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Um in the last four years, it has not been the GOP passing legislation that 78% of Americans are against. Try again, I can give you ten reasons why Obama has to go, for every one reason the GOP must be "deated".
The GOP has different use for the American people as a resource than Liberals do. And that use is at least one of self sufficiency, and jobs, so their crony efforts are fruitful.
Liberals use for the constituency is to put them in the ward of the state so that their crony's can get rich being subsidized to feed them, clothe them, house them, recondition them. Education becomes a premium luxury, under Democrats.
Education becomes a premium luxury, under Democrats.
Not true. Under so-called "Democrats", you get overblown public education system and blood sucking teacher unions. Under the "GOP", you get a voucher system and classrooms that teach K-12 in one room for maximum retardation of the underling classes. Both "parties" are sick and twisted; "choose" wisely.
All of this is irrelevant in this presidential elections. The ONLY issue where two candidates differ are the war with Iran, and the servitude of America to Israel.
Please get it, voting for Romney you vote for "neo-cons" and the war in Iran for foreign interests.
The GOP has different use for the American people as a resource than Liberals do.
The only use for American people neo-cons have is as cannon fodder. All the rest is irrelevant.
Can you please clarify, do you mean they must be celebrated or deleted?
The only use for American people neo-cons have is as cannon fodder.
This is unfortunately a bipartisan problem. America is now the #1 exporter of arms worldwide. The Bush administration gave $ to Al-Sadr, whose Mehdi Army killed Americans in Iraq. The current administration is giving weapons to Syrian rebels allied with Al Qaeda. The motive is always the same: war drives procurement budgets. The merchants of war sell to all sides; even if we have to arm our opponents, even at the cost of American lives, gun-walking all over the world continues because it makes $ for the military-industrial complex.
This is unfortunately a bipartisan problem.
It is, but Obama just followed on the path he inherited from Bush. His presidency actually blocked the war on Iran for at least 3.5 years. Romney already sold this war for compaign cash and Jewish votes. He will have to deliver immediately. That's what is the only difference between them two. That's what American will vote on in November.