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Correction: Cost will be approximately 2 Billion by October 9th, so yes- I did switch around my numbers. But 2 Billion ain't chicken feed by any means. That works out to roughly 300 million dollars per day. So once more, to the party that claims fiscal responsibility, the irony here is that they are in fact costing us money. Lots of money.
It's a claim that's been disproved time and time again.
To me this time around more or less confirms what I believe the GOP has been running off of for some time: Because they say so. They did this in the 50's with McCarthy when he simply said that someone or some group of people were communists. Then they have claimed forever that they are fiscally responsible when in fact they are more wasteful and bigger spenders. Now its that they didn't shut down the government, no- it was the democrats. Just cuz' they say so.
I was just thinking about this today. To me its tragically ironic that for years we've been hearing the moaning and whining from Republicans and their Tea-Party handlers that we "just gotta' get gubbermint spending under control because... because our dear great, great, great grandchildren will be paying for our spending habits" Which is quickly followed up by some equally hollow sounding thing about "The American People" or something like that.
Well here we are, a little over a week into the shutdown, which is totally the fault of the GOP for trying to question a piece of legislation that is already law. So the irony here is that not only are many 100's of thousands of people out of work as a result, but by tomorrow this spectacle will have cost the US economy 2 BILLION dollars in lost revenue. That's rightt 2 Billion.
So.... Republicans... what exactly is that constant diatribe you go on and on about, where you constantly try to convince Americans that your party alone understands all about careful fiscal responsibility? How is it that they can claim any title related to fiscal awareness when their own party has basically done the exact opposite of what they claim they are good at?
The Polls show it and the results will be instantaneous. The decreasing relevance of the GOP will likely only increase in speed. So perhaps the party will-just like in the last election- learn some lessons. Or not. Probably not.