Dennis Hastert is still alive?

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2015 May 28, 4:51pm   32,687 views  38 comments

by Blurtman   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Former speaker indicted for hush money cover-up

Washington (CNN)Federal officials have indicted former House Speaker Dennis Hastert for lying to the FBI about $3.5 million he agreed to pay to an undisclosed subject to "cover up past misconduct" and for being disgustingly fat.

The indictment was unsealed in the District Court of Northern Illinois on Thursday. The Justice Department alleges that Hastert made large withdrawals after agreeing to pay the money.

The indictment does not explain precisely what the "past misconduct" is, but instead details at length various withdrawals and financial transactions he made with the unidentified subject. The payments totaling about $1.7 million occurred over a period of years beginning in 2010. Speaker Hastert's explanation of "just hamburger and fries money" was initially accepted by investigators, until an unnamed informant derailed the plausible rationale.


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1   Blurtman   2015 May 29, 12:18pm  

Not just sex, but animal sex.


2   HydroCabron   2015 May 29, 1:05pm  

Sex abuse.

The man – who was not identified in court papers — told the F.B.I. that he had been touched by Mr. Hastert when Mr. Hastert was a high school teacher and wrestling coach, the two people said on Friday. The people briefed on the investigation spoke on the condition of anonymity because they did not want to be identified discussing a federal investigation.

The F.B.I. declined to comment.

It was not clear when the alleged behavior occurred. But according to court documents, Mr. Hastert was a high school teacher and coach in Yorkville, Ill., from 1965 to 1981. The F.B.I. was not able to substantiate the allegations beyond the man’s statements.

Federal authorities unsealed an indictment of Mr. Hastert on Thursday, although it skirted the issue of what Mr. Hastert had done to the man that led to the payments.

So the FBI couldn't substantiate the allegations. Then why pay the victim $3.5 million? Guilty conscience, or desire to atone?

3   Tenpoundbass   2015 May 29, 1:08pm  

Who in the hell attempts a very public life after a shady checkered past?

4   Blurtman   2015 May 29, 3:13pm  

He got called for the double-leg corn hole move.

5   curious2   2015 May 29, 3:37pm  

HydroCabron says

Guilty conscience, or desire to atone?

Hydro, your sarcasm has got to stop.

Years ago, Dan said that half the GOP consists of closet cases, and I think if you include the scared wives (Mrs. Larry Craig, Mrs. Sandusky, Michele Bachmann, etc.) that's fairly accurate. It's why they can't handle issues like marriage equality, and hide so desperately and ostentatiously behind whatever religious beliefs they claim to possess. $3.5 million sounds like a lot to hush one person, so I can't help suspecting that one wrestler might have been the point person collecting for more than one. BTW, Hastert was the Speaker of the House during the Mark Foley scandal, when it was reported that Rep. Foley had been getting drunk and harassing underage pages for years without apology until one of them went public with e-mails. In 1996, Craig, Foley, and Hastert all voted for the unconstitutional anti-marriage "Defense of Marriage Act."

6   HydroCabron   2015 May 29, 3:51pm  

curious2 says

It's why they can't handle issues like marriage equality, and cling so desperately and ostentatiously to whatever religious beliefs they claim to possess.

I'm still scratching my head, because no matter how important saintly hypocrisy is to the GOP, they love money even more. I don't know of any statute of limitations which goes back so far as 35 years for this, but I'm not a lawyer.

Maybe this guy's reputation is worth more to him than $3.5 million. Mine ain't: I'd hand the guy some phone numbers of journalists, and send him on his way.

ONE morning in December 1824, the Duke of Wellington received an unpleasant letter. "My Lord Duke," it began, "in Harriette Wilson's Memoirs, which I am about to publish, are various anecdotes of Your Grace which it would be most desirable to withhold, at least such is my opinion. I have stopped the Press for the moment, but as the publication will take place next week, little delay can necessarily take place."

The letter, signed by one Joseph Stockdale, a pornographer and scandal-monger, was a naked attempt at blackmail. The Duke was a field marshal, cabinet minister, national hero, husband and father, while Harriette Wilson was a famous London courtesan past her prime, then living in exile in Paris. Wellington was being asked to pay money to be left out of her memoirs.

His response is famous: "Publish and be damned!"

7   curious2   2015 May 29, 3:55pm  

Wellington was a Duke who by 1824 had defeated Napoleon. No one could scare him.

Like nearly all GOP "Representatives," Hastert was only ever a chickenhawk, an empty suit with nothing but partisan and sectarian loyalty to keep him aloft. If past practice is any guide, his fellow closet cases will flee the scandal lest their own secrets be suspected. From the apex of a House Speaker's patronage network pyramid scheme, it's a long way down.

8   Strategist   2015 May 29, 6:31pm  

Blurtman says

Washington (CNN)Federal officials have indicted former House Speaker Dennis Hastert for lying to the FBI about $3.5 million he agreed to pay to an undisclosed subject to "cover up past misconduct" and for being disgustingly fat.

So what's the crime?
He had gay sex.....not illegal.
He paid someone to not sell the story. In other words he purchased the story......not illegal.
What's all the fuss about? I thought America was a free country.

9   Strategist   2015 May 29, 7:07pm  

Call it Crazy says

Strategist says

So what's the crime?

He had gay sex.....not illegal.

He paid someone to not sell the story. In other words he purchased the story......not illegal.

What's all the fuss about?

He's a Repub.... The Libs/MSM needed a smoke screen to take the heat off of Hillary for a few days...

Great, just great. Dan would call it a victimless crime, but not if a Republican dunnit.

10   Blurtman   2015 May 29, 7:32pm  

Apparently our overseers don't want you to purposely skirt the $10k reporting requirement, which Hassert did. I think it is horse shit overreach. You know HSBC doesn't have to worry about such nonsense. And he apparently wasn't truthful with the FBI.

But if the payout was consensual, it is not extortion, so the payee won't be charged.

It all seems like a bunch of BS, maybe payback for something? He was regarded as a decent guy, but wouldn't be speaker in today's climate.

11   curious2   2015 May 29, 8:05pm  

Strategist says

So what's the crime?

According to the article, the alleged crime(s) occurred while Hastert was a high school teacher and wrestling coach, and the alleged vicim(s) underage. It was long ago and far away and I don't pretend to know what actually happened, but that's reportedly the original alleged crime. Then, reportedly allegedly, he evaded bank reporting requirements in order to pay $ to cover up the original alleged crime, and reportedly allegedly lied to the FBI about it.

Blurtman says

payback for something?

The W administration imprisoned Martha Stewart for lying to investigators, but I don't think it's necessarily partisan. The current administration busted Eliot Spitzer for withdrawing $$$ in a way that the FBI suspected might indicate extortion or corruption.

Blurtman says

He was regarded as....

different things by different people. I never liked him at all, but I don't presume to know if he's guilty of these particular charges or not.

12   Strategist   2015 May 29, 9:28pm  

curious2 says

Strategist says

So what's the crime?

According to the article, the alleged crime(s) occurred while Hastert was a high school teacher and wrestling coach, and the alleged vicim(s) underage. It was long ago and far away and I don't pretend to know what actually happened, but that's reportedly the original alleged crime. Then, reportedly allegedly, he evaded bank reporting requirements in order to pay $ to cover up the original alleged crime, and reportedly allegedly lied to the FBI about it.

Having sex with an underage is an obvious crime, and he should get the time for that. All the other stuff only deserves a slap on the wrist. He is a politician, and like all politicians he is a criminal. Some got caught, some will get caught, and the rest will never get caught.

13   justme   2015 May 29, 11:06pm  

The US does, at least in theory, have a fairly reasonable set of laws. But can someone explain this:

Lying to a federal agent is a federal crime (apparently)

Lying to local police is apparently not a crime (we're not talking about lying under oath, here).

Also, invoking your constitutional (5th amendment) right not to have to incriminate yourself is not a crime, federal or otherwise.

Is there any logic to all this? I'm as progressive as they get, but I don't think lying to the government, especially about ones financial dispositions, is a crime. If the financial dispositions THEMSELVES are illegal, then that is the crime, not lying about it. As for the Hastert case, paying blackmail is not illegal, is it? I think it is a bizarre legal principle that agents of the federal government are somehow super-holy and cannot be lied to. If Hastert did something illegal, then THAT action is what he should be prosecuted for, not lying to a federal agent. It is completely bizarre.



14   bob2356   2015 May 30, 5:34am  

Strategist says

What's all the fuss about? I thought America was a free country.

Do you still believe in santa clause and the easter bunny also?

15   bob2356   2015 May 30, 5:37am  

anonymous says

Call it Crazy says

The Libs/MSM needed a smoke screen to take the heat off of Hillary for a few days...

Who's to say it wasn't someone from within his own party and for what motive ?

CIC and the captain consider everything from hemorrhoids to sunspot flairs liberals plots. No thinking required that way.

16   CL   2015 May 30, 7:51am  

Clearly, the man was once a boy, buggered by the Speaker, who went on to put himself in a position to be extorted. He then made millions (somehow) and paid millions to his underage victim(s). When the money got obvious, he tried to hide it in under 10k increments. He also said he was withdrawing so much money because he didn't trust the banking system, lying to the investigators.

Isn't America free? Indeed!

17   Tenpoundbass   2015 May 30, 8:05am  

I say, I say... That boy is sharp as a Bowling Ball.
His BRAINS that IS!

18   Tenpoundbass   2015 May 30, 2:28pm  

anonymous says

Cap'n - if that was meant for me

NO I was quoting Longhorn Foghorn.
If you have to explain it, then you're trying to hard to be subtle.

19   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 May 30, 3:11pm  

justme says

Lying to a federal agent is a federal crime (apparently)

It's THE Federal Crime. When they can't get somebody on something, they go to Section 18 USC 1001. It's how they got Martha Stewart, because she actually took a loss on her alleged "Insider Trading" - but she did try to mislead (and did misremember, honestly I believe) Federal Agents.

Rule #1 : Shut up. When encountering Federal Officials, you'll get back with them after you have legal counsel. Even if the questions aren't about your activities directly.

20   Blurtman   2015 May 31, 10:24am  

"For fuck's sake. It's Foghorn Leghorn, you pot-addled meathead. Is that too subtle for ya? You manage to fuck up everything. You can't even represent the cartoon characters of your childhood."

Pot shaming!

21   bob2356   2015 May 31, 11:26am  

Call it Crazy says

A Republican who gets "caught" in such a thing, even if it dates long before he or she was in office and is purely-consensual and adult in nature is utterly screwed but when it's a Democrat it literally doesn't matter what the offense is. I point directly at Bill Clinton who was not only accused of he was caught repeatedly diddling various people and was accused of various acts of rape (Juanita Broderick anyone), never mind the more-recent allegations related to Bill Clinton and Epstein. Or shall we talk about Teddy Kennedy and Chappaquiddick for a minute and the fact that there was never any account rendered of exactly what happened that night?

I'm guessing you didn't get far enough in school to understand the not at all subtle difference between accused and indicted. BTW remind me where Bill diddled a minor boy he was in charge of. That does seem to be a republican speciality.

Call it Crazy says

The information we do have strongly implies that the "misconduct" has something to do with Hastert's life and activities before he became Speaker and is probably related to something long in his past.

The misconduct he was indicted for was violating banking laws in the current period. Did you not grasp this somehow? He was speaker of the house, he didn't know the laws?

Call it Crazy says

Bill and Hillary are not the only Democrats who seem to be immune to any sort of allegation of wrongdoing when it comes to the press

Are you saying bill and hillary weren't in the press about their fuckups? What planet were you living on since 1991? The billary twins have sold more news than anyone else in history.

Call it Crazy says

But beyond the fact that there's no reason to believe Hastert didn't earn the money he was withdrawing legally (and thus making it a crime to do whatever, whenever and however he wishes with it is outrageous on its face) the fact remains that this double-standard between Republicans and Democrats is something that nobody wants to take on -- yet we all should and in fact must insist that it dissolves.

Which democrat violated the banking secrecy act and got indicted that we didn't hear about? If hasteret earned the money or not is totally irrelevant. He wasn't withdrawing it legally, he was withdrawing in ways to avoid generating a fincen 112 (was 104) report which is a felony. If that should be a crime is totally irrelevant, it is a crime. He did it, he knew he was doing it, he got caught.

Hastert pissed a lot of people off. Someone found a way to pay him back. Same with spitzer.

Nice job grasping at straws, you are certainly an expert.

22   socal2   2015 Jun 1, 1:41pm  

bob2356 says

I'm guessing you didn't get far enough in school to understand the not at all subtle difference between accused and indicted. BTW remind me where Bill diddled a minor boy he was in charge of. That does seem to be a republican speciality.

Yeah - no sexual deviants or cheaters in the Democrat party.

- Anthony Weiner
- Eliot Spitzer (total hypocrite as he prosecuted others who engaged in prostitution)
- David Wu
- Kwame Fitzpatrick
- John Edwards
- Bill Clinton
- David Paterson
- Antonio Villaraigosa
- Marc Dann
- Paul Morrison
- Gary Condit
- Tim Mahoney
- Neil Goldschmidt (underage)
- Jim McGreevey
- Mel Reynolds (underage)
- Brock Adams (rape)
- Barney Frank (partner conducting gay prostitution ring in his house)
- Gary Hart
- Gerry Studs (underage dudes)
- Fred Richmond (underage dudes)
- Gavin Newsom
- Sam Adams (affair with 18 year old dude)

23   bob2356   2015 Jun 1, 2:45pm  

socal2 says

bob2356 says

I'm guessing you didn't get far enough in school to understand the not at all subtle difference between accused and indicted. BTW remind me where Bill diddled a minor boy he was in charge of. That does seem to be a republican speciality.

Yeah - no sexual deviants or cheaters in the Democrat party.

Democrats are supposed to be immoral, they are not the party of family values telling everyone else how to live their lives.

24   socal2   2015 Jun 1, 3:37pm  

bob2356 says

Democrats are supposed to be immoral, they are not the party of family values telling everyone else how to live their lives.

So it is better to vote/support a party that professes to have no morals as opposed to a party that occasionally fails to live up to their high moral standards?

25   Y   2015 Jun 1, 3:52pm  

damning evidence in my view... *

socal2 says

bob2356 says

Democrats are supposed to be immoral, they are not the party of family values telling everyone else how to live their lives.

So it is better to vote/support a party that professes to have no morals as opposed to a party that occasionally fails to live up to their high moral standards?

26   Y   2015 Jun 1, 3:57pm  

maybe it's just me...but i'd consider a grammatical posting error more egregious than this... *

sbh says

CaptainShuddup says

NO I was quoting Longhorn Foghorn.

For fuck's sake. It's Foghorn Leghorn, you pot-addled meathead. Is that too subtle for ya? You manage to fuck up everything. You can't even represent the cartoon characters of your childhood.

27   curious2   2015 Jun 5, 4:53pm  

curious2 says

I can't help suspecting that one wrestler might have been the point person collecting for more than one.

Update: "FBI aware of multiple potential victims in Hastert case"

I won't even speculate how many potential victims might come out of the woodwork if Forthood ever gets enough money to make him worth extorting.

28   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Jun 5, 5:54pm  

curious2 says

The current administration busted Eliot Spitzer for withdrawing $$$ in a way that the FBI suspected might indicate extortion or corruption.

And because he was the wrong guy at the right place at the right time. The last thing Wall St. wanted at the time was a snoopy, egotistical, fearless politician as Governor of NY.

The last time an egotistical NY Governor was in place during a credit crisis, he became dictator who assaulted property rightsPresident, and oversaw decades of prosperity and a 300%+ increase in the median standard of living ...

29   bob2356   2015 Jun 6, 5:36am  

socal2 says

bob2356 says

Democrats are supposed to be immoral, they are not the party of family values telling everyone else how to live their lives.

So it is better to vote/support a party that professes to have no morals as opposed to a party that occasionally fails to live up to their high moral standards?

Why do conservatives always lack the humour gene?

30   bob2356   2015 Jun 6, 5:58am  

thunderlips11 says

And because he was the wrong guy at the right place at the right time. The last thing Wall St. wanted at the time was a snoopy, egotistical, fearless politician as Governor of NY.

The last time an egotistical NY Governor was in place during a credit crisis, he became dictator who assaulted property rightsPresident, and oversaw decades of prosperity and a 300%+ increase in the median standard of living ...

Spitzer wasn't that guy, he was a self promoting sham. He had great success trying cases in the press. His record in court sucked. A couple real successes, but as civil court settlements not criminal prosecutions. Many "cases" were just press opportunities that never went anywhere. At least giuliani as a federal attorney kept his mouth shut until he had actual criminal prosecution results to brag about.

31   CL   2015 Jun 6, 7:08am  

socal2 says

So it is better to vote/support a party that professes to have no morals as opposed to a party that occasionally fails to live up to their high moral standards?

The Republicans only TALK about values to sucker people who want to be suckered into voting for them.

Republican voters are attracted to these phony preachers, because they remind them of their own church's phony preacher, who likely is a pervert as well.

32   curious2   2016 Jan 28, 1:46pm  

Feds confirm Hastert case has more than one victim
Federal prosecutors for the first time have acknowledged another victim in the bombshell hush-money case against former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert.

Until now, the feds had referred only to a mysterious “Individual A,” whose identity has yet to be revealed — and who collected $1.7 million from the once-powerful Republican in exchange for silence regarding Hastert’s past misconduct. But Thursday, Assistant U.S. Attorney Steven Block used plural terms while speaking to a judge about those who suffered from Hastert’s crimes.
Hastert had ultimately agreed to pay $3.5 million to “Individual A.” He did so to cover up sexual misconduct with a male student dating to his time as a teacher in Yorkville, sources have told the Chicago Sun-Times.

Shortly after Hastert’s indictment in May, an unnamed source said federal investigators identified and interviewed at least one other alleged victim. That second victim’s statements were critical to corroborating allegations of past sexual misconduct, the source said.
Hastert’s plea deal with the feds seemed to leave open the possibility that embarrassing details of sexual misconduct could spill out when Hastert is finally sentenced. U.S. District Judge Thomas M. Durkin agreed Thursday to postpone until April 8 what could be a dark day for Hastert; the postponement is the result of a series of ailments that put Hastert in the hospital in early November.
U.S. Attorney Zachary Fardon’s office also released a statement in October that promised as part of the sentencing to “provide the court with relevant information about the defendant’s background and the charged offenses.”

34   Blurtman   2016 Apr 7, 7:18am  

DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says

During this time in DC, 'wrestling coach'

Why do you hate the Bar and Buggery move?

35   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Apr 7, 7:28am  

Jesus Christ. It never ceases to amaze me the extent of the anti-gay hypocrisy in the republican party. It's just like the Church. If they would just accept gay people, they wouldn't have to run around with fake lives. OTOH, maybe they like the spy lifestyle. I wonder what the republicans would have done if Clinton had done what Denny did instead of receiving a blow job from a completely legal aged intern.

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