Blacks and Obama double standard

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2013 Jul 22, 2:25am   23,555 views  159 comments

by FortWayne   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

When Treyvon was killed, they parade and expoit the moment. Media takes their time to blow the situation out of proportion so they can sell more commercial slots. Obama says that his kids could look like Treyvon...

But when a white baby in a stroller gets killed by black thugs, there is no parade for justice there... just silence.



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107   marcus   2013 Jul 25, 6:51am  

This is interesting, from less than 80 years ago. Jesse Owens was an incredible athlete and track star of the 1936 Olympics, winning 4 gold medals.

His stay in Germany showed Owens that a different life was possible for him as a black man. Unlike back home in the United States, in Germany Owens trained, traveled and stayed in the same hotels as his white teammates. In the United States, Owens was asked to ride a hotel’s freight elevator to get to a reception being held in his honor.


108   Bap33   2013 Jul 25, 6:54am  

I support the United Negro College Fund. Call them and tell them they are racist for knowing the correct term for the sect of humanity that shares common DNA traits. We are Negro, Dan. We are not black, not colored, possibly African, but absolutly we are Negro. And proud of it.

109   Bap33   2013 Jul 25, 7:03am  

upisdown says

Bap33 says

CATO Institute

upisdown says

Really??? How about from the issuing authority, instead of some ideological
based screwball site.

Dumbass, The CATO Institue isn't some ideaological based group??

lol .. that's your retort? really?? ok. Nice.

Here's another way, but you may have to actually read a little. Go to the US Census page and look under "Social Insurance and Human Services" ..... in the PDF's that are available under the different areas in that drop-down menu you will find all of the info you are pretending does not exist. And, as it turns out, negro and hispanic are milking this country dry at an alarming rate when a person takes the time to look under ALL social handout programs. It's much worse than even I shared. At any rate, none of this matters if you feel the US Census is a right-wing entity.

110   foxmannumber1   2013 Jul 25, 7:21am  


Whites, blacks and hispanics are each about 30% of TANF usage.

Non hispanic Whites are about 66% of the US population, blacks are about 12% of the US population and hispanics are about 15% of the US population.

111   Y   2013 Jul 25, 7:26am  

Sounds like your ancestors were racists.

marcus says

This is interesting, from less than 80 years ago. Jesse Owens was an incredible athlete and track star of the 1936 Olympics, winning 4 gold medals.

His stay in Germany showed Owens that a different life was possible for him as a black man. Unlike back home in the United States, in Germany Owens trained, traveled and stayed in the same hotels as his white teammates. In the United States, Owens was asked to ride a hotel’s freight elevator to get to a reception being held in his honor.


112   upisdown   2013 Jul 25, 8:10am  

Bap33 says

lol .. that's your retort? really?? ok. Nice.

Here's another way, but you may have to actually read a little. Go to the US
Census page and look under "Social Insurance and Human Services" .....

Screw you ya extremist hack, you pulled some number out of your ass, and I called you out on it. You provide the proof, to back up your BS.

Why do you think that I said the 'issuing authority'? Because the standard right wing BS mongers that like to make all the assistance programs look bad by shuffling the data around are: CATO Institute, Heritage Foundation, and the American Enterprise Institute.

Expecting you extremists to prove your punditry one-liners is like expecting a fish to change the oil in my car.

113   Dan8267   2013 Jul 25, 8:42am  

Bap33 says

support the United Negro College Fund.

Oh honey, even they have rebranded.

114   curious2   2013 Jul 25, 8:48am  

Dan8267 says

Bap33 says

support the United Negro College Fund.

Oh honey, even they have rebranded.

Actually the UNCF and NAACP have both kept their names. Thurgood Marshall switched to writing Afro-American, but said, "I spent most of my life fighting to get Negro spelled with a capital N. Then people started saying black and I never liked it." He continued to say Negro when speaking from the Supreme Court bench.

115   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jul 25, 9:18am  

Dan8267 says

Bap33's word usage says all you need to know about his racial views.

I suggest you read up on the word usage before calling someone racist. You pretty much have labeled much of Spanish/Portuguese speaking world of being racist.


116   StillLooking   2013 Jul 25, 9:33am  

I will put my money on the strong guy with a gun and quick reflexes over the slow oaf with a gun.

So the gun doesn't level any playing field.

SoftShell says

Guns level the playing field.

Otherwise the strong will dominate the weak.

Your statement below interprets as "The weak love their guns".

And you call them 'stupid'.

So I must conclude that you are one of the 'strong', and it pisses you off to no end that you cannot dominate the 'armed weak'.

Tough shit for you.

StillLooking says

And stupid pussies that love their guns.

117   Dan8267   2013 Jul 25, 10:36am  

curious2 says

Actually the UNCF and NAACP have both kept their names.

I thought the whole UNCF abbreviation was like a KFC thing to get away from "fried".

118   Dan8267   2013 Jul 25, 10:38am  

thomaswong.1986 says

I suggest you read up on the word usage before calling someone racist. You pretty much have labeled much of Spanish/Portuguese speaking world of being racist.

Spanish and English aren't the same language and the word "negro" in English doesn't mean the same thing as the word black in Spanish. So your Straw Man argument is clearly false. But nice try at making me look bad. Maybe someday you'll actually achieve that goal if you keep trying so hard.

119   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jul 25, 10:45am  

Dan8267 says

Spanish and English aren't the same language and the word "negro" in English doesn't mean the same thing as the word black in Spanish.

Latin... you understand the impact of Latin on English and Spanish language.. you keep harping Science all the time.. yet all things are spoken in Latin root words.

120   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jul 25, 10:46am  

Dan8267 says

But nice try at making me look bad. Maybe someday you'll actually achieve that goal if you keep trying so hard.

you do that well without anyone's help.

121   Y   2013 Jul 25, 10:47am  

well the weak guy is probably a patnet nerd type wanked out on triple vente cappuccinos...he'll be quick to the draw also...

StillLooking says

I will put my money on the strong guy with a gun and quick reflexes over the slow oaf with a gun.

So the gun doesn't level any playing field.

122   Dan8267   2013 Jul 25, 11:52am  

thomaswong.1986 says

Dan8267 says

Spanish and English aren't the same language and the word "negro" in English doesn't mean the same thing as the word black in Spanish.

Latin... you understand the impact of Latin on English and Spanish language.. you keep harping Science all the time.. yet all things are spoken in Latin root words.

Feel free to walk up to Mike Tyson and call him a negro. Please do that. Pretty please.

If you can't find Tyson, please walk through the ghetto shouting "Where are all the negros?". Record it with your mobile phone and post it on YouTube. That will help the police find your killers.

123   Bap33   2013 Jul 25, 12:35pm  

Dan8267 says

please walk through the ghetto shouting "Where are all the negros?". Record it
with your mobile phone and post it on YouTube. That will help the police find
your killers.

ummm ... I think this would be called racist by most everyone on here ... suggesting ghetto people would not follow the law and would be violent against a person over nothing more than speech.... but, I may be wrong.

124   Bap33   2013 Jul 25, 12:37pm  

upisdown says

Screw you ya extremist hack, you pulled some number out of your ass, and I
called you out on it. You provide the proof, to back up your BS.

nope ... I put up truth and you reacted like a common libtarded leftist racistbaiting biggot. No big surprize.

125   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jul 25, 1:03pm  

Dan8267 says

Feel free to walk up to Mike Tyson and call him a negro. Please do that. Pretty please.

If you can't find Tyson, please walk through the ghetto shouting "Where are all the negros?". Record it with your mobile phone and post it on YouTube. That will help the police find your killers.

Negro/Blanco ?? and you call yourself Liberal ... more like PC brain washed.

Negro is a common term used in the Americas.

126   StillLooking   2013 Jul 25, 2:57pm  

I don't think so. And if wasn't for your stinking guns, these black neighborhoods wouldn't be all that dangerous.

Dan8267 says

thomaswong.1986 says

Dan8267 says

Spanish and English aren't the same language and the word "negro" in English doesn't mean the same thing as the word black in Spanish.

Latin... you understand the impact of Latin on English and Spanish language.. you keep harping Science all the time.. yet all things are spoken in Latin root words.

Feel free to walk up to Mike Tyson and call him a negro. Please do that. Pretty please.

If you can't find Tyson, please walk through the ghetto shouting "Where are all the negros?". Record it with your mobile phone and post it on YouTube. That will help the police find your killers.

127   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jul 25, 3:07pm  

StillLooking says

I don't think so. And if wasn't for your stinking guns, these black neighborhoods wouldn't be all that dangerous.

You mean the drugs not the guns... the gangs make money from drug dealing.

128   StillLooking   2013 Jul 25, 3:30pm  

It is the guns that make the neighborhoods dangerous.

I have never seen anybody shot by a marijuana cigarette.

thomaswong.1986 says

StillLooking says

I don't think so. And if wasn't for your stinking guns, these black neighborhoods wouldn't be all that dangerous.

You mean the drugs not the guns... the gangs make money from drug dealing.

129   thomaswong.1986   2013 Jul 25, 4:23pm  

StillLooking says

It is the guns that make the neighborhoods dangerous.

I have never seen anybody shot by a marijuana cigarette.

pot, coke, meth, H ... whose gang owns all the blocks and who deals in drugs.

you of all people who lives close to "Capone" country should already know this..

your whole region has been marked by criminal organizations money making.

why do you think there was something called the "Valentine Day Massacre" ?

they stopped the mafia by throwing them in jail..not breaking the 2nd amendment.

you cant be.. how shall we say it.... "uninformed" to be it lightly....

130   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2013 Jul 25, 6:02pm  

This whole thing has gone awry....

You have the set of people who get their news from Rachel Maddow and The Colbert Report. The people in that subset have lost their initial argument(that Zimmerman was guilty), have lost their second argument(that Zimmerman was probably guilty), and are now left with arguing that the self defense laws are bad and should be amended so that following someone is considered a contributing precursor to manslaughter. Ie if a person sets off a chain of events, even though those actions may in and of themselves be legal, then the person should be guilty of any crimes that then follow. This actually is in fact the law in California, and I presume elsewhere with one(Huge) caveat.....the standard of a reasonable person expecting the end result is applied. Of course the logic leap as applied to Zimmerman/Martin is ....well I can't figure out how you get there.

And what I've found out in addition to the fact that these people are wrong is that theres moral absolutism that needs to be applied here.

Trayvon Martin never should have called The Weeble. He should have called the police. He should have left the area(if he could have). He never should have confronted George Zimmerman.

If your argument is that hes had negative police encounters and therefore cant call the police, my counter argument is that you are a dumbfuck. A reasonable person, even one with negative police encounters(like say myself) would be smart enough to distinguish between oh say marijuana possession where the cop hooks you up and bangs your head into the police car as he seats you vs. calling someone who might save your life in a life threatening situation. Not calling the police when in danger, and instead calling your weeble shaped friend(who incidently gave TM basically the worst advice ever...advice so terrible that it proves TM's lack of common sense, which had he possessed even an iota of, he would have called the police) is not something a reasonable person would do.

If your argument is that he didn't know any better, my counter argument is that he had crappy parents who abdicated any responsibilty whatsoever by failing to teach TM to dial 911 when hes in danger. Much like ANY responsible parent does.

So moral absolutism. George Zimmerman did one really stupid thing. He got out of the car after the 911 operator told him it wasn't necessary. TM either was a thug who attacked GZ, was an idiot who ignored his parents advice and acted very unlike a reasonable person, or was the product of terrible parenting and lacked even the most basic bit of common sense.

There is no laws that can make up for TM's actions that night. GZ might well have been a very innocent murder victim that night save for his firearm. There is very clear right and wrong here. The ONLY way you get around that is to present a scenario that is either made up or intentionally omits facts that would cast the situation in a different light.

I dunno if it was shitty parenting. I dunno if it was that TM was an idiot. I dunno if it was that TM was a thug. But its one of those. A rational reading of the facts leads only to those conclusions.

131   Y   2013 Jul 25, 11:09pm  


dodgerfanjohn says

If your argument is that hes had negative police encounters and therefore cant call the police, my counter argument is that you are a dumbfuck.

132   Y   2013 Jul 25, 11:12pm  

Actually he was already out of the car when the operator told him it wasn't necessary. At that point he went looking for the street sign....So according to zimmerman he stopped doing what the 911 operator told him not to do.

dodgerfanjohn says

He got out of the car after the 911 operator told him it wasn't necessary.

133   FortWayne   2013 Jul 26, 2:12am  

StillLooking says

It is the guns that make the neighborhoods dangerous.

I have never seen anybody shot by a marijuana cigarette.

You probably never seen a crazy man on cocaine with a knife either.

134   ch_tah2   2013 Jul 26, 2:25am  

Dan8267 says

If you can't find Tyson, please walk through the ghetto shouting "Where are all the negros?". Record it with your mobile phone and post it on YouTube. That will help the police find your killers.

Interesting stereotype there...a white guy shouting "negros" in the ghetto is going to be killed. Do you have a similar stereotype that if a black guy said "where are all the crackers?" he would be killed as well?

135   CL   2013 Jul 26, 2:40am  

robertoaribas says

was it incorrectly presumed to be a bad baby?

Exactly my earlier point: we have a presumption of innocence for the accused, but we are supposed to refrain from attacking the victim.

What did the baby do to provoke this? The baby is responsible for his own death, as far as I'm concerned. He could have just given the killers his stroller and avoided this whole disaster.

Further, the baby is named, "Antonio Santiago" but appears to be white. There are no white Hispanics; that is a term invented by ne'er-do-well liberals who want to divide us all.

The baby had marijuana in his blood stream. He would have grown up to be a gang-banger. The media is trying to make him seem small and angelic, but he was a very large baby! Why is the media trying so hard to make us feel sorry for the unarmed dead baby?!?!?!!? It's a conspiracy!

The baby could have used the sidewalk to defend himself. That means the shooting was justified.

Oh...wait. The killers were black? Cancel everything I said.

The baby is clearly the victim now.

136   ch_tah2   2013 Jul 26, 2:47am  

CL says

Exactly my earlier point: we have a presumption of innocence for the accused, but we are supposed to refrain from attacking the victim.

What did the baby do to provoke this? The baby is responsible for his own death, as far as I'm concerned. He could have just given the killers his stroller and avoided this whole disaster.

CL says

Further, the baby is named, "Antonio Santiago" but appears to be white. There are no white Hispanics; that is a term invented by ne'er-do-well liberals who want to divide us all.

The baby had marijuana in his blood stream. He would have grown up to be a gang-banger. The media is trying to make him seem small and angelic, but he was a very large baby! Why si the media trying so hard to make us feel sorry for the unarmed dead baby?!?!?!!? It's a conspiracy!

The baby could have used the sidewalk to defend himself. That means the shooting was justified.

Oh...wait. The killers were black? Cancel everything I said.

The baby is clearly the victim now.

Not entirely sure what the point of this was...but it's worth keeping.

137   CL   2013 Jul 26, 3:00am  

ch_tah2 says

Not entirely sure what the point of this was...but it's worth keeping.

It means that there is a double standard, both in the justice system and in the politics surrounding crime and punishment. The supporters of Zimmerman do so in a thinly veiled racist way. The extend courtesies to Zimmerman that they never extend to blacks.

They blame the victim.

They make up shit that makes it seem like those who oppose racism are REALLY the racists. They do anything to protect their white privilege, including lying to themselves.

138   Y   2013 Jul 26, 3:09am  

What 'courtesies' are you talking about that zimmerman got that a black man in the same circumstance did not get? ( link to an example, please )

CL says

The extend courtesies to Zimmerman that they never extend to blacks.

139   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2013 Jul 26, 3:19am  

CL says

ch_tah2 says

Not entirely sure what the point of this was...but it's worth keeping.

It means that there is a double standard, both in the justice system and in the politics surrounding crime and punishment. The supporters of Zimmerman do so in a thinly veiled racist way. The extend courtesies to Zimmerman that they never extend to blacks.

They blame the victim.

They make up shit that makes it seem like those who oppose racism are REALLY the racists. They do anything to protect their white privilege, including lying to themselves.

Lol you need to become a writer for Sean Hannity, Rachael Maddow, Al Sharpton, or any of the other biased propaganda hacks.

140   ch_tah2   2013 Jul 26, 3:25am  

CL says

It means that there is a double standard, both in the justice system and in the politics surrounding crime and punishment. The supporters of Zimmerman do so in a thinly veiled racist way. The extend courtesies to Zimmerman that they never extend to blacks.

I still don't get it. Zimmerman was Hispanic...what benefit of the doubt are these white supremacists giving this Hispanic?

CL says

They blame the victim.

Maybe some go too far by making stuff up, but to mention that a 17 year old is into drugs, guns, grillz, and fighting and is clearly capable of beating the crap out of a 29 year old seems slightly relevant to the case to me.

CL says

They make up shit that makes it seem like those who oppose racism are REALLY the racists. They do anything to protect their white privilege, including lying to themselves.

It would probably help to provide examples. Extremists on both sides have been making up stuff and stretching things to fit their narrative. I still don't get the white privilege when Zimmerman was Hispanic.

141   StillLooking   2013 Jul 26, 4:47am  

I wonder why we don't hear about knifings on the news every night?

FortWayne says

StillLooking says

It is the guns that make the neighborhoods dangerous.

I have never seen anybody shot by a marijuana cigarette.

You probably never seen a crazy man on cocaine with a knife either.

142   Bap33   2013 Jul 26, 5:53am  

because the liberal media is playing the harp for the anti-gun tyrants.

143   Dan8267   2013 Jul 26, 6:51am  

ch_tah2 says

Interesting stereotype there...a white guy shouting "negros" in the ghetto is going to be killed. Do you have a similar stereotype that if a black guy said "where are all the crackers?" he would be killed as well?

Feel free to disprove the idea by running the experiment yourself.

Oh and by the way, my scenario only requires one angry poor man with nothing to lose and a lot of built of hatred. Your racist interpretation that all the blacks will come out with pitch forks reflects your bigotry, not mine. But nice attempt by you and other racist neo-cons to try to twist my words to reflect your prejudices.

144   ch_tah2   2013 Jul 26, 7:02am  

Dan8267 says

Feel free to disprove the idea by running the experiment yourself.

Oh and by the way, my scenario only requires one angry poor man with nothing to lose and a lot of built of hatred. Your racist interpretation that all the blacks will come out with pitch forks reflects your bigotry, not mine. But nice attempt by you and other racist neo-cons to try to twist my words to reflect your prejudices.

Interesting spin. I just asked you a question. You think a white guy would be killed for words whereas a black guy wouldn't. Just curious why you think this. And by your response it seems like you are condoning this behavior.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not a neo-con. It is possible for relatively liberal people to not view the Zimmerman trial as evil white guy hunts down innocent black child.

145   ch_tah2   2013 Jul 26, 7:25am  

Dan8267 says

Your racist interpretation that all the blacks will come out with pitch forks reflects your bigotry, not mine.

By the way, if adding "all the blacks will come out with pitchforks" is bigotry, you better start looking in the mirror. My comment never mentioned anything even close to that. Why would you add such language? Are you a bigot?

146   Y   2013 Jul 26, 7:42am  

Freudian slip.

That just supports my theory that all the liberals that want zimmerman hung project that thought to suppress the internal guilt they feel due to the sins of their ancestors. I was not aware Florida had plantations back in the early 1800's. You learn something new every day.

ch_tah2 says

Dan8267 says

Your racist interpretation that all the blacks will come out with pitch forks reflects your bigotry, not mine.

By the way, if adding "all the blacks will come out with pitchforks" is bigotry, you better start looking in the mirror. My comment never mentioned anything even close to that. Why would you add such language? Are you a bigot?

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