Can't make this up department

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2013 Jan 19, 12:35pm   20,843 views  48 comments

by Moderate Infidel   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

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9   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jan 20, 7:42am  

Yes, idiots shouldn't poison themselves, I agree. I'll go up against an idiot with a vial of poison before I take on an idiot with a gun.

10   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jan 20, 7:50am  

I agree, way too many idiots get to drive cars. I'm all for a car ban.

That would solve multiple problems as well. Then we can worry about killer bicyclists.

For the record, I do not own a tote board nor am I toting.

11   Homeboy   2013 Jan 20, 7:53am  

Call it Crazy says

Besides gun idiots, just make sure you add all these other idiots to your list...

Hmm... lots of motor vehicle fatal accidents. What have we done about that?

1. License required to drive a motor vehicle
2. Passive restraint system required on all vehicles manufactured
3. Crash test rating required for all vehicles manufactured
4. All occupants required to wear seatbelts
5. Extensive traffic safety laws
6. Draconian drunk-driving laws
7. Mandatory insurance
8. Special seats required for all children
9. All vehicles must be licensed

What have we done about accidents with firearms?

1. Prohibit regulators from seeing records on firearms purchases
2. Made it nearly impossible to appoint an ATF director

12   Homeboy   2013 Jan 20, 8:09am  

Murder by weapon:

Firearms: 8,583
Poison: 5
Drowning: 15
Fire: 75
Motor Vehicle: Doesn't even have its own category

13   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 20, 8:17am  

What kind of fucking idiot fool think that accidents, overdoses and cancer are linked to MURDER DEATH KILLS!!

Fools who do, please list your names below for the record!

14   Homeboy   2013 Jan 20, 8:18am  

Call it Crazy says

Like these categories??

Try to read, o.k.? I wrote "murders by category". What does your chart say? "Motor vehicle ACCIDENTS" and "UNINTENTIONAL poisoning". Dumbass.

15   Homeboy   2013 Jan 20, 8:25am  

Also, your chart is complete fiction. Total murders in 2011 were 12,664. Murders with firearms were 8,583. To say that there were more non-firearm homicides than firearm homicides is just an outright lie.

16   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 20, 8:29am  


What does Tobacco use have to do with MDK by GUN?



What do medical errors and car accidents have in common with MDK via GUN?


17   elliemae   2013 Jan 20, 8:30am  

I'm a gun owner, proud to be. I would identify my political leanings as liberal - and yet, I don't meet the definition of every label that angry-white-conservative-gun-toting-narrow-minded-Obama haters have attempted to pin on me.

For example, I'm a gun owner. I might have mentioned that in my first paragraph. I believe that the Constitution has given me the right to own guns, to use them to protect myself, my family and my property. I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to understand how to safely handle and shoot a gun.

Funny thing - I don't recall President Obama saying that I shouldn't have the right to own a weapon. My interpretation of what he is saying is that high-powered assault rifles weren't considered when the Constitution was written. At that time, there were black powder pistols capable of one shot, and the possibility of a gun being able to fire multiple rounds without reloading didn't even exist.

But it exists now, and then some. President Obama is proposing some changes that don't even affect me because:
- I legally passed a background check,
- I don't own an assault weapon,
- my automatic pistol's magazine holds less than 10 rounds,
- I don't own or intend to own armor-piercing bullets,
- I don't buy guns for people who can't pass a background check,
- I have no problem with 15,000 more police officers being on the street (as long as they are well-trained),
- I have no problem with the nomination of a permanent head of ATF,
- I have no idea why we need to import weapons that are 50 years old when we build our own (safer) weapons here,
- I have no problem teaching first responders as to how to deal with active armed attacks,
- I have no problem tracking violent deaths,
- I have no problem providing funding to our schools to develop disaster plans (and think we should throw in extra $$$ to fund music, PE, and other programs that have experienced cuts,
- I strongly believe we need to address our national mental health issues.

Those are the proposals of the Obama Administration - and they don't sound so bad, do they?

Yet, people are reacting as though all guns will be banned. That Obama was waiting for an event such as the elementary school shooting in order to advance his "librul agenda" and take away our God-given right to bear arms. Law Enforcement agencies across the country are writing open letters and people are holding rallies - hell, a guy even showed up to a deparment store in Northern Utah slinging his rifle (probably in the hopes that he could get the "gunslinger discount").

Read the following post, cut & pasted from the New York Times, which lists President Obama's proposals. The knee-jerk reaction the country is experiencing is an emotional response perpetuated by Faux News and other Obama-haters, with accusations such as his exploitation of children to make his point.

Since it was mostly little children that were senselessly killed in CT, it's not exactly exploitation as much as a reminder of what we lost the day a mentally ill man walked into an elementary school and changed our social consciousness. We need to change the narrative, from "Obama bad" to "what can we do to start a conversation on gun control.

I guarantee you that the victims of Columbine, Aurora, Sandy Hook and other mass shootings are open to discussion. Why aren't the rest of us?

18   elliemae   2013 Jan 20, 8:31am  

What’s in Obama’s Gun Control Proposal

The initiative to reduce gun violence announced by President Obama on Wednesday includes both legislative proposals that would need to be acted on by Congress and executive actions he can do on his own. Many of the executive actions involve the president directing agencies to do a better job of sharing information.

Proposed Congressional Actions
•Requiring criminal background checks for all gun sales, including those by private sellers that currently are exempt.
•Reinstating and strengthening the ban on assault weapons that was in place from 1994 to 2004.
•Limiting ammunition magazines to 10 rounds.
•Banning the possession of armor-piercing bullets by anyone other than members of the military and law enforcement.
•Increasing criminal penalties for "straw purchasers," people who pass the required background check to buy a gun on behalf of someone else.
•Acting on a $4 billion administration proposal to help keep 15,000 police officers on the street.
•Confirming President Obama's nominee for director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
•Eliminating a restriction that requires the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to allow the importation of weapons that are more than 50 years old.
•Financing programs to train more police officers, first responders and school officials on how to respond to active armed attacks.
•Provide additional $20 million to help expand the a system that tracks violent deaths across the nation from 18 states to 50 states.
•Providing $30 million in grants to states to help schools develop emergency response plans.
•Providing financing to expand mental health programs for young people.

Executive actions
•Issuing a presidential memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system.
•Addressing unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, that may prevent states from making information available to the background check system.
•Improving incentives for states to share information with the background check system.
•Directing the attorney general to review categories of individuals prohibited from having a gun to make sure dangerous people are not slipping through the cracks.
•Proposing a rule making to give law enforcement authorities the ability to run a full background check on an individual before returning a seized gun.
•Publishing a letter from the A.T.F. to federally licensed gun dealers providing guidance on how to run background checks for private sellers.
•Starting a national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign.
•Reviewing safety standards for gun locks and gun safes (Consumer Product Safety Commission).
•Issuing a presidential memorandum to require federal law enforcement to trace guns recovered in criminal investigations.
•Releasing a report analyzing information on lost and stolen guns and making it widely available to law enforcement authorities.
•Nominating an A.T.F. director.
•Providing law enforcement authorities, first responders and school officials with proper training for armed attacks situations.
•Maximizing enforcement efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime.
•Issuing a presidential memorandum directing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to research gun violence.
•Directing the attorney general to issue a report on the availability and most effective use of new gun safety technologies and challenging the private sector to develop innovative technologies.
•Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes.
•Releasing a letter to health care providers clarifying that no federal law prohibits them from reporting threats of violence to law enforcement authorities.
•Providing incentives for schools to hire school resource officers.
•Developing model emergency response plans for schools, houses of worship and institutions of higher education.
•Releasing a letter to state health officials clarifying the scope of mental health services that Medicaid plans must cover.
•Finalizing regulations clarifying essential health benefits and parity requirements within insurance exchanges.
•Committing to finalizing mental health parity regulations.
•Starting a national dialogue on mental health led by Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of health and human services, and Arne Duncan, the secretary of education.

19   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 20, 8:31am  


Thursday, December 20, 2012
Poll Watch: PPP/Daily Kos/SEIU (D) Survey on Gun Control
PPP/Daily Kos/SEIU (D) Poll on Gun Control

Would you support or oppose requiring a criminal background check before any purchase of a gun?
Support 92%
Oppose 6%

Would you support or oppose requiring a mental health examination before any purchase of a gun?
Support 63%
Oppose 28%

Would you support or oppose banning assault weapons?
Support 63%
Oppose 32%

Would you support or oppose banning the sale of guns and bullets over the Internet?
Support 69%
Oppose 26%

Would you support or oppose closing the so-called 'gun-show loophole,' which allows unlicensed dealers to sell guns at gun shows without performing criminal background checks?
Support 76%
Oppose 19%

Would you support or oppose prohibiting felons convicted of violent crimes from purchasing guns?
Support 94%
Oppose 5%

Would you support or oppose banning high-capacity magazines on guns - magazines capable of holding more than ten bullets?
Support 64%
Oppose 31%

Do you think assault weapons are necessary for hunting, or not?
They are necessary 18%
They are not 76%

Are you more or less interested in owning a gun today than you were before last week's shooting in Connecticut, or has there been no change in your level of interest?
More interested 22%
Less interested 30%
No change 47%

Do you think the answer to gun-related violence is more widespread gun ownership or tighter restrictions on gun ownership?
More widespread gun ownership 32%
Tighter restrictions on gun ownership 48%

Do you think the guns are a necessary check on government tyranny, or not?
They are a necessary check on tyranny 39%
They are not 40%

Survey of 1,000 registered voters was conducted December 18-19, 2012. The margin of error is +/- 3.1 percentage points. Party ID: 37% Democrat; 32% Republican; 31% Independent/Other. Political views: 43% Moderate; 39% Conservative; 18% Liberal.

20   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 20, 8:32am  

Do you think the guns are a necessary check on government tyranny, or not?

They are a necessary check on tyranny 39%
They are not 40%

21   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 20, 8:34am  

Would you support or oppose requiring a criminal background check before any purchase of a gun?

Support 92%
Oppose 6%

22   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 20, 8:34am  

Do you think assault weapons are necessary for hunting, or not?

They are necessary 18%
They are not 76%

23   elliemae   2013 Jan 20, 8:56am  

Thedaytoday says

Do you think assault weapons are necessary for hunting, or not?

They are necessary 18%

They are not 76%

They say that now... but once they encounter a deer with an assault rifle and a high-capacity clip they'll change their mind.

24   New Renter   2013 Jan 20, 10:27am  

APOCALYPSEFUCK is Shostakovich says

Hand guns and 'sport' rifles are completely useless to satisfy the intent of the 2nd Amendment. Without a belt-fed automatic weapon, you are completely helpless against a tyrannical school crossing guard or municipal tax assessor who has nearly infinite taxpayer funded resources. Only when statists can take for granted that every single house has a Gatling gun or RPG will Americans be really free. Need to execute a warrant for a little recreational flora? Great. Consider the fact that the home owner has weaponry that can fire 100 rounds a second of 50 caliber ordnance. FREEDOM! Yeah, baby, got a cute little warrant? Great, asshole, you're going to have to bring in attack helicopters and maybe even tactical nukes and consider taking out the entire neighborhood if you want to play police. That will put the brakes on crazy statist antics. Booyah!

I have it on very good authority that bad things happen to those who are carrying an RPG when it is hit by a round. Also to anyone within a few yards. Many of the ones not in the loving care of regular military are also old and tend to not work well.

This was told to me by someone who used to fire those rounds...

25   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jan 20, 10:32am  

You think those crossing guard flags are just STOP flags?

26   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jan 20, 10:44am  

Call it Crazy says

So in YOUR mind, dying due to a mistake by a doctor is OK and acceptable....

And dying in a car because the other driver wasn't paying attention and hit you is OK and acceptable...

But dying by a gunshot is not OK... do we have that correct??

The difference is the first two examples most likely are accidents whereas the gunshot was most likely intentional. The sole purpose of a gun is to kill something, unless your target shooting. Doctors and automobiles have a much different function.

27   New Renter   2013 Jan 20, 11:04am  

Moderate Infidel says

The sole purpose of a gun is to kill something, unless your target shooting.

Not quite true. Guns are also used to intimidate. They are also handy noisemakers. I like to use them as paperweights.

28   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jan 20, 11:19am  

Call it Crazy says

Are these all "accidents" or intentional actions?? Doesn't a person have to "intentionally" press on the gas pedal to get the car to move.

Are you a bad lawyer?

29   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jan 20, 11:23am  

Call it Crazy says

Not quite true. Guns are also used to intimidate.

They can also be used to shoot people. That's two uses for guns. Those are facts.

30   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jan 20, 11:26am  

Call it Crazy says

No, just trying to clear up the terminology and place the focus where it needs to be.

What terminology isn't clear and where does the focus need to be?

31   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jan 20, 11:35am  

Call it Crazy says

But, go do some research and tell me for every time a trigger is pulled each week, how many of those trigger pulls are at a target, for hunting in the woods or at a gun range and how many were to actually kill people?

You go do the research. I'll trust your results.

32   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jan 20, 11:45am  

Call it Crazy says

So, in each of my examples above, all the items could be considered "assault weapons".... so which ones are we going to ban in the new Assault Weapons ban that is being discussed??

I'm surprised I have to explain this to you but the "assault weapons" everyone except you are talking about are the ones that shoot bullets.

Also, I'm pretty sure I could kill you with a steak.

33   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jan 20, 12:05pm  

If they come for my steak then I will definitely change my mind about regulating "assault weapons".
Call it Crazy says

Moderate Infidel says

Also, I'm pretty sure I could kill you with a steak.

Maybe we should ban steaks too....

34   New Renter   2013 Jan 20, 12:21pm  

Call it Crazy says

Absolutely true, specially in PREVENTING a crime from happening:

Yes, in the same way nukes prevent wars from happening.

35   Homeboy   2013 Jan 20, 12:49pm  

Call it Crazy says

Right.... they call them "accidents"... that's because cars drive themselves, right?? Cars aren't driven by people, right?? How many cars have killed people parked in their driveways or garages?

How many guns have killed people while stored in a closet?

Oh, and car "accidents" are 4 times as high as gun homicides. Where's your outrage where we should be banning cars???

Just think how many lives could be saved if we banned cars and all rode bicycles!!!

Seriously? You don't understand the difference between murder and an accident? I'm thinking you may actually be mentally retarded.

36   bob2356   2013 Jan 21, 1:03am  

Call it Crazy says

Homeboy says

Seriously? You don't understand the difference between murder and an accident? I'm thinking you may actually be mentally retarded.

Seriously?? You can't figure out the common denominator between what's behind a steering wheel and what's behind a trigger of a gun??

Also, is there a different level of "dead" when you are killed by a DUI in a car versus being shot by a criminal?? Is one acceptable but the other is not in your view??

This has to be a joke, no on could seriously suggest that people get behind the wheel cock the hammer and aim for people to kill. You are either pulling everyone's chain or you really need see your mental health professional. Either way if you are a gun owner then you are a living breathing example of why we need better gun licensing.

37   Homeboy   2013 Jan 21, 4:52am  

Call it Crazy says

Homeboy says

Seriously? You don't understand the difference between murder and an accident? I'm thinking you may actually be mentally retarded.

Seriously?? You can't figure out the common denominator between what's behind a steering wheel and what's behind a trigger of a gun??

Also, is there a different level of "dead" when you are killed by a DUI in a car versus being shot by a criminal?? Is one acceptable but the other is not in your view??

Non sequitur. You claimed that auto accidents are murder because people drive the cars. That is false. Murder requires intent. Data of firearms death and injury are divided by intentional and unintentional. Yet you conflate the two and compare gun murders with unintentional vehicular deaths. So why don't you just stop being stupid, m'kay?

38   Homeboy   2013 Jan 21, 4:54am  

bob2356 says

his has to be a joke, no on could seriously suggest that people get behind the wheel cock the hammer and aim for people to kill.

That certainly has happened, but it is so rare that it doesn't even have its own separate category in the statistics. It would be included under "other".

39   dublin hillz   2013 Jan 22, 4:24am  

Moderate Infidel says


They are a fascist nazi with a do gooder complex but deep down have a need to mess with motorists who go to work to make money to simulate the economy. Bunch of nuisance like the damn byciclists who pump rights in san fran!

40   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 22, 5:13am  

Call it Crazy says

Moderate Infidel says

Also, I'm pretty sure I could kill you with a steak.

Maybe we should ban steaks too....

Can we ban you, fool!

41   elliemae   2013 Jan 23, 1:28am  

You're forgetting that it's easier to conceal a gun in your pocket than to conceal a car in your pocket.

I believe that everyone should take a gun safety class, regardless of whether they own one or not. It would cut down on the accidental deaths.

This legislation isn't perfect, but it's a start. It appears to me that the biggest argument against it is that it is the beginning of "control," and could eventually end in guns being outlawed.

It's too late for that... too many people have guns now. We could never confiscate all the guns. We need a real conversation about guns, where gun owners' fears can be addressed and non-owners' can present their fears as well.

42   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jan 23, 1:30am  

Call it Crazy says

....there are a bunch more....

Seems like all your examples have the word "tries" in it and no one was killed.

43   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jan 23, 1:38am  

The Professor says

Before graduating high school they should be able to field strip the current militairy assault rifle blindfolded.

Before graduating they should be taught the difference between shit and shinola, don't trust whitey and see a doctor and get rid of it.

44   TechGromit   2013 Jan 23, 5:07am  

I find it funny that any attempt to limit the sale or possession of Assault weapons and the NRA and there supporters scream that the country is turning into a police state by trying to take our guns. The fact is there are 88 firearms per 100 citizens in this country, the next closest country is something like 33 guns per 100 citizen. Interesting enough 3.4 people are killed by guns per 100k citizens in the United States, the next highest country is something like .9 per 100k citizens. Apart from war torn countries like in the Middle East and Africa, firearms in the hands of every day citizens is a rarity in most of the world.

Face it, no one needs a semi-automatic weapon with a big clip of ammo to go deer hunting or protect there home from an intruder. These weapons are designed to kill, pure and simple.

45   leo707   2013 Jan 23, 5:11am  

The Professor says

elliemae says

I believe that everyone should take a gun safety class.

In kindergarten they should be told don't touch.

In fifth grade they should be given a thorough safety course and taught how to shoot accurately.

Before graduating high school they should be able to field strip the current militairy assault rifle blindfolded.

Regardless of any shooting proficiency or safety training. When encountering a gun "in the wild", all children should be taught:

1. Don't touch
2. Leave the area
3. Tell an adult

46   Moderate Infidel   2013 Jan 23, 6:59am  

IDDQD says

DHS disagrees with you. According to them AR-15 with 30-rnd magazine is suitable for personal defense. Face it, they are much more qualified in this area than you.

A hammer can be suitable too but not the best choice.

47   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jan 23, 7:07am  

TechGromit says

The fact is there are 88 firearms per 100 citizens in this country, the next closest country is something like 33 guns per 100 citizen

88 yes... next one(s) are...

1  United States 88.8
2  Yemen 54.8
3  Switzerland 45.7
4  Finland 45.3
5  Serbia 37.8
6  Cyprus 36.4
7  Saudi Arabia 35
8  Iraq 34.2
9  Uruguay 31.8
10  Sweden 31.6
11  Norway 31.3
12  France 31.2
13  Canada 30.8
14  Austria 30.4
15  Germany 30.3
15  Iceland 30.3
17  Oman 25.5

48   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jan 23, 7:12am  

TechGromit says

I find it funny that any attempt to limit the sale or possession of Assault weapons and the NRA and there supporters scream that the country is turning into a police state by trying to take our guns.

it seems even the Swiss can say.. "Go fuck yourself if your going to take our guns away". And we are not talking about any Semi or Consumer version model here.. but full blown Rock and Roll Automatic Assault weapons with Grenade Launchers..


Gun politics in Switzerland are unique in Europe. Switzerland does not have a standing army, instead opting for a people's militia for its national defense.

The vast majority of men between the ages of 20 and 30 are conscripted into the militia and undergo military training, including weapons training. The personal weapons of the militia are kept at home as part of the military obligations;

Switzerland thus has one of the highest militia gun ownership rates in the world. In recent times political opposition has expressed a desire for tighter gun regulations. A referendum in February 2011 rejected stricter gun control.

Culture of guns... now this is what I call culture of guns.. not even seen in the USA.

"The government sponsors training with rifles and shooting in competitions for interested adolescents, both male and female.

The sale of ammunition – including Gw Pat.90 rounds for army-issue assault rifles – is subsidized by the Swiss government and made available at the many shooting ranges patronized by both private citizens and members of the militia. There is a regulatory requirement that ammunition sold at ranges must be used there."

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