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What is 'rectal rehydration?'
But what is rectal rehydration? According to a 2009 article published in "Nursing Standard," rectal rehydration, which is also known as "proctoclysis," is an alternative way to replace fluids that was more commonly used before IVs.
It can be used in emergency situations that involve a patient who is unconscious, nauseous or in shock.
Michael Hayden, the former NSA and CIA director in charge of lying to the Senate for years
Rectal exams were conducted with “excessive forceâ€. The report highlights one prisoner later diagnosed with anal fissures, chronic hemorrhoids and “symptomatic rectal prolapseâ€.
Wow. This says bad things about torture, and is therefore inconsistent with conservative values. Mish is a RINO.
Well you think the least the CIA could have done was bake them a cake.
Rectal rehydration. Rectal rehydration. Rectal rehydration.
How does a staunch conservative clean up "rectal rehydration" so as to sound politically correct(al)?
It's a shameful day to be an American unless you are dick cheney or captain fuckedup. One of the reasons we invaded Iraq was that saddam tortured his citizens.
One of the reasons we invaded Iraq was that saddam tortured his citizens.
You are a much better comedian than me.
Rectal rehydration. Rectal rehydration. Rectal rehydration.
How does a staunch conservative clean up "rectal rehydration" so as to sound politically correct(al)?
Easy, they were just trying to give them a drink and they mixed up orifices.
Torture just feels so RIGHT if you are a Teabagger, an eye for an eye and all that.
Glibertopians are of course against PRINCIPLE. So what they do is outsource it. As long as it's privatized torture it doesn't count. It's only torture if government agents do it.
Rectal rehydration. Rectal rehydration. Rectal rehydration.
How does a staunch conservative clean up "rectal rehydration" so as to sound politically correct(al)?
Preemptive medical care.
It's a shameful day to be an American unless you are dick cheney or captain fuckedup. One of the reasons we invaded Iraq was that saddam tortured his citizens.
Unless one is a Democratic or Republican........... voter.
It's official. The Nazis won WWII. They did so by migrating to America and becoming the CIA. Hitler would be proud.
Many of them literally did.
Learned something today. Not only did a shitload of not even bigshots but just ordinary thugs and guards come to the USA, but the State Department told them they could keep their Social Security under fake names if they left the country when the Nazi Hunters got too hot on their tail.
As somebody pointed out in the comments:
That's one phrase that winds me up, "LEGAL LOOPHOLE" It's not a loophole. Highly paid attorneys and lawyers would of toiled for hours writing up rules, playing through scenarios, and adjusting such rules and laws. These loopholes are put there purposely so that those who know of them, use and abuse them. The term "legal loophole" is a fantasy term, made up to appease the media and general public. They are only "closed" when uncovered and made public, they are not mistakes.
I should mention these agreements came with NDAs, so there was no "oops, fell through the craps" BS excuse.
Dislike my comment as much as you like, but it belittles what the Nazis actually did to throw around such stupid comparisons.
Imagine no Werner von Braun.
Because he lied to the US Army about when he joined the Nazi Party (years before he claimed, long before the war) and used starving Jewish and Slav slave labor at his V-2 factories. And he was in charge of the whole shebang, he wasn't just a scientist, but also the manager.
The CIA does not torture terrorists for pleasure you nitwits. They torture these assholes to extract critical information that can save innocent lives. Including your worthless asses.
Honestly, when I saw 'CIA' and 'Frozen' in the same sentence I immediately thought of the Culinary Institute of America. Power of association.
The CIA does not torture terrorists for pleasure you nitwits. They torture these assholes to extract critical information that can save innocent lives. Including your worthless asses.
Bullshit. Torture somebody long enough, and they'll tell you they're the illegitimate bastard son of Stalin and Ma Barker and rode a broom to the moon last night at the Black Sabbath.
The CIA does not torture terrorists for pleasure you nitwits. They torture these assholes to extract critical information that can save innocent lives. Including your worthless asses.
Bullshit. Torture somebody long enough, and they'll tell you they're the illegitimate bastard son of Stalin and Ma Barker and rode a broom to the moon last night at the Black Sabbath.
They'll also tell you the truth. That's all we want.
They'll also tell you the truth. That's all we want.
This is not always true though. People will say anything to make it stop. Sometimes they tell the truth. Sometimes not.
They'll also tell you the truth. That's all we want.
This is not always true though. People will say anything to make it stop. Sometimes they tell the truth. Sometimes not.
So sometimes we will save innocent lives, and sometimes we will not.
It's still worth it. I'm sorry, but I have no compassion towards these animals.
I'm sorry, but I have no compassion towards these animals.
Accused animals. Most are not guilty of anything in a court of law because they've never been tried.
It's still worth it. I'm sorry, but I have no compassion towards these animals.
While they're torturing our guys and gals I hope you take comfort in the "truth" it earned.
These animals will torture our guys and gals regardless of what we do, because they torture innocent people for the sake of torturing. We should only torture terrorists to save innocent lives.
You guys are being so short sighted, its putting all of us in danger. The ultimate goal should be to get rid of these wackos, not allow them to thrive.
I'm sorry, but I have no compassion towards these animals.
Accused animals. Most are not guilty of anything in a court of law because they've never been tried.
Most will be found innocent because our justice system is fucked up. The lawyers would be the only ones to benefit. Let the CIA and the military decide terrorism cases. Our justice system could not even find OJ guilty. Lets not worry about these terrorists who want to hurt us. Lets worry about us for a change.
Holy shit, Strategist.
For others, read Tom Friedman's column, if you can take really bad writing and notice the timing of the content. I'm too disgusted to bother with "Porn stache" or any other remark..
Strategist, you're presuming torture has something to do with it. In the end you're saying we should torture because they torture. I don't admire your values. When you say "we should torture to save innocent lives" and we torture people who have no information that bears on that end, we have tortured in no furtherance of that end and have ultimately reduced the number of "innocents" we would presume to protect. Anyone who advocates torture is no longer innocent. You have exempted yourself from the quality you claim is the basis for your advocacy of a heinous act.
It's this simple: go to a CIA rendition site and torture someone. Get their fluids all over your hands and into your pores. Smell their fear and vomit and wear it for several hours while listening to their screams. Then come back here and extoll your innocence.
You guys just don't get it. We can all agree ISIS is the mother of all terrorist organizations, right? ISIS is led by Al Baghdadi, a terrorist who was an American prisoner in Iraq. We let him go and look what happened? Mass slaughter, rape, slaves, and beheading children. If Al Baghdadi was treated my way, he would have given us all the information we needed, and then we would have shot him. But he was treated your way. Do you guys realize all of you who supported treating him like a human being are responsible for the slaughter that followed? Yes, everyone of you. Your way does not work. My way saves innocent lives.
If Al Baghdadi was treated my way, he would have given us all the information we needed
Nope. That's a presumption laden delusion. There could have been others ready to take over in his absence that he didn't even know about. You're fooling yourself in an effort to justify your outrage.
Nope. this guy is highly effective. Some people just cannot be replaced. e.g.. Steve Jobs, Hitler, Al Baghdadi, Bin Laden.
and then we would have shot him
Probably not on that as well. We'd have spent millions adjudicating and incarcerating him. And the rape and beheading and the terror would have continued apace.
Then that would not have been my way.
But he was treated your way.
You know this? I don't. Enlighten me. What did we do to him that was per my prescription, a prescription I have never detailed.
He was treated nicely, wasn't he? That is your way, being nice.
"Nice guys finish last"
Do you guys realize all of you who supported treating him like a human being are responsible for the slaughter that followed?
Now you sound like CaptainShitForBrains.
He is right at times, you know.
My way saves innocent lives.
No, you're just saying that. How many lives has your way saved?
None. Because my way is not used. Your way caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, and mass destruction.
CIA is ran by assholes, no better than the terrorists they tortured.
Think about it folks, we have secret prisons that can imprison anyone with no trial, no rights, and torture that person.
As far as they told us, it's only terrorists, what frightens me is when they'll start jailing average Americans without telling us. That's where Assange and Snowden would have ended up, and just about anyone who were significant enough.
Most will be found innocent because our justice system is fucked up. The lawyers would be the only ones to benefit. Let the CIA and the military decide terrorism cases. Our justice system could not even find OJ guilty. Lets not worry about these terrorists who want to hurt us. Lets worry about us for a change.
You truly don't deserve american citizenship. There are plenty of countries that have intelligence and the military run the justice system. Move to one and stop dishonouring all the people who fought for what america really stands throughout our history.
These comparisons to the Nazis are just ridiculous.
Torturing people to death is the worst thing a person can possibly do. The comparison is apt. Both the Nazis and the CIA have no respect for human life and take a sadistic pleasure in torturing others. Same evil.
Many of them literally did.
Yes, the U.S. took many Nazis to fight the Cold War. More importantly, they took the Nazi philosophy of the end justifies the means and the enemy is subhuman.
it belittles what the Nazis actually did to throw around such stupid comparisons.
You do realize that the Nazis are most well known for genocide, something that the United States has committed dozens of times.
The CIA does not torture terrorists for pleasure you nitwits. They torture these assholes to extract critical information that can save innocent lives.
And the Nazis tortured the Jews to protect the Aryan race. Same difference. The bad guys will always justify their actions.
Oh, and by the way, torture has made us LESS safe. It's dumb ass policies like that and the illegal wars that lead to the rise of ISIS. We'd be a lot safer if Al Gore, who won the election, had become president instead of that idiot Bush.
So sometimes we will save innocent lives, and sometimes we will not.
It's still worth it
And when the children and grandchildren of those tortured return the favor by bombing and killing Americans, you will have cost more lives than you allegedly had saved. There are consequences to actions. Imagine what YOU would do if your children were tortured in the name of protecting Iran. Then realize that other people would do the same when their families are tortured by our country.
Just remember, countries who do not live by International law and the Geneva Convention are not protected by those things either. Anyone who supports torturing our enemies tacitly supports letting our enemies torture OUR soldiers when they are captured. It's tit for tat. The only way to protect our soldiers from atrocities is to not commit those atrocities ourselves.
No nation will hold back torturing captured soldiers from a nation that routinely tortures its captives. If we waterboard prisoners, our soldiers will be waterboarded as well. So those who advocate torture do not support our troops; they endanger our troops.
These comparisons to the Nazis are just ridiculous.
Torturing people to death is the worst thing a person can possibly do. The comparison is apt. Both the Nazis and the CIA have no respect for human life and take a sadistic pleasure in torturing others. Same evil.
The comparison isn't apt. The Nazis systematically murdered millions of innocents.
What the CIA did was abhorrent. It doesn't require some bullshit comparison to the Nazis. You can make your point without resorting to such histrionics.
it belittles what the Nazis actually did to throw around such stupid comparisons.
You do realize that the Nazis are most well known for genocide, something that the United States has committed dozens of times.
Which has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. And dozens of times? Perhaps you'd care to expand upon what you consider genocide.
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CIA Torture Reports: Frozen to Death; Rectal Rehydration, Broken Limbs; 54 Countries Assist US; Dick Cheney War Criminal
This took several hours to piece together but it was worth the effort