Psychologist - Trump presidency would be a disaster

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2016 Mar 29, 3:32pm   8,034 views  19 comments

by dublin hillz   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


"Now let’s look out at the global situation. Here we see uncertainty everywhere we look. Climate change, a chaotic Middle East sparking radical Islamic jihadism, many indicators of economic weakness and flux, radical transformation in information technologies, changing labor and trade markets, a restless Russia, a weakened European Union, an uncertain economic future for China, and on and on. We are also seeing hugely problematic trends in the West regarding mental health, with skyrocketing rates of anxiety and depression. In short, the situation is chaotic, unpredictable and certainly vulnerable to many, many problems.

Now consider a Trump Presidency in this context. Trump is completely chaotic at the level of ideology. He is a pathological liar and has no intellectual integrity. He offers virtually no policies and the ones he does offer are impossible and mean-spirited. He is a narcissist who easily manipulated by feeding his ego (see, e.g., Putin’s comments on Trump) and highly hostile to those who challenge him. In his speeches, he encourages violence, racism, riots, and demagoguery. He is best known as a Twitter bully. When we look at his relations with his own family, we see more evidence of pathology. His brother Freddy drank himself to death. He has sued his relatives. He has repeatedly cheated on his wives. In short, there are an endless number of character indictments and no indication that he has the temperament, knowledge and ability to guide a polarized government through complicated times, nor reassure a public that is restless and feeling increasingly psychologically uncertain, vulnerable and ill. As such, the likelihood that a Trump Presidency would be a disaster with potentially catastrophic consequences is essentially undeniable."


Comments 1 - 19 of 19        Search these comments

1   HydroCabron   2016 Mar 29, 3:47pm  

Psychologist Gregg Henriques, PhD is a phony, his wife is a hoochie slut, and nearly everyone has fucked his mother. Pathetic.

2   anonymous   2016 Mar 29, 3:52pm  

What a complete and total LOSER!!

3   HydroCabron   2016 Mar 29, 3:54pm  

Let's beat the shit out of his whore wife! Sad loser! I have big ol' hands!

4   HydroCabron   2016 Mar 29, 4:07pm  

That cunt! Fucking FILTHY GASH termagant harpy! Hairy beef curtains axe wound! Cunt cunt cunt cunt!

5   HydroCabron   2016 Mar 29, 4:10pm  

Raving bitch whore!

6   Tenpoundbass   2016 Mar 29, 4:10pm  

Just how far does a couple 100 "MILLION" dollar anti Trump super PAC money go?

People would be in jail by now, had anyone pulled this Shit on Clinton or Obama.

8   marcus   2016 Mar 29, 4:42pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Just how far does a couple 100 "MILLION" dollar anti Trump super PAC money go?

People would be in jail by now, had anyone pulled this Shit on Clinton or Obama.

Sometimes you can get intelligent people to voice a very understandable opinion without paying them anything. The risk has been my issue all along.

If you were going to get people to repeat lies about Hillary that don't make any sense, well that might cost money although there are plenty of right wingers who hate her that would be happy to lie about her for free.

Intellectuals speaking the truth or right wing nutjobs spreading lies, it's all kind of the same if you stop and think about it.

9   HydroCabron   2016 Mar 29, 5:34pm  

Tenpoundbass says

People would be in jail by now, had anyone pulled this Shit on Clinton or Obama

Do you really believe that nobody has ever made shit up about Hillary?

10   Ceffer   2016 Mar 29, 6:33pm  

Anybody who supports Trump needs to be forcibly lobotomized and placed on a heavy cocktail of anti-psychotic meds for an indefinite inpatient stay financed entirely by Obamacare.

Special Omnibus funds have been released by the Democrats to finance this humanitarian aid.

11   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 29, 6:34pm  

Everytime I see a book on "Hypnotism can help you remember your UFO Abduction" or "Reperative Parenting by stuffing yourself in a blanket and being sat on", it is written by a Psychology PhD.

IA! Trump-Niggurath! The Trump in the Woods with a Thousand Young! Trumpulu R'lyeh!

12   Blurtman   2016 Mar 29, 6:45pm  

I want to hear from the world's leading phrenologists.

13   HydroCabron   2016 Mar 29, 7:00pm  

Blurtman says

I want to hear from the world's leading phrenologists.

In Trump's case, a joint team of phrenologists and proctologists will have to join forces, as the two organs in question are so closely linked in the patient in question.

14   Blurtman   2016 Mar 29, 7:20pm  

HydroCabron says

In Trump's case, a joint team of phrenologists and proctologists will have to join forces, as the two organs in question are so closely linked in the patient in question.

Why do you hate the dream of making America great again?

15   mmmarvel   2016 Mar 30, 9:57am  

HydroCabron says

his wife is a hoochie slut, and nearly everyone has fucked his mother

WAIT??? What does his wife look like? For that matter, what does his mother look like? Inquiring minds want to know.

17   Ceffer   2016 Mar 31, 9:33am  

He'd go to Taco Bell and tell everybody they were fired.

18   Ceffer   2016 Mar 31, 9:40am  

He'd tell them to take the Declaration of Independence out of the glass so he could take a dump on it.


19   Ceffer   2016 Mar 31, 11:38am  

Slaves will be dragged in front of him, jibbering, pissing and shitting themselves in self abnegation. The difference between a slow and painful death and survival will hinge on the the new, creative pinnacles of flattery and adoration they are able to muster for the TrumpFuck.

"Tell me my hands are the biggest hands you've ever seen, and make me believe it! Tell me my hair and lips are pretty! Say that my face is the perfect shade of orange, or die, SLAVES!"

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