Norris Group predicts 20% increase for 2013

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2012 Dec 13, 1:58am   45,059 views  103 comments

by PockyClipsNow   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


If you never heard of these guys you are not a RE investor in CA. They are medium sized flippers/hard money lenders. They put $ where mouth is. You can even invest in notes through them so of course they are talking their book but all data indicates upward prices.

Im going with his prediction - which will vary wildly from inland ghetto to 'good schools' (racist codeword) areas.

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19   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2012 Dec 13, 9:52am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

Maybe it is stronger than the last ten thousand attempts to stimulate a dead economy with the printing press.

so what would you have done if you were Bernanke and why would it have been a better fix for the economy?

20   bmwman91   2012 Dec 13, 10:40am  

robertoaribas says

4. the oversear of fannie and freddie is getting sacked, probably replaced by someone who will be more aggressive with the administration's plans to bailout struggling homeowners...

This one always gets me wondering. If various government measures can get a lot of people back above-water, is there the potential that those people would then sell as soon as they are above water since they may have been wanting to move for a few years but couldn't? Just curious.

21   Bellingham Bill   2012 Dec 13, 10:43am  

robertoaribas says

2. bernanke just announced rates will stay near zero until unemployment drops a full 150 basis points from today...


hmm, that implies 1H14 or maybe 2H14 at our current progress.

But ISTM we're more on a 2000s pattern than a 1990s sustained drive.

This is seen:


which isn't all that strong compared to the 1990s.

The danger I see is that QE4 just weakens the dollar, pushing gas to $10, and doubling food costs as we start exporting more of our ag product for the same dollar received.

We've promised the world $5T or so of our future output thus far. That's a lot of almonds, LOL.


With a weaker dollar comes better wage competitivity, but if the cost of living is going up for wage earners, that's just spinning our wheels there.

Plus the factory wage in China is still $2 or $3/hr, max, with pretty shitty working conditions compared to us.

22   Bellingham Bill   2012 Dec 13, 10:45am  

Mark D says

so what would you have done if you were Bernanke and why would it have been a better fix for the economy?

One intelligent thing I read was the Fed buying state infrastructure bonds.

Basically free useful stuff, LOL.

The problem with QE4 is its transmission into the paycheck economy. If it just raises home prices, then it will raise rents too, since landlords know they compete more with the entry into home ownership than with each other.

Well, higher-end LLs I guess.

23   Bigsby   2012 Dec 13, 10:51am  

edvard2 says

Yeah right. I seriously doubt home prices are going up 20% anywhere. PS: I own a home too.

It wouldn't be too bad if they tracked inflation though.

24   HEY YOU   2012 Dec 13, 11:00am  

Facebooksux says

Mark D says

unsettling news for the bears indeed.

I don't think so. I don't listen to shills trying to sell newsletters or charge people for "speaking engagements."

Regardless of what happens with the fiscal cliff, unemployment is not going to improve.



tiaa-cref- Good find.

Now I must start to deny they know anything. lmao

25   Hysteresis   2012 Dec 13, 11:20am  

if mortgage rates drop another 2%; then prices, i suppose, could increase 20%.

i don't think rates can drop another 2% since the fed fund rate is already at 0%.

26   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2012 Dec 13, 11:21am  

Is this thread for real?

27   Philistine   2012 Dec 13, 11:41am  

dodgerfanjohn says

Is this thread for real?

Oh, GOD yes!, please say it is! >>>reaching for the wipe down towel

28   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Dec 14, 1:17am  

Mark D says

RentingForHalfTheCost says

Maybe it is stronger than the last ten thousand attempts to stimulate a dead economy with the printing press.

so what would you have done if you were Bernanke and why would it have been a better fix for the economy?

The best way to not have your house of cards topple, is to not build one! I wouldn't have created the housing bubble by being dishonest. Back in the dot com collapse there were signs of strain on the housing market. That was when the trouble first started, instead of letting the market come down to its health, the feds started to get greedy and thought they could have their cake and eat it too. Drop rates, drop rates, drop rates, with no regard to the side effects. Pretty soon you got everyone refinancing, buying, etc. and making an economy that is completely virtual and not true. The real quality of life is there somewhere, but we are so far away from it now and in such a mess that the drop will be more damaging. Oh well. Good luck to everyone. I'm glad I got 25 years until I need to retire. Your own skills are the only things that has value at this point.

29   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Dec 14, 1:19am  

robertoaribas says

then have those weak dollars earning nothing in the bank!

Nothing will look like +20% when housing collapses another 20%. ;) Just saying.

30   David9   2012 Dec 14, 1:49am  

Heck, I would have bought in Phoenix the last few years.

Here in California, homes in the hood (We say that affectionately here) are still 200k.


31   Bellingham Bill   2012 Dec 14, 1:52am  

Hysteresis says

i don't think rates can drop another 2% since the fed fund rate is already at 0%.

Rates are 2% in Japan. They do that by having their Fed buy loan points for you.

32   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Dec 14, 2:51am  

robertoaribas says

RentingForHalfTheCost says

robertoaribas says

then have those weak dollars earning nothing in the bank!

Nothing will look like +20% when housing collapses another 20%. ;) Just saying.

yeah, but how much am I up since the first time you warned me? Phoenix prices are up well over 10% on everything I own since just six months ago, not to mention rental income... we have under 3 months supply in the dead of the slow season, and foreclosures are slowing...

it's going to be a very interesting spring/summer next year!

Just like you are not up in the stock market until you sell, same applies to the housing market. Today's buyers end up buying. You are interested in the buyer when you turn around and sell. The fact there are healthy buyers now should make you feel good, but if you are not a seller, then you haven't benefited from the rise. I never talk about my stock wins until after I sell. ;)

33   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Dec 14, 2:54am  

David9 says

Heck, I would have bought in Phoenix the last few years.

Here in California, homes in the hood (We say that affectionately here) are still 200k.


Shit, a similar home in the tech hood is 3x that value. 688K for 1000 sqft of Ikea building materials. Awesome!


34   Hysteresis   2012 Dec 14, 2:56am  

Bellingham Bill says

Hysteresis says

i don't think rates can drop another 2% since the fed fund rate is already at 0%.

Rates are 2% in Japan. They do that by having their Fed buy loan points for you.

didn't know that. thanks.

if the US fed starts buying points, then that would be more evidence that the economy is not stable (not enough sustainable organic growth).

35   David9   2012 Dec 14, 3:05am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

1000 sqft of Ikea building materials. Awesome!

I suppose Ikea is one step up from the Home Depot materials I posted, lol.

36   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2012 Dec 14, 3:48am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

Back in the dot com collapse there were signs of strain on the housing market. That was when the trouble first started, instead of letting the market come down to its health, the feds started to get greedy and thought they could have their cake and eat it too. Drop rates, drop rates, drop rates, with no regard to the side effects. Pretty soon you got everyone refinancing, buying, etc. and making an economy that is completely virtual and not true.

the problem wasn't that Greenspan lowered the interest rates. the problem was he did it for too long. as long as they don't overdo it this time it will be fine.

this system has been in place since 1913 and interest rates have gone up and down since then, why do you think it is suddenly making the economy "virtual"? in this aspect, the economy is no more virtual than it was in 1960's.

the real problem facing the economy is job loss, not the FED's manipulation of interest rates.

37   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Dec 14, 3:51am  

robertoaribas says

Phoenix prices are up well over 10% on everything I own since just six months ago, not to mention rental income...

Not because of a healthy economy. Have salaries improved? Has GDP growth come back? Have companies started to hire again. Has immigration growth come back? No, No, No and No. So, what is driving the upward pressure? Nothing that leads to health in my opinion. The gov't buying its own bonds to artificially keep rates low. Upteen programs to keep people from foreclosing that is only helping the few and adding to the Deficit/Debt. Banks back to their old schemes again trying to prop up earnings by selling to the people who shouldn't be allowed to buy. It will not end well. Good luck to you.

38   PockyClipsNow   2012 Dec 14, 5:18am  

If prices rise 20 pct next year my 875k estate will be up 175k. Try saving that much in one year. Saving and paying down debt will keep you poor in bernanke printsville zirptopia town. Must use leverage or get buried by inflation.

39   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Dec 14, 5:24am  

PockyClipsNow says

If prices rise 20 pct next year my 875k estate will be up 175k. Try saving that much in one year. Saving and paying down debt will keep you poor in bernanke printsville zirptopia town. Must use leverage or get buried by inflation.

All depends on finding the greater fool. i.e. Ponzi scheme

40   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Dec 14, 5:28am  

Mark D says

the real problem facing the economy is job loss, not the FED's manipulation of interest rates.

Disagree. The problem was trying to hold onto housing values when they should have let it decompress in a downward market. Back in 2002-2003 it just would of meant prices stabilizing. Everyone was caught up in growth, even the feds. Greed too over everyone's thinking, from bankers, realtors, title insurance companies, appraisers, builders, etc. The whole housing industry was a paradise. The job losses came much later and were because of the continued greed. Saying job losses are the cause is not going deep enough IMHO. Trying to prop up a market that should have stumbled slightly is the root cause. Now we are doing the same to even a greater extent. Good luck with that. I got years to wait for the collapse, and it will be a duzy!

41   Bellingham Bill   2012 Dec 14, 5:36am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

The problem was trying to hold onto housing values when they should have let it decompress in a downward market.

if we're talking 2002-2004, that was not on the table since the Fed's job is to raise rates on Democratic presidents and lower them on Republicans.


The problem that bit them in the ass 2004-2006 was the fraudulent lending and temporary "affordability" products like negative-am and liar loans that boosted purchasing power, but for only a couple of years.

As for 2008-now, I don't have any solution but I certainly admire the problem.

As a renter, letting housing pancake sounds great in theory, but I understand that the $14T mortgage credit bubble is everybody's savings, too.


With the mass defaults come loss of savings. Maybe the Fed coulda just printed to pay the savings.

Like I said, the solution to the mistakes of 1993-2003 are not easy to find.

42   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2012 Dec 14, 5:37am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

The problem was trying to hold onto housing values when they should have let it decompress in a downward market.

when home prices have reached historic norms, something has to be done to prevent them from going lower. that's part of stabilizing prices.

44   Bellingham Bill   2012 Dec 14, 5:38am  

Mark D says

something has to be done to prevent them from going lower


45   David9   2012 Dec 14, 5:47am  

RentingForHalfTheCost says

Good luck with that. I got years to wait for the collapse, and it will be a duzy!

How Sweet It Is !

46   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2012 Dec 14, 5:55am  

Bellingham Bill says

Mark D says

something has to be done to prevent them from going lower


because that's one of the main functions of the FED - stabilizing prices.

after a market crash, prices tend to go lower than historic norms and they are trying to prevent that because it's primarily driven by panic and paranoia.

new construction went from 9% of GDP to 5% of GDP after crash and that accounted for a lot of the unemployment. the economy can't have a full recovery without a healthy housing market.

now whether people have jobs to buy homes and help boost the economy is another story. so again the main issue is lack of jobs not the FED's meddling with the interest rates. they have been doing that forever. the only reason why it has been under scrutiny lately is because people STILL wanted home prices to go even lower, which i think is a little too much too ask, considering prices had gone back to normal earlier this year (for most parts of the country anyways).

47   Philistine   2012 Dec 14, 5:56am  

Bellingham Bill says

yes to these actually

Except companies are now hiring at lower salaries, more temporary terms of employment, fewer benefits, etc. etc.

48   Bellingham Bill   2012 Dec 14, 5:59am  

Philistine says

Except companies are now hiring at lower salaries, more temporary terms of employment, fewer benefits, etc. etc.

That's true, yes. I'm not particularly bullish on this recovery. I think the wheels can come off (like 2008) next year very easily.

49   Bellingham Bill   2012 Dec 14, 6:00am  

Mark D says

the economy can't have a full recovery without a healthy housing market.

why not? How are you defining "healthy" here? Unaffordable again?

50   PockyClipsNow   2012 Dec 14, 6:06am  

Well at some ponit in some year you guys should buy RE i mean if your plan is rent for life why bother being on this board? I rented from 06 to 12 and then placed large bet on RE but the bottom was 09 to 11, i waited too long. Lotsa upside left before the next downcycle IMO. You bet i will sell if i think prices will crash and i can cash in big time like i did in 06.

51   Bellingham Bill   2012 Dec 14, 6:08am  

$40B/mo is about $300 per worker.


Though to put that in perspective, consumers were borrowing $800/mo per worker during the height of the housing bubble:


(mostly mortgage loans)

52   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2012 Dec 14, 6:09am  

Bellingham Bill says

Mark D says

the economy can't have a full recovery without a healthy housing market.

why not? How are you defining "healthy" here? Unaffordable again?

i just said why. read my post again.

you know what healthy means.

"unaffordable" sounds like you are trying to put words in my mouth so i am going to return the favor: i guess you want prices to drop another 50% so everyone can get a house?

53   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2012 Dec 14, 6:25am  

Call it Crazy says

Mark D says

now whether people have jobs to buy homes and help boost the economy is another story. so again the main issue is lack of jobs not the FED's meddling with the interest rates.


So, why doesn't the FED just put 40 Billion a month directly into our paychecks??? Then we could go right out and buy the biggest and best house available!!

they are making credit easily available which will help businesses and create jobs. people with jobs will buy homes. not sure what you are trying to say here.

55   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2012 Dec 14, 6:46am  

robertoaribas says

Not true historically. generally, housing is late to an economic boom and rises when the rest of the economy is already doing well.

it might have been true in history that the housing boom is late to an economy boom. but has there been a time in history when the economy was doing well with troubled housing market where many people were underwater and couldn't spend?

56   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2012 Dec 14, 7:09am  

Call it Crazy says

Mark D says

they are making credit easily available which will help businesses and create jobs. people with jobs will buy homes. not sure what you are trying to say here.

Wasn't that the same reasoning behind QE1, QE2, QE3 and now, QE4???

Has the job situation improved much in the last few years?? We still have approximately 370K people filing for first time UE claims each WEEK.

how do you know the economy would not have gotten worse than it is now if it hadn't been for those QE's?

57   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2012 Dec 14, 7:20am  

robertoaribas says

However, since housing has NEVER been the driver of a recovery historically

my claim wasn't that housing has been the driver of a recovery. the claim was that you can't have a full economic recovery with a troubled housing market where new construction is severely depressed, contributing to high unemployment and many home owners are underwater and not spending.

new constructions not only bring new construction jobs but boosts spending as well since moving into a newly built home requires spending money on appliances, furniture and other things.

historic data support my claim since we have not had a time in history when the economy was doing well with a housing market this bad. if you wish to dispute this i'm afraid the burden of proof is on you.

58   RentingForHalfTheCost   2012 Dec 14, 7:24am  

Mark D says

when home prices have reached historic norms, something has to be done to prevent them from going lower. that's part of stabilizing prices.

Funny how the logic doesn't work the other way. Everyone seems to be fine when they break-away on the up side. That, my friend, is pure GREED. It is our enemy.

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