Poll: 71% of Obama voters, 55% Democrats 'regret' voting for his re-election

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2014 Feb 18, 1:07am   36,603 views  144 comments

by zzyzzx   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  


Over seven in 10 Obama voters, and 55 percent of Democrats, regret voting for President Obama's reelection in 2012, according to a new Economist/YouGov.com poll.

The poll asked those who voted for Obama's reelection a simple question: “Do you regret voting for Barack Obama?”

Overall, 71 percent said yes, 26 percent no.

80 percent of whites said yes, 61 percent of blacks said no and 100 percent of Hispanics said yes.

84 percent of women said yes, and just 61 percent of men agreed.

55 percent of Democrats said yes, as did 71 percent of independents.


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136   upisdown   2014 Feb 21, 1:13pm  

curious2 says

If you believe that past performance guarantees future results, then the
solution is obvious: convert the pension plan from defined benefit to defined
contribution. Past performance shows a higher return, so beneficiaries should
come out ahead, but the state will no longer be liable as guarantor. OTOH, if
you believe that past performance does not guarantee future results, then the
liability causes concerns. For example, if you look at the period 1966-1982, or
the more famous period 1929-1954, you see long periods with low returns. Looking
ahead, we cannot know if the period 2014-2034 might resemble the period
1993-2013, or 1929-1949, or something in between, or something better or worse
than either.

Yeah, but it's pretty obvious that you're a liar.

137   upisdown   2014 Feb 21, 1:20pm  


138   upisdown   2014 Feb 21, 1:26pm  

Bm05211983 says

Obama is a dumb nigger. Of course they regret it

Really, but at least he doesn't look like a pedophile Mick from san fran, right?

I have to ask, is that a 'perm'? LOL

139   HydroCabron   2014 Feb 21, 2:32pm  

Bm05211983 says

Obama is a dumb nigger. Of course they regret it

Ooh! Stylistic error on that one. Let me fix it for you:

I'm not racist, but Obama's a dumb nigger.

Much better!

140   Dan8267   2014 Feb 22, 9:03am  

Paralithodes says

None of this changes that your call to overturn the CU decision would result in PACs having more power

Wrong. One can both invalidate the legal standing that corporations are people with the same rights as people, and one can enact campaign finance reform legislation as I have proposed.

Paralithodes says

My request was a repeat of an earlier request for you to acknowledge that the ACLU supported the CU decision

1. Organizations do not have opinions or values and do not make decisions. Individuals make decisions and hold opinions. The statement the ACLU supported the CU decision is meaningless.

The article was written by some ACLU member(s) on the behalf of the official position of the ACLU on campaign finance reform. This means that the article reflects the beliefs of the majority of the leadership of the ACLU.

2. The article does not imply that all of the leadership of the ACLU agrees with the position.

3. Nor does the article imply that all members of the ACLU agree with the position.

An organization is a collective of persons who agree on some things and disagree on other.

4. The article does not state that the ACLU's position is that the Citizen's United decision is correct. You are simply reading in what you want into the article. The only thing the article mentions about Citizen's United is what the ruling was and that it is a controversial ruling.

The article then continues to talk about the general problem of campaign finance and the ACLU's position on the issue, which is...

5. The ACLU's official position is

[T]he ACLU does not support campaign finance regulation premised on the notion that the answer to money in politics is to ban political speech.

In our view, the answer to that problem is to expand, not limit, the resources available for political advocacy. Thus, the ACLU supports a comprehensive and meaningful system of public financing that would help create a level playing field for every qualified candidate. We support carefully drawn disclosure rules. We support reasonable limits on campaign contributions and we support stricter enforcement of existing bans on coordination between candidates and super PACs.

This position is inconsistent with the status quo under Citizen's United. This position isn't the one I've taken, but...

6. I am under no obligation to agree with the official ACLU position on everything. I agree with the ACLU about 95% of the time, but I can and do disagree with some of their positions. Hell, I doubt there are too many members of the ACLU who agree with the organization's position more than 95% of the time; and that's a good thing.

For example, the ACLU banned communists from being leaders and staff members back in the 1940s, including some of its founding members. This was a hypocritical response to the Red Scare and fear that the ACLU would be branded communists and witch hunted if they didn't. In other words, they sacrificed their principles for practicality. It's debatable whether or not this was the right thing to do. I do not agree with the decision.

7. Appeal to authority means nothing to a rational person. Even if the ACLU held the position you falsely claim it does, that would not validate the position.

So get your panties out of a bunch. Nothing you have presented contradicts the validity of my arguments.

Paralithodes says

Therefore, either (a) your memory, comprehension, and ability to think clearly are quite deficient compared to what you think they are, or (b) you are intentionally dodging, and doing so dishonestly by using partial quotes out of context. Using a typical Dan approach: it is one reason or the other.

Or (c), you are full of bullshit for the seven reasons I mentioned above and your slanderous remarks are nothing more than unfounded name-calling, the lowest level of the argument pyramid.

I'll grant that you have gone to extensive effort to try to paint me into a corner, but it was simply foolish for you to think you could do that. First, there are no internal contradictions in my philosophies, which is a lot more than you can say of yours. I attack every idea I have thoroughly before accepting it.

Second, if I were to ever find or be shown a contradiction in my philosophies, I would find and remove the flaw immediately even if the conclusions of the revised philosophy are the anti-thesis of the previous one. In terms a simpleton like yourself might understand, I would gladly flip-flop to the polar opposite position of my current position if evidence or reasoning gave cause to do so. It's damn easy to be on the right side of an argument when you are not married to any position and are willing to change when positions when a better one comes.

Paralithodes says

You claimed that only the rich (assumedly that is, those richer than the super 1% rich like yourself) and the republicans support CU.

I have never made such a statement, which is exactly why you will not quote such a statement now.

How dumb must a person be to not realize that you can't get away with false statement about what other people said on a public forum in which everything written can be linked to and quoted? It's like a politician still thinking he can say one thing to one group and a contradicting thing to another group and not get caught in an age where everything is being recorded. It's just plain stupid.

Paralithodes says

Since you are the type of person to expect an apology when you think someone else gets something wrong, then you should acknowledge without qualification that you were wrong about both of your assertions above. Not acknowledging your mistakes here would show that your superior intelligence and ability to think clearly does not trump a religious-like grasp to your own beliefs despite having the facts provided right in front of your face. Any further attempt to misquote out of context to dodge away from this would show the same.

Translation: Despite the fact that I have offered no evidence to support my assertions that Dan was wrong, I am going to try to intimidate him into not refuting what I said by calling it a "dodge", and by dodge, I mean evidence-based refutation. Hopefully, he'll be intimidated by my assertions that he's wrong and any attempt to show otherwise must be disingenuous and he'll just back down. Of course, if he calls my bluff, I'm shit out of luck.

141   Paralithodes   2014 Feb 22, 11:14am  

Dan8267 says

Wrong. One can both invalidate the legal standing that corporations are people with the same rights as people, and one can enact campaign finance reform legislation as I have proposed.

Wrong. Overturning CU is not the same as enacting campaign finance reform as you have proposed. Therefore, overturning CU would give any organization wealthy enough to afford a PAC relatively more power than any organization not wealthy enough to afford one. Your proposals have absolutely nothing to do with it in the real world.

Dan8267 says

1. Organizations do not have opinions or values and do not make decisions. Individuals make decisions and hold opinions. The statement the ACLU supported the CU decision is meaningless.

And therefore using your own logic, so is such a blanket statement such as ....
Dan8267 says

Oh, and guess who supports Citizens United? Republicans and rich parasites.

... Since people from the ACLU, some Democrats, and others supported the CU decision, and some Republicans do not. Indeed, the law that CU partially overturned was co-sponsored by a Republican if you recall.

Dan8267 says

The entire point of Citizens United was to prevent YOU and everyone else from knowing where campaign contributions come from and go to.


If you want honest, accurate reporting of lobbying dollars, Citizens United must be overturned.


Dan8267 says

Paralithodes says

You claimed that only the rich (assumedly that is, those richer than the super 1% rich like yourself) and the republicans support CU.

I have never made such a statement, which is exactly why you will not quote such a statement now.

No, you never used the word "only" - you simply implied "only," given your lecture to others about using generalities about group views on positions. Since you then used groups - incorrectly as described above - you must have meant all of them. As far as you being rich. Certainly at the least you were at one point, for at least one year, utterly filthy rich in a manner that the average CEO could only dream about, given your claim to have had a net effective federal income tax rate of 33% or more. Either that or you were a bald faced liar.

Dan8267 says

Translation: Despite the fact that I have offered no evidence to support my assertions that Dan was wrong,

All the eDan8267 says

In terms a simpleton like yourself might understand, I would gladly flip-flop to the polar opposite position of my current position if evidence or reasoning gave cause to do so.

LOL! The evidence that you are wrong about the CU was provided right to you - I gave you a link to the decision itself. Therefore, you were provided the evidence, yet doubled down in your typical fashion by starting to write a novel in response.

There's no need for me to paint you into a corner - you do very well at that all by yourself. The fact of the matter is that you were wrong about what CU was about, you were provided a direct link to the evidence, yet still dodge by focusing on only one little portion, attempting to filibuster after your intentional misquote was pointed out.

I realize that you'll continue to try to weasel out of this, so I respond for any other single person with a shred of objectivity who, even if they still disagree with the CU decision for various reasons, at least can be informed about what it really is, unlike yourself. You can have the last words on this - Nothing you can say can unpaint yourself from your little corner, but have fun typing several pages of text trying.

142   Dan8267   2014 Feb 22, 12:06pm  

Paralithodes says

Dan8267 says

Wrong. One can both invalidate the legal standing that corporations are people with the same rights as people, and one can enact campaign finance reform legislation as I have proposed.

Wrong. Overturning CU is not the same as enacting campaign finance reform as you have proposed.

Are you even capable of reading English text? Where exactly in the quote above do I even remotely suggest that overturning Citizens United is the same thing as enacting my campaign finance reform ideas? Hell, my statement implies that they are different things.

You need to stop arguing until you learn how to comprehend what you read. You just accused me of being wrong about something I never said. Geeze...

Paralithodes says

And therefore using your own logic, so is such a blanket statement such as ....

Dan8267 says

Oh, and guess who supports Citizens United? Republicans and rich parasites.

... Since people from the ACLU, some Democrats, and others supported the CU decision, and some Republicans do not. Indeed, the law that CU partially overturned was co-sponsored by a Republican if you recall.

Clearly the statement "Republicans and rich parasites support Citizens United" is not meaningless. Do I really have to explain how to parse that statement?

Furthermore, you have yet to demonstrate that anyone from the ACLU supports the decision. The article from the ACLU clearly does not endorse the opinions of the Supreme Court; it merely rejects the idea of limiting campaign contributions. That's a big cry from interpreting legal corporations as "people" with all the same rights.

As for some Democrats supporting unlimited campaign contributions and some Republicans opposing it, what does that have to do with the price of beans? The Republicans overwhelmingly like the idea of unlimited dark money driving elections since they benefit from it. The American public, however, is sick of this system of open bribery.
Paralithodes says


I've already addressed this issue. Using all caps doesn't reinforce your argument or counter mine.

Dan8267 says


One of the biggest independent spenders is conservative Super PAC American Crossroads, along with its affiliated dark money group Crossroads GPS. In early 2012 the Super PAC, which is required to report its donors, raised only 20% of the affiliated organizations’ donations. GPS, the dark money arm permitted to keep its donors’ identities secret, raised the other 80%.

Using all caps does not erase this evidence. Nor does repeated your arguments after they have been thoroughly refuted and debunked.

Paralithodes says

No, you never used the word "only" - you simply implied "only,"

Honey, I don't imply shit. I explicitly state shit. I don't do subtle.

When I argue against you or anyone else, I go straight to your central argument using a frontal assault. I'm as subtle as Miley Cyrus on a wrecking ball. You don't have to read between the lines. If I think you're an idiot, I'll say you’re an idiot. By the way, you're an idiot.

Paralithodes says

federal income tax rate of 33%

1. I'm not going to show you my tax returns no matter how much you beg. All you need to know is that I earned all my wealth by creating much more wealth; I didn't acquire wealth at the expense of others through zero sum games.

2. You don't have to be rich to pay a marginal rate of 33%, especially if you are single, have no kids, and no mortgage.

3. Even if I am "filly rich", I've always stated that it isn't having money that makes people bad, it's how they got it. People who create wealth like Tim Berners-Lee deserve to be rich. People who parasitically siphon wealth from others, especially through zero sum games, like Lloyd Blankfein don't deserve to be rich.

4. My personal life and personal situation is irrelevant to this conversation. The fact that you are making it personal shows a lack of ability to address the subject of the conversation. The messenger is irrelevant. All that matters is the message itself. The fact that I am the one coming up with arguments in favor of campaign finance reform is irrelevant to those arguments.

Paralithodes says

LOL! The evidence that you are wrong about the CU was provided right to you - I gave you a link to the decision itself. Therefore, you were provided the evidence, yet doubled down in your typical fashion by starting to write a novel in response.

You obviously did not read the replies in which I showed you were wrong along with the evidence. I've linked to those replies in this post. Try again. Repeating defeated arguments does not resurrect them.

Paralithodes says

There's no need for me to paint you into a corner - you do very well at that all by yourself. The fact of the matter is that you were wrong about what CU was about, you were provided a direct link to the evidence, yet still dodge by focusing on only one little portion, attempting to filibuster after your intentional misquote was pointed out.


Dan8267 says

1. Organizations do not have opinions or values and do not make decisions. Individuals make decisions and hold opinions. The statement the ACLU supported the CU decision is meaningless.

Dropped by Paralithodes.

Dan8267 says

2. The article does not imply that all of the leadership of the ACLU agrees with the position.


Dan8267 says

3. Nor does the article imply that all members of the ACLU agree with the position.

An organization is a collective of persons who agree on some things and disagree on other.


Dan8267 says

4. The article does not state that the ACLU's position is that the Citizen's United decision is correct. You are simply reading in what you want into the article. The only thing the article mentions about Citizen's United is what the ruling was and that it is a controversial ruling.


Dan8267 says

5. The ACLU's official position is


Dan8267 says

6. I am under no obligation to agree with the official ACLU position on everything.


Dan8267 says

7. Appeal to authority means nothing to a rational person.


For a person who drops the vast majority of his opposition's points, Paralithodes is sure quick to claim victory.

143   Paralithodes   2014 Feb 22, 10:37pm  

OK, I'll do one more response regarding CU, then it is all yours again...Dan8267 says

That's a big cry from interpreting legal corporations as "people" with all the same rights.

Above is just one more solid piece of evidence that (a) Dan has not read the CU decision and is doing nothing more than parroting talking an incorrect talking point from others, or (b) Dan is intentionally, like others, warping the meaning of words in a thoroughly dishonest way to make them fit his narrative and incite anger about his cause in others. I'll go with (a) in this case.

Thanks once again Dan for showing me and anyone else here who takes the time to read the actual CU decision vs. relying on talking points of others, that you simply don't know shit other than how to parrot others on this issue.

For a person who drops the vast majority of his opposition's points, Paralithodes is sure quick to claim victory.

No point in following dishonest or illogical people down their rabbit holes, especially when they use a combination of convoluted twisting of words to weasel out of acknowledging errors or inconsistencies, especially when the "vast majority of [your] points" were only sub-points about the least important three main points to begin with (I understand of course why you want to focus on that one - because you can dance around words and you can't answer the other points).... So... why not go back to the main points ... You were wrong about CU's conclusions, period. No amount of twisting, dodging, redirection, projection, attempted clever abuse of language and words, or attempting to focus on the minutia of the least important (the degree to which the ACLU or people in it - and you still get this wrong anyway) will change that. You were simply wrong about the facts of CU and you are neither man nor mature enough to admit it.

144   Paralithodes   2014 Feb 22, 10:44pm  

Dan8267 says

2. You don't have to be rich to pay a marginal rate of 33%, especially if you are single, have no kids, and no mortgage.

In that thread we were not discussing the marginal rate, we were discussing the net effective tax rate, and this was clarified in that very thread. It was YOU who was comparing Romney's NET EFFECTIVE FEDERAL INCOME TAX rate with your own, and you clarified to others, upon request, that you were referring to YOUR OWN net effective federal income tax rate, NOT your marginal rate.

Therefore, you are now 100% trapped in a lie (or utter ignorance) either way from that thread, and 100% trapped into dishonest misrepresentation now. No amount of filibustering, non-sequitur, 3-page novel you type in response will change this. Thanks again for these valuable clarifications of your honesty.

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