Feminists Comfort Single Women

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2014 Jul 30, 5:44am   58,340 views  183 comments

by The Original Bankster   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

that's right ladies- don't you worry that men are never going to make a commitment to you in your entire life- you've got FEMINISM! No need to worry, don't you fret- it'll all turn out fine.



Having a rock star career.
Queso Dip.
Happy Hour.
Getting to travel or move anywhere in the world without feeling guilty or restrained.
Harry Potter Marathon Weekends.
Any and everything related to Beyonce.
Rolling up "squad deep" to parties and bars with your friends.
And then leaving equally squad deep to go get in yoga pants and laugh about every ridiculous escapade of the evening.
Re-reading The Fault in Our Stars 10 times.
Learning something new and unexpected that changes you for the better.
Singing obnoxiously in the car.
Knowing concretely that wine had to be said multiple times on this list.
Hanging out with your mom.
That miraculous moment when no one is really at the gym.
Slipper socks.
Having some time by yourself to just stand outside and soak up the overwhelming joy that you're alive.
Gossip Girl.
Weekend sales.
Seriously, that crap can be half off.
The song "Problem" by Ariana Grande.
New shampoo.
French fries. If you tell yourself you don't have a deep passion for French fries, you're just lying to yourself.
Finding a new hobby or interest.
Actually having the time to dedicate to exploring that new hobby or interest.
Pitch Perfect.
Entire containers of Ben and Jerry's.
EOS lip balm.
Making a new best friend when you least expect it.
Movies with Ryan Gosling in them.
Taylor Swift girl power anthems.
Eating a home-cooked meal after you haven't eaten anything that wasn't frozen or packaged for too long.
Having a surplus of pillows.
Dancing like a diva.
Sleeping in.
Online shopping.
Understanding that half of these items are more comical than accurate and yet there is an underlying truth. What is the greatest part about not having a boyfriend? It's understanding that you do not require one to be complete. You should be happy with who you are on the inside, and content watching Netflix marathons and going out with friends. When the right guy comes around, he will. Until then, go blast some Beyonce ladies, being single is a beautiful thing.

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106   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 31, 3:38am  

Call it Crazy says

The Original Bankster says

Call it Crazy says

But, after reading posts in this thread and those other "women hater" thread, I wanted to add my viewpoint that not ALL women were evil and if guys are having problems meeting good ones, maybe the problem is not with the gal, but the GUY!

how old are you?

Old enough to know the ropes...

to old to know how things work today.

just thought I'd post this- puts perspective on things/,


108   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 31, 3:51am  

If you read the writings of Hitler, you will be surprised to find very cogent and lucid remarks about the nature of liberal democracies. Remember that during Hitler's time, they weren't very old or very cemented into the structure and psyche of everyday life as they are today. Germany was not long before Hitler's time a military empire. Much of what Hitler said applies today.

109   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 31, 3:54am  

"democracy will in practice lead to the destruction of a people's true values. And this also serves to explain how it is that people with a great past from the time when they surrender themselves to the unlimited, democratic rule "of the masses slowly lose their former position; for the outstanding achievements of individuals...are now rendered practically ineffective through the oppression of mere numbers." -Adolf Hitler

"Sooner will a camel pass through a needle's eye than a great man be "discovered" by an election." -Adolf Hitler

110   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 31, 4:02am  

look at our current social values- we celebrate black people who do crimes, we blame people for being white(even though this is what blacks themselves find beautiful), we blame people for being intelligent, we blame women for having and caring for children, etc.

eventually the strong rise and cast off the guilt that the weak impose on them.

111   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Jul 31, 4:05am  

Dan8267 says

difference between a leftist and a liberal.

Dan, that type of colorfully haired type will rage over their recent Oppression and Patriarchial Mansplaining Event when somebody held the door open for them while drinking a $6 latte. This type of person is known as a "Social Justice Warrior".

Social Justice Warriors will
1. Scream at you for not calling their sexual preference by their own particular definition ("It's Gender Queer, not Androgynous, you rascist, sexist, homophobe!")
2. Hate on civil liberties - what they call mockingly "Freeze Peach!" when someone objects to being silenced by them or their PC codes and regulations
3. Have no interest in police brutality, economic injustice, homelessness, etc. unless it focuses exclusively on their special interst as a (Fill in the Blank: Lesbian left-handed Eskimo, Biracial Bisexual, Gender Queer Guatemalan).

112   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 31, 4:10am  

just look at the history of these ideas, their origin is the Frankfurt School which attempted to apply Marxist thinking to social values. You can trace practically every crazy liberal idea to this school of thinking. This school dominated Universities in pre-Nazi germany.

113   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Jul 31, 4:13am  

The Original Bankster says

just look at the history of these ideas, their origin is the Frankfurt School which attempted to apply Marxist thinking to social values. You can trace practically every crazy liberal idea to this school of thinking. This school dominated Universities in pre-Nazi germany.

PC/Social Justice Warriors are 70s era hippies who gave up fighting the man when they realized he would fight back with bullets and water hoses, so they decided to rant about how Transsexuals are really only trying to invade Womyn's Spaces and rape women's bodies by trying to look like them*. They are the reason people are so focused on the Culture War while the American Standard of Living goes into the toilet.

No War but the Class War - that's leftism.

Screaming "Mansplaining!" when you didn't understand a transmission overhaul is not in the same ballpark in terms of price or time as an oil change isn't leftism.

* No bullshit, this was and still is one of the most popular rad fem texts ever:

If I could make shit like this up I'd be a multimillionaire author.

114   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 31, 4:19am  

no you really dont get it. In America, these ideas were gestated in the Universities during the 60s when they were taking over by Social Marxists - the social justice warrior type, whose headquarters are the Universities which harbor these ideas - are a pretty simplistic way of looking at it. At the very basis their ideas are Communist/Marxist but most or many dont even realize what is the genealogy of their ideas. Read David Horowitz if you don't believe that Communists were actively plotting to remake American society.

we have many feminists, but not too many seem concerned with how or where these ideas came from and this obfuscation is intentional because they don't want Americans to know what is the origin of these ideas- as that might lead them to realize what will be the result of them. Communism had feminism a long time ago(almost 100 years) - and it didnt result in the liberation of women, quite the opposite.

115   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Jul 31, 4:23am  

David Horowitz is like one of those guys in 1930s Germany or Spain.

They're with the fascists one day, the stalinists the next. It wasn't uncommon for members of the Communist or Fascist parties to switch sides. They were authoritarian minded people, only the style of authoritarianism changed.

Horowitz went from being a Social Justice Warrior to being a Neocon Warmonger. He's still a complete whackaloon.

116   edvard2   2014 Jul 31, 4:25am  

That anything Hitler wrote would be considered useful or sane shows me a of lack the understanding and comprehension of recent world history. I've studied WW2 since I was a kid and I can say this much about Hitler:

The man was a buffoon and a tyrant. Setting aside the obvious- in that he started a war that ultimately cost the lives of over 60 million people as well as systematically murdered millions more in concentration and POW camps, he was a moron when it came to running a war.

First of all he lacked the understanding of efficient mechanized warfare. Literally billions of dollars were spent on exotic weapons like the V2, the Messerschmitt Me 262 as well as the series of increasingly larger Tiger tanks amongst the most notable.

For a perfect example the Tiger II and II tanks were incredibly precision- engineered machines with a huge percentage of their parts machined by hand. They were technologically superior. The problem was that more of them wound up having to be scuttled by their crews because they broke down so often and since the hand made parts took too long to be crafted than were actually destroyed in battle. It also took much, much longer to build each tank. OTOH both the Russian and American tanks were mass-produced in tractor and former car factories by the 10's of thousands. They were more simple and faster to manufacture. Their drivertrains were easy to repair and spare parts were of course all interchangeable. So whereas the German tanks were overly-complicated and difficult to repair, the allies just kep right on pumping out zillions of tanks.

Second of all, Hitler repeatedly ignored his senior military staff. He totally overrode their requests to pull back from the Russian front before winter to resupply and recalibrate a new attack. He refused their suggestion and as a result Germany found itself on the defensive for the rest of the war.

So the man was totally incompetent.

Lastly, to suggest that our country is in any shape or form at all akin to Nazi Germany is not only an insult but so far removed from any reality that it begs the question of where in the fuck such a idea would come from? No. The US IS NOT at all even remotely close to that and for some VERY clear and obvious reasons.

A: Germany was a homogenous society. We are not

B: Hitler used outright racism as one of the backbones to his writings, ideology and governing style. As seen in the US, more and more groups of people are gaining access to civil rights and freedoms. So in other words the US is totally the OPPOSITE of what Germany was during Hitler's rein. So Why in the fuck would there be any suggestion that we would be anything like that? We aren't.

Again I ask where in the hell does some of this absolutely nutty shit come from? I mean- seriously. If my grandfathers, uncles, and other family members who serves in WW2 were reading this horse shit they'd be furious.

117   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 31, 4:28am  

edvard, youre an unimaginative twit.

118   edvard2   2014 Jul 31, 4:31am  

The Original Bankster says

edvard, youre an unimaginative twit.

And you tend to make outrageous and incorrect statements with absolutely nothing based in reality to back them up. As I said the other day, that form of conservatism is exactly what is hurting the GOP and any hope they have in the future.

But what in the hell was I or anyone with common sense supposed to imagine in some of the above posts? If someone came into a room and claimed Christopher Columbus discovered American in 1998 and was from the planet X-925 then what do you expect anyone to "Imagine" other than "What the fuck?!"

119   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 31, 4:41am  

Im not praising Nazi germany- im pointing out that there were positives to Hitler's ideas.

yesterday I was walking around one of the oldest building in Phoenix, dates to pre-WWII. It's amazing differently people thought then and what they could do with the resources and knowledge that they had.

We've become degraded degenerates and people like edvard applaud that. When we've arrived at a point where citizens of a neighboring country, who are here illegally, have more rights and bonuses than American citizens you know that something is terribly wrong. But edvard is 'the voice of reason' right?

120   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Jul 31, 4:43am  

Edvard, not to bust your balls, but what do you think the average WW2 veteran thought of Gays and Lesbos getting married?

Or Blacks?

Here's a real secret of WW2:


Aged Aussie Civilians vs. US MPs over the MP's treatment of Black American soldiers.

121   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Jul 31, 4:47am  

Humphrey Bogart in Maltese Falcon.

Every teenage boy oughta watch that scene when she tries to get him to take the rap for her.

122   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Jul 31, 4:51am  

Rin says

The term Menage-a-Trios is French in origin

... ménage à trois. More like a love triangle.

123   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 31, 4:52am  

the girls today know that feminism will bring them ZERO happiness, but they think they can take advantage of various aspects of it without swallowing it whole, which simply doesnt work. You can be sure some feminist worker is reading this very thread and devising some kind of plausible response to it, after all we pay these people millions of dollars through the 'education' system to come up with one bullshit lie after the next.

124   edvard2   2014 Jul 31, 4:58am  

thunderlips11 says

Edvard, not to bust your balls, but what do you think the average WW2 veteran thought of Gays and Lesbos getting married?

Way to change gears in a conversation.

125   edvard2   2014 Jul 31, 5:00am  

BTW... does anyone remember that guy who used to come on here a lot and make post after post of the most toxic, ridiculous, nutty right-winger posts? Its like deja-vu all over again.

126   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Jul 31, 5:04am  

edvard2 says

BTW... does anyone remember that guy who used to come on here a lot and make post after post of the most toxic, ridiculous, nutty right-winger posts? Its like deja-vu all over again.

Which one? hahahahahah

127   Y   2014 Jul 31, 5:17am  

Everyone generates their own unique opinions from their personal first hand experiences.
Now you know how Edvard from Sveden reacts vhen he virst realvizes his vimmen ancestas gotton z beetchslap across z face...

edvard2 says

BTW... does anyone remember that guy who used to come on here a lot and make post after post of the most toxic, ridiculous, nutty right-winger posts? Its like deja-vu all over again.

128   The Original Bankster   2014 Jul 31, 5:25am  

HA! edvard is Swedish? they are the WORST liberals on EARTH.

129   edvard2   2014 Jul 31, 5:27am  

The Original Bankster says

HA! edvard is Swedish? they are the WORST liberals on EARTH.

My family has lived in the US since the 1740's. A lot longer than any of the nutters, that's for sure.

130   komputodo   2014 Jul 31, 5:43am  

The Original Bankster says

HA! edvard is Swedish? they are the WORST liberals on EARTH.

Swedish women are HOT! Dangerous too. Remember tiger wood's ex went after him with a 9 iron.

131   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Jul 31, 5:44am  

komputodo says

They weren't hysterical, they had the "VAPORS".

Quick, to the fainting couch!

132   komputodo   2014 Jul 31, 5:45am  

edvard2 says

BTW... does anyone remember that guy who used to come on here a lot and make post after post of the most toxic, ridiculous, nutty right-winger posts? Its like deja-vu all over again.

Still can't shake that habit of putting people in categories huh? "right-wingers"

133   justme   2014 Jul 31, 5:45am  

I think it is time for Patrick to create a "Marriage is Slavery" bumper sticker, to complement the good old "Debt is Slavery" ones.

And maybe hold a logo contest?

134   komputodo   2014 Jul 31, 5:46am  

thunderlips11 says

komputodo says

They weren't hysterical, they had the "VAPORS".

Quick, to the fainting couch!

and give her a perfumed handkerchief

135   edvard2   2014 Jul 31, 6:34am  

komputodo says

Still can't shake that habit of putting people in categories huh? "right-wingers"

Its not a habit. If someone pulled up in a car that had a screamin' V8, tuned suspension, dual exhaust, low profile tires, a convertible top, 2 doors and so on you would call that a "Sports car"

If someone reliably makes right-wing commentary on a forum then they are most likely.... conservative.

To simplify: If it sounds like a duck... then its probably a duck.

136   komputodo   2014 Jul 31, 7:50am  

justme says

I think it is time for Patrick to create a "Marriage is Slavery" bumper sticker, to complement the goold old "Debt is Slavery" ones.

And maybe hold a logo contest?

The militant feminists would destroy your paint job and insurance companies would have to double the rates on anyone that had that sticker.

137   Dan8267   2014 Jul 31, 10:00am  

A great philosopher once said everything you need to know about marriage.


138   Dan8267   2014 Jul 31, 10:04am  

More of Bundy's philosophy...


139   Ceffer   2014 Jul 31, 4:05pm  

komputodo says

Swedish women are HOT! Dangerous too. Remember tiger wood's ex went after him with a 9 iron.

She told him to give her his best lie because she was going to slice his birdie.

140   lostand confused   2014 Jul 31, 10:48pm  

Ceffer says

komputodo says

Swedish women are HOT! Dangerous too. Remember tiger wood's ex went after him with a 9 iron.

She told him to give her his best lie because she was going to slice his birdie.

That is just the double standards that is rampant in this country. If a man went after a woman with a 9 iron, he would be in jail and carry a felony record for life. Instead she got a 100 million dollar payout and obscene child support and goes around claiming to be a victim.

He was one of the most well known and successful athletes in the world-what do you expect. if you wanted an ordinary man with a 9-5 job and who does not have women throw themselves at him 24/7- marry a fat, bald hairy bus driver or a toll collector-with a heart of gold. Nope, these whores want it all . They want the world to revolve around them and have men pay for it all and this they call equality.

Anybody who dares questions them is a misogynist anymore. The only thing is that people don't mind being called a misogynist or whateverist. Are there people who really think of all women/races in a certain demeaning way? Sure, but the pendulum has swung so far towards these women/minorities, that those whackadoodle folks are starting to seem mainstream. In some states, you could be a 21 yr old guy, work hard and be married for 10-20 years and the wife does nothing but spend your money and have affairs and she still gets half and alimony for life-for life-for being a slut. Then you wonder why they paint all women with the same brush. But the tide is turning and now for a small and growing number of women, the women is the one stuck with paying alimony and splitting assets.

141   dublin hillz   2014 Aug 1, 1:57am  

lostand confused says

21 yr old guy, work hard and be married for 10-20 years and the wife does
nothing but spend your money and have affairs and she still gets half and
alimony for life-for life-for being a slut

Why would someone marry a woman who is like that or who is perceived of possibility of becoming a leach? That's the root of the problem - as long as undesirable behaviors will be rewarded, they will continue.

142   Shaman   2014 Aug 1, 3:02am  

My wife has the opposite problem. She hates not working. It took three kids and all my powers of persuasion to convince her to stay home for a few years. Now she's gone back to work and couldn't be happier.

143   The Original Bankster   2014 Aug 1, 3:14am  

too bad Peggy Bundy would be considered a catch by today's standards.

144   Rin   2014 Aug 1, 3:43am  

lostand confused says

man went after a woman with a 9 iron, he would be in jail and carry a felony record for life. Instead she got a 100 million dollar payout and obscene child support and goes around claiming to be a victim.

He was one of the most well known and successful athletes in the world-what do you expect. if you wanted an ordinary man with a 9-5 job and who does not have women throw themselves at him 24/7- marry a fat, bald hairy bus driver or a toll collector-with a heart of gold.

I believe that Elin was a nanny, before meeting the 2nd most successful golfer in history. Thus, in terms of social/financial status, it was already a mismatch from the get-go.

Just because she happens to be an '8' or '9' by French-Canadian levels, but from a more northern European country, she's entitled to date the sports stars, bankers, and so-forth, in America. Yeah, it's called being a debutante. And today, it looks like Elin's dating another billionaire type so I'm not buying the victim thing; she's a gold digger at heart.

The problem was that the story was too out in the open. Otherwise, she would have been fine, sweeping it under the rug.

On the other hand, as a result of the scandal, Tiger's lost a lot of endorsements and a bit of his concentration [ due to all the chaos around him ] so that since 2008, he's no where near, catching up with Jack Nicklaus's record of top 3, 46 times with 18 first places.

So Elin's richer and Tiger's a has-been Nicklaus wannabe.

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