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2015 Sep 22, 6:55pm   79,595 views  183 comments

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24   Dan8267   2016 Jan 29, 11:49pm  

With CIC, it's always the sex that is disturbing, at least to the farm animals.

25   curious2   2016 Feb 3, 9:21pm  

FortWayne says

Gay marriage

Well that didn't take long. I had wondered why militant closet case Forthood cared about whether landlords allow pets. He and his church twisted his pathetic brain so badly against itself that even a city council meeting about landlord/tenant issues and pets, with no mention of homosexuality whatsoever, reminds him of gay marriage. His own loveless marriage, retching in a cloud of flatulence, makes him so miserable that he can only dream of renting an apartment. Maybe the only thing holding him back is a loyal dog, who wouldn't be allowed in a rental. Those pesky liberals never stop trying to help him, but he's determined that they can't save him from himself.

26   Dan8267   2016 Feb 3, 10:09pm  

Yep, both CIC and FortWayne, and Bap33 back when he was still on this site, bring up homosexuality in every thread no matter how irrelevant. They are all obsessed with the subject. Not even openly gay people think about homosexuality as much as those three.

27   curious2   2016 May 3, 2:57pm  

The all wet cuckold chooses to Ignore me, so I can't reply to his latest misleading post, which is about an artist who claims to have been punched by a Republican.

@Patrick, how is it free speech to say that he can block a clearly relevant comment on "his" post to your forum, but I can't even relocate a clearly off topic comment from "my" post? It looks like a double standard favoring those who choose Ignorance.

Anyhoo, I will reply here, and link to his misleading post.

The all wet cuckold posted a photo of a woman who had got a bruise, probably caused by someone else in a way that should not have happened. What seems to upset him though is not that it happens all the time especially among Muslim populations, but rather that the motive in this particular case was allegedly not Islam but rather because she had made fun of a Republican candidate.

Our "allies" in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia would have executed her if she had made fun of their prophet, and killed anyone who said she should be spared, because that is what Islam commands them to do. It is official government policy there, as per Sharia, which more than 80% of Muslims in Pakistan support.

Meanwhile, in Bangladesh, which has a secular government (thanks to the Soviet Union) but a Muslim majority, she would have been hacked to death by vigilantes who would never be prosecuted.

Instead, because she is in a country that has not yet imported too many Muslims, her allegations will be investigated and if substantiated the assailant will be arrested and prosecuted. BTW, we don't even know how she got that bruise, she might have been beaten by a Muslim as per Islam and turned it into a chance to achieve international fame as a purported martyr in the jihad against the only candidate who speaks candidly about Islam. (Honorable mention to Hillary Clinton for acknowledging that lethal terrorism "is clearly rooted in Islamic thinking," though her past policy decisions have tended to unleash more of it, for example in Iraq, Libya, and Syria.)

28   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 May 3, 3:46pm  

curious2 says

BTW, we don't even know how she got that bruise, she might have been beaten by a Muslim boyfriend as per Islam and turned it

She might have been viciously dick slapped by Jesus or even Trump himself. Without video, we will never know.

29   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 May 3, 3:49pm  

I guess this Trump supporter (assuming the story is true) is kind of like Muslim light. I wonder what that makes Trump.

31   curious2   2016 May 19, 12:52pm  

HydroCabron says

his Mormon background taught him

...the similarities between Joseph Smith's Moronic Cult and Mahamed's fraud. Smith seems possibly to have modeled his own life and doctrine on Mohamed's. The polygamy, prohibiting alcohol, raising a private army, massacring infidels, self-deification, etc. Luckily, once Smith began building his own private army and threatening his neighbors, they had the good sense to kill him and drive his deluded followers out of the country. Romnesia's Moronic Cult has prioritized campaigning against marriage equality since the 1970s, including Prop H8. It doesn't surprise me at all that a Moron would want more Muslims in this country.

It saddens me though that the two fastest growing religions on earth are Morons and Muslims. Ultimately, neither can tolerate the other, so they'll have to battle it out at Armageddon or everywhere.

Anyhoo, I'm replying here because the all wet cuckold Ignores me, as he Ignores all facts that might trigger his drug-induced psychoses.

32   Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses   2016 May 19, 1:05pm  

curious2 says

Our "allies" in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia would have executed her if she had made fun of their prophet, and killed anyone who said she should be spared, because that is what Islam commands them to do. It is official government policy there, as per Sharia, which more than 80% of Muslims in Pakistan support.

what a fucking moronic statement. If somebody gets assaulted, it doesn't matter, because in other countries shit is worse?

curious2 says

Instead, because she is in a country that has not yet imported too many Muslims, her allegations will be investigated and if substantiated the assailant will be arrested and prosecuted. BTW, we don't even know how she got that bruise, she might have been beaten by a Muslim as per Islam and turned it into a chance to achieve international fame as a purported martyr in the jihad against the only candidate who speaks candidly about Islam.

wow, you are a huge bigot, in addition to being remarkably stupid. the fact that someone like you is even alive, basically proves to me there is no benevolent god. A true god would never create anything so crappy as you. Ticks, mites, lice I can understand. you, no.

33   curious2   2016 May 19, 2:04pm  

dumbass says


LOL - look up that word, including its etymology. You're so deluded you don't even know what you're saying. It applies to the majority of Muslims though, because they believe in replacing our system of man-made laws with Sharia, which they claim (absurdly) isn't man-made. They would cut off your head, even if they have to pull it out of your posterior first, because Islam commands them personally to do that.

dumbass says

moronic...wow, you are a huge bigot, in addition to being remarkably stupid. the fact that someone like you is even alive, basically proves to me there is no benevolent god. A true god would never create anything so crappy as you. Ticks, mites, lice I can understand. you, no.


34   Dan8267   2016 May 19, 2:25pm  

So piggy CIC is now "Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses"? Not a surprise. Could tell that guy was a dumb ass with a small prick right away.

35   curious2   2016 May 19, 4:57pm  

Tenpoundbass says

I would have created a Healthcare system from education to staff the Government hospitals, where the staff have to work to pay off their Medical degree.

That is how Mexico achieves 90% lower costs in the medical, dental, and vision sectors. It would take a generation to implement here, although it could go much faster if we allow people with degrees from Mexico and India (among other places) to practice here. Instead, we got NAFTA for the manufacturing sector, and protectionism for the medical sector, so we see lower wages and higher costs.

36   curious2   2016 Oct 23, 12:08pm  

YesYNot says

Do you have a link for what Stein said about the pipeline?

Here, @YesYNot.

PatNet has a thread on the pipeline deals. Dr. Stein is correct about this issue, but the all wet cuckold chooses to Ignore the reported facts and attack instead with sarcasm. As the map tweeted by Dr. Stein shows, the two proposed pipeline routes are:
1) Sunni: Persian Gulf -> Saudi Arabia -> Jordan -> Syria -> Turkey -> Europe
2) Shia: Persian Gulf -> Iraq -> Syria -> Mediterranean, then either by ship to Europe or subsea pipeline under the Mediterranean via Cyprus, Greece, and then Italy.
Contrary to misleading tweets in the all wet cuckold's thread, the Tabriz–Ankara pipeline does not connect the Persian Gulf gas fields to Europe, nor even Turkey. Tabriz is nearer the Caspian Sea than the Persian Gulf.

The purposes of the wars and sanctions are (1) to preserve Saudi Arabia's market share, and (2) to spread Islam by pumping Sunni Muslims into NATO countries. Libya could have piped gas under the Mediterranean Sea to Italy, but Hillary's War prevented that; today, the Libyans can't secure enough of anything to compete with the Clintons' Saudi sponsors. That was likewise the purpose and effect of the Bush/Clinton wars and sanctions against Iraq.

37   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Oct 23, 6:13pm  

Thanks @curious2 . That was interesting.

38   curious2   2016 Nov 17, 2:09pm  

I decided to move this comment here to avoid bringing down the tone of the thread in which it appeared originally.

anonymous says

Hope we are not losing all the female members here.

Overall pageviews seem to be down, probably active Users are down too. Patrick has chosen to go in a dark direction, "The Joy of Triggering." It has drawn at least one Nazi; an anti-semitic, racist loser; a closeted troll who overcompensates by calling everybody "faggot", and other assorted obnoxiousness. Gary has returned, more delusional than ever, now crusading for Islam, not only in Israel but worldwide. Not much fun to be around. I'm sort of waiting for AF/DBOAPD to put the place out of its misery, but meanwhile it limps along, with the diarrhetic tovbot on auto-pilot as if nothing had changed.

39   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 17, 2:37pm  

Thanks C

40   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 24, 6:18am  

What's he building in there?

41   curious2   2017 Feb 14, 2:53pm  


If CNN cared about journalism, they’d hire Rosie O’Donnell to show up at White House briefings naked, smeared in transmission fluid to bark these questions two inches from the nose of Melissa McCarthy imitator Sean Spicer.

AF, America and CNN are in crying need of your leadership. With you at the helm, CNN would soar to #1 network. Meanwhile, we have to make do with old movies:


42   curious2   2017 Apr 11, 5:16pm  

Dan8267 says

He no longer exists.

Even early Christians disagreed whether Jesus lived as an actual person, and Paul seems to have believed he didn't, and some of the epistles officially attributed to Paul do not appear to have been written by Paul. There is no proof other than some of the other Gospels that contradicted Paul. Christianity as received results from Constantine imposing the religion upon Rome, and requiring therefore a uniform doctrine. Implying Jesus walked as a person is therefore endorsing a religious view with neither scientific basis nor theological unanimity.

43   curious2   2017 May 7, 1:37pm  

YesYNot says

just any guy says

Let me also add that the uninsured tend to use the ER because they have to be admitted. The ER, on average, costs 5x that of a normal doctor visit.

That was a big driver that was expected to lost costs when the aca lowered the number of uninsured. Common sense tells you that the benefit is long term, while the cost is front loaded. That's too much nuance for a national debate though.

@YesYNot, if Democrats got you to believe that, then they fooled you with a lie. Romneycare was enacted years before Obamneycare, and the numbers from Romneycare disproved the Democrats' claims on that point among others. Emergency hospitizations and spending (AKA revenue to the patronage networks that wrote the legislation) went up, not down. At the national level, when Obamneycare hit with full force in 2014, spending (patronage revenue) increased while life expectancy flatlined. The following year, spending/revenue increased again, while life expectancy fell. It isn't about nuance, it's about lies. Calling lies "nuance" is the sort of organizationspeak that can grease the wheels in some circuits, but it doesn't change what they are.

I'm replying here because I'm not interested in the ad hominem thunderdome stuff, and I'm making an effort to adjust SIWOTI management by addressing specific comments individually rather than the people who wrote them.

44   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 May 7, 2:19pm  

curious2 says

the numbers from Romneycare disproved the Democrats' claims on that point among others.

I'm open to real proof on this topic, but your post didn't discuss the time issue. Frankly, I don't have the time or inclination to research it myself. Here's what I would consider a nuanced discussion:

1) When discussing the total US yearly money spent on health care after passage of the ACA, I'd like to see it plotted on a curve that showed the trajectory of yearly expenses before the ACA. It was growing unsustainably beforehand, so the real interesting question is how that was changed.
2) The ACA extended both preventive care and acute care to people who didn't get it previously. The preventive care should add cost in the first X number of years. After a long enough time, one would expect that the preventive care should reduce the number of emergency visits. How many years should this take? I haven't seen any analysis of it.
3) There should also be an increase in costs due to people with newfound insurance getting treated for things that they had been letting go (call it deferred maintenance). This should go down over time. How long should that take?
4) There are a lot of excess charge expenses due to people not understanding that they should avoid the emergency room. If it was favorable to avoid this, it could be addressed through education. On the other hand, these excessive charges are just the emergency rooms spreading the costs of keeping the doors open from the true emergencies to the people who should get treated elsewhere (who shouldn't go to the ER from a microeconomics perspective). So, if people did learn to avoid the ER unless it is absolutely necessary, then the prices for true emergencies would probably go up as ERs try to stay afloat.

These are not things that I've been told to think. It's just what I can think of offhand while thinking about this topic. I've not seen any evidence in your post or elsewhere that really gets to the bottom of these questions.

Where you and I may agree on more is that a lot of tests probably do more bad than good. Many tests tend to show problems that end up causing unnecessary procedures, when these problems would have been fine if left untreated. More people having too many procedures is not a good thing. That's a problem that ideally would be addressed soon, but isn't central to the issue of who pays what and how for health care, IMO.

45   curious2   2017 May 7, 7:01pm  

YesYNot says

Frankly, I don't have the time or inclination to research it myself... I'd like to see it plotted on a curve...

The federal actuaries at CMS.gov published a 10-year projection table showing that Obamneycare would increase total national expenditure faster and higher than prior law. I've linked it at least twice on PatNet. It was a table though, not a curve, and since you seem immune to data, I don't feel any inclination to plot the numbers on a curve for you. As for the hospitalization numbers in Massachusetts, those were widely published at the time and subsequently, they're easy to find.

Predictably, you don't even bother asking the right question: why do hospitals charge so much more for the same services; the answer is because they can, due to lobbying and influencing government at all levels. There is no reason for stitches at an American hospital to cost more than anywhere else in the world: it's the same thread, the same technique.

YesYNot says

These are not things that I've been told to think. It's just what I can think of offhand while thinking about this topic.

Of course. That is essential to how the conditioning and hypnosis game works, though I do suspect some petrodollar influence along with your Muslim grad student(s). As with Podesta's brother being a highly paid agent of a foreign power, it is essential that you maintain the illusion of having thought of your opinions on your own.

Yes, excessive diagnostic testing leads to unnecessary procedures. So-called "preventive care" does not save money, and most of it doesn't even extend life expectancy (except a narrow subset of mammograms, age 50-70 IIRC). The rest of it is about maximizing revenue, and it operates as designed. Expecting it to reduce costs in the long run is like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel in Viet Nam: it's an oncoming train.

46   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2017 May 8, 3:24am  

curious2 says

It was a table though, not a curve, and since you seem immune to data

curious2 says

Predictably, you don't even bother asking the right question:

curious2 says

Of course. That is essential to how the conditioning and hypnosis game works,... it is essential that you maintain the illusion of having thought of your opinions on your own.

Gee. That was fun. We should do that again sometime.

47   curious2   2017 May 8, 12:58pm  

YesYNot says

Gee. That was fun. We should do that again sometime.

You're right, I drifted from the comment to perceived patterns about the person. I continue to have difficulty with SIWOTI, and must continue working on that. I've made some progress but have also stumbled. I am sorry about that.

48   curious2   2017 May 26, 1:33pm  

YesYNot says


I suggest that when curious goes after you, just point out his ad hom focus, and do not respond. Don't respond with overt insults. Curious definitely has a hard on for you. One of his more creative insults of me was to say that 'you're not as dumb as marcus'. I have no doubt he has a bookmark folder for you with all of the posts he thinks he can use to show us how dumb you are.

@YesYNot, I decided to reply to your vulgar and false comment here rather than continue to detract from the terrorism thread. I am uninterested in marcus, as is almost everyone else apparently. He insists that I hate him, but that's not even true. He trolls people all the time, trying to make them hate him, and he becomes emotionally overwrought when they simply prove him wrong using evidence and reason.

Also, you are either really bad at paraphrasing and search engines, or you are lying yet again. Here is the comment you distorted above. I did not call either of you dumb, but you do both lack integrity.

Lastly, I replied to your parachute question in a different thread. I will paste that reply here too, because you should consider more carefully what you are inviting upon yourself and others when you support spreading Islam.

sagacious1 says

Is Islam incompatible with other forms of government?

Ultimately, you cannot long combine Islam and democracy without sliding into Sharia, which crushes all other religions and western notions of liberty. In most countries that have Muslim majorities, most Muslims demand Sharia. Read about Asia Bibi on death row in Pakistan, and the assassination of Governor Taseer, and the incarceration of the former governor of Jakarta, Basuki Purnama (Ahok), now in prison sentenced for blasphemy, and see some of the consequences. As Islam metastasizes through a society, it takes over and kills everything else: most countries that have more than 20% Muslims, have more than 90% Muslims. As Nassim Taleb wrote, the west is "committing suicide" by importing Islam.

To respond to YesYNot's parachuting question, the invade&import westerners are throwing their neighbors' kids out of otherwise safe planes, and feeling good about it, because parachutes usually work. The problem with using past statistics regarding terror is they do not guarantee future results. One nuclear bomb can ruin your whole day. An egomaniacal person, or a group of believers in a megalomaniacal doctrine, can tend to explode when facts hurt their feelings. Islam maximizes the resulting carnage. More than 20 Muslim countries have already agreed a world plan against blasphemy, and the Islamic State has published online kill lists including Americans living in America. It reminds me of a poem:

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

Atheists are disbelievers, blasphemers, and now by definition terrorists according to Saudi law. I hope they won't find you, @YesYNot, but they do have a plan. I suggest you should speak out while you still can, and not throw kids out of planes without their consent, even if you enjoy parachuting in your spare time. There is nothing virtuous about spreading Islam. If MSM photos of hapless Muslims (notice they don't show hapless Hindus or Buddhists) require you to do something for Muslims, send them some Richard Dawkins books (which they will probably burn).

49   curious2   2017 May 26, 1:47pm  

I decided to move the comment below from a terrorism thread where it didn't belong:

FP says

marcus says

It's not addressing or even reflecting an attempt to comprehend anything

Here you are wrong, marcus. George is trying hard but damn *** brain...

Actually, when you collapse into calling me names because you cannot respond with evidence and reason, you have conceded that you are wrong and lost the argument.

50   curious2   2017 May 26, 1:53pm  

FP says

George is typing again. Someday should make a documentary about him.

@FP, if you want to call me a monkey, at least you could refrain from littering other threads with your ad hominem irrelevance. Use this reply thread.

I look forward to the documentary, btw. Patient person tries to educate a snarky troll who keeps calling him a monkey. If you're anything like marcus, you'll start exploding when you see that you can't make me hate you. I persist in giving you additional chances to redeem yourself. Someday, you might get it right.

51   curious2   2017 May 31, 1:47am  

marcus says

You might refrain from lying so much, or from being such a pathetic and hateful little prick.


But you're a low integrity dirtbag....

@marcus, rather than encourage you to hijack yet another thread with your egomania, I'm replying in this reply thread. You seem to be trying yet again to make me hate you, and it doesn't work. I remain patient with you, even though your behavior does raise real concerns if you have any exposure to children. Especially when proven obviously wrong, you explode emotionally into the most abusive and baseless attacks and profanity that you can hurl. You struggle even with ordinal numbers, and lack the reasoning ability that teaching math would require. If you did actually care about integrity, you would link to objective evidence and then reason based on that, rather than obsessing and exploding over your own subjective feelings of butthurt.

Here are at least 10 of the many different Users whom you have called "dimbulbs":

marcus says


marcus says


marcus says

this dimbulb....

marcus says

Another dimbulb....

marcus says


marcus says


marcus says


marcus says

Fucking dimbulb.

marcus says


marcus says

you dimbulb liars.

marcus says


marcus says


marcus says


marcus says

you pathetic dimbulb.

I could add more, but that would be a waste of time.

52   Dan8267   2017 May 31, 11:38am  

curious2 says

Here are at least 10 of the many different Users whom you have called "dimbulbs":

It's like O'Reilly calling everyone pinheads. Truly, the left and the right are the same.

53   curious2   2017 Jun 6, 5:22pm  

@FP, you fail even at ignoring me, in addition to failing at logic. What motivates your snarky trolling, anyway? What do you gain from it? Is it like when you hire Muslims so their careers depend on you and then you can make fun of their religion? Do you get off on bullying people and making fun of them? I'm really curious, I don't see what you gain by trolling people and saying obviously illogical things. It looks like a complete waste of time, yet you persist.

FP says


curious2 says

FP says

But by your logic....

Patrick has never suggested killing random people.

54   zzyzzx   2017 Jun 19, 9:34am  

anonymous says

@zzyzzx - Thanks for the replies per Baltimore. Forgot about Fort McHenry - probably could deal with one day or so in the ultra touristy harbor but I had a nice time in Salisbury on a work assignment some time back. The crab cakes etc. were really great so I could definitely get into that again.

If you are in Salisbury, the Zoo there is nice and does not charge admission. If in Baltimore Guinness is building a brewery that will be complete with tours.

What's not clear is whether visitors will want to go to an industrial area in Baltimore to taste an Irish brand, said Bart Watson, chief economist of the Brewers Association. But, he added, Baltimore is easier to get to than Dublin.

"They're clearly betting that they think they can make this succeed," he said.

56   Dan8267   2017 Jul 5, 7:50am  

curious2 says

"Why sarcasm is such a problem in artificial intelligence"

The solution is simple. For this and all other hard A.I. problems, simply represent the problem as a captcha. Then the spammers will figure out how to solve the problem. Trace back their IPs to their servers and steal their code and make it public domain. Science advances.

57   Dan8267   2017 Jul 5, 7:51am  

Hmmm, the one down side is that, based on PatNet users, it might be impossible for the general public to detect sarcasm.

58   Ironworker   2017 Oct 6, 5:04pm  

Thank you! Great info! I love Portugal. And it's still an option for me. Great surfing too!
59   Ironworker   2017 Oct 6, 5:13pm  

Thank you Bay area observer. I'm getting tired of Bay Area.

Are you thinking Portugal too?
60   Ironworker   2017 Oct 8, 8:57am  

Thank you. Yes please pass it along.
61   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Oct 8, 2:18pm  

anonymous says
Can you receive social security and live OCONUS.

This should be disallowed or subject to additional taxes, btw. One of Long's main pillars for his social security program was that retirees would spend the money locally.
62   MrMagic   2017 Oct 8, 8:10pm  

anonymous says
will be taking a hiatus from here for awhile

Yes, there is a god.
63   anonymous   2017 Oct 30, 9:49pm  

WookieMan says
@curious2, I've actually wanted to ask this for a while and I'm sure it may have been asked of you already. Why do you make entire paragraphs and like in the case above, the entire comment a link? I'm not sure I've ever really seen someone do it and just wondering if you have a reason for doing it.

Note: This is why I hate text/written words. I'm not trying to be an ass here if it seems like it. No pun intended, but I'm genuinely curious.

@WookieMan, if you want to ask questions that are off topic, or make comments that are off topic, I encourage you to use this reply thread.

Nobody else has asked me that question. I don't even really understand the purpose of the question.

I link to enable readers to click or tap on the excerpt read the whole story. When I make a whole paragraph or comment a link, the purpose is to show clearly that the words come from an external source, and to encourage reading the whole story.

If you hate written words, then some people might wonder why you spend time in a forum that consists mostly of text, which you hate. Patrick is always trying to grow the site, so if you can bring some other way of communicating online that might draw people who hate words, go ahead. One caveat: I like written words, and I dislike videos that launch by themselves, so if you post random videos auto-playing, I might have to ignore you in order to keep my screen stable.

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