An Antidote To Corporate Media

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2015 Feb 9, 7:43am   720,150 views  613 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Patrick.net is an online forum, a bit like Twitter or Reddit, but with much more freedom of speech than either of those. Almost anything goes, but a few things don't, such as deliberately personally insulting another user, or deliberately misrepresenting what another user said.

I got the patrick.net domain name back in 1995 when I was one day too late for patrick.com. Missing the .com name turned out to be fine. I prefer the .net name now because life is all about human networks. This site was just my personal blog from 1995 to 2004.

In 2004 I started writing about the housing bubble, which catapulted the site to national fame for a while. I was interviewed on NPR, on Nightline on TV, and in other corporate media that I have since learned to recognize as poison. Here are my original the articles about the housing bubble (the dates on them are much later because I updated them):


The big housing bubble popped in 2008, and traffic fell, since it was no longer controversial to assert that we really had had a housing bubble.

About then, I decided to just let the public discuss other topics with each other and wrote my own forum software. I'm a programmer, so that was fun. At first I was kind of disturbed at the number of conservatives on the site, but as I discussed things with them and saw San Francisco literally turn to shit under far-left Democrat extremists, I changed my thinking.

And yet I didn't change my thinking all that much, because once again, I'm opposing corruption of government by the oligarchy. Before, my enemy was the NAR (National Association of Realtors) and I still think the NAR is nothing but institutionalized crime, but there are bigger fish to fry now, especially since the worldwide campaign to inject every human with a dangerous and ineffective genetic experiment, which was never approved by the FDA. (They approved "Comirnaty", which is not available, to deceive the public.)


It’s like Pharma just backed a truck up to the Progressive Values Factory; stole everything; modified core values in order to maim people, make money, and implement global totalitarianism; and the left is just out there smoking a cigarette on the loading dock saying, “Sounds good to me.” What!? What the heck happened to the left? Is there no one remaining in that tribe who is capable of logic and reason!? Quite literally the worst industry in the world stole the left’s most cherished values and no one on the left is the slightest bit offended by this (even though they are offended by everything else)!? We live in the bizarro upside down world.

I could go on, but you'll get the idea by reading the site.

I have a platform of ideas for improving America: https://patrick.net/post/1303173/2017-02-19-patrick-s-platform

And an explanation for how we got to this point.

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523   Patrick   2020 Jul 13, 5:59pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
BLM doesn’t believe what you want them to believe Marcus. It’s funny that you have to create an alternate belief structure for them in order to justify your continued support.

But you don’t need to take my word for it. You can get it straight from the horses mouth. No doubt at all that BLM wants the authoritarian government:


The authoritarians are ALL on the left.

NONE are on the right.

You can debate with people on the right.

The left demands that you submit and/or die.
524   WookieMan   2020 Jul 13, 6:33pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
I have a number of disagreements with many of the posters, in particular Wookie Man and 10 lb bass but they pale in importance to the garbage and gaslighting being spewed by the left.

What did I do ;)

I've disagreed with every single user here, including Patrick at one point or another. There's been a handful of times I legit get pissy and probably cross the line. I'd never make an attempt to shut someone else down besides getting a bit personal with I think 2-3 users in the past that pushed the right buttons. I'll just keep pointing out flaws and say they're wrong. Then step away from the computer and eat some good food, go for a swim, mow the lawn, etc. and move on with my day.

One of the biggest issues I have is when I know of personal information from a source I don't want to dox and someone says it's a lie. There's no motivation for me to lie. I just wouldn't post on the topic. Plain and simple. I'm going to tell you that you're wrong and I have legitimate information. Just because I'm not willing to risk peoples jobs and personal information on this site, doesn't make some of my comments untrue.
525   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Jul 13, 6:34pm  

FWIW I don’t really think you should sensor or moderate left leaning points of view or really any points of view that are within the rules of your site.

However I do believe we should relentlessly ridicule those who continuously cite opinion pieces with little intelligent commentary to accompany it. It’s not every posters job to break down bullshit written by full time paid writers. Posters ought not be so lazy.

And it also doesn’t mean I don’t think poorly of left leaning posters who take ludicrous positions in defense of Democrat politicians.
526   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2020 Jul 13, 6:36pm  

WookieMan says
One of the biggest issues I have is when I know of personal information from a source I don't want to dox and someone says it's a lie. There's no motivation for me to lie. I just wouldn't post on the topic. Plain and simple. I'm going to tell you that you're wrong and I have legitimate information. Just because I'm not willing to risk peoples jobs and personal information on this site, doesn't make some of my comments untrue.

Wait until I retire and move out of state. My personal experience will blow some minds :)

I use rea life examples sometimes but there’s others where I wanna scream bullshit and sit the poster down like a little child and tell them how horribly wrong they are.

7-10 years.
527   WookieMan   2020 Jul 13, 6:42pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
Wait until I retire and move out of state. My personal experience will blow some minds :)

I use rea life examples sometimes but there’s others where I wanna scream bullshit and sit the poster down like a little child and tell them how horribly wrong they are.

7-10 years.

I'll never do it. There are sick people out there that will hunt down your children or family. I'm just resigned to the fate that some discussions will just hit a wall and no one will believe me. I'm okay with that at the end of the day. It's an internet forum after all, which is why I sometime disappoint myself with my own reactions here sometimes. I know I beat this horse dead here, but if our Patnet personas were unknown, we'd likely all have a beer together and not even know.
528   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Jul 13, 6:51pm  

Yeah, I'm okay with most Leftie posts here too. Not so much the intermittent trolls though. If they annoy me too much there is the ignore button. Not having to see goat buttholes is a good thing too.

However, those aren't the intolerant murderous left.
529   Onvacation   2020 Jul 13, 6:57pm  

Patrick says
The authoritarians are ALL on the left.

Of course they are, by definition. The left believes in collectivism, elimination of private property, and the primacy of the state over family and religion. Unless your a sheep you will revolt. If you do revolt you will be eliminated.

The right believes in liberty, personal rights, and personal responsibility. If you want to go create your own little commune, go for it.

Has socialism ever made a society better?
530   Patrick   2020 Jul 13, 7:49pm  

Onvacation says
The left believes in collectivism, elimination of private property, and the primacy of the state over family and religion. Unless your a sheep you will revolt. If you do revolt you will be eliminated.

Yes, they definitely want to eliminate traditional hetero families. From the BLM website:

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).
531   Onvacation   2020 Jul 13, 8:04pm  

Patrick says
the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).

Sounds reasonable to me. If someone wants to be queer, tranny, or whatever, I have no problem with that. If they insist on making me accept them as mainstream or try to indoctrinate my kids, then we have a problem.
532   WookieMan   2020 Jul 13, 8:16pm  

Onvacation says
Patrick says
the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).

Sounds reasonable to me. If someone wants to be queer, tranny, or whatever, I have no problem with that. If they insist on making me accept them as mainstream or try to indoctrinate my kids, then we have a problem.

And that's where the breakdown occurs. The indoctrination of it all. That it's normal. I have weird fetishes and things I like to do. I'd never expect anyone else to do them or accept them. It's my deal. Me being me. It what makes me unique.

This idea that being gay or trans should be celebrated and accepted by everyone is bull shit. You do you and I'll do me. I have plenty of conversations and the last thing on my mind is if you're gay. So don't tell me your gay or blatantly show your gayness. Do that in your own place just like I do my own things in private.

The other layer is that all these people are not the same either. My wife works with two men that became women. They're now lesbians together. No joke. Both engineers, smart people. Everyone knows, but they don't push their lifestyle at all. Never. They just want to feel normal and for them, switching genders was it. Cool. I don't care. When you announce that you used to be a man every time you enter a room or expect different treatment, go fuck yourself. These two "ladies" do it right and aren't seeking attention.
533   Patrick   2020 Jul 13, 8:20pm  

WookieMan says
And that's where the breakdown occurs. The indoctrination of it all. That it's normal.

I agree. The indoctrination is the truly evil part, especially because they target children and ruin their lives.
534   WookieMan   2020 Jul 13, 8:34pm  

Patrick says
WookieMan says
And that's where the breakdown occurs. The indoctrination of it all. That it's normal.

I agree. The indoctrination is the truly evil part, especially because they target children and ruin their lives.

The apartments I've been in, in Chicago with these kids that look like deer in headlights. It's honestly sad as can be. I've had multiple incidences where I've had to call police it was so bad.

It's education to an extent, but mostly pure laziness and not having a family structure. No dad. Mom is high as a kite and fucking some gangbanger with 5 kids in the other room while she didn't get them off to school. They get government child support when these guys ultimately go to prison. The incentive from their own culture and then the government is for black men to go to jail. That's literally their job to provide for the kids. Get busted so baby mama can get a check and they can stop by once they're out and bang her. This is black life. This is what matters to them.
535   Patrick   2020 Jul 13, 8:52pm  

WookieMan says
They get government child support when these guys ultimately go to prison. The incentive from their own culture and then the government is for black men to go to jail. That's literally their job to provide for the kids. Get busted so baby mama can get a check

Never considered that part of it. An actual financial incentive to go to jail.
536   Bd6r   2020 Jul 13, 8:55pm  

Patrick says
white people are only 36% of California and falling fast

Hispanics are white or not? They hate a certain non-white race much more than anyone else
537   WookieMan   2020 Jul 13, 9:00pm  

Patrick says
Never considered that part of it. An actual financial incentive to go to jail.

My SIL law destroyed baby daddy's ankle bracelet as he was gaming the system and left the apartment with ankle bracelet attached to charger. She did it to get a check. This shit is real. The men don't care and the women will put their asses in jail to get checks if they can. Pure toxicity and most people have zero clue.

Edit: She did this to get a child support check. Fathers on the birth certificate, when imprisoned, the government will pay the mother for child support. Wanted to clear that up.
538   Patrick   2020 Jul 13, 9:29pm  

Brd6 says
Hispanics are white or not? They hate a certain non-white race much more than anyone else

Hispanics are interesting. Mostly Spanish on the paternal side, and mostly American Indian on the maternal side. Y chromosome and mitochondrial studies showed this. Half white, you might say.

One theory is that this happened because the native women had more surviving children with Spanish men, both because the Spanish men had better immunity to smallpox and other kinds of diseases, and because they simply had more power and money to protect her children.
539   marcus   2020 Jul 14, 12:19am  

A parting gift.


Not that any of you would watch it. It's 2 hours long. These people are all very thoughtful and reasonable, and concerned about the very real problems presented by so called anti-racists.

@ Patrick. My hatred of Trump was never incitement of violence, and I know that you know that, and hopefully you are at least a little ashamed of yourself. Hahaha. As if. Hey, when in rome, do as the romans do, amiright ?

In any case, back at you Patrick.
540   WookieMan   2020 Jul 14, 3:35am  

marcus says
Not that any of you would watch it.

"Remarkable intellectuals" in the first 30 seconds.

"Don't feel comfortable asserting my own race" Huh?

He's white, they're black. Who cares? This is 2:30 into it. Not saying don't watch it, but regardless of what they end up talking about, these types are the problem. If you think what they're saying in the presence of a white man, on a video that will be public is what they say in a classroom or private it explains a lot.

I may finish it up later, but the "intellectuals" already sound like idiots by the 6:30 mark. Seemed like it was going to be a contest to see who could use the biggest and never used words to "prove" intellectual superiority. That's academia for you. Not actually about doing anything, just talking in circles.
541   Patrick   2020 Jul 14, 8:01am  

marcus says
hatred of Trump was never incitement of violence

I disagree.

Hate is hate.

Hate incites violence.

Hate for Trump is just a proxy for racial hatred for all white people, dividing the country. You can disagree, dislike him personally, want different policies, but hate? No, it's wrong.
542   Patrick   2020 Jul 14, 8:06am  

WookieMan says
That's academia for you. Not actually about doing anything, just talking in circles.

I was a liberal arts major at first and it was very depressing how no one would agree on anything, all constantly trying to stomp each other because of ego, and no one with any clear job path.

Then I switched to engineering and it was incredible. If you didn't agree, one of you would be proven wrong, using math, or a compiler. And everyone in engineering knew they were going to get a job at a good salary, and they did.
543   WookieMan   2020 Jul 14, 8:41am  

Patrick says
I was a liberal arts major at first and it was very depressing how no one would agree on anything, all constantly trying to stomp each other because of ego, and no one with any clear job path.

It's because it's all words. I was history major which you'd think would be benign with little disagreement. I can't remember the specific example but literally had overlapping courses with regards to timeline in history and each professor presented a completely different version. This was American history.

Political Science minor and boy was that a shit show. As I've mentioned in the past, LGBT on campus office was in that wing of the building. Fancy that.

I've got two boys and I'm probably going to push them to go the trades route with come CC courses on business. Or a STEM field. They'd have a leg up with engineering due to my wife's work. I just don't want them going near the bull shit minimum requirements/courses at a university that do nothing towards getting an engineering degree. Basically the indoctrination courses.
544   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 15, 4:16pm  

WookieMan says
I've got two boys and I'm probably going to push them to go the trades route with come CC courses on business. Or a STEM field. They'd have a leg up with engineering due to my wife's work. I just don't want them going near the bull shit minimum requirements/courses at a university that do nothing towards getting an engineering degree. Basically the indoctrination courses.

Finally got my wife to get on board with the trades first. Something like Rin's plan: GED at 16, Trade for a year or two, then college later.

Zen & Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: Learn to love fixing the motor, then think about physics or mechanical engineering.
545   Patrick   2020 Jul 15, 5:04pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Rin's plan: GED at 16, Trade for a year or two, then college later.

This should be standard, unless you're totally on fire for some specific degree.

Most students just kinda fuck around in college, wasting time and money until they hit on something they like. I was like that until I got into programming. Even then, the degree was not all that important. Lots of programmers don't have a degree these days.

And the last year or two of high school is also a waste unless you're really into it.

Finally, it's super-useful for everyone to have a basic trade they can fall back on. Construction, plumbing, electric, whatever.
546   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jul 15, 6:11pm  

Patrick says
Finally, it's super-useful for everyone to have a basic trade they can fall back on. Construction, plumbing, electric, whatever.

Exactly. Even if your destination is college, why not pick up a trade first, esp. if you're going the low/no debt route.

Great job that nobody thinks about: Locksmith. Always in demand, stupid easy to set up a business (you don't need a storefront or even a place of business to do lockouts, you can run it from your van or truck). How many older guys with kids wish they had a dependable young dude willing to work nights M-Th/F and be on call? Entrance requirements are minimal, it's mostly learn on the job. In FL there are no statewide requirements, and in Miami-Dade which is usually the toughest for requirements, it's having $25k general biz insurance, no felony convictions in the past 5-10 years, and one year's experience. Other counties are less.
547   WookieMan   2020 Jul 15, 6:25pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Zen & Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: Learn to love fixing the motor, then think about physics or mechanical engineering

That's the thing. I'd try to get them to find a niche trade. You brought up motorcycle engines and maintenance. Get your basic learning done, but jump into one type. Aircraft for example. Since most flight schools have Cessna's 152/172 or whatever model, learn that engine. Learn the plane and you could probably get a job in a ton of places given they're also popular to own. Factor in annuals, overhauls and maintenance and airplane mechanics will always be in need for that specific type.
548   Rin   2020 Jul 15, 7:05pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Something like Rin's plan: GED at 16, Trade for a year or two, then college later.

Sounds like Rin Wah is in effect ... Law!
549   AmericanKulak   2021 Jul 1, 6:05pm  

Patrick has proven a saying that is as old as AOL/Prodigy groups in the 90s, maybe back to BBS's of the 80s:

The moment a forum/chat/board has no rule except banning Personal Attacks, the length of a Lefty account is shortened to months.
550   Patrick   2021 Jul 1, 6:24pm  

I do think the left is orders of magnitude more angry and intolerant than the right.

For example, do you know of anyone, ever, who was unfriended for holding leftist views? The right tolerates the left, listens, and does not end friendship over such stuff even if they continue to disagree.

But the opposite does not hold. I would bet money that all of the unfriendings done in our lifetimes were 100% by leftists who could not tolerate any disagreement.

Similarly, almost all of the political violence done in our lifetimes was done by leftists. Only the left is violent these days, never the right, but you'd never know this fact from the MSM.

The very rare exceptions prove the rule. I can't even think of any, but there probably are a few. Compare BLM/Pantyfa actions in 2020, resulting in literally hundreds of violent riots, many of them resulting in murder, vs no riots and no murders at all on the right. The "insurrection" by unarmed selfie takers also proves the rule. The only fatality was a Trump supporter killed by a Capitol policeman.

Left = intolerant and violent
Right = tolerant and nonviolent

These are indisputable facts for anyone who actually looks at what is really going on.
551   richwicks   2021 Jul 1, 8:15pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
And in particular I think George Bush was acting on the best intel he had at the time post 9/11. I have to study up some more...there’s a few books I’ve had on the back burner....but I’m guessing that alone could be an epic thread. Once I’m read up on everything...I have no problem taking on the entire site.

I will take you up on this. I am in complete disagreement with you on this topic and I'm willing to discuss it civilly.

I don't think the US has been in a justifiable war since at least WWII, and even then, I'm not certain about WWII. We are lied into all our wars and our intelligence agencies aren't this incompetent.
552   richwicks   2021 Jul 1, 8:26pm  

Patrick says
For example, do you know of anyone, ever, who was unfriended for holding leftist views? The right tolerates the left, listens, and does not end friendship over such stuff even if they continue to disagree.

I do - me.

There's a point where I cannot take people's insistence that a bloodthirsty warmongering President like Obama that went on to bomb Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Syria is somehow a much better and less violent person than Trump was, especially when they are utterly oblivious that Obama went on to bomb Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Syria even though I've pointed this out to them multiple times. Hope and Change eh? Change to me wasn't gay marriage and a national discussion on trans-gendered bathrooms and I expect "smart" people to realize that. If they can't, I have to question their actual intelligence and moral thinking.

I don't want to be around people who just spew propaganda at me after a point, and have no logical or moral basis for their viewpoints, and simply have their viewpoints fed to them through mass media.

And that goes for BOTH "sides".

People who have told me that we "need to kill them over there otherwise we need to kill them over here" for example. Lunatics that think terrorists are going to barge into a classroom to blow up their kids. People that don't understand that US policy is to CREATE terrorists, not eliminate them and insist on arguing about trivialities and distractions like gay marriage, school prayer, trans-gendered bathrooms, flag burning and other bullshit that is created exclusively to get people at each other's throats. I see these as distractions and I'm irritated when other people cannot, for years. These are not important issues for the ruling class and therefore, aren't important issues at all.

People who insist on fighting on enemy turf, can't see that it's enemy turf - it's enormously frustrating. I really don't give a shit if some fucked up piece of shit parent allows their 9 year old kid to "change sex". Not my kid, but I do care when my nation is acting like the goddamned 4th Reich. There are issues that transcend our own existence. In 100 years, the American flag may be looked upon in the same way as the Swastika is today. That's the issue we ought to be worried about. Don't fuck up this nation, we have a responsibility for the next generation.
553   Patrick   2021 Jul 20, 11:37pm  


Most tribal disagreements on here result from Word Thinking (Credit: @ScottAdamsSays).

"This word means that, and that's bad!"

"No, it means this, and that's good!"

See this everywhere.
556   RWSGFY   2021 Aug 3, 7:43am  

zzyzzx says

RNZ is their NPR.
560   TrueLightEssence   2021 Sep 26, 9:57am  

original link
Dear Patrick,
May I share this heart call?
I have a small bitchute channel: 'Searching For The Evidence'.
My aim is to protect the vulnerable.
Timing is critical...We must make a stand.
With Love, Claire
561   charlie303   2021 Dec 16, 8:04am  

sjmoca2 says
Serious question for @Patrick and the followers of this forum.

Why did @Patrick censor the 'sjmoca' account by banning, when they did not break any forum rules? This forum purports to be a space to discuss ideas and disagree without insults. Patrick insulted 'sjmoca' by calling him a pharma shill, and then censored them by banning - seemingly only for posting data, ideas, or questions that Patrick personally disagrees with.

It's Okay for you to be offended Patrick. It's not Okay, by your own rules, to censor those who disagree with you.

because you are a bullshitter.

no links, no sources cited, no references, no nuanced debate, no reason, no rational discourse
just looking to troll

a waste of electrons flying around the interwebs

562   Patrick   2022 Apr 12, 9:15pm  


consider the structure of the question being posed and the assumptions therein, because they will seek to skip steps and occlude what’s being done and they will blow it by you because you happen to like the outcome so you won’t think about it too hard or bother to fight.

they will pick the least sympathetic case to get the ball rolling.

after all, who’s going to stand up for some neo nazis?

well, you should, and here’s why: sure they may be odious and you may disagree violently with them, but an assault on their speech is an assault on everyone’s speech, yours included.

the price of your own free speech is listening to others say things you absolutely hate. if you are not willing to do this, you neither deserve nor will you retain your own right of speech.

no one ever said it was easy, only that it was just and fair.

it is precisely because you will not stand up for the right to hateful speech that they are able to take your free speech away. then, one day, you try to protest a school board for muzzling your children in class and they silence you, bar you from discourse, and, in all too predictable fashion, brand you as a fascist and a nazi and as a domestic terrorist. (and yes, this really happened)

and it was your fault. you walked into it and let them set up the trap by changing the framing from rights to privileges. you failed to defend nazi speech and thereby lost your own. we all did (or enough did that the rest got run over)

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