Distrustful Africans slaughter Ebola aid workers and dump their bodies in shit

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2014 Sep 19, 1:33am   12,792 views  33 comments

by lakermania   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Eight members of a team trying to raise awareness about Ebola have been killed by villagers using machetes and clubs in Guinea, officials say.

Some of the bodies - of health workers, local officials and journalists - were found in a septic tank in a village school near the city of Nzerekore.

Correspondents say many villagers are suspicious of official attempts to combat the disease.

The team disappeared after being pelted with stones by residents when they arrived in the village of Wome - in southern Guinea, where the Ebola outbreak was first recorded.

A journalist who managed to escape told reporters that she could hear villagers looking for them while she was hiding.


They loot the treatment centers and kill the people trying to help them. I think the signal is clear that they don't want us there.

Comments 1 - 33 of 33        Search these comments

1   Peter P   2014 Sep 19, 2:41am  

No good deed goes unpunished. Aid workers, journalists, missionaries.

The west should focus on containing the disease while a vaccine is being developed.

2   Tenpoundbass   2014 Sep 19, 2:48am  

lakermania says

Eight members of a team trying to raise awareness

I don't know why White Westerners are so smug and crass.
They like to raise awareness about sunshine and the night time. Those poor people living over there, are already scared shitless about Ebola. They have heard more than enough rumors, and probably have seen the movie Outbreak in 5 different languages. They need hope and to know that it is being cured. Not 8 westerners coming to their village telling them how to live, and their customs are shit and could kill them all.

These Villages need to be fenced in secured and monitored by Military professionals, so that health professionals can do their work. They don't need Westerners who majored in Women's studies, coming over getting all touchy feely on them, and taking the opportunity to spread domestic violence awareness and what all else they want program these people with.

3   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Sep 19, 4:30am  

^^^correct solution. Isolate contaminate areas. Machine gun anyone who tries to leave without authorization.

Machine gun the women's studies majors also as they are essentially worthless.

4   zzyzzx   2014 Sep 19, 11:59am  

Typical blacks!

5   marcus   2014 Sep 19, 2:04pm  

Typical racist troll.

6   justme   2014 Sep 19, 2:16pm  

Strategist says

Can someone tell me who the fuck is at fault?

Whose fault is it that I'm feeling left out here?

7   Strategist   2014 Sep 19, 2:26pm  

justme says

Strategist says

Can someone tell me who the fuck is at fault?

Whose fault is it that I'm feeling left out here?

According to justme it's all Strategists fault.
According to Jazz Music its's all the capitalist's fault.
According to SBH it's all Crazy's fault.

8   Strategist   2014 Sep 19, 2:30pm  

According to Rin it's all his sister's fault.
According to Marcus, it's all the racists fault.

9   Peter P   2014 Sep 19, 2:37pm  

What about me?

10   Tenpoundbass   2014 Sep 19, 2:42pm  

According to Peter if you don't like it pay for an upgrade.

11   Vicente   2014 Sep 19, 3:55pm  

Yes clearly the only thing to do when a handful of people commit an atrocity out of fear and ignorance, is watch everyone else die. It would be even better if we could get a reality show crew in there. Helping them and accepting that there are going to be deaths of healthcare workers, in such a situation, is just not the American way.

I'm not clear if any Westerners, and particularly AMERICANS were among the 8 killed. And that is vital information. If any Westerners are killed, we send every Burke we have and carpet the country with Tomahawks. Bonus points if we can have some Predators overhead to show video to the American public.

Anti-vaxxers are also clearly missing an opportunity here. Chicken-pox parties? How tame. Parachute drop your toddlers into a real epidemic. The survivors will be the strongest and fittest mofo's on the planet, proving that anti-vaxxers RULE!

12   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2014 Sep 19, 4:46pm  

Vicente says

Yes clearly the only thing to do when a handful of people commit an atrocity out of fear and ignorance, is watch everyone else die. It would be even better if we could get a reality show crew in there. Helping them and accepting that there are going to be deaths of healthcare workers, in such a situation, is just not the American way.

I'm not clear if any Westerners, and particularly AMERICANS were among the 8 killed. And that is vital information. If any Westerners are killed, we send every Burke we have and carpet the country with Tomahawks. Bonus points if we can have some Predators overhead to show video to the American public.

Anti-vaxxers are also clearly missing an opportunity here. Chicken-pox parties? How tame. Parachute drop your toddlers into a real epidemic. The survivors will be the strongest and fittest mofo's on the planet, proving that anti-vaxxers RULE!

Um, Skyler and Sage need their damn vaccines.

That is all.

13   Vicente   2014 Sep 19, 5:17pm  

A better read than the fear/hate shit many post:


14   indigenous   2014 Sep 19, 6:02pm  

Vicente says

A better read than the fear/hate shit many post:

How so?

15   lakermania   2014 Sep 20, 3:32am  

marcus says

Typical racist troll.

Because it has nothing juicy you can wrap your teeth around? Like anti-conservative, anti-Republican, pro-union rhetoric?

I got an idea. A tornado just killed an 11 month old baby, go try and connect it to Climate Change. Here's the link...go fetch


16   Ceffer   2014 Sep 20, 3:36am  

The Africans just did what everybody wants to do with those door knocking Jehovah Witnesses.

17   Strategist   2014 Sep 20, 4:17am  

Peter P says

What about me?

Tell me what gives you a hard on about something. Socialism?

18   indigenous   2014 Sep 20, 4:57am  

Call it Crazy says

sbh says

Until he applies himself to something more than vilifying niggers, beaners, faggots, poor people, immigrants, women, the educated, all non-whites, government, unions, liberals, scientists, and current markets, there is a value approaching infinity that he has yet to undertake being wrong about.

Which one of these is SBH? Maybe the last one?


19   HydroCabron   2014 Sep 20, 5:32am  

justme says

Whose fault is it that I'm feeling left out here?

KAOS is a Delaware corporation for tax purposes and an equal opportunity employer.

20   Peter P   2014 Sep 20, 9:05am  

Strategist says

Peter P says

What about me?

Tell me what gives you a hard on about something. Socialism?

Frankly, I don't really know. I don't think assigning fault is productive.

So, it's fault's fault. :-)

21   indigenous   2014 Sep 20, 9:15am  

Peter P says

I don't think assigning fault is productive.

Not according to the lefties

22   lostand confused   2014 Sep 20, 9:27am  

Why did they stuff the bodies in septic tanks , instead of eating them? What a waste of protein.

23   lakermania   2014 Sep 20, 9:36am  

lostand confused says

Why did the stuff the bodies in septic tanks , instead of eating them? What a waste of protein.

The victim's vaccinations conflicted with their organic only diet.

24   Y   2014 Sep 20, 1:18pm  

so you're pissed you didn't make strategist's list?

marcus says

Typical racist troll.

25   Y   2014 Sep 20, 1:25pm  

anytime he's handwanging its a dead giveaway...

indigenous says

Which one of these is SBH? Maybe the last one?


26   indigenous   2014 Sep 20, 2:48pm  

Daves not here says

Where's a good president when you need one?

Shit how many good ones were there ever? Could count them on one hand...

27   Ceffer   2014 Sep 20, 4:02pm  

Everybody needs a unified field theory of fault. It's just too distressing and complicated to juggle multiple loci of fault.

It's all Patnet's fault.

28   Strategist   2014 Sep 21, 1:40am  

indigenous says

Daves not here says

Where's a good president when you need one?

Shit how many good ones were there ever? Could count them on one hand...

Good Presidents don't get elected. Only liars thugs and criminals. Voters never learn. :(

29   indigenous   2014 Sep 21, 2:03am  

Strategist says

Good Presidents don't get elected. Only liars thugs and criminals. Voters never learn. :(

Tru dat, but the whole representative government thing is a charade. As soon as they get elected they realize there is no one stopping them from raiding the cookie jar. It would require more integrity than is humanly possible.

FWIW the good ones were Coolidge, Cleveland, Washington because they did not overstep their purvey.

31   MisdemeanorRebel   2014 Sep 25, 4:13am  

Strategist says

According to Thunder, it's all American Politician's, Foreign Oligarch Influences, and Special Interest Groups's fault.

Fixed :)

The Average American doesn't know shit about Syria or Boko Haram or the WTO or TTIP; the Politicians make those choices and THEN the SIGs/Media then inform the public why with one-sided, shallow explanations.

The decision comes first, the explanation later, and there is no honest debate.

33   Heraclitusstudent   2014 Oct 17, 4:49am  

thunderlips11 says

The Average American doesn't know shit about Syria or Boko Haram or the WTO or TTIP

thunderlips11 says

The decision comes first, the explanation later, and there is no honest debate.

I guess the first sentence justifies the second :-)
You can always make the decision look reasonable by appealing to national pride, pity, or other emotions.

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