Jerry Seinfeld says "political correctness is creepy"

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2015 Jun 10, 9:45am   11,519 views  45 comments

by tovarichpeter   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  


Jerry Seinfeld, called a "famously clean comedian," is speaking out against political correctness on college campuses and elsewhere in society, saying he's really bothered by the "creepy, PC thing out there." In an interview with ESPN on Monday, the 61-year-old says he's been warned against performing standup on college campuses because students, he said, throw around "that's racist/sexist/prejudice" without knowing what they're talking about, according to the Washington Post. "I'll give you an example: My daughter's 14," he said. "My wife says to her, 'Well you know, in the next couple years, I think maybe you're going to want to...

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1   HydroCabron   2015 Jun 10, 10:11am  

Good on that hook-nosed, greedy and unscrupulous, beady-eyed little moneylender.

2   Tenpoundbass   2015 Jun 10, 10:24am  

It was a nice way to call Liberals creeps.

3   socal2   2015 Jun 10, 10:44am  

Liberal Progressives that dominate our colleges and culture are total buzz-kill prudes.

They are delicate little flowers always on the look out for "micro-aggressions".

4   turtledove   2015 Jun 10, 10:59am  

It's starting much, much earlier than college. A couple of years ago when my kids were in second grade they informed me that it's racist to distinguish between bread types. So to say, "I want white bread on my sandwich" is apparently racist. Clearly that's ridiculous. However, kids were tattling on each other for saying completely innocent things like that. Of course, the school didn't discipline anyone for that, as these rules weren't coming from the school.... These rules were coming from the kids, themselves. I just find it weird that there are kids who are being taught to be sooooooo sensitive that they actually believe that calling something (anything) white, even if that thing happens to actually be white, is running afoul of racial sensitivity.

When I lived in Ireland, waiters would ask you, "do you want white or brown bread?" I didn't realize I should have been deeply offended.

5   Ceffer   2015 Jun 10, 12:21pm  

PC is a ticket for being ritualistically obnoxious on the guise that it is OK to control thought and speech for political purposes.

Of course, using PC as an excuse for legislation and litigation is really an enormous step forward in tyranny of the state and elevation of the lowest common denominator.

6   HydroCabron   2015 Jun 10, 1:05pm  

It's as if the social justice warriors learned a thing or two from Fox News.

7   Dan8267   2015 Jun 10, 1:21pm  

CaptainShuddup says

It was a nice way to call Liberals creeps.

You still don't know the difference between a liberal and a leftist. That's on you. I've told you a million times. If you are still getting it wrong, you're just an idiot incapable of learning.

But I'll give you one more chance. A liberal defends free speech, even and especially speech he does not like such as hate speech, whereas a leftist bans hateful or insensitive speech.

If you mix up liberal and leftist again, I'm going to tattoo the previous sentence on your ass using my own special mixture of cum and tattoo ink.

8   Tenpoundbass   2015 Jun 10, 3:01pm  

Dan8267 says

You still don't know the difference between a liberal and a leftist.

Sure I know the difference Liberals are the assholes that wants to fist fight you when you speak your mind.

Liberals are the ones that instructs the state police to arrest Ralph Nader if he shows up to a public Democrat debate.
Liberals are the ones that thinks if they intentionally exclude people via an affordability proxy, then it isn't oppression.

9   curious2   2015 Jun 10, 3:32pm  

CaptainShuddup says

LiberalsDemocrats and Republicans are the ones that instructs the state police to arrest Ralph Nader if he shows up to a public Democrat debate.

LiberalsDemocrats are the ones that thinks if they intentionally exclude people via an affordability proxy, then it isn't oppression.

There, fixed that for you. Conscripting people into America's undeclared illegal war in Viet Nam was not liberal, but people used to remember who started that in 1965 and continued it from 1969-73.

Republicans are worse though. I predict, if they win the 2016 elections, they will maintain most of Obamneycare. The major change will be, the subsidies that make Obamneycare "affordable" will become taxable to the customer/patient (the purported "beneficiary"). Meanwhile, the actual beneficiaries, the revenue recipient CEOs and shareholders, will get a tax cut. So, Bill McGuire (who already got $1bn from United "Health" that botched the Obamneycare exchanges, then charged extra to fix them, business as usual) will get a tax cut, and the customers of UnitedHealth will pay tax on the $ the government pays to the corporation to keep prices even higher than a free market would bear.

10   marcus   2015 Jun 10, 3:53pm  

turtledove says

A couple of years ago when my kids were in second grade they informed me that it's racist to distinguish between bread types. So to say, "I want white bread on my sandwich" is apparently racist. Clearly that's ridiculous. However, kids were tattling on each other for saying completely innocent things like that.

I hate to tell you this, but that's just a popular kind of joke with children these days. Maybe your children overheard 4th graders joking. Kids love this kind of joke. SAy one kid says, "I only like white bread." Some wise ass kid is likely to say, "that's racist !"

IT's a joke ! Your kids just didn't get it. (or maybe they did - and they tried it out on you - and you couldn't deal with that level of humor from a 7 year old). Surprisingly, some kids have well developed sense of humor, possibly more well developed than your kids because of older siblings or for whatever reason. Are your kids by any chance in a magnet school, or with a lot of gifted kids ? Becasue I can see that kind of humor showing up at a very young age among gifted kids.

Among HS kids I teach, it's still a very popular joke. "That's racist." is something I probably heard kids say 50 times in the past year. In ALL 50 cases it was meant as a joke. And actually, some of them were quite funny.

Trust me on this, I promise you it was a joke. Actually I find your interpretation pretty hilarious. Maybe it's a sign that you could joke around with your kids a bit more. And I say that as a guy who grew up in a household that could have used more humor, more silliness.

11   marcus   2015 Jun 10, 5:38pm  


African-American kid with the words "that's racist" underneath. It became a virtual retort on online message boards. People started dropping it into Internet arguments, to quench or inflame them. From there, "that's racist" used as an ironic or absurdist diss spread into the mainstream.

12   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Jun 10, 5:44pm  

I support Slavery and Lynching, because it is the cultural norms of Arabs and Southerners. If you don't tolerate Slavery and Lynching, you don't respect other people's culture.

Who is to say that foot binding is bad? In the West, women put toxic chemicals and urea in their hair to please men.

All cultures are equal.

(This post is sarcastic to those who practice hyper-tolerance)

13   HydroCabron   2015 Jun 10, 5:49pm  

thunderlips11 says

I support Slavery and Lynching, because it is the cultural norms of Arabs and Southerners. If you don't tolerate Slavery and Lynching, you don't respect other people's culture.


14   turtledove   2015 Jun 10, 6:19pm  

marcus says

Actually I find your interpretation pretty hilarious.

Well laugh away.... As much experience as you might have, even you must admit you weren't actually present.

I assure you. They were serious. One little girl in the class was quite upset about it. She was the one spearheading the campaign telling the kids that they couldn't say "white bread." The situation got kind of ugly and a note came from the teacher about it. So, I suppose my kids could have been the masterminds behind such an elaborate joke... But I don't think so.

Now where this little girl heard this in the first place, I cannot say.

15   marcus   2015 Jun 10, 6:30pm  

turtledove says

even you must admit you weren't actually present

True, and I don't have experience with that age group. I can see that kind of kidding around doesn't really work without a decent clue of what racism is in the first place, and second grade is very young, which is why I asked if they were amongst a lot of gifted kids.

Out of curiosity, I know you've said where you are before, but I don't remember. Is this a suburban highly monochrome kind of environment ? THat is, are all the kids white ? Just curious.

Also, I would think that that girls behaviors would be an obvious and natural set up for a discussion in class about race, and racism, what it means and what it doesn't mean.
The teacher should have set that girl straight (in a gentle way) about how wrong she was in her understanding of what the word means. Of course in some communities, if there are a lot of conservatives, the teacher is walking on egg shells with the risk of being called a flaming liberal, for having that necessary introductory conversation with the kids. Possibly the reason for the note ?

Jeez, I hope the teacher wasn't retarded, supporting the girls view.

16   Dan8267   2015 Jun 10, 7:57pm  

CaptainShuddup says

Sure I know the difference Liberals are the assholes that wants to fist fight you when you speak your mind.

Honey, getting your facts wrong isn't speaking your mind. It's being wrong.

You can say that you think it was a waste of money to send men to the moon. I may disagree with you, but I won't challenge your sanity. But if you say that the moon landing was staged by Zionists in a Hollywood production, then yes, I will call you insane.

17   Dan8267   2015 Jun 10, 7:58pm  

sbh says

That would be a colossal waste of time and DNA.

Nay, I never said it would be my cum. I was planning on getting CIC's from his dog's butt.

18   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Jun 10, 8:00pm  

Hyper-Tolerant SJWs are just 21st Century "Well Bred Victorian Ladies' Decency Committees"

"Now, now, it's not Breast Meat, but White Meat."
"Women glow, men perspire, only horses sweat."

Same obsession with language and inoffensiveness. Same falling onto the fainting couch if "Trigger Words" are used.

Oh, same shaming of people as "Oh dear, won't some White Knight tame that Lowly Brute" if they use the "barbaric" words.

19   marcus   2015 Jun 10, 8:03pm  

Stay classy Dan.

20   Dan8267   2015 Jun 10, 8:04pm  

thunderlips11 says

All cultures are equal.

(This post is sarcastic to those who practice hyper-tolerance)

True that. A culture that arrests gays is inferior to one that doesn't. A culture that honor kills women who have been raped is inferior to one that doesn't. A culture that oppresses behavior that does not harm others is inferior to one that doesn't. One only has to look at the history book chapters on 1930-1945 Nazi culture to see that cultures are not all equally good or acceptable.

A true lover of liberty seeks to make culture better rather than whitewashing any culture. That goes for your own culture and everyone else's. I have no problem saying that American culture is better than Middle Eastern culture because it clearly is. And I have no trouble saying that European culture is better than American culture in most regards because it clearly is as well. I'd rather acknowledge the failings of our society or other societies in order to correct them than ignore those failings for some false sense of patriotism or tolerance..

21   Dan8267   2015 Jun 10, 8:06pm  

marcus says

Stay classy Dan.

I pity those who cannot appreciate low-brow humor as much as I pity those who cannot appreciate high-brow humor and for the exact same reason. People who limit their appreciation of the universe to some narrow cultural parameters are only cheating themselves out of life.

22   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Jun 10, 8:07pm  

Dan8267 says

A true lover of liberty seeks to make culture better rather than whitewashing any culture. That goes for your own culture and everyone else's. I have no problem saying that American culture is better than Middle Eastern culture because it clearly is. And I have no trouble saying that European culture is better than American culture in most regards because it clearly is as well. I'd rather acknowledge the failings of our society or other societies in order to correct them than ignore those failings for some false sense of patriotism or tolerance..

Hear, hear. Having a few dirty clothes thrown over the exercise machine is vastly superior to being a Hoarder who has the heads of gay men buried under boxes of removed clitorises (clitorii?) underneath the bloody shirts of slaves.

23   marcus   2015 Jun 10, 8:14pm  

Dan8267 says

I pity those who cannot appreciate low-brow humor

Not the point. For one thing, even you must find some things to be in poor taste. But even if you don't, how can you not know that some or many people would find it in poor taste. How can you not care ? I'm not going to say that I pity you for not caring that a wide range of readers might be grossed out more than they are tickled. Let's just say I can't begin to relate. It's like that guy sbh. I like a lot of his posts, but I have him on ignore because I never know when he's going to post his next picture of someone eating shit. It's not that it bothers me, as much as it bothers me that someone would have such disregard for the entire forum (well okay it does gross me out too)

I guess it's sort of like this. Even though I don't expect people to have much in the way of manners or politeness here, there is still some kind of line of reasonable decorum, and I do actually set that line pretty low here. Still, really ?

24   komputodo   2015 Jun 10, 8:23pm  

turtledove says

A couple of years ago when my kids were in second grade they informed me that it's racist to distinguish between bread types. So to say, "I want white bread on my sandwich" is apparently racist.

Good thing nobody showed up to class with a bag of brazil nuts.

25   Dan8267   2015 Jun 10, 8:28pm  

marcus says

For one thing, even you must find some things to be in poor taste.

There is one and only one rule in humor: don't pick on the weak. That's it. Everything else is fair game. The less appropriate the better. Humor is not suppose to be appropriate. It's suppose to push the envelope.

marcus says

How can you not care ?

Life's too short to limit your experiences in order to conform to what other people think they should be.

26   marcus   2015 Jun 10, 8:35pm  

Dan8267 says

Life's too short to limit your experiences in order to conform to what other people think they should be.

Again, not the point of manners.

Are you going to tell me that if some very cool people that might have some interesting ideas to share, or who might even learn from you on one of your better days, were turned off to the forum because of what you or sbh calls low brow humor, and they left, that that's their problem ?

I suppose it is. But if it affects the quality of the forum ? I think it disrespects Patrick (not that he cares at this point).

What if you threw a party, and some guy there was such a jerk that it made most of the women there think it was a fucked up party ?

27   NDrLoR   2015 Jun 10, 8:44pm  

marcus says

"that's racist !"

I wonder what they'd say about this:


The very point he's making about the "N" word is in fact what has happened with the "F" word which would have caused apoplexy if used in public before 1965.

28   Dan8267   2015 Jun 10, 8:53pm  

marcus says

Again, not the point of manners.

Now you are trying to make a false equivalency. A low brow joke told at the expense of a racist, vile troll is not "bad manners". We're not eating diner at a fine restaurant.

If you don't like the joke, that's fine, not everyone has to find the same thing funny, but don't deprive others of it. Laughter is the most honest expression.

29   Dan8267   2015 Jun 10, 8:55pm  

P N Dr Lo R says

I wonder what they'd say about this:

I think Marcus would call it bad manners. Ironic given the original post of this thread.

By the way, Lenny Bruce was a genius and absolutely right about the power of the word "nigger" being destroyed if it were commonly used and in a non-demeaning way. It's like he foresaw the African-American re-purposing of the word to rob it of its power.

30   marcus   2015 Jun 10, 9:00pm  

Dan8267 says

not everyone has to find the same thing funny

True enough. My idea of being funny (or attempt at being funny) was when I said:

marcus says

Stay classy Dan

Dan8267 says

I think Marcus would call it bad manners

No, Lenny Bruce was a creative comedian/performance artist, and he had a point beyond shock value. And people went to his performance expecting to be shocked. It's not what many of the people here are here for.

31   Dan8267   2015 Jun 10, 9:07pm  

Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, Howard Stern. It's always the people pushing the envelope of what it acceptable that give the rest of us the breathing room to be honest.

32   Y   2015 Jun 10, 9:16pm  

you must 'be', before you can 'stay'...

marcus says

Stay classy Dan.

33   NDrLoR   2015 Jun 10, 9:20pm  

Dan8267 says

Howard Stern

When I used to work in Dallas I had a four mile drive straight across on Mockingbird Lane and I got to listen to Howard Stern for just 30 minutes but by the time I'd pulled into the garage I was convulsed laughing. I still think of his routines with Robin and Baba-Booey--nothing or no one was off limits!

35   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2022 Apr 3, 3:45pm  

George was by far the most immoral. Sniveling coward of a man. We were laughing with everyone else. But George, everyone was laughing at his expense.

Newman was a turd but at least he was self sufficient financially and put in a days work, albeit half assing it.
36   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2022 Apr 3, 3:48pm  

This thread was an absolute train wreck. That hydro cabron idiot intentionally drenched his ass backwards takes in sarcasm to make it difficult to argue with him.

And Marcus, good grief, I’ve rarely met such a confused person. I about died of laughter when I found out he was emailing IWOG for mental and emotional support.
37   Hircus   2022 Apr 3, 11:28pm  


this was when "political correctness" was starting to get really crazy. I recall discussions w/ friends and coworkers about it.

Not sure the exact year, but the crazy unreasonable "PC" shit soon was called wokeness.
38   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 4, 12:34am  

Interesting that it wasn't the debates over how to spend money, origin of life, etc. that made the die hard lefties on the board quit, but feelings about Trump and what he might do, Gays and Trannies, etc.

The very thing Lefties and Hard Liberals said was not a big deal, just "Cultural", was the shit they flounced over.
39   PeopleUnited   2022 Apr 4, 3:03am  

Basically the woke crowd left when they realized that there were people here who would not accept their bullying anymore.
40   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2022 Apr 4, 6:39am  

Hircus says

this was when "political correctness" was starting to get really crazy. I recall discussions w/ friends and coworkers about it.

I have the same recollection and discussions. It was coming out of the schools in a big way at that time. The media grabbed onto it.

I saw a bar chart a while back counting the number of times the media discussed 'race' and it spiked (never dropped) around that time as well.

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