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So now that the government admits that Saudi Arabia was involved in 9/11, when do we got the prosecution for treason and hanging of every scumbag official who covered it up, literally giving aid and comfort to the enemy?
Just In Time for 9/11 Anniversary, New York City Allows Islamic Call to Prayer Over Loudspeakers
Did the 9/11 hijackers and plotters succeed? Can it finally be said, nearly twenty-two years after they murdered nearly three thousand people in New York and Washington, that they have attained their objectives?
Back in 2003, Osama bin Laden wrote a letter to the American people in which he explained, “The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.” Twenty years later, that very call will resound from loudspeakers all over the city that was his chief target on Sept. 11, 2001. (All the 9/11-was-an-inside-job types can find bin Laden taking responsibility for the attacks here). New York Mayor Eric Adams on Tuesday announced what Gothamist described as “new NYPD rules” that “will allow mosques in New York City to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer without a permit.”
SA is a red herring and nobody made a convincing case on how they supposedly benefited from 9/11.
SA is a red herring and nobody made a convincing case on how they supposedly benefited from 9/11.
David Chandler is best known in the 9/11 Truth Movement for proving that NIST lied in denying that Building 7 underwent freefall. Freefall is a literal smoking gun for controlled demolition. See David’s 6-part serial essay entitled Free Fall on
David has looked at the overall behavior of Building 7 as it comes down in freefall. Others have looked carefully at the structural details and whether it is possible for the building to come down the way it did due to natural causes. Most notable in this research is a project by Dr. Leroy Hulsey at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, who, with two graduate students, has constructed mathematical models in two different finite element analysis systems to simulate the behavior of the structure. (A quick summary of the conclusions is that fire could not have caused the observed failures.)
The FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS, etc., along with all of the corrupt politicians need to be splintered into a thousand pieces and scattered to the winds.
US exterminated native americans
The 1800 and 1830 maps are incorrect, because the Spanish were occupying California, Arizona, and New Mexico by that point.
SA is a red herring and nobody made a convincing case on how they supposedly benefited from 9/11.
I'm pretty sure there are more American Indians now than when Columbus arrived. And the deaths that did happen were overwhelmingly from diseases that the Indians didn't have immunity to, not from any deliberate policy of killing. This graph is about Mexico, but same thing happened in what is now the US:
I'm pretty sure there are more American Indians now than when Columbus arrived.
Those 'Dancing Israelis' on 9/11 were Saudis? I would have never guessed.
They were interviewed by both local police and others. All their movements and habitations traced and confirmed. They went on TV later and gave interviews. They're somewhere on the net but the Aunty Semites and the Inda Pendantic Bitchute Bloviators don't talk about it. Basically college kids looking to see the world while working.
OK, what was the angle, if it was really them?
How did Building 7 collapse?
The Dancing Israeli Kids spent months hooking up C4 to the building in the morning, and hauling sofas and twin bed frames all over Brooklyn in the afternoon.
Burning debris from the Towers caused fires on multiple floors. While the sprinkler system put out those that started on higher floors, because it was fed by large rooftop water towers, the lower floors depended on the city water mains centered on the Twin Towers that were damaged, with alternate supplies being inadequate to fight the fire either by sprinkler or proximal water hookups.
Firefighters abandoned WTC7 earlier in the day because OTHER BUILDINGS also caught fire from burning debris from the Towers, but those buildings were considered worth bothering as they had adequate water supply.
No they didn't. They weren't actually furniture movers at all. They hired local illegals to handle that. Their job was to track the people following the planes. They followed them to Florida while they were training to fly for example - they even helped move them at one point, no doubt to bug their new place. Who knows?
Literally admits no one knows.
Burning debris from the Towers caused fires on multiple floors. While the sprinkler system put out those that started on higher floors, because it was fed by large rooftop water towers, the lower floors depended on the city water mains centered on the Twin Towers that were damaged, with alternate supplies being inadequate to fight the fire either by sprinkler or proximal water hookups.
Again, don't waste the time.
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