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Cervenka believes Rodger’s killing spree, along with the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, were designed to force stricter gun control laws — ultimately leaving citizens defenseless against the government."
Uh, what?
Obama already took all our guns, just as the NRA swore he would in 2008 ("Please contribute to day to the Freedom Eagle Fund!") and again in 2012 ("Friend, we need your help - please give all you can to the Chariots of Eagle Founding Fathers Drive!").
Sorry, Exene: Michelle got all my Glocks on the tines of her pitchfork.
APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Well, isn't it just good journalist practice to see both side of the story?
Indeed: the issue is not settled. Many scientists who are not paid to back the official story have raised questions.
For millions of years, people have always died. The earth is always changing. There is no consensus that the shootings even happened, or that Elliot Rodger could have influenced them one way or another.
Arizona was once swampland. Any UCSB students would die within 2 minutes if you put them on Mars.
Of course, anyone can see from the cockeyed arm/tooth/eye/hair, presence of water bottles, presence of crying bearded fathers-it must be fake. How can a 61 yr old man have a beard??
Interesting theory (from a comment on a news site):
Here's an idea. Maybe all these shootings are staged by the NRA to scare people into buying as many weapons as possible.
I honestly was wondering how long it was going to take for us to hear this nonsense.
It would be easier for the anti gun people wouldn't it, if we had high enough number of insane people in this country, and loose enough gun purchasing laws, that they didn't have to stage these elaborate fake tragedies ?
Bgmall4 was right all along.
You have to know he's deeply into this, and unfortunately we are going to be hearing about it. You just have to give all the gun nuts time to come up with their elaborate counter gun control motivated theories, and all the pictures etc.
"It's the Zionists."
Interesting theory (from a comment on a news site):
Here's an idea. Maybe all these shootings are staged by the NRA to scare people into buying as many weapons as possible.
and to get interviews on TV and increase membership!
Where are you? You're missing the fun.
I'm sick of all the ASSHOLES,denying conspiracies.
They're too dumb to realize the greatest conspiracy of all,Capitalism.
It's designed to separate a fool from his money.
Where are you? You're missing the fun.
I'm sick of all the ASSHOLES,denying conspiracies.
They're too dumb to realize the greatest conspiracy of all,Capitalism.
It's designed to separate a fool from his money.
Wow. Bgmall4 was right all along.
Where is bgmall4 on this?
He is gathering all the evidence. He is very thorough, never making claims without a truckload of proof.
Bitcoins arent the future? says
The question you really have to ask, is how COUDN"T this be a fake?
Bu,but l saw it on CNN.... you know, you know that fake news channel owned by Jewish KIKES
Punk isn't dead, but it's sure grown old and cranky and a bit senile I think
"Exene Cervenka, singer for ’80s punk icons X
Crap... are they still alive.. good god, just OD or something...
"Exene Cervenka, singer for ’80s punk icons X, just upset a whole mess of people this afternoon (May 28) with a series of tweets aimed at exposing last week’s Santa Barbara shooting as a hoax.
The 58-year-old frontwoman has added herself to the list of “truthers†who believe Elliot Rodger was just another bad actor in a long line of well-produced hoaxes, which include the Boston Marathon bombings and the attack on the World Trade Center.
Calling herself a “conspiracy therapist,†Cervenka digs into Elliot Rodger’s videos and various news reports in order to find incongruities.
Several videos added to her YouTube channel playlist today that back up the theory that Rodgers manifesto videos were filmed in a studio. “No one died and no one got hurt. The story is 100% fabricated from start to finish,†claims one YouTube truther.
Cervenka believes Rodger’s killing spree, along with the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, were designed to force stricter gun control laws — ultimately leaving citizens defenseless against the government."