Team Logan vs Team Depression Serfs

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2016 May 21, 6:26am   34,129 views  260 comments

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I want names and everyone to pick their side and I want to save this thread for when the next decade comes I want us all to remember those who bet against this country


The days of running your false economic theories on this site are over

Pick a side and Let this war begin because the recession timeline isn't that far off ... We will see how your 1929 thesis holds up

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30   HadEnough   2016 May 21, 12:12pm  

Interesting perspectives from everyone. I have been a lurker here on Patrick.net for a long time. This thread made me signup so I can comment. I am on Logan's camp on this one. America is still a land of opportunity and things are not the same as they were in 1929. You also need to look at who you are competing with in the world. Dollar is not collapsing and you boomers however you want to think about the future generation are wrong. They are creative and will probably do more than you oldies have ever imagined. Sign me up for next 20 years of prosperity.

31   _   2016 May 21, 12:13pm  

This is the longest period where we haven't broken to a new high

Strong dollar did it's damage but unlike other countries it didn't bring America down to a recession

Your best case for a break out Q4 2016 or Q1 2017 when that dollar rise has less of an impact as we have seen that in the state data

32   tatupu70   2016 May 21, 12:15pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

You don't believe Americans are Serfs or heading to Serfs and we won't have a 1929 Great Depression Style of economic event with a deflationary spiral?

Is this a serious question? Do I believe Americans are serfs? Of course not.

As to a Great Depression event--did you read my previous post?

tatupu70 says

There are actually some differences between 1929 and now--namely there is a much larger safety net now. Luckily there are parts of the New Deal that haven't been dismantled by conservatives. We have the FDIC. We have welfare. We have unemployment benefits.

So, today looks like 1929, yes. There are serious structural problems in the US economy, yes. But we're not going to be serfs any time soon. (unless we keep electing conservatives, of course)

33   indigenous   2016 May 21, 12:15pm  

Yup, wonderful what the fed can do.

34   HydroCabron   2016 May 21, 12:24pm  

Anecdotal: I'm seeing plenty of people in my industry who are quoting "leave me alone and don't call again" hourly rates to recruiters and hearing "Sure - that sounds about right" as an answer.

Others who are barely employable in normal circumstances are cheerfully job-hopping.

This is tech, which tends toward the frothy side right now, but I saw 1999 and other upticks, and this one feels different. The evidence for a secular trend is all around.

This means rising wages, our only escape from a leveraged hell.

The problem is that it isn't yet manifesting in the overall statistics: CEO's enjoyed a 13% jump in pay in 2015, while everyone else averaged 2.8%.

35   HydroCabron   2016 May 21, 12:26pm  

indigenous says

Yup, wonderful what the fed can do.

Have you considered automating your posts, so you can watch Teletubbies all day instead of typing the same blurbs over and over?

36   _   2016 May 21, 12:26pm  

tatupu70 says

So, today looks like 1929, yes. There are serious structural problems in the US economy, yes. But we're not going to be serfs any time soon. (unless we keep electing conservatives, of course)

You have no idea what the data looks like, basically fraud economic theory

You're talking about Brazil and you're desperately to make America sound like some European or South American country

Let me break down your Logic

tatupu70 says

There are serious structural problems in the US economy

We have 43 year low's in unemployment claims

We have 5.8 Million Job openings bigger than your beloved Notric countries

2.4% unemployment rate for college grads and even high school drop Americans are working at a lower rate than the entire country of France

This is your structural economy problem


37   _   2016 May 21, 12:28pm  

I get it that left are soft and always complain about America ... that's fine, but Dear Lord.. You guys need to leave to Nordic country or join Iceland Pirate party ...

You have never had it better in this country ... all of you on this site and you cry every day

Spend the next 15 years tearing your false economic theories apart piece by piece

38   indigenous   2016 May 21, 12:30pm  

HydroCabron says

Have you considered automating your posts, so you can watch Teletubbies all day instead of typing the same blurbs over and over?

Have you ever considered considering any of them?

39   tatupu70   2016 May 21, 12:37pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

This is your structural economy problem

Nope--this is the structural problem:

40   _   2016 May 21, 12:44pm  

tatupu70 says

See I just needed you to speak more to show you're no different that you're right wing economic thinkers

LPR right from the 1990's were designed to fall in this century not one person I know of in the world I knew off every disagreed with this and it's the call cry for Anti American Left and Right

And once you break the data down

Prime age labor force 25-54 only missing 2.8 Million Americans from the peak of the last cycle

This assume that all these Americans Want to work which they have stated they don't

You're so desperate to push your Anti American non sense economic theories without actually reading the data first

2nd... $$$ hoarded at the top and yet nominal wages and working Americans are at peak levels .. This is what is wrong with the structural of the economy

High School Drop outs aren't buying homes in CA and this is going to be solved how

Anti Capitalist .... the few last remaining Grand children Marx ... sitting their homes ripping Capitalism apart and yet America sits on top of the world as the best domestic economy

100% off the rails here ...

41   tatupu70   2016 May 21, 12:46pm  

And some more for you.

42   _   2016 May 21, 12:47pm  

You should complain about America, if the extreme left was cheering for America with the extreme right then I know something is right

That is why we have extremes

Never, ever happy, the world is awful always, no credit and 100% blame

Get over it ... we are the best in the world and nobody does it better than us

Team Logan with 4

Where are your Bears to join TDS????

43   _   2016 May 21, 12:50pm  

tatupu70 says

Now you're using 2012 Data let me refresh you

44   tatupu70   2016 May 21, 12:51pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

See I just needed you to speak more to show you're no different that you're right wing economic thinkers

LPR right from the 1990's were designed to fall in this century not one person I know of in the world I knew off every disagreed with this and it's the call cry for Anti American Left and Right

And once you break the data down

Prime age labor force 25-54 only missing 2.8 Million Americans from the peak of the last cycle

This assume that all these Americans Want to work which they have stated they don't

I actually agree that some of this is due to demographics. Not all though.

You're funny that you mention that some people now don't want to work, but somehow forget that there were people in the last cycle that also didn't want work. And "only" 2.8 millions Americans? That may not seem like a lot to you, but I'm sure that 2.8 million people would disagree with you.

Logan Mohtashami says

You're so desperate to push your Anti American non sense economic theories without actually reading the data first

2nd... $$$ hoarded at the top and yet nominal wages and working Americans are at peak levels .. This is what is wrong with the structural of the economy

High School Drop outs aren't buying homes in CA and this is going to be solved how

Anti Capitalist .... the few last remaining Grand children Marx ... sitting their homes ripping Capitalism apart and yet America sits on top of the world as the best domestic economy

100% off the rails here ...

Nope--I'm on the rails. Look at the % disabled. Why don't you look at that percentage over time and see how it correlates with a poor economy.

45   _   2016 May 21, 12:52pm  

tatupu70 says

You're taking the 70's misery Index high, inflation and right before our prime age labor peak boom and you're trying to show that as your thesis

So you want high unemployment but stronger wages, Black Plague thesis

46   _   2016 May 21, 12:53pm  

tatupu70 says

Look at the % disabled. Why don't you look at that percentage over time and see how it correlates with a poor economy.

154 million working Americans and you're trying to push you're Anti American Agenda due to people collecting disability now

47   tatupu70   2016 May 21, 12:53pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

You should complain about America, if the extreme left was cheering for America with the extreme right then I know something is right

That is why we have extremes

Never, ever happy, the world is awful always, no credit and 100% blame

Get over it ... we are the best in the world and nobody does it better than us

Team Logan with 4

Where are your Bears to join TDS????

Logan-I am 100% optimist. Once again you are trying to build a strawman instead of actually discussing the topic at hand..

48   tatupu70   2016 May 21, 12:54pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

154 million working Americans and you're trying to push you're Anti American Agenda due to people collecting disability now

How is pointing out issues with the US economy and desiring to get them fixed Anti American?

You sound like the idiots that told me speaking out against the Iraq War was Anti American.

49   _   2016 May 21, 12:54pm  

tatupu70 says

Logan-I am 100% optimist

Yes because 1929 and Serfs comments means you're optimist

You're not versed in economics nor the data nor how to explain, so you're Anti American thesis is a rookie calling card

1929 and Serfs ... bears nothing to America in 2016

50   tatupu70   2016 May 21, 12:55pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

You're taking the 70's misery Index high, inflation and right before our prime age labor peak boom and you're trying to show that as your thesis

So you want high unemployment but stronger wages, Black Plague thesis

wtf are you talking about? I want LOW unemployment. And high wages. I want the US to have the best economy in the world.

That's why I want to get this shit fixed.

51   _   2016 May 21, 12:55pm  

tatupu70 says

You sound like the idiots that told me speaking out against the Iraq War was Anti American.

We are talking economics not the war in Iraq

Stick to theme

1929 and Serfs

52   tatupu70   2016 May 21, 12:56pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

Yes because 1929 and Serfs comments means you're optimist

You're not versed in economics nor the data nor how to explain, so you're Anti American thesis is a rookie calling card

1929 and Serfs ... bears nothing to America in 2016

Logan--I've forgotten more about economics than you have ever learned. There's a big difference between posting a graph and understanding what it means. You have mastered the former, but have a long way to go on the latter.

53   _   2016 May 21, 12:56pm  

tatupu70 says

I want the US to have the best economy in the world.

It already does and for a mature economy with scale as well

The way you're talking about America is describing European Economies and South American economies

54   _   2016 May 21, 12:57pm  

tatupu70 says

There's a big difference between posting a graph and understanding what it means

Says the lady who tried to post a 2012 Median Income chart.

55   tatupu70   2016 May 21, 12:57pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

We are talking economics not the war in Iraq

Stick to theme

1929 and Serfs

You're hilarious. You keep trying to bring it back to your strawman. Give it up buddy. You're done.

Just post a picture of yourself smoking a cigar and go outside with your wife. Enjoy.

56   _   2016 May 21, 12:58pm  

If Americans were as broke and weak as you claim them to be

No way on earth in a light demographic patch cycle retail sales, car sales and home sales would be at or near cycle highs

Not even close

57   tatupu70   2016 May 21, 12:59pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

The way you're talking about America is describing European Economies and South American economies

I'm posting facts. It is what it is. If you don't like it, vote people in to office that will change the laws.

58   _   2016 May 21, 1:00pm  

tatupu70 says

I'm posting facts. It is what it is. If you don't like it, vote people in to office that will change the laws.

59   tatupu70   2016 May 21, 1:01pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

If Americans were as broke and weak as you claim them to be

No way on earth in a light demographic patch cycle retail sales, car sales and home sales would be at or near cycle highs

Not even close

#1--who claims cycle highs? That is meaningless. You could look at almost any data in 1932 and it would be at cycle highs. Does that mean the Great Depression was over?

60   HydroCabron   2016 May 21, 1:02pm  

tatupu70 says

How is pointing out issues with the US economy and desiring to get them fixed Anti American?

It is when "leftists" do it.

When rightist/Christianists do the same thing, plus complain about gays, U.S. immigration policy, bathroom fears, steel mills closing, narrower airline seats, and traffic lights, blus being unable to say "nigger", and how America ain't white enough, it's patriotic.

61   _   2016 May 21, 1:04pm  

tatupu70 says

That is meaningless

62   tatupu70   2016 May 21, 1:11pm  

See--that fact that you would post this makes me think you can't read it at all. Industrial production has stopped growing.

Retail sales cannot get back to the trendline from the last 70 years. Looks like a classic structural defect.

The slop of real income is clearly getting smaller. And it's misleading anyway because it doesn't account for the inequality.

If you understood what these charts are saying, you wouldn't have posted them. They don't support your thesis.

63   _   2016 May 21, 1:14pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

They don't support your thesis.

You're heart is in the right place, your logic isn't.

Then again I am not the person who brought up 1929, Serfs or structural economic problems in the best domestic economy by far in the history of the world in 2016 for a mature country with a massive population.

I am not going to change your mind

Extreme Left & Extreme Right are part of society, Demagogues are very common and since 1790... rooted deep in our history

If we don't have them , then that is something truly to be mindful off

64   tatupu70   2016 May 21, 1:22pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

Then again I am not the person who brought up 1929

I'm sorry you can't read a simple chart. Look at the inequality charts and tell me you don't see a similarity between now and 1929.

65   _   2016 May 21, 1:29pm  

tatupu70 says

I'm sorry you can't read a simple chart. Look at the inequality charts and tell me you don't see a similarity between now and 1929.

Like I said I am not the drama queen trying to create a false narrative thesis to America 2016 to America 1929

However, if you really believe in this thesis

You should join your Gold Bug friends, buy ammo, food and supplies and wait for the 2nd Great Depression because the Serfs as Marx wanted will revolt and we will have a bloody Russian Sunday

66   tatupu70   2016 May 21, 1:34pm  

Logan Mohtashami says

Like I said I am not the drama queen trying to create a false narrative thesis to America 2016 to America 1929

No--you're the guy that calls me Anti American because I think the US economy has some flaws.

I'll ask again--do you see the similarity in income and wealth inequality between 2016 and 1929?

67   _   2016 May 21, 1:43pm  

tatupu70 says

US economy has some flaws

Having flaws

Comparing American 2016 to 1929 and saying the word serfs = Drama Queen... which is very normal for the extreme left, you're basically following the standard core routine

Probably a Zero Hedge reader soon

tatupu70 says

wealth inequality between 2016 and 1929?

Complete 2 different times for wealth and Inequity due to massive shift in demographic, it's no where close to the same, not even in the same universe

68   HadEnough   2016 May 21, 1:45pm  

Listened to the Bears and got my ass handed to me in 2009 through 2012. Fuck them. Got back on saddle and having a field day. Gold bugs and bears have one thing in common. Prosperity scares them. It always is a BUBBLE for them.

69   _   2016 May 21, 1:53pm  

HadEnough says

Listened to the Bears and got my ass handed to me in 2009 through 2012. Fuck them. Got back on saddle and having a field day. Gold bugs and bears have one thing in common. Prosperity scares them. It always is a BUBBLE for them.

Ahh just by that sentence structure I know who this is ...

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