Liberals and real race issues.

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2015 Aug 31, 4:56am   47,100 views  166 comments

by FortWayne   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

The black man hates white people, murders 2 on national television. Probably because from day one of his life he is constantly told by liberals how oppressed he is as a black man and all injustice stems from whites. And somehow to liberals it became a "gun control" issue, not a race relations issue. blacklivesmatter, I heard that. Never heard that whitelivesmatter though from a single liberal because to them that would be racist.


ROANOKE, Va. — The words are a part of everyday conversation — “swinging” by an address and going out in the “field.”
But in the twisted mind of Virginia gunman Vester Lee Flanagan II, they were pure racism — and saying them became a death sentence for Alison Parker.
The 24-year-old white reporter, who was murdered on live TV along with her cameraman, used the phrases as an intern at ­WDBJ TV in Roanoke in 2012, according to an internal complaint filed by Flanagan, who was black.
“One was something about ‘swinging’ by some place; the other was out in the ‘field,’ ” said the Jan. 21 report by assistant news director Greg Baldwin, which refers to Parker as Alison Bailey (her middle name).

“[Those words are] just common, everyday talk. [But] that was his MO — to start s- -t,” Fuqua ­explained. “He was unstable. One time, after one of our live shots failed, he threw all his stuff down and ran into the woods for like 20 minutes.”

And what kind of a person was he other than crazy murderer? Apparently a rude racist slob.

At Flanagan’s house in Roanoke, cops found evidence that he was a self-absorbed slob who indulged in gay porn in his spartan living space.
They found unwashed sex toys, cat feces and several pictures of himself on his refrigerator, according to the Daily Mirror.

A neighbor said Flanagan was often “rude and arrogant” and that he would throw cat feces at apartment doors during disputes.

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25   Tenpoundbass   2015 Aug 31, 2:57pm  

dodgerfanjohn says

Is there really a kkk still in existence?

Not even a FRACTION much as the Liberal's needs them to be.

Liberals are useless without someone to fight, and if they can't find any, they'll just dig up ghosts, or find a outlier and make them the proxy representation for an absent foe.
Liberal's are as useless as tits on Rosie.

26   marcus   2015 Aug 31, 4:38pm  

I see Ted Cruz appreciates where FW's pov. Maybe he's been reading Patrick.net ?

I'm pretty sure I'm too much of a racist to appreciate where Ted Cruz and FW are coming from on this.

“I’m proud to stand with law enforcement,” he said. “… We need a president who doesn’t attack and vilify them, and who doesn’t seek to tear us apart along racial lines, to inflame racial divisions.”

Also, if wasn't such a racist, I might be able to appreciate the irony involved in Cruz complaining about others politicizing tragedies such as these. Clearly Cruz's message is something that can only be comprehended by those who are the least racist. This is bold of him, since the republicans in the south used to be the Dixiecrats, known for their racism.

I salute Cruz for not stooping to using this tragedy as an opportunity to appeal to racists in his base, and instead taking the high ground and crafting a message that can only be heard by freedom loving non-racists such as FW.


27   Dan8267   2015 Aug 31, 5:31pm  

socal2 says

You mean fix it like the Liberals have fixed Detroit and Chicago?

Honey, you still don't know what a liberal is, do you?

28   Dan8267   2015 Aug 31, 5:34pm  

FortWayne says

The problem isn't me Nancy, I lynch no one.

But I'm pretty sure some close relatives of yours did. And I'm pretty sure some of your ancestors were slave owners and the ones that weren't were enforcing segregation, denying black businesses loans, preventing the hiring of blacks, and generally causing the very systemic poverty that generates violent crime today. So yes, you and your family are the cause of the problem.

29   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2015 Aug 31, 6:30pm  

Not knowing Fort Wayne's ancestry, I'll simply play the odds and repeat what I've said before...that most white people in the U.S. Are descended from people who immigrated here post civil war.

Personally, my adoptive families came from Germany after starving in Berlin after WWI and the other side came to escape religious persecution by the Czar in Russia in the late 1800's and early 1900's. My biological bloodlines are German, Irish, and Cherokee. Again descended from people who almost certainly had no hand in slaves and almost certainly were descended from peasant class in Europe(or worse).

The current race discourse in the U.S. Is borderline insanity and does not reflect reality. And TBH I, as well as most Americans, despise racism and truly do believe in the ideals of individual liberties and freedoms. I'll call racism where I see it and the current crop of "Black lives matter" folks are compensated racists.

Oh and Dan, the only systemic cause of poverty these days in the U.S. is generational poverty and ignorance spurred on by dependence on the Federal government for food and shelter. And in contrast to this thread, it actually is more whites in poverty due to this issue than blacks.

30   lostand confused   2015 Aug 31, 6:42pm  

That and some white folks actually fought and died to abolish slavery-well quite a few actually-and some blacks in Africa were responsible for catching their fellow men and selling them into slavery. That is the problem when we throw out terms and not look at the whole. Jeniifer lopez and marc Anthony's kids will get far more incentives than some Asian kid or some white kid born to some crack addicted white woman.

Every time you look for a job these days there is a "voluntary " question asking if you are Hispanic . Are blacks now higher than Hispanics or just that dems feel blacks are a lock and so Hispanics need some goodies to get their votes?

31   Dan8267   2015 Aug 31, 6:49pm  

dodgerfanjohn says

most white people in the U.S. Are descended from people who immigrated here post civil war

And most white people aren't racist assholes. The white people who are racist assholes are pretty much sons of the Confederacy. They can't admit their ancestors were evil, so they have to continue being racist to justify the actions of their ancestors. It's really sad.

32   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2015 Aug 31, 7:37pm  

Dan8267 says

And most white people aren't racist assholes. The white people who are racist assholes are pretty much sons of the Confederacy. They can't admit their ancestors were evil, so they have to continue being racist to justify the actions of their ancestors. It's really sad.

Proof? Or is that just your biased assumption?

33   Dan8267   2015 Aug 31, 8:06pm  

dodgerfanjohn says

Proof? Or is that just your biased assumption?

Do you need proof that men want to have more one-night stands than women? Some things are just plain obvious.

34   RealEstateIsBetterThanStocks   2015 Aug 31, 9:59pm  

to be fair, i think they went overboard with the watermelons:

"In the suit, which was dismissed in 2014, Flanagan professed to have photos of a watermelon that he said appeared during a meeting with photographers. “The watermelon would appear, then disappear, then appear and disappear again, only to appear yet again,” he wrote. He urged the judge to pick a jury of his peers — which he defined as African American women."


you don't make fun of a man's "ethnic food"

35   marcus   2015 Aug 31, 10:03pm  

Dan8267 says

The white people who are racist assholes are pretty much sons of the Confederacy. They can't admit their ancestors were evil, so they have to continue being racist to justify the actions of their ancestors. It's really sad.

This is one of the more ridiculous things I've ever heard you say. The only correct part is that there are plenty of white racists in the south. But it's not because they are defensive about slavery. Actually there are plenty of racists in the north too btw, it's just different. Racism can be anything from fear of the unknown, to other types of fear or hatred, all the way to all kinds of very specific judgments and incorrect generalizations.

Your generalization I just quoted is every bit as ignorant (or massively oversimplified) as many racist generalizations.

I know you didn't say all descendants of people that owned slaves in the south are racist in that way, but you said all the racists in the south are racist for that reason. There may be a very indirect connection, but most racists in the south aren't even descended from slave owners.

Racism in the south has to do with white community values and beliefs. Especially poor white communities (not descendants of slave owners) going way way back. After the civil war there were large black communities, and the poor white folk (80 0r 90% of white folk) wanted to keep them separate, even still do in many cases. If you think about it, there is a huge piece of this that's economic. After slavery was over, most of the poor white population now had new competition for jobs. So there was a collective action, not even necessarily planned, or if it was, it was planned by a small number of people (kkk types), to keep the black man down, and not competing directly with them for their labor, and too some extent relegating them to the very lowest paying work. They wanted to believe "the negro" was inferior, and this could be perpetuated in some ways due to less opportunities of all kind, especially education. Once you believe a group to somehow be inferior, then that justifies keeping them in that lower economic strata. It was easy to keep these false beliefs because of such significant differences in appearance, language and so on. Of course the very small percentage that had been slave owners, the aristocracy, benefited as well. In fact their labor cost (for cotton picking) couldn't have been very much higher than it had been with slavery.

And then all the negative affects follow. I guess you can trace it back to slavery, that the African Americans are even here. But much of the racism in modern times was more due to the aftermath of slavery. IT would have been enlightened to just integrate blacks immediately into being equal brothers and sisters. But then there's the question of intermarrying. That questions can't be avoided. I don't have the slightest problem with it, but if total integration had occurred in some enlightened way, quickly, would that mean quickly moving toward a lot of mixed marriages ? Would we quickly blur the lines between races in the same way that Americans have mixed all different European lines ?
I don't know what's best there, although it is inevitable to a much greater degree than what's happened so far. Maybe that's not even meant to happen quickly.

Much of what you're talking about is more human nature, and the ignorance of humans, the slow rate at which we evolve, rather than pure evil.

Speaking of evil, and your absolute definitions of good and evil (lack of grey areas), I'm curious. Are you a vegetarian ? (I'm not. But I'm curious since everything is so black and white for you).

36   Dan8267   2015 Aug 31, 10:49pm  

marcus says

This is one of the more ridiculous things I've ever heard you say. The only correct part is that there are plenty of white racists in the south. But it's not because they are defensive about slavery.

No, you are completely wrong on that. Have you ever taken the U.S. citizenship test? I have, for shits and giggles. The test says that the cause of the Civil War was "economic differences" and not "human rights". Yep, slavery is an economic difference despite all evidence to the contrary.

The south still calls the Civil War, the War of Northern Aggression.

The south whitewashes slavery whenever it can.

The Confederate navy jack is still flown over municipalities and courthouses in the south, and it is flown ONLY because the KKK adopted it as a symbol that they were still fighting the Civil War. Before the KKK adopted this flag, no one flew the Confederate navy jack or even any of the three real flags of the Confederacy.

marcus says

Actually there are plenty of racists in the north too btw

No one has said otherwise. But the problem of racism is orders of magnitude greater in the south than in the north. To deny this is simply a lie. There was antisemitism in England during WWII, but so say that it was the same as that in Nazi Germany and so it's a wash is a ridiculous equivalency.

Many southern whites are history revisionists because...

But many whites cannot stomach the fact that Epps is their ancestor or that they financially benefited from his actions. Epps cannot be the norm for whites. He must be the exception. To that extent, many whites refuse to admit that major U.S. corporations, banks, and universities made their fortunes off slavery. They cannot come to terms with the fact that whites have gotten a 400-year head start and are now trying to dismantle some of the only policies in place to level the playing field. For if they admitted these realities, guilt would surely follow.

For many whites, denial then turns to anger.

And because of this, they must deny the history slavery...

We are a nation based on about 246 years of slavery, more than half of our history. The extreme oppressiveness of U.S. slavery is thus not taken seriously by many white Americans. Not surprisingly perhaps, brochures circulated by some southern state governments still provide a distorted view of U.S. history. One South Carolina brochure provided to visitors at the state’s travel centers has a two-page history of the state from the 1500s to the present, with not a single mention of slaves or slavery there. Yet, slavery was central to the state’s economy for a very long period of time.

Today, Texas is whitewashing slavery in history books, and this matters to everyone because Texas largely decides what schoolbooks your children will read regardless of what state they are in.


And there are other attempts to revise history as well.

The effort to revise the history of the Civil War to favor the South in popular memory began the moment that America's bloodiest war had come to an end. Former Confederate leaders, preachers and ideologues, determined to shake off the notion that they had fought to defend a society based on human servitude, launched a campaign to bury the real cause of the war that has not ended to this day.

The purpose of this myth of the Lost Cause, in the words of scholar Alan T. Nolan, was to rewrite history "to hide the Southerners' tragic and self-destructive mistake" by fostering "a heroic image of secession and the war so that Confederates would have salvaged at least their honor from the all-encompassing defeat."

Men such as Alexander Stephens, the rebel vice president who once famously described white supremacy as the "cornerstone" of the Confederacy, rushed out popular histories that claimed that the war had not been about slavery at all.

Now comes the latest effort in that tradition, a $56-million, 216-minute blockbuster film called "Gods and Generals." Funded by Ted Turner Pictures and directed, written and produced by Ronald Maxwell, who made the successful Civil War film "Gettysburg," this 2003 "prequel" has neo-Confederates salivating.

You do not get over the evils of the past by denying that they existed or that they were minor, on par with other minor slights. The American South is a culture of vileness and evil. If modern southerns want the respect of the rest of the world and forgiveness for their past, they must admit their sins and change their culture. Otherwise, they deserve to be judged on the past actions of their culture. We forgave Germany because it changed. The American South still clings to that vile culture.

37   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2015 Aug 31, 11:17pm  

Oops, time to log out and see what utter gibberish Marcus posted this time.

38   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2015 Aug 31, 11:20pm  

Eh, what a mistake that was. I think Dan inadvertently tried to warn me. My bad.

39   anonymous   2015 Aug 31, 11:21pm  

jvolstad says

Liberals hate everyone. They just don't want to admit it.

that's the inverse.

liberals actually hate themselves. it's that sense of inadequacy that induces the obsession with equality.

case 1: "i'm not a freak if SCOTUS decides i can legally marry another man, don't see you see mom & dad? how normal society thinks i am?"
case 2: "children's athletics are about participation - everyone gets a trophy, so that my son doesn't feel inadequate after losing the match"

note: one can by gay and not be a liberal.

40   anonymous   2015 Sep 1, 5:33am  

What kind of savage doesnt warsh his anal beads and butt plugs when they're finished with them? Like his momma didn't teach him no manners

41   anonymous   2015 Sep 1, 5:35am  

Where are all these liberals everyone keeps referencing?

You have a better chance of seeing bigfoot, than a liberal, in this country

42   lostand confused   2015 Sep 1, 5:36am  

landtof says

case 1: "i'm not a freak if SCOTUS decides i can legally marry another man, don't see you see mom & dad? how normal society thinks i am?"

After what feminazis have done to marriage, I don't even know why gays want to marry-they had true freedom-unlike us staright folks who have the gubmnt in our business all the time-down to every penny. let them share in the misery of the straight man and now a small number of straight women who make more than their husbands.

43   marcus   2015 Sep 1, 6:06am  

Dan8267 says

The south still calls the Civil War, the War of Northern Aggression

I'm left assuming you didn't even read my comment.

If southerner had realized their mistake, do you think it would have changed any of this ?

After the civil war there were large black communities, and the poor white folk (80 0r 90% of white folk - who never owned slaves) wanted to keep them separate, even still do in many cases. If you think about it, there is a huge piece of this that's economic. After slavery was over, most of the poor white population now had new competition for jobs. So there was a collective action, not even necessarily planned, or if it was, it was planned by a small number of people (kkk types), to keep the black man down, and not competing directly with them for their labor, and too some extent relegating them to the very lowest paying work. They wanted to believe "the negro" was inferior, and this could be perpetuated in some ways due to less opportunities of all kind, especially education. Once you believe a group to somehow be inferior, then that justifies keeping them in that lower economic strata. It was easy to keep these false beliefs because of such significant differences in appearance, language and so on. Of course the very small percentage that had been slave owners, the aristocracy, benefited as well. In fact their labor cost (for cotton picking) couldn't have been very much higher than it had been with slavery.

44   bob2356   2015 Sep 1, 6:13am  

Dan8267 says

And most white people aren't racist assholes. The white people who are racist assholes are pretty much sons of the Confederacy. They can't admit their ancestors were evil, so they have to continue being racist to justify the actions of their ancestors. It's really sad.

That's ridiculous even for you. You've never been to places like south philly, patterson, canarsie, ironbound, or manhatten beach have you? There are plenty of places in the northeast and midwest that could give advanced level being a racist lessons to anyone in the south. I lived in lily white ( I didn't know the area, I didn't do it on purpose) Kearny NJ right across the river from Newark. I've never seen such a high concentration of overt unabashed racists. The cops actually sat and watched the bridges to stop anyone dumb enough to wander onto the wrong side of the river.

45   marcus   2015 Sep 1, 6:27am  

I guess it's a subtle distinction. I'm not denying the southern pride or many aspects of how losing the war affected the southern perception of itself.

What I'm say though is that racism has more to do with the fact that after the war, there were all those uneducated Africans to integrate into society. Realizing sooner that slavery was wrong would not have been enough reason to overcome all of the other aspects human nature that caused prejudice and oppression of African Americans. If you want to call it evil, okay, but these are attributes all societies have always dealt with, greed, exploitation, competition among the poor, prejudice against people that look different.

And yes, it was the the evil of slavery caused the circumstances of having all those Africans to assimilate in to U.S. society in the first place.

To put it even more simply: realizing slavery was wrong, does not automatically mean that everyone agrees these black Africans are equal to whites in all ways and automatically entitled to a good education and boundless opportunities. Hell, poor white folk in the south didn't even get that kind of treatment, and they were the majority of the southern population.

46   anonymous   2015 Sep 1, 7:03am  

Most people fuck up their definition of racist as bad as they butcher the term liberal

The well to do pasty white flamer, perpetually voting democrat, demanding they keep their schools and neighborhoods "good"(meaning mostly white, zero blacks) goes on and on about stupid southern conservatives. Knowing full well that it doesn't get more conservative than in the home of your average black or hispanic person.

Meanwhile, the dumb white trash they claim they are singling out from the non-whites, actually live and work in the same places as those blacks and hispanics, even if they do use racist words towards one another

47   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2015 Sep 1, 7:09am  

In the past, racists used the concept that Africans were genetically inferior to justify overt racist policies that forced Africans to use separate facilities.

Now, to explain all racial disparities in society, racists use the dual concepts that (1) Africans are genetically inferior and (2) liberal policies like welfare keep Africans down.

Despite the fact that only 50 years have passed since African Americans were held down economically, the 'conservatives' on this board won't admit that there are historical reasons for much of the economic and cultural disparities. The fact that one black guy got elected president does not constitute proof that there are no longer any barriers in our society for black people. Some people simply rise through adversity unscathed. Most people don't.

The premise of this thread is that actions of this one crazy black guy can be blamed on Democrat policies. It is just as asinine as blaming the actions of Dylann Roof on Republican policies. After all, Republicans constantly point out the failures of black society, say that black people are raping and killing indiscriminately, and complain when black people get any hint of favoritism. Was Dylann Roof was just acting out on what the Republicans told him? Of course both lines of thinking are bullshit. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and sometimes a nut-job is just crazy.

48   Dan8267   2015 Sep 1, 7:46am  

bob2356 says

There are plenty of places in the northeast and midwest that could give advanced level being a racist lessons to anyone in the south.

Already addressed.

No one has said otherwise. But the problem of racism is orders of magnitude greater in the south than in the north. To deny this is simply a lie. There was antisemitism in England during WWII, but so say that it was the same as that in Nazi Germany and so it's a wash is a ridiculous equivalency.

You do not get over the evils of the past by denying that they existed or that they were minor, on par with other minor slights.

49   socal2   2015 Sep 1, 8:40am  

Dan8267 says

You do not get over the evils of the past by denying that they existed or that they were minor, on par with other minor slights.

You keep going on about the past, but ignore the present.

Again - why do you suppose African Americans are voting with their feet and moving back South away from Democrat/Progressive/Liberal governed States and Cities?

I contend it is because the South became less racist and more prosperous as they became more Republican.

"After nearly 100 years, Great Migration begins reversal"

50   bob2356   2015 Sep 1, 8:42am  

bob2356 says

Dan8267 says

And most white people aren't racist assholes. The white people who are racist assholes are pretty much sons of the Confederacy. They can't admit their ancestors were evil, so they have to continue being racist to justify the actions of their ancestors. It's really sad.

Dan8267 says

But the problem of racism is orders of magnitude greater in the south than in the north. To deny this is simply a lie.

No the problem of racism isn't orders of magnitude greater in the south than the north. As painful as the experience was, I really hate the south, I lived in North Carolina and did a LOT of travelling in the south for most of last year getting family/aging parents and investment stuff in order. Racism isn't a lot worse there than in the northeast where I am this year. You just haven't bothered to find out how much racism exists outside of the south.

I will agree revisionist history and history denial is rampant with southerners.

51   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2015 Sep 1, 9:03am  

bob2356 says

Racism isn't a lot worse there than in the northeast where I am this year. You just haven't bothered to find out how much racism exists outside of the south.

Good lord what social circles do you keep where racism is just rampant everywhere.

TBH it says a lot more about you than the supposed racists.

52   mell   2015 Sep 1, 9:57am  

dodgerfanjohn says

bob2356 says

Racism isn't a lot worse there than in the northeast where I am this year. You just haven't bothered to find out how much racism exists outside of the south.

Good lord what social circles do you keep where racism is just rampant everywhere.

TBH it says a lot more about you than the supposed racists.

You know, racism is like the weather these days. It's a devaluation of the term itself as anything can be construed as racist now. Take white/caucasian pride for example, unfortunately a term held captive by the few hardcore eternal racists out there (which is no reason not to use it as there are as many if not more racists in any other ethnic group). Hispanics (who are white) have pride events, blacks do, women do, gays do, so it's totally appropriate to celebrate all the things the people of European descent accomplished throughout centuries, but you cannot do so without being branded racist. So racism is just a term loosely thrown around these days, mostly to entertain (get ratings/subscribers) or character-assassinate. Furthermore it has been established that on average far more people prefer to associate with those who look like themselves (you can even see that in couples who often have similar features), so it's not a surprise that people prefer to keep their surroundings homogenous to a certain extent. Nature is somewhat racist by biology.

53   lostand confused   2015 Sep 1, 10:05am  

mell says

so it's totally appropriate to celebrate all the things the people of European descent accomplished throughout centuries, but you cannot do so without being branded racist

Well, as with many things, there are many sides. For a big chunk of time white pride generally meant KKK type events. and white superiority over all other races. Hitler carried it to an extreme, but the feeling was there. Now the Irish celebrating themselves or possibly German or Scandinavian celebrations is not going to bother anyone. It is like the whole controversy over the confederate flag-it is the slave flag. it is the flag that the southerners fought under -so that they could own human beings of another color, rape them, hang them and generally do what they fit with their property. That is what it stands for. Trying to pretend otherwise is silly.

Being proud of your race is fine, but when one starts using KKK symbols and terminology-well people will get offended. Again as with many things-things get muddled-I don't think anybody cares about white folks being proud of their race-who cares-but usually the ones who use the same slogans are the ones using the terminology of the kKK for now-perhaps there is another way to separate the two.

54   Tenpoundbass   2015 Sep 1, 10:06am  

Dan8267 says

It's really sad.

Cry me a river Dan, you sit around and feel sorry for my slave trading ancesors will ya?
I just don't have time for it, have you tried being a repubilcan cracker lateley?
Black folk should be pittying me, that I was raised in the liberal post civil rights era to pitty all of them.
Now it's my turn, give me some damn pitty love will ya? You racist cracker!

55   mell   2015 Sep 1, 10:07am  

One more thing, if people wouldn't be somewhat racist/dogmatist wrt culture(/religion), ideas and race then the concept of countries and countries themselves would not exist.

56   Tenpoundbass   2015 Sep 1, 10:10am  

What about house and homes, should that concept exist?
Why don't I send a band of Gypsies to take root on your front lawn, with about 5 caravans, they can retrieve your mail(not give it to you just take it) drive your car, swim in your pool and invite freinds and family over, would that be alright with you?
Or should we do as Libs say and not as they do.

57   mell   2015 Sep 1, 10:12am  

lostand confused says

Being proud of your race is fine, but when one starts using KKK symbols and terminology-well people will get offended. Again as with many things-things get muddled-I don't think anybody cares about white folks being proud of their race-who cares-but usually the ones who use the same slogans are the ones using the terminology of the kKK for now-perhaps there is another way to separate the two.

Agreed but I bet you that you could hold a - call it caucasian if you want to avoid 'white' - pride event without any symbols or rhetoric used by the KKK and the likes and you would still be branded racist. Turning it into "Scandinavian" pride is just a cop-out to lower the blow-back, as almost all of the things celebrated are of viking (white) tradition. Also a country that gets mass immigration forced upon, will eventually disintegrate. Clash of cultures comes to mind. Everything in moderation, including racism ;)

58   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2015 Sep 1, 10:37am  

I don't get the pride in my ethnicity thing.

Should I take pride in the fact that my skin is white? That doesn't really make sense.

I take pride in my beliefs and values. I take pride in being American and supporting the concept of individual freedoms and liberties. The idea that one is born with the right to pursue their life as they see fit(provided it doesn't harm others).

I went to see Kid Rock Saturday night. Prior to closing his main set with "Born Free" he has a montage and spiel about how America is great due to those things and how race and political ideology don't matter as we as Americans all share those core values. And to borrow from Rush Limbaugh, that's the way things should be.

59   Dan8267   2015 Sep 1, 10:39am  

socal2 says

You keep going on about the past, but ignore the present.

Actually, I did mention the flying of the KKK / Confederate navy jack as well as the systemic poverty caused by bigotry. Do you want me to go on with pages of evidence showing the effects of modern discrimination?

Oh, and honey, the past affects the presence. It is the responsibility of the American South to fix the problems it created. That is the price of for forgiveness. If you want us to forget the American South was ever evil, it has to fix the persistent problems it caused and stop causing problems.

socal2 says

I contend it is because the South became less racist and more prosperous as they became more Republican.

The south didn't become Republican. The Republican Party became the south.

socal2 says

"After nearly 100 years, Great Migration begins reversal"

Two words: air conditioning. Remove that and everyone who moved south over the past 60 years will move back north.

bob2356 says

No the problem of racism isn't orders of magnitude greater in the south than the north.

Because people in Boston often fly the Confederate navy jack and is the headquarters of the KKK?

And let's talk about voting. Voter Suppression: How Bad? (Pretty Bad)

The last large-scale push to curb voting access was more than a century ago, after Reconstruction. Until now.

or the first time in decades, voters in nearly half the country will find it harder to cast a ballot in the upcoming elections. Voters in 22 states will face tougher rules than in the last midterms. In 15 states, 2014 is slated to be the first major election with new voting restrictions in place.

These changes are the product of a concerted push to restrict voting by legislative majorities that swept into office in 2010. They represent a sharp reversal for a country whose historical trajectory has been to expand voting rights and make the process more convenient and accessible.

What Explains This Sudden Shift?

Partisanship plays a key role. Of the 22 states with new restrictions, 18 passed them through entirely Republican-controlled bodies. A study by social scientists Keith Bentele and Erin O’Brien of the University of Massachusetts Boston found that restrictions were more likely to pass “as the proportion of Republicans in the legislature increased or when a Republican governor was elected.” After Republicans took over state houses and governorships in 2010, voting restrictions typically followed party lines.

Race has been a significant factor. In 2008, voter participation among African Americans and certain other groups surged. Then came backlash. The more a state saw increases in minority and low-income voter turnout, the more likely it was to push laws cutting back on voting rights, according to the University of Massachusetts study. The Brennan Center for Justice likewise found that of the 11 states with the highest African American turnout in 2008, seven passed laws making it harder to vote. Of the 12 states with the largest Hispanic population growth in the 2010 Census, nine have new restrictions in place. And of the 15 states that used to be monitored closely under the Voting Rights Act because of a history of racial discrimination in elections, nine passed new restrictions.

Some laws are especially egregious in targeting how minorities vote. The push to shut down Sunday early voting in states where African American churches organized successful “Souls to the Polls” drives is a glaring example. Laws restricting voter registration drives are another such tactic. African Americans and Latinos register through drives at twice the rate of white citizens, and in recent years, civic groups have used drives to help close the racial registration gap—as they have for veterans, young people, and other less registered populations. Instead of embracing these efforts, Florida and several other states passed laws that make it difficult—and, before a court stepped in, impossible—for groups to help voters register. The result was a significant drop in registrations.

Don't give me any bullshit that the voter ID laws and bills served any intended purpose other than preventing blacks and other minorities from voting. As soon as the Supreme Court relaxed the Voting Rights Act, that very afternoon, southern states starting passing voter suppression laws. Shit like that has no equivalency in the northern states. To say so is a lie.

The American South, conservatism, racism, and the post-Southern-Strategy Republican party are all the same thing. You don't get to argue that it's a wash because racism exists elsewhere. Racism is the central part of conservative culture. That's why conservatives are always so pissed off. They know America is no longer a WASP dominated country. They speak of liberals with content because to them liberal is code for non-WASPs.

A liberal is someone who believes in equality under law and government of the people, by the people, for the people. Anyone who despises that, as demonstrated on this thread, is an asshole.

60   Dan8267   2015 Sep 1, 10:45am  

Mr Happygoluckofus says

Cry me a river Dan, you sit around and feel sorry for my slave trading ancesors will ya?

Sorry, no. I pity those fools. Whatever wealth they gained from the evil of slavery, they have paid several times over in terms of lost economic opportunity and the ongoing costs of the ramifications of slavery. Today, you personally continue to pay the costs of slavery through welfare, police, prisons, emergency room care, etc. And you will continue to pay those costs until you fix the problem your slaver ancestor scum created. And until you do fix those problems and stop glorifying those ancestors and their despicable culture, you deserved to be judged just like them.

61   socal2   2015 Sep 1, 10:50am  

Dan8267 says

It is the responsibility of the American South to fix the problems it created.

It already did.

The South kicked out the racist Democrats and is now much more prosperous and tolerant with Republican political leadership.

62   Philistine   2015 Sep 1, 12:59pm  

socal2 says

The South [. . .] is now much more [. . .] tolerant

LOL, that's some expert trolling!

63   Tenpoundbass   2015 Sep 1, 1:39pm  

eh ha uh, Liberals! Whadduya gonna do?

The rest of the country is moving on with out them.

64   Rew   2015 Sep 1, 2:34pm  

One thing I've learned from Patrick.net, typically when people are talking about a group, and trying to tell you they know what it is (beliefs, makeup, etc.), they aren't speaking from direct personal experience as part of that group.

Liberals are this ...
Gays are this ...
Conservatives are that ...

... it's usually overgeneralized BS, or just completely wrong.

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