An Antidote To Corporate Media

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2015 Feb 9, 7:43am   720,005 views  613 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Patrick.net is an online forum, a bit like Twitter or Reddit, but with much more freedom of speech than either of those. Almost anything goes, but a few things don't, such as deliberately personally insulting another user, or deliberately misrepresenting what another user said.

I got the patrick.net domain name back in 1995 when I was one day too late for patrick.com. Missing the .com name turned out to be fine. I prefer the .net name now because life is all about human networks. This site was just my personal blog from 1995 to 2004.

In 2004 I started writing about the housing bubble, which catapulted the site to national fame for a while. I was interviewed on NPR, on Nightline on TV, and in other corporate media that I have since learned to recognize as poison. Here are my original the articles about the housing bubble (the dates on them are much later because I updated them):


The big housing bubble popped in 2008, and traffic fell, since it was no longer controversial to assert that we really had had a housing bubble.

About then, I decided to just let the public discuss other topics with each other and wrote my own forum software. I'm a programmer, so that was fun. At first I was kind of disturbed at the number of conservatives on the site, but as I discussed things with them and saw San Francisco literally turn to shit under far-left Democrat extremists, I changed my thinking.

And yet I didn't change my thinking all that much, because once again, I'm opposing corruption of government by the oligarchy. Before, my enemy was the NAR (National Association of Realtors) and I still think the NAR is nothing but institutionalized crime, but there are bigger fish to fry now, especially since the worldwide campaign to inject every human with a dangerous and ineffective genetic experiment, which was never approved by the FDA. (They approved "Comirnaty", which is not available, to deceive the public.)


It’s like Pharma just backed a truck up to the Progressive Values Factory; stole everything; modified core values in order to maim people, make money, and implement global totalitarianism; and the left is just out there smoking a cigarette on the loading dock saying, “Sounds good to me.” What!? What the heck happened to the left? Is there no one remaining in that tribe who is capable of logic and reason!? Quite literally the worst industry in the world stole the left’s most cherished values and no one on the left is the slightest bit offended by this (even though they are offended by everything else)!? We live in the bizarro upside down world.

I could go on, but you'll get the idea by reading the site.

I have a platform of ideas for improving America: https://patrick.net/post/1303173/2017-02-19-patrick-s-platform

And an explanation for how we got to this point.

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168   mell   2018 Mar 6, 12:42pm  

errc says
The true and original liberals are today's right-wingers and libertarians.


I can’t believe anyone could be so delusional to believe such obviously dishonest shit


Bourgeois Liberalism

is how Liberalism started. Adam Smith, etc. Closest to Libertarians likely. They were likely mostly Christians, and the Marxists and communists (extreme left) hated them.
169   anonymous   2018 Mar 6, 12:43pm  

Liberals ruined everything!

Meanwhile in reality, Republicans/Conservatives are unrelenting, unAmerican lying POS who hate America and the Freedoms and Liberties envisioned by the Liberals (Founding Fathers)

170   anonymous   2018 Mar 6, 12:45pm  

The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.

I root for their comeuppance every day of the week, Failed Fucking Losers
171   anonymous   2018 Mar 6, 12:48pm  

jazz_music says
errc says
solving the opiate crisis

There is some really heady profit-gouging stink about this crisis. Other countries don't have this problem at all. EVEN COUNTRIES WHERE THESE DRUGS ARE SOLD OVER THE COUNTER!!!

The solution is always to arrest a lot of people and force them to support corrections counselors and racketeer doctors.

Really the cause of all our social cancer is our own murderous greed for stock market gains because none of us can look forward to any defined pension any more and at the same time social security is getting fucked up the ass, mostly by Republicans.

What else can you do? --buy guns, drive humvees, grow yams ... you see how this shit plays out?

You can always absolve yourself from any responsibility, as if you owe no duty to your country to remain vigilant in protecting our freedoms and liberties, and simply sit back and blame liberals
172   mell   2018 Mar 6, 12:48pm  

jazz_music says
errc says
solving the opiate crisis

There is some really heady profit-gouging stink about this crisis. Other countries don't have this problem at all. EVEN COUNTRIES WHERE THESE DRUGS ARE SOLD OVER THE COUNTER!!!

The solution is always to arrest a lot of people and force them to support corrections counselors and racketeer doctors.

Really the cause of all our social cancer is our own murderous greed for stock market gains because none of us can look forward to any defined pension any more and at the same time social security is getting fucked up the ass, mostly by Republicans.

What else can you do? --buy guns, drive humvees, grow yams ... you see how this shit plays out?

There is no solution to the opioid crisis, Either you let people be free - which includes free to wreck themselves - or not. I am for legalization of all drugs, but it won't be a solution. Either way the amount of addicts roughly stays the same, but at least you get rid of some of the crime around it.

errc says
Meanwhile in reality, Republicans/Conservatives are unrelenting, unAmerican lying POS who hate America and the Freedoms and Liberties envisioned by the Liberals (Founding Fathers)

The FF were Christians, I doubt they would have voted for recreational drug use, even though they were big on personal liberty. It's about the context.
173   anonymous   2018 Mar 6, 12:54pm  

mell says
jazz_music says
errc says
solving the opiate crisis

There is some really heady profit-gouging stink about this crisis. Other countries don't have this problem at all. EVEN COUNTRIES WHERE THESE DRUGS ARE SOLD OVER THE COUNTER!!!

The solution is always to arrest a lot of people and force them to support corrections counselors and racketeer doctors.

Really the cause of all our social cancer is our own murderous greed for stock market gains because none of us can look forward to any defined pension any more and at the same time social security is getting fucked up the ass, mostly by Republicans.

What else can you do? --buy guns, drive humvees, grow yams ... you see how this shit plays out?

There is no solution to the opioid crisis, Either you let people be free - which includes free to wreck t...

Wow, just fucking wow. Unbelievable
174   mell   2018 Mar 6, 12:57pm  

jazz_music says
Capitalism will never tolerate a representative government; its inefficient as a vehicle for greater profits.

Maybe partially true, but it works better than all other forms on this planet. Otherwise people wouldn't be crossing the border to live under this bad system.
175   mell   2018 Mar 6, 1:39pm  

RafiMaas says
mell says
The FF were Christians, I doubt they would have voted for recreational drug use, even though they were big on personal liberty. It's about the context.

I can guarantee they wouldn't have voted for recreational drug use. Because they didn't have to, it was already legal. They believed in freedom, they grew marijuana and some probably even used it.


Either way I wouldn't jump to conclusions here. In context many things back then were forbidden or problematic at least, that are viewed as ok today.
176   mell   2018 Mar 6, 1:41pm  

jazz_music says
Fortunately, most millennials aren't buying any of the bullshit, God bless their hearts.

Gen Z is fairly conservative. What both may not buy is globalism.
177   anonymous   2018 Mar 6, 1:42pm  

RafiMaas says
mell says
The FF were Christians, I doubt they would have voted for recreational drug use, even though they were big on personal liberty. It's about the context.

I can guarantee they wouldn't have voted for recreational drug use. Because they didn't have to, it was already legal. They believed in freedom, they grew marijuana and some probably even used it.

Thank you

It’s refreshing to see America isn’t dead yet
178   anonymous   2018 Mar 6, 1:45pm  

mell says
jazz_music says
Fortunately, most millennials aren't buying any of the bullshit, God bless their hearts.

Gen Z is fairly conservative. What both may not buy is globalism.

I keep seeing a certain group of people saying this without offering any proof

Kids today are mostly both Secular and Liberal

What tenants of Conservatism do you claim todays youth espouse?
179   Patrick   2018 Mar 6, 1:46pm  

jazz_music says
tobacco and alcohol industries also killing people while gaining massive wealth AND THE POWER TO PREVENT DEMOCRACY.

That's not a problem unique to one side or the other. Democrats are more heavily funded by the rich, and they want something for their donations: laws favorable to their businesses.

The real problem is the lack of a labor party in the US. The Democrats used to approximate a labor party, but have abandoned that job so as not to offend Wall Street Bankers and other extremely wealthy Democratic donors. And it turns out that the Democratic strategy dividing labor by race, gender, etc, is very good for preventing the unity necessary to actually form a labor party.
180   anonymous   2018 Mar 6, 1:50pm  

That's not a problem unique to one side or the other


How long will America survive with people constantly critical of all things liberal, while excusing Republican bad actors by saying yea but dems do it too, regardless of if its even true?
181   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 6, 1:54pm  

errc says
How long will America survive with people constantly critical of all things liberal, while excusing Republican bad actors by saying yea but dems do it too, regardless of if its even true?

Maybe try reforming the Democratic Party.

Start by replacing Pelosi and Corey Booker in their next primaries.
182   mell   2018 Mar 6, 1:58pm  

errc says
RafiMaas says
mell says
The FF were Christians, I doubt they would have voted for recreational drug use, even though they were big on personal liberty. It's about the context.

I can guarantee they wouldn't have voted for recreational drug use. Because they didn't have to, it was already legal. They believed in freedom, they grew marijuana and some probably even used it.

Thank you

It’s refreshing to see America isn’t dead yet

Except for that it's a myth, see the link above. Just because you and I want them to be as freedom loving and possible doesn't mean they were. What I was trying to illustrate is that they may have been closer to today's repubs/libertarians, without judgement.
183   anonymous   2018 Mar 6, 2:00pm  

mell says
RafiMaas says
mell says
The FF were Christians, I doubt they would have voted for recreational drug use, even though they were big on personal liberty. It's about the context.

I can guarantee they wouldn't have voted for recreational drug use. Because they didn't have to, it was already legal. They believed in freedom, they grew marijuana and some probably even used it.


Either way I wouldn't jump to conclusions here. In context many things back then were forbidden or problematic at least, that are viewed as ok today.

I read your silly link, but contrary to the title, they didn’t bust any myths wrt the FF and Hemp/Cannabis. So then why did you post it?

Jump to conclusions about what?
Care to elaborate on what you meant with the rest of your words? Intentionally vague, they hold no meaning. Explain please
184   mell   2018 Mar 6, 3:06pm  

errc says
mell says
RafiMaas says
mell says
The FF were Christians, I doubt they would have voted for recreational drug use, even though they were big on personal liberty. It's about the context.

I can guarantee they wouldn't have voted for recreational drug use. Because they didn't have to, it was already legal. They believed in freedom, they grew marijuana and some probably even used it.


Either way I wouldn't jump to conclusions here. In context many things back then were forbidden or problematic at least, that are viewed as ok tod...

It clearly refutes Rafis post that they were "using" MJ as in smoking it and that they would have voted for it. It was used for rope and they did not cultivate the high THC kind. I think you are focusing solely on MJ because it is the most important thing for you, but many are willing to trade in Republican shortcomings wrt MJ as long as they don't have to endure the leftist reign in other more important topics. Otherwise Hillary should have win with 90$% of the vote as most, left and right, these days do not care if you toke a little at your home.
185   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 6, 4:01pm  

jazz_music says
Is there ever going to be a DNC member that the right wing media would NOT criticize, demonize, humiliate, and rail against???

So Rush is an excuse to tolerate putting up with Neoliberals in your party, because he might make fun of their replacements on the radio?
186   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 6, 4:02pm  

jazz_music says
You know damn well that anybody who gets into the public eye and is not far right wing is going to be a never-ending subject of ridicule and demonization.

Yeah, Trump is just worshipped daily on Comedy Central, SNL, the View, Jimmy Kimmel, Rachel Maddow, Anderson180, etc.

187   missing   2018 Mar 6, 4:04pm  

mell says
Maybe partially true, but it works better than all other forms on this planet. Otherwise people wouldn't be crossing the border to live under this bad system.

This is such a poor logic. Embarrassing!
188   Patrick   2018 Mar 6, 4:05pm  

Why is that poor logic?
189   missing   2018 Mar 6, 4:11pm  

Are you seriously asking me this?
190   anonymous   2018 Mar 6, 4:13pm  

Patrick says
Why is that poor logic?

Capitalism will never tolerate a representative government; its inefficient as a vehicle for greater profits.

Maybe partially true, but it works better than all other forms on this planet. Otherwise people wouldn't be crossing the border to live under this bad system.


Absent any logic
191   Patrick   2018 Mar 6, 4:13pm  

Seems like solid logic to me. If this were a worse system than, say, in Mexico, why have 20 million Mexicans come here illegally?
192   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 6, 4:15pm  

People aren't flooding boats to get to Cuba, North Korea, or Bangladesh.
193   missing   2018 Mar 6, 4:21pm  

Mexico also has capitalism.

I come from a capitalistic system, slightly different that the US version. I think as a whole, for the majority of the people, it is a better version. However, for me personally the US is better because it is a winner take all system. I can also always go back and maybe will.
194   Patrick   2018 Mar 6, 4:35pm  

FP says
Mexico also has capitalism.

Clearly they're not doing it right. Maybe we aren't either, but we are definitely getting better results than Mexico does.
195   cynn   2018 Mar 6, 4:48pm  

The Kochs just haven't figured out "cartels" yet.
196   missing   2018 Mar 8, 1:46pm  

Patrick says
Clearly they're not doing it right. Maybe we aren't either, but we are definitely getting better results than Mexico does.

This is beyond the point.
197   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 8, 2:08pm  

Patrick says
Clearly they're not doing it right. Maybe we aren't either, but we are definitely getting better results than Mexico does.

Mexico spent most of the 19th Century in "Free Trade", shipping out raw materials while importing finished products.

Thus, they industrialized much more slowly and unevenly than tariff-protected America in the 19th Century under Hamilton's All-American Tariff.

It's much the same all over Central and South America. BIg Landed Wealth doesn't care about mass employment, they just want to trade the cotton and the aloe and the copper for a BMW, and make sure the landless workers don't get uppity when it comes to wages.

Defeating Big Confederate Landlords - who were as opposed to the Homestead Act as Tarriffs - they envisioned the midwest full of slaves on huge wheat farms - was a big leg up for American Prosperity.
198   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Mar 23, 9:16am  

Hi @Patrick - there's a T2 guy in the mod queue asking to be deleted, both comment and account.
199   MrMagic   2018 Mar 23, 9:24am  

TwoScoopsPlissken says
Hi @Patrick - there's a T2 guy in the mod queue asking to be deleted, both comment and account.

I believe that's a brand new account of user: FP
200   Patrick   2018 Mar 23, 9:48am  

Deleted it. There was only one comment anyway.
201   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 12, 7:58am  

Deleted two clear personal attacks from two users this AM. One about going to somebody having to go to GNC, the other about mental issues of a user.
202   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 26, 1:35pm  

There's a pretty clear personal insult in my mod queue, but the delete button is gone.
203   Patrick   2018 Apr 26, 2:48pm  

@TwoScoopsPlissken was the comment more than a week old?

After a week, a comment can't be deleted, except by me. It can still be marked "personal" and go into the moderation queue though.

I deleted one today from the moderation queue, but can't remember how old it was.
204   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 26, 4:25pm  

Hi Pat, not sure. It had a dislike already, didn't check the date. It could have been older.
205   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 27, 11:44am  

Approved Sniper's remarks about Wookie, don't know if it's really "personal" and Wookie said he doesn't particularly care and it seems to be a group thing about milenials vs. a insults at a user.

I'm biased towards approval absent "Go Fuck Yourself, you sniveling shitbag."

So approved, but not 100% sure this is the kind of Convo Pat.net wants/doesn't want since it is about user history and whatnot. Happy to reconsider.
206   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Apr 27, 11:46am  

Okay, so posts along this line are getting thrown to moderation. I leave it in moderation for others to take a look.
207   CBOEtrader   2018 Apr 27, 11:48am  

yeah, its a childish conversation. even if those two want to have that convo, i'd lean towards deleting it anyways... just to keep the forum focused on actual discussions. dont want this place slipping back into the realm of personal flame wars.

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