Russia moves to enact laws against 'homosexual propaganda'

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2013 Jan 21, 3:45am   27,641 views  88 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

Kissing his boyfriend during a protest in front of Russia's parliament earned Pavel Samburov 30 hours of detention and the equivalent of a $16 fine on a charge of "hooliganism." But if a bill that comes up for a first vote later this month becomes law, such a public kiss could be defined as illegal "homosexual propaganda" and bring a fine of up to $16,000.

The legislation being pushed by the Kremlin and the Russian Orthodox Church would make it illegal nationwide to provide minors with information that is defined as "propaganda of sodomy, lesbianism, bisexuality and transgenderism." It includes a ban on holding public events that promote gay rights. St. Petersburg and a number of other Russian cities already have similar laws on their books.

The bill is part of an effort to promote traditional Russian values as opposed to Western liberalism, which the Kremlin and church see as corrupting Russian youth and by extension contributing to a wave of protest against President Vladimir Putin's rule.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/01/21/russia-moves-to-enact-anti-gay-laws/?test=latestnews#ixzz2IdmMDEy0

Boy it sure seems to me that world was a lot more tolerable only 4 or 5 years ago, BEFORE people started bitching about Chicken sandwiches and other unimportant bullcrap.

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41   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 21, 11:34pm  

Well did they file jointly or single?
Where there lavish weddings at the church, did Luther use his printing press to print up the invitations? Oh so Marie Antoinette, was the Caterer, she was referring to the menu... "Let them eat cake".

What episode of fractured fairy tales did they get the study from?

42   curious2   2013 Jan 21, 11:38pm  

CaptainShuddup says

What episode of fractured fairy tales did they get the study from?

Yale History Department Chair John Boswell devoted years to reading original texts across Europe. The story of Serge and Bacchus became the basis of liturgies written specifically for same-sex unions in what was then the universal Christian church, i.e. the Catholic church. BTW Boswell was Catholic, and every year for Lent he would learn another language.

43   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 21, 11:40pm  

In this passage from the article you posted...

"Send down, most kind Lord, the grace of Thy Holy Spirit upon these Thy servants, whom Thou hast found worthy to be united not by nature but by faith and a holy spirit. Grant unto them Thy grace to love each other in joy without injury or hatred all the days of their lives."

Where is the sex of either party even mentioned in that Marital blessing?
Revisionist hard at work I see.

44   curious2   2013 Jan 21, 11:45pm  

CaptainShuddup says

Where is the sex of either party even mentioned in that Marital blessing?

Both parties are standing at the altar at the time, and their names are included, and other parts of the blessing refer to Serge and Bacchus. You should read the book. BTW a Connecticut priest had also been using these blessings since the 1980s, even though the "modern" church no longer approved.

45   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 22, 12:14am  

And none of this came to light during Harvey Milks battle against the straight institution? Boy how on earth did the Church hide these Gay marriages for 8 centuries from the flaming masses. And how did revisionist discover them only just now?

Again, is this about getting the church to kiss your pecker, pr to get the government to recognize your rights. Because it sure as hell seems like it's the first part. And gays could give a rats ass what the government thinks. This is about hijacking everything in history, religion and humanity to give it Homosexual beginnings. Just about crapping on traditional values because Daddy didn't approve of your lifestyle.

46   curious2   2013 Jan 22, 12:19am  

As Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote, “The mind of a bigot is like the pupil of the eye. The more light you shine on it, the more it will contract.”

If you had checked the link for Boswell's book on same-sex unions, you would have seen it was published nearly 20 years ago. It wasn't hidden, it simply didn't fit your preferred narrative. But obviously trying to reason with you on this topic is a waste of time, your mind contracts and you become increasingly paranoid and reactionary, so I'll stop now.

47   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 22, 12:32am  

curious2 says

If you had checked the link for Boswell's book on same-sex unions, you would have seen it was published nearly 20 years ago.

OH! My BAD so the real story remained hidden for ONLY 780 years.

48   lostand confused   2013 Jan 22, 12:37am  

CaptainShuddup says

curious2 says

If you had checked the link for Boswell's book on same-sex unions, you would have seen it was published nearly 20 years ago.

OH! My BAD so the real story remained hidden for ONLY 780 years.

Well considering the atrocities of the Church over the centuries, it is not a surprise.

49   curious2   2013 Jan 22, 12:37am  

The real story of heliocentrism remained hidden for 2,000 years. Aristarchus of Samos was prosecuted for heresy, as was Galileo. (Different religions, same result.) The preferred narrative was geocentrism: the universe revolves around us, and we alone know the mind of its Creator, who despite being supposedly omnipotent somehow needs us to speak for him, so you'd better listen or he'll smite you with hurricanes or we'll burn you at the stake.

50   FortWayne   2013 Jan 22, 12:37am  

Those are plain old sexual deviants.

51   lostand confused   2013 Jan 22, 12:39am  

FortWayne says

Those are plain old sexual deviants, mentally ill weirdos, who should not be part of the society.

At least Russians understand that, out in CA we gave these people San Francisco and West Hollywood. And now they demand even more and more area and rights to practice their perverted deviant behavior. It's a cancer on our society.

How is it deviant? Nobody gave them any city-plenty of straight people there.

52   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 22, 12:40am  

lostand confused says

Well considering the atrocities of the Church over the centuries, it is not a surprise.

Yeah but they were proud of those autocracies, and were always common knowledge. IF and that's a huge fucking "IF" this story was remotely true. Then the Catholic church would have burned those texts centuries ago, like they did with other texts that didn't fit with their beliefs.

Hence if this were true, then the proof would have been burned and this would all just be one big speculated history revision. Which I suspect it is.

53   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 22, 12:44am  

curious2 says

The real story of heliocentrism remained hidden for 2,000 years. Aristarchus of Samos was prosecuted for heresy, as was Galileo. (Different religions, same result.) The preferred narrative was geocentrism: the universe revolves around us, and we alone know the mind of its Creator, who despite being supposedly omnipotent somehow needs us to speak for him, so you'd better listen or he'll smite you with hurricanes or we'll burn you at the stake.

That wasn't hidden at all, that has been in every textbook on Science and Astronomy, ever since it was legal to write them with out prefacing every paragraph with... "And the Lord said onto thee"...

54   curious2   2013 Jan 22, 12:45am  

CaptainShuddup says

Then the Catholic church would have burned those texts centuries ago, like they did with other texts that didn't fit with their beliefs.

They didn't burn every copy of everything. They did destroy a lot though, e.g. auto-da-fé, the writings of Sappho. Most of the writings of Leonardo da Vinci were also lost, allegedly destroyed by a local bishop. The writings of Aristarchus survived only in reflection, i.e. references in the work of others. But facts are stubborn things, and Aristarchus and Galileo were eventually vindicated.

CaptainShuddup says

[Heliocentrism] wasn't hidden at all, that has been in every textbook on Science and Astronomy....

It was deliberately hidden, the Vatican banned Copernicus' book and forced Galileo to recant on pain of execution.

55   Shaman   2013 Jan 22, 1:20am  

This isn't actually about gays or gay rights. The Russian gay movement is collateral damage in a much larger movement happening there. Russia is a hot mess and has been for a couple of decades. Murder rates have climbed, suicides are quite common, and everyone is drinking themselves to an early grave. More disturbing to the government, birth rates are way down to the point where population growth is strongly negative. And many of those babies that are born are being turned over to orphanages, where they languish without good care. This is why you've perhaps seen the news stories about American adoptions from Russia. It's a sticky point of pride to Russia that its own people refuse to care for their children and so need kindly couples from America to adopt the Russian children. All the news stories derive from an injured Russian pride.

So Russia is a mess. The people despair.
Putin's solution is to turn to an age old institution that promotes good family values which are sorely lacking in Russian society. That is The Church. In the face of a rapidly decaying social core, Russia turns to the church as a last salvation from the decades of anarchy, atheism, and value-less teachings of a government that has always only cared for itself.

Once you invite the church to take over the nation's social reconstruction, you have to go along with clerical demands. They're doing the work, so if the bishops want the gay movement quashed or a band of hooligans jailed, that's what you give them.
I predict that russia will slowly rebuild now. Sure they have less freedoms, and more restraint on hedonism, but that will encourage people to live lives that construct rather than self destruct.
In ten years, adoptions from Russia may be old news, as Russian people rediscover their humanity in the arms of the church.

56   curious2   2013 Jan 22, 1:26am  

Quigley says

Once you invite the church to take over the nation's social reconstruction, you have to go along with clerical demands.

That is an interesting perspective, I hadn't looked at it that way. Since Stalin's time, the Soviet Czar seemed stronger than the church, so I saw it as Putin using the church for cover to distract people from his increasingly corrupt autocracy. But you're probably right that it's a two-way street. Also reportedly he is personally religious, so he might feel he's 'doing the Lord's work'. That is also vanity of course - no omnipotent god could ever need his help, but it makes him feel omnipotent to be doing the Lord's work himself.

There is an old joke about the mentality of different communist countries. I forget the exact words but it went something like this:
If a Hungarian farmer has one cow, and his communist neighbor has none, the neighbor will say "Give me one cow also."
If a Czech farmer has one cow, and his communist neighbor has none, the neighbor will say, "I want half the milk from his cow."
If a Russian farmer has one cow, and his communist neighbor has none, the neighbor will say, "Kill his cow."

Some people hate comparative disadvantage more than poverty, I call it the Tonya Harding syndrome. She was a famously good skater, but she couldn't stand the fact that someone else was better, so she would risk everything to kneecap her opponent. Russia is like that, and Captain Tonya falls into it also: whatever their own problems might be, instead of solving those, they want someone else to be made worse off.

57   lostand confused   2013 Jan 22, 1:39am  

Quigley says

I predict that russia will slowly rebuild now. Sure they have less freedoms, and
more restraint on hedonism, but that will encourage people to live lives that
construct rather than self destruct.
In ten years, adoptions from Russia may
be old news, as Russian people rediscover their humanity in the arms of the

Maybe, maybe not. When communism collapsed, it collapsed everything from housing, medical care, guaranteed work and so on. Now nobody wanted to live in communism, but in its place is a wilder version of the wild west. With billionare oligarchs controlling vast empires through massive corruption and the vast majority of folks suffering .

Just because the church is there, doesn't mean those conditions change. Most people want stability, a meaning to their life-some logic-wether that be religious or some other factor-pride in country or some such. The Russians fell from being the counterpart of the USA to a has been-for now. Life is tough and such conditions are fertile for autocratic regimes-religious or otherwise-as people search for someone to lead them out of their misery.

58   finehoe   2013 Jan 22, 2:01am  

Quigley says

Once you invite the church to take over the nation's social reconstruction...I predict that russia will slowly rebuild now.

I wouldn't put too much stock in that view. The position of organized religion in Russia is not in any way comparable to that now existing in the United States. Many of the leading Orthodox clergy support the policy of repressing liberal movements and encourage the Russian tendency to look with disfavor on popular education. Under the influence of extremely reactionary ecclesiastical officials, you can look forward to not only anti-gay legislation, but also severe measures of repression against non-Russian nationalities, Jews, and dissenters from the Orthodox church.

59   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 22, 2:01am  

Quigley says

Putin's solution is to turn to an age old institution that promotes good family values which are sorely lacking in Russian society

We could ALL use some of that. It's a shame you can't roll it up and smoke it. I'd plant me some family values in my front yard.

60   curious2   2013 Jan 22, 2:06am  

CaptainShuddup says

I'd plant me some family values in my front yard.

The problem is, when you say "family values," you mean bigotry and discrimination against gay families.

61   Shaman   2013 Jan 22, 2:28am  

The family values I am concerned with are the particular set of seemingly insane activities whereby one practices self sacrifice instead of indulgence, giving up time with the blokes at the bar for time spent working more so the kids can have all they need. Time spent making a home rather than making yourself happy. Time spent educating and mentoring children so they can grow up to not be knuckle heads. Time and energy spent to feed and hold and rock crying babies. Time spent cleaning up messes and basically performing a radical change in lifestyle to become a mother or a father who cares about the next generation.
It's becoming less selfish. That's the core family value.
Religion is famously good at encouraging people to behave less selfishly. It's a long way from perfect, but it's pretty dang important to the health of a society in general.
Faith is something different, and for purposes of this discussion I'm drawing a line between religion and faith.

62   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 22, 2:44am  

I like how Liberals use of dictation to enforce their moral beliefs.
But I also love the Irony that they hate the Church for doing the same thing.

Let's break Bigots down shall we?

"a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially: one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance"

obstinately:"Stubbornly adhering to an attitude, opinion, or course of action; obdurate. 2. Difficult to manage, control, or subdue; refractory. 3. Difficult to alleviate or cure:"

Gasp! Why that almost sounds like something Religious folks would say about Gay people.

intolerantly : "unwilling to grant equal freedom of expression especially in religious matters. b : unwilling to grant or share social, political, or professional rights : bigoted."

This sure is starting to sound like one big ole redundant way of saying Conservatives are bad, and every description ties back to Bigot, which uses those same words to describe religious people. So I guess what you are saying is Religious people are bigots and if they disagree then they are obstinately a poopy head.

"Bigotry may be based on real or perceived characteristics, *including age, *dissension from popular opinions,* socioeconomic status, ethnicity, *language, nationality, *political alignment, race, *region, *religious or spiritual belief. Bigotry is sometimes developed into an ideology or world view."

So it sure sounds like bigotry is one of those words that is "I know I am but what are you?"

Liberals discriminate against age(at least the ones here do, they loathe baby boomers, because they might retire and need elder care.)
They discriminate against socioeconomic status, they loathe the 1%'ers and claim that the Poor are of inferior intellect.
ethnicity they sure spend a lot of time hating the Chinese and wory they might take over the world.
*region, *religious or spiritual belief. they sure do hate religious folks.
*political alignment, who doesn't love a good republican?
*language, nationality race, Yup nothing worse than a fat middle aged white man.

Unlike you folks, I don't hate anyone. If I did, then I wouldn't waste one second here trying to argue or even communicate with a board that obviously has so many that is clearly well and clear out of the closet.
Let's face here, you guys obviously aren't no Warren Beatty.
I don't have to hate gays to be of the opinion that I value family life and values over their lifestyle. I didn't take sides on this issue, it was forced by the gay agenda to crap on it, because they are having an identity crisis.
And I also know there is an even bigger Gay population that thinks those Gay mirage fighters are out of their minds. Gays had their chance to stand up and be heard during the great American Chicken sandwich black out. The were clearly more people that were willing to eat a chicken sandwich and be seen on TV and labeled a bigot by the Gay community for doing so. Then there were Gays that failed to show up the next day, when the Gays were supposed to protest the Chicken shack.
I think one kissing gay couple showed up in San Francisco or something like that.
It seems to me, you guys want it to be a bigger issue for those of us that would rather not be in the know about the gay politics goings on, than your own Gay populous is willing to come out and say "We're here we're queer now get used to it!"

In other words only a Bigot would call someone else a Bigot.

63   finehoe   2013 Jan 22, 3:01am  

Quigley says

Religion is famously good at encouraging people to behave less selfishly.

Not necessarily: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosperity_theology

64   pdh   2013 Jan 22, 3:11am  

CaptainShuddup says

So it sure sounds like bigotry is one of those words that is "I know I am but what are you?"

Liberals discriminate against age(at least the ones here do, they loathe baby boomers, because they might retire and need elder care.)

They discriminate against socioeconomic status, they loathe the 1%'ers and claim that the Poor are of inferior intellect.

Even if one accepted the premise of that entire elaborate straw man, how is saying "old people suck because they need health care" or "poor people are dumb" not less bigoted than saying that gay people shouldn't have equal rights because their lifestyle is dumb/immoral/whatever? Unless you're arguing that liberals don't support the working class or don't support a strong social safety net, which would still somehow not be even in the ballpark of the worst argument you've made here in the last 24 hours.

65   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 22, 3:14am  

NO I'm saying I "I" I respect people's views and can still be their friend and even ponder it to some extent. Take from it what I can, and then ignore the rest. As I know, you personally can't do dick all that will effect my life. If I have a problem with the Government, I'd be much better off taking my argument to them.

The Bigot and Race argument is just one that puts the onus to shut the fuck up, on the Conservatives. More so in the last 20 years, where real hatred the kind that really matters is a federal crime and you'll get serious jail time. The Liberal actions seem more racist to me, than those of the Republicans. Democrats by their very action claims that minorities are incapable of achieving goals by them selves. They have some imaginary barrier. But yet, immigrant of all color come to this country every year, and do better than most College educated White people. This has been the land of opportunity for a reason. It is the Liberals that try to rob minorities of those opportunity. By shoving them in government, administrative and service roles, and other dead end jobs.

66   curious2   2013 Jan 22, 3:16am  

CaptainShuddup says

you guys want it to be a bigger issue for those of us that would rather not be in the know about the gay politics goings on

LOL - you posted this thread. I hadn't even seen the story until you posted it on PatNet. And you've posted more comments to this thread than anyone else. So actually you are the one trying to make it a bigger issue. Then you blame other people for your own actions, as you blame others for your own choice to insist on your own bigotry. And meanwhile you end up losing whatever argument you have with "the Government" also, because you're so distracted by trying to "defend" a word on behalf of a supposedly omnipotent deity who can't possibly need your help. Pat Robertson and Bill McGuire are probably laughing at you from their private jets, all the way to the bank.

67   pdh   2013 Jan 22, 3:23am  

CaptainShuddup says

NO I'm saying I "I" I respect people's views and can still be their friend and even ponder it to some extent. Take from it what I can, and then ignore the rest. As I know, you personally can't do dick all that will effect my life. If I have a problem with the Government, I'd be much better off taking my argument to them.

Congratulations on your ability to ponder things, but the only reason this is an issue is that tolerant people like yourself are currently restricting the rights of a group of people. You have the right to have an opinion, and you have the right to express that opinion, but you don't have the right to not be made fun of by smarter people with better opinions.

68   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 22, 3:25am  

Yes but this came to ahead in Moscow because of the drama queens in Moscow putting on exhibitions for attention. Rather than just enjoying their freedom to have Tom love Dick. They had to make protests out of it, then get caught up in the Pussyriot brouhaha. They should remember the Bird and the Cat fable. "If you're warm and happy under a pile of shit, then keep your mouth shut."

69   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 22, 3:29am  

curious2 says

Pat Robertson and Bill McGuire are probably laughing at you from their private jets, all the way to the bank.


70   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jan 22, 3:31am  

Stay out of my threads you jack wagon, at least everyone else reserves the name calling until after they've said something important.

71   curious2   2013 Jan 22, 3:33am  

CaptainShuddup says


You don't even know who your real enemies are? Please, look them up. They are the people who have been picking your pocket while you've been distracting yourself with the bigotry that they planted in you for that purpose.

72   curious2   2013 Jan 22, 3:42am  

Quigley says

It's becoming less selfish. That's the core family value.

Gay families do that every day. And every other mammalian species manages to care for their young without religion. Unlike humans, no other parents from any species sacrifice their own offspring in the name of an invisible deity because a paid preacher tells them to. Humans have done that for thousands of years, because of religion, and in a sense they still do. How much of Pat Robertson's millions came from parents who deprived their own children in order to enrich him? Probably almost as much of Putin's tyranny will result from Russian Orthodox parents supporting him instead of their own families' interests in the observable world. And then of course there are the Muslim "honor killings" where parents kill their daughters on behalf of Allah.

73   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 Jan 22, 8:31am  

Pussy Riot is bullshit.

The steal food from the supermarket, insert it where the son doesn't shine, film it and call it art. Then they have an orgy in a museum. Finally, they go into the Russian version of "Old North Church" in Boston and proceed to have an orgy in a public place, assaulting the people trying to eject them while vandalizing the joint. They are not merely protesting outside or carrying a sign or whatnot.

If they had done so in the US, they would have been tazed and beaten repeatedly during the arrest, put on the sex offender registry, AND be serving multiple terms for a host of crimes from public indecency to trespassing to conspiracy to commit vandalism to assault. They'd be lucky to only get three years, which is what they got in Russia.

AND, the alleged "left-wing" US Media would laugh about their treatment, including being tazed and beaten. It would be routine Jon Stewart fare - who would not sympathize with them - for weeks. Fox News and Hannity of course would be too the moon about it, blaming the left for not calling for the death penalty for these 'dangerous' people.

It's only wrong when Russia does it.

74   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 22, 8:32am  

thunderlips11 says

Pussy Riot is bullshit.

Thanks for that Putin

75   Thedaytoday   2013 Jan 22, 10:32am  

thunderlips11 says

AND, the alleged "left-wing" US Media would laugh about their treatment, including being tazed and beaten.

Thanks for that Putin

76   curious2   2013 Jan 22, 11:19am  

thunderlips11 says

The steal food from the supermarket,

Do you have any sources or evidence for that accusation? Putin's protégé Medvedev reportedly said they should not be in jail.

More than 20 years ago, Jane's Addiction did a whole video about shoplifting, and didn't get arrested:


77   Shaman   2013 Jan 22, 12:23pm  

curious2 says

Quigley says

It's becoming less selfish. That's the core family value.

Gay families do that every day. And every other mammalian species manages to care for their young without religion. Unlike humans, no other parents from any species sacrifice their own offspring in the name of an invisible deity because a paid preacher tells them to. Humans have done that for thousands of years, because of religion, and in a sense they still do. How much of Pat Robertson's millions came from parents who deprived their own children in order to enrich him? Probably almost as much of Putin's tyranny will result from Russian Orthodox parents supporting him instead of their own families' interests in the observable world. And then of course there are the Muslim "honor killings" where parents kill their daughters on behalf of Allah.

Thanks for being a good lawyer curious2, but really this is about sharing ideas not hen pecking each other to death with technicalities.
If your reading comprehension was as good as your lawyering, you'd realize that I didn't exclude gay families, but rather offered an INCLUSIVE definition of core family values. I'm not against gay families with kids. I watch "modern family" and those gays are freaking hilarious. I don't watch Glee because its preachy gay, annoying without purpose.
Hell, I have a childhood friend who got married, had a kid, then had a sex change operation, with total gender reassignment. H/She now lives with her wife and their boyfriend and the kid. I have sympathy for the plight, even if I do not understand it. People are people, all flawed, all needing grace. I'm no different, in that regard.

79   postbubblesucess   2013 Jan 23, 2:54am  

God the Father created man and woman to love each other and procreate. Scripture clearly is against the side show freak show of 2 people of the same sex being with each other. Now, what people do on their own or say is ok has nothing to do with what the creator created and what scripture says is ok. Adam and Eve thought they knew more than God and sin entered the world. We're still seeing it today with this nonsense of "same-sex" whatever you want to call it. It's unnatural and sinful. Spin any way you'd like but it's against God's will and nature.

80   MisdemeanorRebel   2013 Jan 23, 3:10am  

PR is a splinter group from a larger group called Voina. Basically, a bunch of communal living wanna-be artists/trust-fund babies who consider themselves artsy fartsy.

They did steal to support themselves and announced that they did so in their manifesto (self-admitted). They also posted videos of themselves with (stolen) vegetables on the internet. And having an orgy in a Science Museum, among other things.

NSFW with extra alert for the dangerously-thin bodies:

They are basically attention whore Social Justice Warriors who really aren't about free speech, but pissing people off with their RadFem/Vegan/Perpetual Victim bs, the kind of assholes you find on every US campus. They aren't humanitarians, if they got into power they'd be severe totalitarians. Their Western Counterparts, for example, mock Free Speech as "Freeze Peach".

The IRONIC thing is that these SJWs were caught in the same law they espouse - a nebulous law designed to give the state the power to imprison anybody who incites the public to hatred of a group, in this case, the victim was considered the Orthodox Church.

Here is an analysis of why PR violated Russian Law:

Most telling is:

RIA Novosti on its main English language website adds the important detail that the judge found that the references to Putin did not appear in the “punk prayer” performed in the Cathedral but were added later to the film of the “punk prayer” posted on YouTube:


Boy, never saw that key point in the Western Media! That would hurt the narrative. So instead of insulting the President, they were actually insulting the Patriarch - and only modified the words to include Putin later after editing footage! There goes most of Eastern Europe's support for Pussy Riot!

It also shows their initial purpose was to harass the Orthodox Church, and not complain about Putin. They probably added Putin references in later as a bid for Russophobe support.

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