Feminists Comfort Single Women

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2014 Jul 30, 5:44am   58,342 views  183 comments

by The Original Bankster   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

that's right ladies- don't you worry that men are never going to make a commitment to you in your entire life- you've got FEMINISM! No need to worry, don't you fret- it'll all turn out fine.



Having a rock star career.
Queso Dip.
Happy Hour.
Getting to travel or move anywhere in the world without feeling guilty or restrained.
Harry Potter Marathon Weekends.
Any and everything related to Beyonce.
Rolling up "squad deep" to parties and bars with your friends.
And then leaving equally squad deep to go get in yoga pants and laugh about every ridiculous escapade of the evening.
Re-reading The Fault in Our Stars 10 times.
Learning something new and unexpected that changes you for the better.
Singing obnoxiously in the car.
Knowing concretely that wine had to be said multiple times on this list.
Hanging out with your mom.
That miraculous moment when no one is really at the gym.
Slipper socks.
Having some time by yourself to just stand outside and soak up the overwhelming joy that you're alive.
Gossip Girl.
Weekend sales.
Seriously, that crap can be half off.
The song "Problem" by Ariana Grande.
New shampoo.
French fries. If you tell yourself you don't have a deep passion for French fries, you're just lying to yourself.
Finding a new hobby or interest.
Actually having the time to dedicate to exploring that new hobby or interest.
Pitch Perfect.
Entire containers of Ben and Jerry's.
EOS lip balm.
Making a new best friend when you least expect it.
Movies with Ryan Gosling in them.
Taylor Swift girl power anthems.
Eating a home-cooked meal after you haven't eaten anything that wasn't frozen or packaged for too long.
Having a surplus of pillows.
Dancing like a diva.
Sleeping in.
Online shopping.
Understanding that half of these items are more comical than accurate and yet there is an underlying truth. What is the greatest part about not having a boyfriend? It's understanding that you do not require one to be complete. You should be happy with who you are on the inside, and content watching Netflix marathons and going out with friends. When the right guy comes around, he will. Until then, go blast some Beyonce ladies, being single is a beautiful thing.

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146   Dan8267   2014 Aug 2, 10:51am  

Katie Pavlich is an idiot who doesn't know the difference between a liberal and a leftist. So nothing she says on the subject matter is truthful.

147   lostand confused   2014 Aug 2, 11:40pm  

Katie Pavlich -a smart, easy on the eyes woman.

148   Y   2014 Aug 3, 12:07am  

In other words, "She doesn't have a snake between her hamstrings, so I'm not turned on."

Dan8267 says

Katie Pavlich is an idiot who doesn't know the difference between a liberal and a leftist.

149   Tenpoundbass   2014 Aug 3, 12:47am  

How come all of the politically engaged Conservative women are HOT, and engaged Liberal Dykes are well...

150   marcus   2014 Aug 3, 1:30am  

CaptainShuddup says

How come all of the politically engaged Conservative women are HOT

You mean all 3 of them ? Who are we talking here besides Palin ? Ann Coulter ?

The path of least resistance is for a ho to just go ahead and agree with her wealthy sugar daddy.

151   Tenpoundbass   2014 Aug 3, 1:55am  

You forgot the FOX news gals.
Both regular and FOX business.

Who does CNN Have Jennie Mose?

152   anotheraccount   2014 Aug 3, 2:38am  

CaptainShuddup says

You forgot the FOX news gals.

I think they all use the same plastic surgeon.

153   Dan8267   2014 Aug 3, 3:06am  

Call it Crazy says

We liberals have been complaining about all those things and much more for decades. Don't forget
1. The NSA spying on private citizens.
2. The FBI and local police installing spyware on computers.
3. The militarization of police.
4. No-knock raids including many which have resulted in the deaths of innocent people and a grenade being thrown into a baby's crib while the baby was in it.
5. Using smart-meters to spy on people and then sending a swat team into a private residence because the guy was using "suspicious" amounts of power during the night running the servers for his Internet-based business and some judge said that's enough for "probable cause" that he's a drug grower.
6. Oh, and torture, rape, and sexual humiliation as "valid interrogation tools".

I could go on for hours.

Katie Pavlich is still an idiot who doesn't know the difference between a liberal and a leftist, and everything she says about liberals is a lie.

154   Dan8267   2014 Aug 3, 3:07am  

SoftShell says

In other words, "She doesn't have a snake between her hamstrings, so I'm not turned on."

Are you homophobic?

155   Dan8267   2014 Aug 3, 3:09am  

Call it Crazy says

lostand confused says

Katie Pavlich -a smart, easy on the eyes woman.

Which is why the liberals are scared of her...

The true picture of what type of woman/man (not sure which she is) liberals like is Rachel Maddow.

It's pretty sad that if you judge her by her looks rather than her actual reporting. At least I respected her enough to form my opinion of her as a reporter on her actual work. You are reducing her to a sex object.

156   Dan8267   2014 Aug 3, 3:24am  

Shocker: Right Wing News Editor Seriously Misinformed About Breast Health

I hate article titles that begin “Shocker:” too, but after reading the idiotic Townhall.com piece by idiotic news editor Katie Pavlich, “Shocker: Susan G. Komen Pulled PP Funding Because They Don’t Perform Mammograms,” I simply couldn’t resist. Now, Townhall has never been known for its intellectual rigor, but even in that notoriously obtuse shed, Pavlich isn’t the sharpest tool. Even so, she manages to plumb new depths of ignorant asshattery in this ponderously dull-witted piece.


Slavery in America was the subjugation of an entire race of people through violent means, the tearing apart of families when an owner decided on a whim to sell a husband away from his wife and children or vice versa, and so on. We’re pretty sure that no matter how much of our country’s debt the Chinese own, they will never put you in chains and ship you off to labor day and night in a Guangdong fortune cookie mine (or even a Foxconn factory). There is a reason the DVD we are giving Richard Cohen for Hanukkah is not called Roots: The Saga of an American Family’s Tax Burden.

I can see why conservatives love Katie Pavlich. She's a thin, female version of Rush Limbaugh. She's not as physically repulsive as Rush, but she's just as ugly on the inside. She spews hate, lies, and half-lies.

Take this example,

Anyone who knows anything about American history knows that the lineage of people who supported slavery are today's Republicans. Back in the 1960s the two parties reversed roles as Richard Nixon's and Pat Buchanan's Southern Strategy took effect. All the Dixiecrat scumbags became today's Republicans and Tea Party.

To equate today's Democrats with the American South is utterly ridiculous.

150 years later and it's still almost exactly the same damn map.

In typical fashion, conservatives twist the truth into a lie. The truth is that the American South has always been immoral and vile, and the party that represents the South is the party of evil. That party today is the Republican Party.

157   lostand confused   2014 Aug 3, 3:59am  

Maybe the past. But modern slavery-slavery of men is a leftist product. The idea that to be an equal to a man, a woman needs to be supported for life in the lifestyle she was used to-just because she married a guy for a few years. The idea that some judge somewhere controls how much you give your kids and you can't even question how the money is spent. In some states, you can't even take a lower paying job by choice-because you are "cheating.- though that provision is more subjective in interpretation.
This slavery of men is a product of the left-the funny thing is that it is under tthe guise of equality -Hahhahaha!!

158   Tenpoundbass   2014 Aug 3, 6:15am  

It doesn't take a Rin to figure that out.

159   Tenpoundbass   2014 Aug 3, 6:17am  

Dan8267 says

Anyone who knows anything about American history knows that the lineage of people who supported slavery are today's Republicans.

You mean anyone who knows Discovery Channel programming.

160   Tenpoundbass   2014 Aug 3, 6:20am  

Dan8267 says

150 years later and it's still almost exactly the same damn map.

That's easily explained, aren't Liberals currently actively engaging in Politcal emmigration to exploit geographical politcal leanings? They did to New York in early 2000's they did it to Florida after the 2004 elections, and they are trying to do it to Texas as we speak right now.

So in another 100 years after you've fucked those states up royally. What will be your turncoat spin then?

Will you go back to your Discovery Channel Chart?

161   komputodo   2014 Aug 3, 7:44am  

Would anyone here be proud to say that this woman Chanty Binx was their daughter? Just askin'

162   Strategist   2014 Aug 3, 7:44am  

Call it Crazy says

Your choice:


If I was to sleep with them republican women would be a no brainer. But if they tell me "NO, I have morals"

163   Strategist   2014 Aug 3, 7:46am  

Strategist says

Call it Crazy says

Your choice:


If I was to sleep with them republican women would be a no brainer. But if they tell me "NO, I have morals"

Hey, Helen Thomas is already dead.

164   komputodo   2014 Aug 3, 7:48am  

Call it Crazy says

marcus says

CaptainShuddup says

How come all of the politically engaged Conservative women are HOT

You mean all 3 of them ? Who are we talking here besides Palin ? Ann Coulter ?

Your choice:



Not fair..There's 3 men in the liberal woman section

165   Tenpoundbass   2014 Aug 3, 8:03am  

Those are actresses. Not Politicians or Political pundits.
If they dare to venture into commenting on politics, Hollywood only does so while promoting their latest project.

So it's really a plug for a plug contract.

166   Tenpoundbass   2014 Aug 3, 8:10am  

Are you kidding? I'll take her over any Libherhater.

Let me tell you something about Chicks with a gap between their teeth. If you run into a randy one, don't pass it up. They can bop on a schmeckle like no bodies business.

167   Tenpoundbass   2014 Aug 3, 8:24am  

I like shorter and darker women, more exotic than Blonde American chicks.
That being said, if I were into blonde women, I don't see anything wrong with Ann. I bet She'd be a riot out on a date. We'd be in Starbucks just pointing and laughing at all of the assholes. Whooo yeah, fun times, fun times...

168   Rin   2014 Aug 3, 8:40am  

CaptainShuddup says

if I were into blonde women

Well, I'd like to have a copy of Charlize Theron but with large breast implants.

169   Tenpoundbass   2014 Aug 3, 8:50am  

I prefer smaller tits, big breasted women are always complaining about their back. They are slow to fetch a beer, and tend let the house upkeep go.

170   Rin   2014 Aug 3, 9:04am  

CaptainShuddup says

complaining about their back

Well, I can provide some lat pulldown training, if you know what I mean :-)

171   The Original Bankster   2014 Aug 3, 9:11am  

actually Ann Coulter looks like a shemale to me. just saying.

172   Tenpoundbass   2014 Aug 3, 9:13am  

Well if he is, it just goes to show you how confused those people are.

173   The Original Bankster   2014 Aug 3, 9:19am  

why do we even bother having a subject for a forum?, every forum has the same stupid shit posted over and over again.

175   Dan8267   2014 Aug 3, 11:23am  

I'm not interested in how physically attractive a politician is. I don't want to fuck them. I just want to make sure I'm not getting fucked by them. That's why I prefer to have intelligent, honest, and ethical in office instead of blonde Fox airheads and sellouts. Vote with your brain, not your dick.

176   Strategist   2014 Aug 3, 11:34am  

The Original Bankster says

That is either a very ugly guy who looks like a woman, or a very ugly woman who looks like a guy. Can't figure it out.

177   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Aug 3, 12:29pm  

Strategist says

That is either a very ugly guy who looks like a woman, or a very ugly woman who looks like a guy. Can't figure it out.

That's Andrea "All Heterosexual Intercourse is Rape" Dworkin.

She supposedly hooked her way through School as a Street Prostitute, if you believe that. Just before she died, she concocted a story about being raped in Paris (about the same age that appears in the photo) that even her friends didn't believe.

The ancients had a term "Hysterical" for this behavior.

178   Strategist   2014 Aug 3, 1:00pm  

thunderlips11 says

Strategist says

That is either a very ugly guy who looks like a woman, or a very ugly woman who looks like a guy. Can't figure it out.

That's Andrea "All Heterosexual Intercourse is Rape" Dworkin.

She supposedly hooked her way through School as a Street Prostitute, if you believe that. Just before she died, she concocted a story about being raped in Paris (about the same age that appears in the photo) that even her friends didn't believe.

The ancients had a term "Hysterical" for this behavior.

She is rape proof.

179   marcus   2014 Aug 4, 7:14am  

Funny that the Captain's big complaint about Obama is that he's "a media product," all PR. Maybe not even realizing that all Presidents since Kennedy have been marketed to us by Madison avenue. Most people trace this phenomenon back to the Nixon Kennedy TV debates, when everyone realized the power of TV and the importance of having a good presence on TV, but I would argue that that was just when it was taken to an even more commercial television focused level.

In any case, then here's CaptainSU arguing that the female republican politicians and pundits he sees on TV are hot.

180   anonymous   2014 Aug 4, 7:37am  

CaptainShuddup says

I prefer smaller tits, big breasted women are always complaining about their back. They are slow to fetch a beer, and tend let the house upkeep go.

Not if you pony up the money for good bra's

181   marcus   2014 Aug 4, 7:39am  

Ann Coulter may look transgender, but that doesn't mean that she is.

Besides, so what if she is ?

182   Tenpoundbass   2014 Aug 4, 7:55am  

marcus says

Besides, so what if she is ?

Are you asking for clarity to my previous loaded statement?

I think I'll let it sit on it's own. Because it really shows how our political party are all the same entity it's all the same cross dressing queer, that thinks abortion is baby killing, and drilling for Oil and bullets will shield us from the ailments in the rest of the world, if the Global warming doesn't kill us first.

Meanwhile back in the unemployment line.

183   Tenpoundbass   2014 Aug 4, 8:02am  

If Ann Coulter is in Andy Coulter in Drag, then He should be fast tracked to the president of the United States. No election and let's not even wait a year.
Who would be a better person to represent America and all our views than a self loathing Liberal transgender, towing the line for Conservative causes?

All hail to the Chief.

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