What scares republicans the most about Obamacare

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2013 Aug 11, 2:23am   44,320 views  245 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  


But here’s my question: if Republicans are so confident Obamacare will end badly, why not just shut up about it? It’s not like they have the votes to repeal the law—a math problem they still haven’t solved after 37 different tries. Their appeal to the Supreme Court ended in defeat at the hands of a conservative chief justice. And now the bulk of the plan will begin to take effect in just a few months.

At this point, why not sit back and wait for this crazy experiment to self-destruct? Why not let President Obama and the Democrats reckon with the millions of angry Americans who will undoubtedly hate their new insurance or their new insurance protections?

Because Republicans are terrified that Obamacare could actually work


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222   Homeboy   2013 Sep 4, 4:29am  

Bap33 says

You really try too hard to be a penis.

I could never be as good at it as you are.

223   AverageBear   2013 Sep 4, 11:14pm  

Homeboy says

AverageBear says

So much, that companies big and small are holding off on expanding, and hiring new/more employees?

Do you have any actual data showing that business expansion has halted as a result of ACA?

Well, I don't have the data yet, but I do have a powerful union boss who felt he was duped by Obama, and his ACA. Even Trumka, an Obamacare lover, is now a jilted lover, verifying the FACT that MANY companies are scaling back workers hours to less than 30 hours a week to avoid Obamacare penalties.


...."In the past several months, the left and their media minions have pushed back against claims businesses are trimming worker hours to avoid ObamaCare.

During a recent interview, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said employers are "restructuring their workforce to give workers 29 and a half hours so they don't have to provide them healthcare."

...."RICHARD TRUMKA, PRESIDENT AFL-CIO: The Affordable Care Act does need some modifications to it, because as it does right now, what's happening is, you have employers that the law says if you pay your, if your employees work 30 hours or more a week, you've got to give them healthcare. So they're restructuring their workforce to give workers 29 and a half hours so they don't have to provide them healthcare. They’re also doing some taxing to nonprofit plans to pay for for-profit plans.

Not what the President and his allies in the media are telling you, is it?"......

224   🎂 Bap33   2013 Sep 5, 3:29am  

Homeboy says

Bap33 says

dude .. you said "health care" .. and I said you must have meant "health insurance" because EVERYONE has access to health CARE. Everyone. You, me, wetbacks, old people, AIDS people, ANYONE that walks into the hospital will get friggin CARE. Period.

Now, as i said, you mistakenly put "health care" where you meant "health INSURANCE" ... the two are not the same.

You are such a giant douche.

is that what you call people who are correct and point out where you are wrong? Interesting.

225   Homeboy   2013 Sep 5, 4:00am  

AverageBear says

Well, I don't have the data yet,

Exactly. So the rest of your post is irrelevant. I have posted data showing that the increase in part-time employment all happened BEFORE Obamacare, and that Obamacare has not caused any increase in the percentage of people who are employed part time. You have posted absolutely NO data.

And even if companies DID hire part-time employees rather than full-time, why is that bad? If they're doing it for the purpose of avoiding giving their full-time employees any benefits, then so what? Who wants a full-time job with no benefits anyway? That's shitty.

226   Homeboy   2013 Sep 5, 4:01am  

Bap33 says

is that what you call people who are correct and point out where you are wrong? Interesting.

Nope, it's what I call people who are douches, like you.

227   🎂 Bap33   2013 Sep 6, 8:12am  

lmao ... ok, move along little fella ... grown folks are talking now.

228   Homeboy   2013 Sep 6, 12:42pm  

Bap33 says

lmao ... ok, move along little fella ... grown folks are talking now.

Then stop interrupting them with your childish jabbering.

230   Homeboy   2013 Sep 14, 4:23pm  

GRACE123 says


I understand your frustration. I said at the beginning of this thread that My husband and I together make $ 75,000 a year and buy our insurance independently. (Blue Shield of Ca) We are now paying $772 a month with a $10,000 deductible. He is 61 and I am 55. We have watched are premiums rise dramatically, just like you. We feel very fortunate that we do not have any pre existing condition, and at least can get insurance, however, it is becoming unaffordable. I also understand that our premiums will rise in the independent market. If I go on the health Exchange for California and put in my information, the rate is around $1100.00 a month.

FYI, coveredca.com has been updated. Looks like the rates are going to depend where you live. I put in an L.A. zip code and it says you can get a bronze plan, which is only half the deductible you currently have, for the same price you currently pay. That's without any subsidy. Pretty good deal, eh?

231   AverageBear   2013 Sep 16, 2:24am  

The latest on Obama's promise where you can keep your doctor... OK, please look to the left and cough...

- This info NOT brought to you today by some 'neo-con' (as I'm sometimes incorrectly described as), but the beloved LA Times. Enjoy...


...."The doctor can’t see you now.

Consumers may hear that a lot more often after getting health insurance under President Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

To hold down premiums, major insurers in California have sharply limited the number of doctors and hospitals available to patients in the state’s new health insurance market opening Oct. 1.

New data reveal the extent of those cuts in California, a crucial test bed for the federal healthcare law.

These diminished medical networks are fueling growing concerns that many patients will still struggle to get care despite the nation’s biggest healthcare expansion in half a century.

Consumers could see long wait times, a scarcity of specialists and loss of a longtime doctor.".......

232   curious2   2013 Sep 16, 4:37am  

The title of the thread probably reflects the OP's pathological need to troll, but if the Republican party had not become so odious, this legislation would already have created a solid Republican majority:

"Obamacare remains highly unpopular as implementation looms"

"Opposition hits new highs"

But Republicans fail to realize, the reason this legislation was able to take over the Democratic party (and thus the republic) was because the Republican party has itself been taken over by religious fanatics calling themselves "conservative". Just as this legislation is not truly liberal, the Republican neocons and religious fanatics are not truly conservative. Liberals believe in letting people live their own lives according to their own beliefs. Conservatives believe in limited government, conserving resources (including the environment). Neither set of beliefs is represented anymore by either major party. The Democrats require mandatory dependence, while the Republicans launch faith-based crusades at home and abroad. Both major parties scare anyone who is paying attention. For most people, the Republicans are even more scary than the Democrats.

233   FortWayne   2013 Sep 16, 5:16am  

What scares me about the plan is that every single special interest group with lobbying power will get all kinds of subsidies and waivers (courtesy of taxpayers)... while I and the rest will be stuck paying the bill.

That's what scares me, and that's not far fetched. Because many corporations and unions have already gotten waivers from paying into Obamacare, but are asking for Obamacare subsidies... beautiful system ain't it?

234   AverageBear   2013 Sep 16, 9:25am  

curious2 says

But Republicans fail to realize, the reason this legislation was able to take over the Democratic party (and thus the republic) was because the Republican party has itself been taken over by religious fanatics calling themselves "conservative". Just as this legislation is not truly liberal, the Republican neocons and religious fanatics are not truly conservative.

Curious, I respectfully disagree.. I think you will find waay more RINOs and liberal Republicans than you will find religious "Pro-Lifer" Republicans... There was a time where you could find MANY fiscal conservatives in the Democrat party. The last one being Joe Lieberman. And since he didn't toe the party line, he got thrown under the bus, only to survive as an independent. JFK was a fiscal conservative. If you go back to his 1960 campaign, you'll discover (much to Ted Kennedy's chagrin when he was alive) that he was FOR tax cuts. I don't think you'll find any Democrat senator today for tax cuts today. My point is that liberalism (fiscally and socially) has infected both parties more than "pro-lifer" republicans has infected the GOP. It's not hard to see this history... The legislation called Obamacare (or ACA), is VERY liberal. Taking 716 billion from Medicare (and the elderly that funded this) to fund free healthcare for illegals or legal free-loaders sounds pretty liberal to me.

235   anonymous   2013 Sep 16, 9:30am  

Ncaabb has a 35 second shot clock

That piss poor excuse of a pro sport nba, uses the 24 sec shot clock

Maybe you were using another political sports rope a dope, in that 35 secs only feels like 24, thanks to tbe bernankflation

236   Homeboy   2013 Sep 16, 10:16am  

AverageBear says

The legislation called Obamacare (or ACA), is VERY liberal. Taking 716 billion from Medicare (and the elderly that funded this) to fund free healthcare for illegals or legal free-loaders sounds pretty liberal to me.


237   Vicente   2013 Sep 16, 3:20pm  

marcus says

Because Republicans are terrified that Obamacare could actually work

So wrong!

It doesn't have to "work".

It could really suck, or just be medium bad.

But it there's not a line like THIS to get basic meds:

Or if there aren't at least thousands of cases of this:

You know, the Obama Death Panels putting down Grandma, well...

They have staked a LOT on painting ACA as a sign of the EndTimes or something, and if it doesn't deliver, then the GOP looks like:

238   Homeboy   2013 Sep 18, 2:21pm  

Wow, the republifucks are going absolutely berserk now trying to sabotage ACA. They even came up with their own "replacement" which is a complete joke. If that piece of trash bill ever sees the light of day we will be right back to square one. Actually, we would be even worse off than we were without ANY reform. Fortunately, it doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of ever becoming law. But the GOP is continuing to do the political equivalent of an ape flipping out and throwing its shit all over the place. They just signed their own death warrant.

After the GOP implodes, maybe the Democrat party can become the new conservative voice, and somebody can form a true liberal party to oppose them. That would be nice.

239   marcus   2013 Sep 18, 2:41pm  

sbh says

Goddammit!, it's terrible to be a boomer who remembers American political history.

I agree. When I was a kid, there was a Republican Senator in Illinois (Chuck Percy) who was substantially to the left of virtually all of today's democrats.

Back then, some of us thought republicans were evil, but that was because of the politics of division. The truth is as you say. Most were quite moderate compared to today.

240   marcus   2013 Sep 18, 2:46pm  

Homeboy says

They even came up with their own "replacement"

I still say that what this is TOTALLY about, is the fear of how successful Obamacare will be.

Here's a couple scary questions for republicans. What if it retains the name Obamacare, after it evolves and they get most all the bugs out? What if it becomes popular enough that they can't fight it anymore, and they have no choice but to admit it's good, and yet it still retains the name Obamacare ?

Ouch !

241   curious2   2013 Sep 18, 3:30pm  

sbh says

it will be the next iteration of SS and Medicare.

Respectfully, I doubt that. While the administration has put up a brave front, many Democrats sound as desperate as the Republicans to get away from Obamacare; in fact, Democrats in Minnesota declared even the word Obamacare unspeakable, calling it a racist word, and reducing it to the legislation that dare not speak its name. I continue to think what really scares Republicans about Obamacare is that even though people will continue to dislike it, the massive spending will produce a financial tsunami of campaign "donations" keeping its supporters in power.

242   Vicente   2013 Sep 18, 4:49pm  

marcus says

What if it becomes popular enough that they can't fight it anymore, and they have no choice but to admit it's good, and yet it still retains the name Obamacare ?

Social Security is actually the OASDI.

Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance.

But that doesn't flow, so almost nobody calls it that.

Yeah once it becomes entrenched, the GOP will slide into some other term they might even deign to use ACA. They won't be able to milk the anti-Obama thing forever he'll be out of office in 3 years and before you know it there'll be a whole generation who will barely remember him. It'll actually be to slight disadvantage to them to keep his name alive in connection with it.

243   finehoe   2013 Sep 19, 1:24am  

curious2 says

the massive spending will produce a financial tsunami of campaign "donations" keeping its supporters in power.

Just the opposite. Health-care reform isn’t going anywhere. But that hasn’t stopped Republicans from using it to raise money from gullible Teabaggers who want it defunded.


244   AverageBear   2013 Oct 10, 1:43am  

marcus says

AverageBear says

So where are these fiscal democrats?

Obama is fiscally conservative. He put the wars on the books.

......."He Put the wars on the books", that were approved by democrat senators....

I'm not going to even bother researching if Obama 'put the wars on the books'. One just has to realize this.....


....."President Obama likes to say that raising the nation’s borrowing limit “won’t add a dime” to the federal debt, but he neglects to mention that the government already has borrowed the equivalent of more than 60 trillion dimes since he took office.

When Mr. Obama became president in January 2009, the total federal debt stood at $10.6 trillion. This week, it hit $16.7 trillion — an increase of 57 percent. In the same time frame under President George W. Bush, total federal debt rose 38 percent. Under President Clinton, it rose 32 percent....."

Bush W wasn't a conservative, and Obama sure isn't a conservative. What a silly idea to suggest Obama is fiscally conservative. Growing federal gov't and collecting more power is fiscally conservative? Dramatic increases in food stamps, SSD, etc is fiscally conservative?

245   humanity   2013 Oct 10, 3:36am  

AverageBear says

I'm not going to even bother researching if Obama 'put the wars on the books'. One just has to realize this.....

That's one of the reasons you can not comprehend what this is about.

AverageBear says

When Mr. Obama became president in January 2009, the total federal debt stood at $10.6 trillion. This week, it hit $16.7 trillion — an increase of 57 percent. In the same time frame under President George W. Bush, total federal debt rose 38 percent. Under President Clinton, it rose 32 percent....."

Interesting how the only time they let a democrat be President, mind you a conservative one, is when his hands are totally tied on spending.

I'm not going to explain to you why the debt has gone up so much under Obama, because you either can not understand, or you already do, and just like to spread the propaganda, figuring some of the retards out there will enjoy it.

But for them I will note that spending already committed to before Obama, combined with a massive recession combined with (lower GDP than projected -->lower tax revenues projected) was the recipe for that explosion in the deficit.

The actual truth is that spending has risen less with Obama than any president in many decades. That fact comes from the CBO.


The economy has shrank in the great recession, so even with the small spending increases, we have a problem. Timing is everything. It was great to be Reagan. He increased spending at a time when conditions were perfect for him to only see positive results from it (other than the huge percentage increase in the deficit).

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