Ferguson: case closed!

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2014 Aug 20, 3:18am   84,617 views  266 comments

by Shaman   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  


Officer Darren Wilson suffered facial fractures during his confrontation with deceased 18 year-old Michael Brown. Officer Wilson clearly feared for his life during the incident that led to the shooting death of Brown. This was after Michael Brown and his accomplice Dorian Johnson robbed a local Ferguson convenience store.

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215   Y   2014 Dec 1, 11:29pm  

“Having read the transcripts of the grand jury, and having been a prosecutor for thirteen years, I don’t see how this case normally would even have been brought to the grand jury,” Giuliani said.
“This is the kind of case, had it not had the racial overtones and the national publicity, in which the prosecutor would have come to the conclusion that there was not enough evidence to bring to the grand jury.”


216   tatupu70   2014 Dec 1, 11:31pm  

SoftShell says

ps. my post above is "Damning Evidence"...

No, it's your opinion. And you're entitled to it.

Do you disagree that indictments have been returned on less?

217   Y   2014 Dec 1, 11:40pm  

But according to YOU, 'evidence' is just 'opinion'...so my "damning evidence" comment is correct.

Tatupu said: Again--I think folks here have difficulty understating what a fact is. Officer Wilson's testimony is backed by some other witnesses and some of the forensic evidence. But his version is contradicted by several witnesses and some of the forensic evidence is not supportive of his version.

And it also depends on which of Wilson's statements you are listening to--the grand jury or his initial report. You know that he embellished quite a bit in his grand jury statement, right?

In any event, none of it qualifies as a fact.


tatupu70 says

SoftShell says

ps. my post above is "Damning Evidence"...

No, it's your opinion. And you're entitled to it.

218   Y   2014 Dec 1, 11:42pm  

No disagreement.

tatupu70 says

Do you disagree that indictments have been returned on less?

219   tatupu70   2014 Dec 1, 11:43pm  

SoftShell says

But according to YOU, 'evidence' is just 'opinion'...so my "damning evidence" comment is correct.

Nope--that's not what I said. Some evidence is fact. Some is opinion. A witness observation is not a fact. An analysis of forensic evidence saying it's unlikely x happened is opinion.

Forensic evidence stating the victim was shot 5 times would be fact.

220   anonymous   2014 Dec 2, 12:45am  

The libbies sent in their b team? What is that even supposed to mean?

I'm politically agnostic and could fart something more interesting then the group of squid arguing for an expansion of the govt and larger police state. You'd have to be an idiot of epic proportions to root on the police

Did you even read dodgertardjohn? The guy is likely retarded with his nonsense

221   Y   2014 Dec 2, 12:48am  

If you are unable to grade the various levels of ignorance from the left, I can't help you.

errc says

The libbies sent in their b team? What is that even supposed to mean?

222   Y   2014 Dec 2, 12:54am  

The forensic evidence may show 5 bullet holes, but cannot account for richochets...he could have been shot 4 times, with one richochet causing two of the holes.
Everything is opinion.

tatupu70 says

Nope--that's not what I said. Some evidence is fact. Some is opinion. A witness observation is not a fact. An analysis of forensic evidence saying it's unlikely x happened is opinion.

Forensic evidence stating the victim was shot 5 times would be fact.

223   tatupu70   2014 Dec 2, 1:16am  

SoftShell says


The forensic evidence may show 5 bullet holes, but cannot account for richochets...he could have been shot 4 times, with one richochet causing two of the holes.

Everything is opinion

I know you're being ridiculous, but if there were 5 bullets recovered from 5 bullet holes in a body, I would consider a statement that he was shot 5 times as a fact. But I understand your point. Are you happier with--it's a fact that Michael Brown is deceased?

224   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Dec 2, 1:32am  

errc says

The libbies sent in their b team? What is that even supposed to mean?

I'm politically agnostic and could fart something more interesting then the group of squid arguing for an expansion of the govt and larger police state. You'd have to be an idiot of epic proportions to root on the police

Did you even read dodgertardjohn? The guy is likely retarded with his nonsense

What SoftShell meant is that there are left leaning posters here at Pat.net that have the professional knowledge to address this thread, but are choosing not to. SoftShell is hypothesizing, probably correctly, that the reason these posters are not touching this thread is because there is no argument to be made...Officer Wilson did not commit a crime and the evidence backs that.

So all that is left is to grasp at straws. The B team...made up of protestors who have admitted they don't care what the evidence shows, MSNBHEE HAW, modern day carny barkers like Al Sharpton, and lower tier left wing PAtnet posters.

225   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Dec 2, 1:35am  

errc says

The libbies sent in their b team? What is that even supposed to mean?

I'm politically agnostic and could fart something more interesting then the group of squid arguing for an expansion of the govt and larger police state. You'd have to be an idiot of epic proportions to root on the police

Did you even read dodgertardjohn? The guy is likely retarded with his nonsense

Btw, where did ANYONE in this thread argue for an expansion of the police state?

The Michael Brown incident was about an officer acting in self defense. The only witnesses that contradicted that have been shown to be lying about the incident.

226   Y   2014 Dec 2, 1:45am  

Now...THAT is my strong point!

tatupu70 says

I know you're being ridiculous,

227   Y   2014 Dec 2, 1:46am  

One ricochet...one missed...still opinion, although a rather strong one...
unless you are saying "recovered from the body"....then it's a fact.
tatupu70 says

but if there were 5 bullets recovered from 5 bullet holes in a body, I would consider a statement that he was shot 5 times as a fact.

228   Y   2014 Dec 2, 1:47am  

That depends on your religious beliefs, and your definition of "deceased"...

tatupu70 says

Are you happier with--it's a fact that Michael Brown is deceased?

229   Y   2014 Dec 2, 1:49am  


dodgerfanjohn says

What SoftShell meant is that there are left leaning posters here at Pat.net that have the professional knowledge to address this thread, but are choosing not to. SoftShell is hypothesizing, probably correctly, that the reason these posters are not touching this thread is because there is no argument to be made...Officer Wilson did not commit a crime and the evidence backs that.

230   tatupu70   2014 Dec 2, 1:51am  

dodgerfanjohn says

What SoftShell meant is that there are left leaning posters here at Pat.net that have the professional knowledge to address this thread, but are choosing not to. SoftShell is hypothesizing, probably correctly, that the reason these posters are not touching this thread is because there is no argument to be made...Officer Wilson did not commit a crime and the evidence backs that.

So all that is left is to grasp at straws. The B team...made up of protestors who have admitted they don't care what the evidence shows, MSNBHEE HAW, modern day carny barkers like Al Sharpton, and lower tier left wing PAtnet posters.

I don't know if you're including me in this rant, but you are completely clueless. You're obviously incapable of nuance and lack the ability to understand the fundamental issue that I'm trying to make. If we allow DAs to act as pawns of the police, making no effort to do their job in front of a grand jury, aren't we one step closer to a police state?

231   anonymous   2014 Dec 2, 2:02am  

How is it possible to move any closer to a police state

This is already a full blown police state. And there's no shortage of idiots lining up to support the end of freedom

232   tatupu70   2014 Dec 2, 2:26am  

Call it Crazy says

What the hell are you talking about? All the DA did was present witnesses, evidence and all types of other info to the GJ. That IS his job!!

No, that's not his job. His job is to get a conviction (or indictment in this case).

Call it Crazy says

If you have issues with the outcome, go contact those 12 people.

Not sure how many times I can state this. I DON'T have an issue with the outcome. I have an issue with the process.

233   tatupu70   2014 Dec 2, 2:46am  

If you think this is how DAs act for all criminals that are up for indictment, then I can't help you. A DAs job is to get an indictment and conviction. Period. It's not to do the defense attorney's job for him. And that's why I challenge you to find ANY other case where the accused is allowed to speak for 4 hours in front of a grand jury.

234   dublin hillz   2014 Dec 2, 3:12am  

errc says

How is it possible to move any closer to a police state

This is already a full blown police state. And there's no shortage of idiots lining up to support the end of freedom

No one in their right mind should wish for a police state, but at the same time we must recognize that there are nefarious people out there who won't hesitate to murder if they can snatch a $100 - these 2 forces must be reconciled. We cannot have anarchy as long as this second category of people exists.

235   tatupu70   2014 Dec 2, 3:15am  

Call it Crazy says

Do you want Grand Juries to be eliminated and we go directly to the hangings and guillotines?

Are you on crack? I want DAs to be separate from police.

236   tatupu70   2014 Dec 2, 3:17am  

Call it Crazy says

The accused is always allowed to speak at a GJ. In many cases, the defense lawyer is against it (if he thinks his client is guilty), but in this case, no laws were broken so Wilson decided to talk to the GJ.

Uh, I don't think you have any idea what a grand jury is. Here's a quick primer for you:


"Grand jury proceedings are secret. No judge is present; the proceedings are led by a prosecutor;[16] and the defendant has no right to present his case or (in many instances) to be informed of the proceedings at all"

237   tatupu70   2014 Dec 2, 4:15am  

From your source:

Is McCulloch’s decision to present all of the evidence to the grand jury controversial?


Richard Kuhns, an emeritus professor at Washington University Law School, questioned McCulloch’s approach. “Since he presumably doesn't do this with other cases, the not-so-hidden message must be ‘don't indict.’ One more reason why McCulloch should never have been in charge of the investigation.”

238   anonymous   2014 Dec 2, 5:19am  


Do you honestly think that there's people out there that would jig you for $100. But the police are here to keep is safe, And because of these police, we are kept safe?

I don't think that's anywhere in the same realm of reality. I honestly believe that this police state presence has probably never stopped one single crime from being committed. Not one potential victim has ever been spared, because of the existence of our police state

I'll take it one step further. I believe t that the police make us all much less safe, And their existence has resulted in unfathomable amounts of crime x and wealth destruction

239   humanity   2014 Dec 2, 5:37am  

Call it Crazy says

See, it's NOT about just trying to find the accused guilty but giving the GJ ALL the evidence to make a informed decision!

Your cluelessness never ceases to amaze.

The job of the GJ is to indict (or not). The job of the prosecutor should be to calibrate the charges to what they should be, i.e. if a legitimate case can be made, and then to make the case that this charge is justified. In this case I think that would be either 2nd degree murder, manslaughter, or possibly only criminal negligence.

It's pretty hard to argue that a case can not even be made that the cop was at least criminally negligent.

The grand jury isn't supposed to determine if he was, only if it is POSSIBLE that a convincing argument can be made that he was.

Or the same for manslaughter, that is if they had a prosecutor who thought Wilson should be indicted for something.

240   humanity   2014 Dec 2, 5:56am  

You're making that up. If he wanted to satisfy the natives as you say, there should have been a trial.

Instead, he basically tried the case all by himself, with the grand jury, while acting basically as the defense attorney with the goal of finding WIlson innocent. It may be true that he (with prejudice?) determined Wilson was probably totally innocent. But that would have probably included extremely stupid leaps, such as ruling out testimony from people who say Wilson shot at Brown while he was running, just because he wasn't hit from behind.

I notice dodgerfan still repeats this, after I mentioned an obvious fact, which is that Brown not being hit from behind does not come close to proving that WIlson didn't shoot at him while he was running away (WE KNOW HALF OF WILSONS SHOTS MISSED). Who knows, maybe the prosecutor is just as ill prepared to really look at the facts objectively as dodgerfan John is.

This was a fraudulent GJ according to many experts, including Supreme court justice Scalia and many others.

Call it Crazy says

Your racial bias never ceases to amaze!!

You're the one bringing race in to this. I'm not assuming that the cops incompetence or worse has anything to do with race. I do think it might have had something to do with why the cop was such pussy. Prbably lived a very sheltered life and was afraid of the scary black man. But who knows. I don't think it's particularly relevant.

241   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Dec 2, 7:51am  

There could not be a trial. Any charges brought against Wilson would be dismissed in preliminary hearing. Even the most anti police judge would not hold Wilson to stand trial.

I don't know why you slaps fail to understand this.

242   dublin hillz   2014 Dec 2, 8:01am  

errc says

Do you honestly think that there's people out there that would jig you for
$100. But the police are here to keep is safe, And because of these police, we
are kept safe?

Yes, for some it will take even less than $100.

errc says

I don't think that's anywhere in the same realm of reality. I honestly
believe that this police state presence has probably never stopped one single
crime from being committed. Not one potential victim has ever been spared,
because of the existence of our police state

I'll take it one step further. I believe t that the police make us all much
less safe, And their existence has resulted in unfathomable amounts of crime x
and wealth destruction

The threat of imprisonment/punishment logically results in some people not committing crimes when they otherwise would. The effect is hard to quantify as you cannot interview people and since only 1 system can exist at a time controlling for country/culture, you cannot run experiments, but it clearly exists.

Unfortunately it does not deter all potential criminals given how many people are actually incarcerated, but it's simply a bigger problem mainly the fact that people learn definitions favorable to crime from their delinquent peer groups. In many countries, in the underclass one way to build prestige is to openly defy the law to prove toughness. Differential Association theory of crime explains this pretty well. Given this truth, the best that can be done is to lock up this "target market" and limit the damage to law obiding society until the necessary cultural change occurs.

243   tatupu70   2014 Dec 2, 8:28am  

dodgerfanjohn says

I don't know why you slaps fail to understand this.

Who doesn't understand that?? You are the one who completely fails to grasp the point--it's not that anyone here thinks Wilson is guilty. It's that the prosecutor clearly didn't perform his duty, instead doing everything in his power to get Wilson off.

It sets a very disturbing precedent.

244   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Dec 2, 8:44am  

tatupu70 says

dodgerfanjohn says

I don't know why you slaps fail to understand this.

Who doesn't understand that?? You are the one who completely fails to grasp the point--it's not that anyone here thinks Wilson is guilty. It's that the prosecutor clearly didn't perform his duty, instead doing everything in his power to get Wilson off.

It sets a very disturbing precedent.

So in your opinion the DA should have announced that no charges would be filed, correct? Cause that was the ONLY other option.

245   humanity   2014 Dec 2, 8:47am  

dodgerfanjohn says

Any charges brought against Wilson would be dismissed in preliminary hearing. Even the most anti police judge would not hold Wilson to stand trial.

Actually, I'm pretty sure that if a grand jury results in an indictment, they aren't also going to have a pretrial hearing. Also, just FYI cops can easily be found guilty of manslaughter. In this case (Brown/Wilson) it might have been a lessor charge that was appropriate, criminal negligence - in other words the cops incompetence led to someone being killed who shouldn't have been. IF you think a judge wouldn't even hear that, you're definitely not being honest or objective.

These are examples of cops actually being found guilty.







246   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Dec 2, 8:49am  

Why do you hate the statements of witnesses who were truthful?

247   humanity   2014 Dec 2, 8:51am  

Why are you willing to dismiss more than half of the statements based on faulty logic?

248   humanity   2014 Dec 2, 8:51am  

The grand jury isn't supposed to try the case. When are you going to get that ?

249   tatupu70   2014 Dec 2, 9:13am  

dodgerfanjohn says

So in your opinion the DA should have announced that no charges would be filed, correct? Cause that was the ONLY other option.

Well, first, that wasn't the only other option. He could have behaved like a prosecutor and actually tried for an indictment. If the grand jury doesn't indict, fine. If it does, then you have a trial where Wilson would be found not guilty, if there was no evidence as you suggest.

But, if the prosecutor decided there wasn't enough evidence to indict, then present the evidence explaining why no charges were filed. Just like they did after the grand jury. It's a DA's job to determine whether or not to go to a grand jury--but once decided, the DA must do everything in his power to get an indictment. Using the grand jury as a trial jury and acting like a defense attorney shouldn't have ever been considered...

250   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Dec 2, 11:48am  

Tee Hee. Look who you have defending you Tat.

251   Vicente   2014 Dec 2, 2:06pm  

Call it Crazy says

The prosecutor decided to pass the decision on to the GJ. It's his duty to also pass ALL the evidence collected on to the GJ, not pick and choose only the evidence that supports an indictment.

This was badly mishandled.

Normally a Grand Jury does not have witnesses testifying, and reams of evidence. They determine if there is a reasonable case for going to court. The overwhelming majority of Grand Juries send the cases along, where the court can weigh all that "reasonable doubt" business and whatnot.

That is unquestionably what should have happened here. It is highly likely he would have gotten "not guilty" but society and justice would have been better served. Instead it reeks of hamhanded attempt to shove all this under the rug and hope everyone will just forget about it.

252   deepcgi   2014 Dec 2, 3:56pm  

The real argument should be about why so many witnesses were caught lying. Why so many protestors don't care about evidence and don't feel any dissonance when they learn that their assumptions were wrong.

In any case, I expect cop-cams to be a double-edged sword. Rather than just 'keeping cops clean', these videos of questionable police-actions may very well just give the majority of Americans who never grew up in the ghetto a glimpse of how little respect some people have for the rule of law.

Where I grew up in Texas as a white kid, it wouldn't have mattered at all what race the cop was, if we responded with anything but "yes, sir" or "no, sir" to an officer, the conversation would have ended badly and swiftly.

Having since lived at 124th Street and Broadway near Harlem in Manhattan in the years before Julianni, I am no longer shocked by every other word in supposedly polite conversations (and in the presence of children) being "motherf----r". Even there however, no one spoke like that near a police officer, let alone AT a police officer.

We are headed for a total disrespect for the rule of law - from the poorest to the president. Race is just an excuse.

253   bob2356   2014 Dec 2, 6:56pm  

Vicente says

Normally a Grand Jury does not have witnesses testifying, and reams of evidence. They determine if there is a reasonable case for going to court. The overwhelming majority of Grand Juries send the cases along, where the court can weigh all that "reasonable doubt" business and whatnot.

That is unquestionably what should have happened here. It is highly likely he would have gotten "not guilty" but society and justice would have been better served. Instead it reeks of hamhanded attempt to shove all this under the rug and hope everyone will just forget about it.

Not true at all. Although grand juries are an peculiar american anachronism (I believe the US is the only country still using them) investigations are very much a grand jury function. It is not common to do so, but it's not that unusual either. A grand jury having witnesses testifying is perfectly normal and very common. Pretty much routine. That's a big part of determining whether to indict or not.

I don't see where a grand jury was shoving anything under the rug. Grand juries aren't required in MO, but most felonies are brought before one and almost all cases involving charges against police.Some prosecutors present all the evidence, some don't. This was a sitting grand jury already empanelled when the case came up. Letting the grand jury investigate was different but there nothing else out of the ordinary except the intense level of scrutiny.

254   tatupu70   2014 Dec 2, 7:38pm  

bob2356 says

Some prosecutors present all the evidence, some don't

I've never heard of a prosecutor presenting evidence that is favorable to the defendant. Does that really occur?

dodgerfanjohn says

Tee Hee. Look who you have defending you Tat.

Uh-have you noticed who has taken up your cause?

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