Be glad you didn't marry this child

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2013 Jul 24, 1:11am   1,895 views  7 comments

by elliemae   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  


Guy should have taken his wife on the lake. According to the article, they may (or may not) be together anymore). Can't figure out why.

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1   woppa   2013 Jul 24, 1:13am  

The wife is bad...but so is the guy. It's obvious he's a real douchebag. Rotating your tires can't wait a week?

2   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jul 24, 1:23am  

Something about road trips, they are relationship killers.
I always made a point to take a new GF on a road trip after we had been together for over three months.

You can literally go from inseparable to insufferable by the return trip. If we survived a road trip then I knew she was a keeper.
I used to have friend sex with that Bi-girl I mentioned in another thread. She had this one love interest for about 3 months, during which time, we never went out and did stuff together. She told me that she was going on a road trip to Tampa one week end. I told her, that's an excellent Idea.

They were mortal enemies by the return trip. And I had my friend with benefits back. I later told her, about my theory and my ulterior motive for blessing her to go on the road trip. In typical Woman fashion(regardless of sexual orientation). Shen then blamed me for ever after for that failed relationship.

3   javco   2013 Jul 24, 1:28am  

People of Wal-Mart.

He should have read "Men on Strike".


IF it flies, floats or F's it's STILL cheaper to rent....

4   curious2   2013 Jul 24, 1:35am  

Addiction can be scary:

Wife: "Stop and get me some cigarettes, please I'm about to go crazy....let me get cigarettes, just STOP...I'm having an anxiety attack."
Husband: "Now you're going to text everybody."
Wife: "I am."

In addition to the nicotine addiction, I suspect SSRIs (advertised on TV) and maybe an anti-psychotic (e.g. aripiprazole, advertised on TV for people whose SSRIs aren't working, which is all of them). All of these are probably prescribed as part of her "employee benefits" at work, where she is also probably getting too much stress but not enough exercise. The smartphone/Facebook addiction is new, some sort of escape into the smartphone and search for validation among like-minded (i.e. similarly addicted) "friends", needs further research.

5   Tenpoundbass   2013 Jul 24, 1:35am  

javco says

He should have read "Men on Strike".

San Francisco fiction.

6   mell   2013 Jul 24, 1:57am  

javco says

People of Wal-Mart.

He should have read "Men on Strike".


IF it flies, floats or F's it's STILL cheaper to rent....

Yeah, that's a growing movement and it's not going to stop anytime soon. I think boycotting marriage is the right way to go (less government intrusion) but you can and should still own up to be a good dad if you have kids. The ability to leave a relationship without the threat of being sued to the hilt and lengthy court fights improves both side's willingness and readiness to prove themselves as good partners and more important good parents for their kids, leaving ulterior motives aside. This is a no-bitch zone ;)

7   Ceffer   2013 Jul 24, 3:35am  

I didn't know that You Tube had a Borderline Personality Disorder channel.

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