Making America more like Scandinavia

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2016 Jul 12, 10:28am   54,531 views  179 comments

by tovarichpeter   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  


A once powerful demographic group is losing ground in American politics. For most of the countrys history, white Christian Americathe cultural and political edifice built primarily by white Protestant Christians set the tone for our national conversations and shaped American ideals. But today, many white Christian Americans feel profoundly anxious as their numbers and influence are waning. The two primary branches of their family tree, white mainline and white evangelical Protestants, offer competing narratives about their decline. White mainline Protestants blame evangelical Protestants for turning off the younger generation with their anti-gay rhetoric and tendency to conflate Christianity with conservative, nationalist...

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1   mmmarvel   2016 Jul 12, 11:24am  

tovarichpeter says

Making America more like Scandinavia

Well, I like the idea of big breasted blonds walking around but that is where my liking that idea STOPS!!!

2   zzyzzx   2016 Jul 12, 11:31am  

We should be trying to make America more like Poland:

3   zzyzzx   2016 Jul 15, 8:13pm  

Meanwhile in Poland:

5   zzyzzx   2016 Jul 15, 8:18pm  

In a stadium in Poland:

6   MMR   2016 Jul 15, 8:24pm  

Poles are quite animated bunch, but then again, it's right there in their backyard.....In Japan, they just said 'fuck no'

7   zzyzzx   2016 Jul 15, 8:27pm  

Some Polish Twiter posts:

8   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 15, 8:33pm  

Once upon a time, Evil Imperialists conquered a third of a continent, killing and enslaving the Inhabitants in the name of their Foreign God. These Muslim Invaders were stopped at Vienna in 1683 by Hungarian and Polish Warriors. It wasn't until the US Civil War that Imperialist Turks led by Erdogan-like Sultans were ejected from most of Europe.

The awesome begins at 1:38:20. Winged Hussars!!!!!!!!

9   bob2356   2016 Jul 15, 11:23pm  

MMR says

Poles are quite animated bunch, but then again, it's right there in their backyard.....In Japan, they just said 'fuck no'

Is that why Japan has 3 times as many muslims 100,000 as Poland 30,000? That would be .1% of the population in Poland. Yes it certainly appears muslims are totally overrunning the population of Poland.

10   zzyzzx   2016 Jul 17, 8:15pm  




11   zzyzzx   2016 Jul 17, 8:34pm  

Poland: Multiculturalism, Immigration, Political Correctness Responsible for Nice attack.

12   MMR   2016 Jul 17, 10:14pm  

bob2356 says

Is that why Japan has 3 times as many muslims 100,000 a

Well, no NEW muslims anyway. I'm sure the ones who are there aren't sucking off the public teat, for what its worth. Also, Japan is well over 120 million people....basically 1/12 of 1 percent, which is the same thing as saying virtually none.

Muslims aren't overrunning the population of Poland, because Poland isn't kowtowing to Turkey or other members of the EU. If there are more muslims in Poland per capita, its probably because they are sneaking in from other, more permissive EU countries.

13   bob2356   2016 Jul 18, 5:20am  

MMR says

Well, no NEW muslims anyway. I'm sure the ones who are there aren't sucking off the public teat, for what its worth. Also, Japan is well over 120 million people....basically 1/12 of 1 percent, which is the same thing as saying virtually none.

Your source for this is what? Japan doesn't treat muslims any different from anyone else no matter what the right wing echo chamber says. They are as free to come in as anyone else. But hey don't let facts confuse you, it would be a violation of the rightwingnut code of ethics. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/nov/17/viral-image/viral-graphic-says-japan-keeps-out-radical-islam-t/

MMR says

Muslims aren't overrunning the population of Poland, because Poland isn't kowtowing to Turkey or other members of the EU.

How exactly is 290,000 refugees accepted in an area of 750 million people overunning? Germany has accepted the most refugees at 140,000 into a population of 80 million. Overunning? A just little tiny itsy bitsy bit dramatic don't you think?

15   Patrick   2016 Aug 7, 11:01am  

@tovarichpeter The Atlantic article in the original post blames white people as a matter of course:

The reality is that wherever there is a white settlement in the world, there’s racism

As if white people were unique this way! That makes the article itself racist against whites, yet the irony is of course lost on pretty much everyone reading it.

White people are actually among the least racist on earth:


16   MMR   2016 Aug 7, 11:31am  

bob2356 says

Germany has accepted the most refugees at 140,000 into a population of 80 million. Overunning? A just little tiny itsy bitsy bit dramatic don't you think?

Half-truth; Germany already has about 5 million Muslims. The new batch is mostly takers not makers. Time will tell though if I'm right.

France is close to 10% Muslim. England is close to 5%. Belgium is 6%. That's just what's listed, as there may be several illegals.

They ghettoize and vote in an organized bloc, in England. Non-Muslim Indians are far more spread out and are a less organized voting bloc. Wonder what they could possibly be voting for.

Poland is 0.1% Muslim

17   HEY YOU   2016 Aug 7, 11:46am  

America needs more PHAT,blue eyed, blonds.

18   MMR   2016 Aug 7, 11:48am  

bob2356 says

Japan doesn't treat muslims any different from anyone else no matter what the right wing echo chamber says

Calling me a wingnut again. Mind you, last time I voted was for gore in 2000. Nice ad hominem

Once again, half-truth, all gaijin are treated equally shitty. Being Muslim doesn't confer any extra source of distrust or hatred in Japan.

2.1 million gaijin out of 120 million. 70% of then are Chinese, Korean, Filipino and Brazilian. My guess is lot of those Brazilian are actually ethnic Japanese.

muslims in Japan are around 100k or 1/12 of 1 percent. That's a solid number. Hopefully they are producers who deliver value.

19   MMR   2016 Aug 7, 11:49am  

HEY YOU says

America needs more PHAT,blue eyed, blonds.

Just spread your legs

20   MMR   2016 Aug 7, 12:03pm  

rando says

White people are actually among the least racist on earth:

That's my life experience.

Look at India on the map. Mostly driven by Muslims but also caste based differences also. But most people in city live in high density settings and usually don't have the choice

21   MMR   2016 Aug 7, 12:07pm  

Looking at the map, I found it hard to believe that Spain isn't one of the more racist countries in Western Europe, not so much against Muslims but black people


22   marcus   2016 Aug 7, 12:15pm  

MMR says

rando says

White people are actually among the least racist oppressed on earth:

In fairness, it's probably due to our superior intelligence and leadership qualities that we never find ourselves an oppressed group in any country. (/sarcasm)

I do agree though, in a way. After all, "white folk" are dominant in our culture, and many of us are perfectly okay with that becoming less and less true over time. OThers are not so happy about it. One thing for sure, america will always be a meritocracy. Although this is another thing that some of us are more interested in preserving than others.

23   MMR   2016 Aug 7, 12:57pm  

marcus says

In fairness, it's probably due to our superior intelligence

My wife isn't white but could probably teach AP calculus AB and BC and even multi variable calculus better than you.

But she is also among the least oppressed upper caste people like most people in the US of Indian origin. She is above average intelligence with fairly high IQ (above 130) although she was a bit of a slacker in her youth.

African royalty in Western Africa sold their own tribesmen into slavery.

Africans emigrating to US don't blame others for failures and have a strong sense of accountability.

In inner cities, it seems only sports coaches can get the best out of students and not their teachers. Sports coaches instill accountability and the idea that failure isn't an option. What factors prevent such success in the classroom. Parents have a part but why are coaches often more successful with same kids?

24   marcus   2016 Aug 7, 10:18pm  

MMR says

My wife isn't white but could probably teach AP calculus AB and BC and even multi variable calculus better than you.

My dog could probably do what ever you do for a living better than you. I really love my dog. She's awesome.

26   8e6e0   2016 Dec 12, 9:50am  


Washington Post Headlines!"

"MSNBC & New York Times!"


"Huffington Post, Slate & DailyKos!!!"



27   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Dec 12, 10:10am  

Kick out all the blacks and Mexicans and we might start looking like Scandinavia.

28   zzyzzx   2016 Dec 25, 7:58pm  

Meanwhile in Poland:

29   zzyzzx   2017 Jan 5, 11:32am  

Also in Poland:

30   Ceffer   2017 Jan 5, 11:35am  

What does any of this have to do with blond bush and the Swedish Bikini Team?

31   zzyzzx   2017 Jan 16, 5:59am  

Meanwhile, in Latvia:

32   Strategist   2017 Jan 16, 7:22am  

Ceffer says

What does any of this have to do with blond bush and the Swedish Bikini Team?

It's what the Muslims like to rape.

33   Strategist   2017 Jan 16, 7:23am  

zzyzzx says

This is called "Nip it in the bud"

35   zzyzzx   2017 May 8, 12:18pm  

Also in Poland:


36   Entitlemented   2017 May 9, 9:12am  

rando says

White people are actually among the least racist on earth:

It not the white people, its the Enlightenment of the ~16th century.

We need another Enlightenment.

37   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 May 9, 9:41am  

bob2356 says

Your source for this is what? Japan doesn't treat muslims any different from anyone else no matter what the right wing echo chamber says. They are as free to come in as anyone else. But hey don't let facts confuse you, it would be a violation of the rightwingnut code of ethics. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/nov/17/viral-image/viral-graphic-says-japan-keeps-out-radical-islam-t/

Yep, Japan treats Muslims like everyone else. They don't take any. Japan took less than 30 refugees all of last year.


38   Peter P   2017 May 9, 11:24am  

zzyzzx says

We should be trying to make America more like Poland

We should definitely have more Pole-dancers.

40   FortWayne   2017 May 27, 8:46pm  

Liberals need to stop telling us all to be like those northern countries. It's pure bullshit comparisons based on the fact that most people don't know what those countries are, where they are, and will never visit them.


Unless liberals are ok with giving up on diversity because:

"Denmark is a land of 5.3 million homogeneous people. Everyone talks the same, everyone looks the same, everyone thinks the same."

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