Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept.

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2015 Mar 3, 3:50pm   43,423 views  80 comments

by turtledove   ➕follow (11)   💰tip   ignore  

WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton exclusively used a personal email account to conduct government business as secretary of state, State Department officials said, and may have violated federal requirements that officials’ correspondence be retained as part of the agency’s record.

Mrs. Clinton did not have a government email address during her four-year tenure at the State Department. Her aides took no actions to have her personal emails preserved on department servers at the time, as required by the Federal Records Act.

It was only two months ago, in response to a new State Department effort to comply with federal record-keeping practices, that Mrs. Clinton’s advisers reviewed tens of thousands of pages of her personal emails and decided which ones to turn over to the State Department. All told, 55,000 pages of emails were given to the department. Mrs. Clinton stepped down from the secretary’s post in early 2013.

Her expansive use of the private account was alarming to current and former National Archives and Records Administration officials and government watchdogs, who called it a serious breach.

“It is very difficult to conceive of a scenario — short of nuclear winter — where an agency would be justified in allowing its cabinet-level head officer to solely use a private email communications channel for the conduct of government business,” said Jason R. Baron, a lawyer at Drinker Biddle & Reath who is a former director of litigation at the National Archives and Records Administration.

A spokesman for Mrs. Clinton, Nick Merrill, defended her use of the personal email account and said she has been complying with the “letter and spirit of the rules.”

Under federal law, however, letters and emails written and received by federal officials, such as the secretary of state, are considered government records and are supposed to be retained so that congressional committees, historians and members of the news media can find them. There are exceptions to the law for certain classified and sensitive materials.

Mrs. Clinton is not the first government official — or first secretary of state — to use a personal email account on which to conduct official business. But her exclusive use of her private email, for all of her work, appears unusual, Mr. Baron said. The use of private email accounts is supposed to be limited to emergencies, experts said, such as when an agency’s computer server is not working.

“I can recall no instance in my time at the National Archives when a high-ranking official at an executive branch agency solely used a personal email account for the transaction of government business,” said Mr. Baron, who worked at the agency from 2000 to 2013.


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1   lahossain   2015 Mar 3, 3:53pm  

Cannot wait to see how she wiggles out of this one. #runwarrenrun! (Bring on the dislikes!)

2   turtledove   2015 Mar 3, 3:54pm  

The entire car trip from San Diego back up to OC I'm thinking you guys were having a discussion about this.

So, since she used her personal emails for work... that must mean she got to pick which emails she submitted to the Archives? Look out for Slick Hilly.

3   humanity   2015 Mar 3, 4:01pm  

She probably thought they were more private this way. And she was probably correct.

4   HydroCabron   2015 Mar 3, 4:04pm  

Cue slew of both-sides-are-the-same libertoonians suddenly interested in e-mail transparency!

5   humanity   2015 Mar 3, 4:06pm  

Good question for security experts. Which is easier to hack (or use connections to access) ? A government, state department account ? Or a private email account, through the of the more secure ISPs ? If she was smart enough to use a private email account, to make it harder for insiders to spy on her, she was probably also smart enough to not use email for truly private or highly sensitive communications.

There must be places you can go on the internet for encrypted private messaging. Maybe the government even has such apps, or encrypted texting devices.

I'm guessing she had good reason to do it the way she did. But yeah, she might not be able to say what those reasons are.

6   lostand confused   2015 Mar 3, 4:11pm  

Well, now they found those emails of Lois Lerner the IRS lady, I guess she was just being extra careful.

7   turtledove   2015 Mar 3, 4:14pm  

Call it Crazy says

turtledove says

The entire car trip from San Diego back up to OC I'm thinking you guys were having a discussion about this.

We were...


I can't find it. When I click on it, I get a message that there's no such thread... I did look before I posted.

8   turtledove   2015 Mar 3, 4:17pm  

humanity says

Good question for security experts. Which is easier to hack (or use connections to access) ? A government, state department account ? Or a private email account, through the of the more secure ISPs ? If she was smart enough to use a private email account, to make it harder for insiders to spy on her, she was probably also smart enough to not use email for truly private or highly sensitive communications.

Humanity, she doesn't get to make such decisions. If everyone thought like this we'd plunge into chaos.

9   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Mar 3, 6:09pm  

turtledove says

Humanity, she doesn't get to make such decisions. If everyone thought like this we'd plunge into chaos.

Exactly. Imagine if Spies or Generals preferred to use private emails instead of their assigned email.

10   Ceffer   2015 Mar 3, 6:21pm  

She probably spent so much time e-chortling about how she shlonged Bubba with Steely Dan she needed a tad of privacy.

11   Philistine   2015 Mar 3, 6:24pm  

Ceffer says

shlonged with Steely Dan

Thank you for the 'Naked Lunch' allusion.

12   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Mar 3, 6:33pm  

Ceffer says

she shlonged Bubba with Steely Dan

Electrical banana, it's gonna be the very next phase.

Philistine says

Thank you for the 'Naked Lunch' allusion.

Tasty kid, real Tasty....

13   turtledove   2015 Mar 3, 7:28pm  

Call it Crazy says

Edit: Patrick's html editor doesn't like the "!" sign in the repost of the thread... Try this...


Got it. But that wasn't really a discussion of the issue at hand. It quickly went off on a tangent.

The question is... Was she within the law to send these emails through her own private channels? Where are the excuses from the left? Humanity is the only one with the balls to try and offer the excuse that she was attempting to provide greater email security. (Don't let it be said, Ms. Hillary, that we aren't grateful that you have our country's security interests at the forefront... guiding your every email...)

Wait, my fingers are laughing....

14   Y   2015 Mar 3, 7:35pm  

well billy sent his emails through monikas private channels...
waats good fore de goose eez good fore de gander...

turtledove says

The question is... Was she within the law to send these emails through her own private channels?

15   Strategist   2015 Mar 3, 7:38pm  

turtledove says

The question is... Was she within the law to send these emails through her own private channels? Where are the excuses from the left? Humanity is the only one with the balls to try and offer the excuse that she was attempting to provide greater email security. (Don't let it be said, Ms. Hillary, that we aren't grateful that you have our country's security interests at the forefront... guiding your every email...)

Wait, my fingers are laughing....

The excuse will be.....
1. She thought that e-mail address was already approved by the govt.
2. She just got mixed up.
3. Republicans are making a fuss over nothing.
4. It wasn't her fault. Her staff screwed up.

16   Y   2015 Mar 3, 7:44pm  

5. she thought the i-phone servers were government run.

Strategist says

The excuse will be.....

1. She thought that e-mail address was already approved by the govt.

2. She just got mixed up.

3. Republicans are making a fuss over nothing.

4. It wasn't her fault. Her staff screwed up.

17   Strategist   2015 Mar 3, 7:48pm  

SoftShell says

5. she thought the i-phone servers were government run.

Strategist says

The excuse will be.....

1. She thought that e-mail address was already approved by the govt.

2. She just got mixed up.

3. Republicans are making a fuss over nothing.

4. It wasn't her fault. Her staff screwed up.

Hey, I just remembered. The NSA spies on all e-mails, which is why we call them every time we forget the password. They already know everything she did.

18   Vicente   2015 Mar 3, 7:54pm  

What's the big deal? Most politicians use private email addy for some of their business.

I worked in Georgia State Capitol offices once. It was well known that there were rogue Wifi routers setup, specifically to service each office's various unofficial email access.

Remember when Gov. Palin did it? Or Mittens? Right.

I'd be surprised if there are any politicans who DON'T do this.

I have 6 email accounts myself.

20   marcus   2015 Mar 3, 9:28pm  

turtledove says

Humanity, she doesn't get to make such decisions. If everyone thought like this we'd plunge into chaos.

Yes she does. Until someone tells her that she has to do otherwise.

But I do understand that you're a republican, and you folks get really excited about any chance to nail democrats for anything.

I'd probably feel the same way if half the people in my party were retarded, and the other half were either evil scumbags carrying water for the 1% or perverts that spend all their time preaching about morality.

21   marcus   2015 Mar 3, 9:38pm  

turtledove says

offer the excuse that she was attempting to provide greater email security.

I don't know whether it was greater security from outsiders. But it would have to be greater security from insiders.

I don't think any of us know much about the types of security precautions that today's government officials take these days with truly private communications. But I think it's safe to say that truly top secret sensitive information would not be sent by email whether it was from a state department email account or a private ISP account.

This is another one of those stupid republican witch hunts. And you're falling for it.

IT will get traction on Fox. Maybe even elsewhere. There is one aspect to it that it has in common with the whole Bengazi bullshit. And that is that she can't really talk about the state of the art in diplomatic communication of sensitive information any more than she could talk in details about what happened in Bengazi (relative to the CIA presence etc.)

Yeah. playing gotcha is such fun for the dirtbags of the political world. I guess maybe they are still all butthurt about watergate.

22   HEY YOU   2015 Mar 4, 12:12am  

Did she do something illegal?
Get back to me when charges are filed. OH,WAIT! All members of the Big Club have immunity as in bush & cheney committing war crimes.

23   Y   2015 Mar 4, 5:46am  


Just what is it with these clintons???

Call it Crazy says

"What difference, at this point, does it make"


24   bob2356   2015 Mar 4, 5:52am  

marcus says

This is another one of those stupid republican witch hunts. And you're falling for it.

It's not a witch hunt. The federal records act is clear. Hillary broke the law unless she can prove every single email was saved at the agency in accordance with federal law. There is no room for interpretation.

25   bob2356   2015 Mar 4, 5:54am  

Vicente says

What's the big deal? Most politicians use private email addy for some of their business.

I worked in Georgia State Capitol offices once. It was well known that there were rogue Wifi routers setup, specifically to service each office's various unofficial email access.

Remember when Gov. Palin did it? Or Mittens? Right.

I'd be surprised if there are any politicans who DON'T do this.

I have 6 email accounts myself.

Gov Palin, mittens, and you aren't federal employees who are bound by federal law.

26   marcus   2015 Mar 4, 6:14am  

It's not a witch hunt. The federal records act is clear. Hillary broke the law

Before you get too excited about this, you might want to realize that the law you're talking about went in to effect way after she left the state department.

http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/03/03/hillary-email-scandal-not-so-fast.htmlbob2356 says

27   Blurtman   2015 Mar 4, 6:22am  

She doesn't love America.

28   lostand confused   2015 Mar 4, 6:41am  

Maybe Hillary is an immense hirsute lesbian and didn't want to be caught? She could have been sending love notes to Rosie O'Donnell ??

29   Tenpoundbass   2015 Mar 4, 9:05am  

turtledove says

We were...


I can't find it. When I click on it, I get a message that there's no such thread... I did look before I posted.

What's up with that?

30   Patrick   2015 Mar 4, 9:07am  

turtledove says

I can't find it. When I click on it, I get a message that there's no such thread... I did look before I posted.

oh crap, that is definitely a bug. sorry, will fix today.

@patrick note to self: fix this

31   Patrick   2015 Mar 4, 9:08am  

ah, the linkify routine is failing to include the exclamation point:


32   socal2   2015 Mar 4, 10:24am  

I think the bigger scandal is that Hillary literally accepted 10's of millions in donations to her foundation from foreign governments like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait,,,,,while serving as Secretary of State.

She was flying around the world on tax-payer funded jets and shaking down foreign rulers to donate to her foundation........all the while having her emails and communication routed through her own server at her house.

Yah - nothing fishy at all! Rules and laws are for the little people.

Even without all of these scandals, can anyone name a single accomplishment Hillary achieved while serving as Secretary of State? Libya? Pulling all troops out of Iraq? Russia/Ukraine? Israeli/Palestinian peace process? China? North Korea? Yemen? Iran?

33   Entitlemented   2015 Mar 4, 3:27pm  

This would be equivalent to say, allowing the tyrants of the world an open book to how to create havoc on the world due to understand the thoughts and movements of the agency designed to maintain global diplomacy.

This is beyond high treason - open emails if read by Putin, Ping, give a schematic towards undermining the US in every way!

34   turtledove   2015 Mar 4, 3:34pm  

There is just something very dishonest about this couple. Yes, there are other dishonest politicians out there, too... but this pair seems to be especially allergic to honestly. They epitomize all the worst qualities of lawyers. The way they like to play word games and demonstrate how they can outsmart you and the system. They don't even pretend. Naked hubris, short and simple.

35   HydroCabron   2015 Mar 4, 4:02pm  

turtledove says

There is just something very dishonest about this couple.

I always enjoy the part where libertoonian dipshits tut-tut harder over Democrat swine than Republican swine.

There are so few actual libertarians. Maybe 10% of those calling themselves such really hew to the tenets. The rest are just pseudo-intellectual parrots repeating the Republican talking points du jour, while adopting a fashionable label.

"Something very dishonest ... especially allergic ... play word games ... pretend they can outsmart you (i.e. "think they're better'n me) ... Naked hubris."

You are one dim bulb.

1993 called - they want their cliches back.

36   humanity   2015 Mar 4, 5:46pm  

Call it Crazy says

Clinton Private Server Listed Under Mysterious, Untraceable Name


37   humanity   2015 Mar 4, 5:55pm  

Call it Crazy says

socal2 says

Even without all of these scandals, can anyone name a single accomplishment Hillary achieved while serving as Secretary of State?

Can you name 4 big accomplishments of secretaries of state in the past 60 years ?

By definition their accomplishments (often diplomacy) aren't big news. Improving relations with other governments. Avoiding big problems. Advising the President regarding tricky situations. Representing our government in high level, important, international and yet not super newsworthy meetings.

Hillary actually was a very successful secretary of state. That's the reason for the big Benghazi push and it's also the reason for this story. Anything to tarnish her image.

38   humanity   2015 Mar 4, 6:01pm  

turtledove says

They don't even pretend. Naked hubris, short and simple.

Yeah. With their level of transparency, they haven't even hardly earned the name scumbag.

It's much better when politicians act holier than thou, while secretly molesting children, or funding off shore accounts with bribes. As
long as they appear honest and clean, and maybe even a little simple minded, that's what matters the most.

I like it when they seem super honest, but also less intelligent than I am. When they're clearly more intelligent than I, it makes me really nervous.

39   indigenous   2015 Mar 4, 6:13pm  

turtledove says

There is just something everything very dishonest about this couple. Yes, there are other dishonest politicians out there, too... but this pair seems to be especially allergic to honestly. They epitomize all the worst qualities of lawyers. The way they like to play word games and demonstrate how they can outsmart you and the system. They don't even pretend. Naked hubris, short and simple.

Fixed it for you, they are a textbook example of sociopaths and the treason that wreaks from them is beyond maddening.

40   turtledove   2015 Mar 4, 6:24pm  

humanity says

I like it when they seem super honest, but also less intelligent than I am. When they're clearly more intelligent than I, it makes me really nervous.

More intelligent than you? Is that possible?

I don't think that they are more intelligent. They are clever. They are good at finding little loopholes that enable them to circumvent the law. They revel in word games (remember, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman..." Everyone else understood the spirit of the question... But not slick Willy. He was too busy playing word games and figuring out how he could technically be right while still DOING wrong.)

I think it's a very sad state when people who devote their cleverness to skirting the law are lauded as "intelligent." You are a smart guy, Humanity. Don't you find it a little insulting that they are constantly trying to out-clever you by diverting your attention to some insignificant detail rather than the matter at hand? Perhaps you can just sit back and say, "well played." But, YOU aren't supposed to be the enemy that they are outsmarting!!!!!!

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