time that the momons had the opportunity to become a state and be protected by the us army. They kept getting killed by the Indians (who were offended that their land was being taken away from them) and lawless men who killed them because they could. The US said they would protect the mormons if they conformed to the laws - and the "prophet" had an epiphany. God told him that polygamy was wrong.
Of course, the mormons banded with the indians to kill a bunch of innocent people in the Mormon Meadows Massacre at what they claim was the direction of church leaders (of course the church denies it), but that was different.
One of the perpetrators of the massacre of these innocent pioneers recently had a statue erected in his honor in a town he helped to colonize.
He was the only person tried & convicted of the massacre:
But I digress. Polygamy is no longer acceptable.
Hmm the polygamy stuff is interesting. I was in Tanzania for a vacation and the village headmen I met had three wives. He was looking to shore up a few more cows to get one more wife!! Spoke perfect English too .
I always wonder in polygamous societies, what do the extra men do?? In the old days, I guess constant warfare killed off the surplus men and so polygamy made sense-but I wonder what they do now?
The US said they would protect the mormons if they conformed to the laws - and the "prophet" had an epiphany. God told him that polygamy was wrong.
Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb...
Bush "reportedly stuck up for a reputedly gay student.
This is the same guy who swore there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Saddam had connections to Al Qaeda, and America doesn't torture people. And I'm suppose to believe him?
I always wonder in polygamous societies, what do the extra men do?? In the old days, I guess constant warfare killed off the surplus men and so polygamy made sense-but I wonder what they do now?
APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says
I think the whole idea is that guys are supposed to murder each other and the strongest male gets to bed all the available women, ensuring the kids will be the strongest and blood thirstiest monsters who can crush the competition in the next generation until, finally, there is one ultra motherfucking mormon and billions of wives to take over the universe. Something like that. Hail, Xenu!
The secret connection between Mormonism and Scientology exposed at last!
APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says
I think the whole idea is that guys are supposed to murder each other and the strongest male gets to bed all the available women, ensuring the kids will be the strongest and blood thirstiest monsters who can crush the competition in the next generation
Isn't that just basic evolution in action?
It's the same reason "good government" is impossible. The people who get power are the one's willing to do *anything* to get it. Sociopaths rule, almost by definition.
So, this LDS Branch President attempts to sexually assault a young girl (grabs her & freaks her out) but her family members scare him off. Of course, they don't press charges or even call the cops.
He returns several months later, mom answers the door. He demands to see the girl but mom refuses, tears mom's shirt, grabs the 20 year-old son's dick & bites it so hard it requires surgery.
You can't make this shit up. It would be a lot funnier if it didn't require surgery and he hadn't actually assaulted people.