What does the Alt-Right want?

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2016 Aug 30, 6:36pm   9,153 views  30 comments

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1   Patrick   2016 Aug 30, 6:58pm  

well, if they put it that way, doesn't sound so crazy.

2   HEY YOU   2016 Aug 30, 7:29pm  

In reference to
# 2- How much outsourced crap do these political theologians own?
# 3- Who have they voted for that have benefited from super pacs?
Someone else can continue the questions.

Hypocrisy is rolling like a tsunami.

A neighbor has a Reagan sign in the front yard: "Government is the problem."
Coming from a big govt. Socialist employee. 8 years as CA.governor,8 years as president.

The breaking tsunami must have washed away their brains & left nothing but salt water.

3   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Aug 30, 7:57pm  

Define "Degenerate" - this is why I couldn't be an alt-righty, though I support most about the above.

The funny thing is that most of the points about homogenous societies are well born out in sociology! Britain, France, Germany, China, Japan all became world class powers and were largely homogenous. Japan certainly is and always was. China, people so "Oh, what about the Miao and some of the Turkic People, etc.". 90% of China is Han Chinese, and that is after decades of a one-child policy that wasn't as rigorously enforced in the hinterlands. All "Non-Chinese" in China combined are less a percentage of the total population than there are Blacks in the USA.

4   neplusultra57   2016 Aug 30, 8:53pm  

1. "Our people"
2. Ever bought a Briggs and Straton or Tecumseh small engine? My shoes were made in Silicon Valley. Yours?
3. Unless it's Putin
4. "Healthy" : she knows her place
5. Protection from Globalist Pollution? Regulations to Preserve National Heritage? Anybody translate this? Sounds like something a priori is about to be claimed.
6. Protection of Cultural Diversity: "Anti-Racism=Code for Anti-White"
7. Forced Associations: that pesky 14th amendment.
8. Freedom of "Honest" Debates: We get to say birth control makes girls unattractive and you're a cunt if you call bullshit.
9. Protection From International Corporate Oppression: Because everyone should be able to buy Russian weapons.

5   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Aug 31, 6:38am  

Some of America's most distinguishing features:
1. Democracy
2. Melting pot - made of recent immigrants who worked hard to make a life
3. Global leader - exporting culture and dominating world trade as well as military rule
4. Equal rights and equal protection for sexes and races
5. Freedom of speech

That poster is pretty much anti-American. There are only a couple of legitimate points that fit with our way of life. If the alt-right refuses to integrate with the American society, they can either self-deport or they will remain a fringe element.

6   Bellingham Bill   2016 Aug 31, 6:49am  

1. segregation, yeay
2. Smoot-Hawley, yeay
3. bullshit, "elites" don't purchase elections, money buys media propaganda and the electorate, being of room temperature IQ at best, is bamboozled thereby
4. "Healthy Relationships" is bullshit propaganda term to package something harmful, like Bush's "Health Forest" increase in logging.
5. I can't even unpack this word salad of vague feel-good bullshit as regulations don't extend to other countries
6. ghettoes again, got it.
7. ah yes, desert goatherder morality for thee but not me. Great.
8. 'cultural marxism' -- this is wanting to talk about black IQs again, isn't it?
9. 'local economies' looks to be codewording for race-to-the-bottom deregulation

This program of addressing superficial resentments is silly and will make things much worse, not better at all.

The primary difficulty we face here in the US is the predatory wealthy taking so much of the national output.

The top 5% -- one out of 20 -- takes over 1/3 the income


mostly via monopoly rents in housing (Trump), health care (epipen), energy (Kochs), and extractive retail (Waltons).

but let's go after those feminists over there, yeay.


7   Tenpoundbass   2016 Aug 31, 7:15am  

Look who's here to Alinsky the facts.

8   Patrick   2016 Aug 31, 7:27am  

Bellingham Bill says

5. I can't even unpack this word salad of vague feel-good bullshit as regulations don't extend to other countries

I think the point is that a lot of US manufacturing has been outsources to countries with lower pollution standards (China and Mexico) and that some of that pollution actually makes it back to the US.

9   anonymous   2016 Aug 31, 8:19am  

I think the point is that a lot of US manufacturing has been outsources to countries with lower pollution standards (China and Mexico) and that some of that pollution actually makes it back to the US.


You think?

Global Warming = pollution

Slightly cheaper goods dollar-wise
Much cheaper quality-wise, literally garbage
Loss of jobs--loss of income----loss of domestic economy
Loss of control over pollution regs

Gain in PROFITS! And donations for the Clinton Foundation so they can have extravagant gala's. Charity, for the kids ya know

10   marcus   2016 Aug 31, 9:33pm  

errc says

Slightly cheaper goods dollar-wise

Much cheaper quality-wise, literally garbage

Loss of jobs--loss of income----loss of domestic economy

Loss of control over pollution regs

Okay, but it's stupid to blame the CLinton's, unless it's to blame them for not fighting the trend.

The trend is like some second law of economic dynamics. In a semi free world, you aren't going to have people living on 1.50/day, and people on the other side of the world making $250/day or whatever, without something giving.

Tenpoundbass says

Look who's here to Alinsky understand the facts.

If this isn't right, then you please explain what you think is the meaning, for example, of, "we reject multiculturalism and favor separate cultures."

If this isn't about holding certain minorities down, and fear of inter-marriage, then what is it about ? We certainly didn't have a problem with (well we sort of did have aproblem) with mixing various european cultures. ITalian, Greek, Russian, English ? Are we saying these all need to stay separate ? Why ?

11   MMR   2016 Aug 31, 10:11pm  

thunderlips11 says

Oh, what about the Miao and some of the Turkic People, etc

The Turkic people, uighurs are the troublemakers, mostly concentrated in xinjiang province, but people who get all their talking points from msm prob never even heard of it

12   MMR   2016 Aug 31, 10:20pm  

Bellingham Bill says

being of room temperature IQ at best, is bamboozled thereb

Promising welfare helps grease the path along nicely. Can't forget that.

13   2662   2016 Sep 7, 11:11am  

"How much outsourced crap do these political theologians own?"

Irrelevant. A person can own foreign-made goods (because that's what stores have available) and still want protectionist measures to cut back on globalization.

"# 3- Who have they voted for that have benefited from super pacs?"

Same as above. The fact that the current political paradigm makes Super PACs necessary to win major elections doesn't mean we have to like them. As above, just because we currently live in the status quo doesn't mean we don't want to change it for the better.

"1. "Our people""

Yes, we want our people to flourish. Got a problem?

"2. Ever bought a Briggs and Straton or Tecumseh small engine? My shoes were made in Silicon Valley. Yours?"

We want to impose harsh tariffs to promote domestic manufacturing across all feasible product classes. Do you?

"3. Unless it's Putin"

Nice Red Scare paranoia. Hillary wants to start World War 3 with Russia over stuff that has nothing to do with American interests. We oppose that, therefore we are clearly Putin shills.

"4. "Healthy" : she knows her place"

Both men and women are happiest when they know their place and stay in it. People are not infinitely malleable.

"5. Protection from Globalist Pollution? Regulations to Preserve National Heritage? Anybody translate this? Sounds like something a priori is about to be claimed."

Very simple. Countries should aggressively defend and uphold their heritage, culture, and values, and resist foreign influences. No homogeneous global Hollywood culture.

"6. Protection of Cultural Diversity: "Anti-Racism=Code for Anti-White""

Yes it is. Exactly! Now you're getting it.

"7. Forced Associations: that pesky 14th amendment."

Twisting the 14th amendment to mean forced integration is bad law and bad public policy. It makes everyone involved miserable and should be corrected.

"8. Freedom of "Honest" Debates: We get to say birth control makes girls unattractive and you're a cunt if you call bullshit."

No idea what the hell you're talking about.

"9. Protection From International Corporate Oppression: Because everyone should be able to buy Russian weapons.""

Now you're just spouting nonsense. We are AGAINST massive globalist entities shipping crap all over the world. I'm perfectly happy buying American guns myself.

"1. Democracy"

We're not against democracy

"2. Melting pot - made of recent immigrants who worked hard to make a life"

Nope. That term first appeared about 100 years ago in play written by a British Jew. America was founded by English and Dutch colonists "for themselves and their posterity". It was >90% white up until the 1965 immigration act.

"3. Global leader - exporting culture and dominating world trade as well as military rule"

Nope. This is strictly a recent, post-WW2 development as every other advanced nation was ravaged by the war. In any case it is a massive mistake trying to sustain a global empire and is bankrupting us and making most of the world hate us. We should mind our business and let others mind theirs.

"4. Equal rights and equal protection for sexes and races"

Nope. Original immigration policy was only "free white persons of good character". Other than tiny minority of black slaves, America was basically monoracial for most of its history. Multiculturalism and "proposition nation" BS are very recent developments. As for women's rights, those are going to go away real quick if we keep importing Muslims.

"5. Freedom of speech"

We are pro-freedom of speech, unlike the Marxist censorship that currently prevails.

14   HydroCabron   2016 Sep 7, 11:21am  

errc says

Charity, for the kids ya know

Yes, all those low-cost AIDS drugs sent to

Such corruption!

Don't these poor bastards understand that a change in diet will make them AIDS-free? Now Kackling Kankles Klinton has sold them out to Big PhArMa. Bwahahahahaa!

15   Dan8267   2016 Sep 7, 11:25am  

rando says

well, if they put it that way, doesn't sound so crazy.

Now if only they actually believed in those things. Of course, it's testable. Take freedom of honest debate. By any standard of honest debate, the issue of man-made climate change is settled. Does Alt+Right acknowledge that the evidence is overwhelming that man-made climate change is real and occurring right now? If not, the above poster is just a lie.

On #2, tariffs aren't going to do anything to protect against outsourcing in the global economy. If a job doesn't require physical presence, it will be outsourced. If a job does require physical presence, it will be filled by non-citizen temporary workers with no political power or by H1B Visas.

16   Rew   2016 Sep 7, 12:05pm  

2662 says

We are pro-freedom of speech, unlike the Marxist censorship that currently prevails.

Ah yes, those courageous outspoken few: hiding behind an anonymous single-comment-post account name. I'm sure you want to repeal current obscenity laws because you are an 'originalist', right?

2662 says

"8. Freedom of "Honest" Debates: We get to say birth control makes girls unattractive and you're a cunt if you call bullshit."

No idea what the hell you're talking about.

He means freedom of speech and being 'plain spoken' is being used as a cloak to legitimize speaking falsehoods without being challenged. (Add in Internet anonymity and you get Patnet!)

2662 says

"4. "Healthy" : she knows her place"

Both men and women are happiest when they know their place and stay in it. People are not infinitely malleable.

Yes yes, our skin color, sex, and family we were born to defines our role in life under the great American cast system. Free white and Forever 21 : "Pass the skinny genes, please."

2662, I was born a poor brown girl in Louisiana. What can I be in the USA? #Gattaca

17   2662   2016 Sep 7, 2:06pm  

"Ah yes, those courageous outspoken few: hiding behind an anonymous single-comment-post account name"

Anonymous political speech is a grand American tradition dating back to the Founding Fathers (ever heard of the Federalist Papers?). It's necessary today more than ever because elites are very open about their desire to harass, blacklist, and punish their political enemies.

The funny thing about anonymous speech is that it stands or falls on its own merits, since it's impossible to attack the person behind it ("TELL ME YOUR NAME SO I CAN TRY TO GET YOU FIRED!" screeches the SJW who has run out of arguments). Popular alt right writers have gained tens or hundreds of thousands of followers with nothing but their own wits and humor. That meritocratic structure is a big reason why it produces so much insightful content relative to the dying legacy media coasting on its past reputation and brand recognition.

"He means freedom of speech and being 'plain spoken' is being used as a cloak to legitimize speaking falsehoods without being challenged."

Totally wrong. No one on the alt right is worried about being "challenged" to defend our views. We're worried about institutionally-sanctioned speech codes and witch hunts and harassment campaigns, because we've seen it happen a thousand times. IME it's leftists who are terrified of honest debate and are quickest to call for bans/silencings/firings because they're too emotionally fragile to hear differing opinions without having a meltdown.

"I was born a poor brown girl in Louisiana. What can I be in the USA?"

Any number of things. Maybe a gold medal gymnast. Maybe you'll get rich. But you'll never be a man and you'll never be white. And there are a lot of things you'd be stupid to try to do, like being a Marine or a furniture mover. Our races and sexes definitely aren't all of who we are, but they are an important, immutable part of who we are. The alt right believes that people are happiest when we act according to our natures instead of pretending they don't exist or don't matter. At any other point in history this would've been common sense, but we've fallen pretty far.

18   neplusultra57   2016 Sep 7, 2:25pm  

2662 says

"1. "Our people""

Yes, we want our people to flourish. Got a problem?

Define "our" people within the context of a nation. Most people needn't be required to do that but obviously you do.

2662 says

"2. Ever bought a Briggs and Straton or Tecumseh small engine? My shoes were made in Silicon Valley. Yours?"

We want to impose harsh tariffs to promote domestic manufacturing across all feasible product classes. Do you?

Not if it means "American made" means American made pieces of shit. If you want Honda small engines to be made here in the USA, fine, I'm down and so is Honda, probably. But if you want me to buy shit because it's American shit, and you're willing to make worthwhile products more expensive in order to drive consumers to buy shit then my answer is no.

2662 says

"3. Unless it's Putin"

Nice Red Scare paranoia. Hillary wants to start World War 3

You're an idiot. No one "wants" to start WW3

2662 says

we are clearly Putin shills.

That's nice, but you're still an idiot.

2662 says

"4. "Healthy" : she knows her place"

Both men and women are happiest when they know their place and stay in it. People are not infinitely malleable.

As if "infinite malleability" is part of a person's range of choices in society. Claiming what people are "not" is your crude way of saying what they "shouldn't be", as if you know the keys to any individual's happiness are based in knowing their place and "staying' in it. You're a troglodyte.

2662 says

"5. Protection from Globalist Pollution? Regulations to Preserve National Heritage? Anybody translate this? Sounds like something a priori is about to be claimed."

Very simple. Countries should aggressively defend and uphold their heritage, culture, and values, and resist foreign influences. No homogeneous global Hollywood culture.

Diversity is pollution? Our American culture, values, heritage is derived from a divergence from mono-culture. We became ourselves by drawing from the entire world. You are a sickness singular to mono-culture species. You're dying and that's why the alt-right suits you. Time is killing you. You're the weakness. And, uh, by the way, Hollywood errs too far on the side of artificial diversity. Homogeneity is your disease.

2662 says

"6. Protection of Cultural Diversity: "Anti-Racism=Code for Anti-White""

Yes it is. Exactly! Now you're getting it.

As I said: You're an idiot troglodyte.

2662 says

"7. Forced Associations: that pesky 14th amendment."

Twisting the 14th amendment to mean forced integration is bad law and bad public policy. It makes everyone involved miserable and should be corrected.

Agreed, if by "everyone" you mean idiots and troglodytes.

2662 says

"9. Protection From International Corporate Oppression: Because everyone should be able to buy Russian weapons.""

Now you're just spouting nonsense. We are AGAINST massive globalist entities shipping crap all over the world. I'm perfectly happy buying American guns myself.

Why do you hate freedom?

19   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 7, 4:16pm  

I'm tempted by some of the platform, but then they start talking about Free One-Way Helicopter Rides, Hitler dindu nothin' wrong, and how their Polish Great Grandpa's cow was made dry by Jewish Kabalah magic in his little village near Bialystock, it turns me off as stupid /pol crap.

I think of myself as a moderate, liberal nationalist, circa 1933-1980. The Dems turn me off by their aversion to class and obsession with race, and consequentially their commitment to Free Trade No Matter What the Social Price.

In fairness not all Alt-Righties believe in the first paragraph, but many do. The National Socialists in disguise keep talking about purges and so forth, so I hope they expel the non-crazy people and go off by their own crazy selves.

20   neplusultra57   2016 Sep 7, 4:38pm  

2662 says

people are happiest when we act according to our natures

Define "our natures".

21   bc1d   2016 Sep 7, 4:49pm  

"Define "our" people within the context of a nation."

Easy. The word "nation" comes from the Latin "natio", meaning "birth, breed, or tribe". Hence a nation is defined by blood and common descent. Thus the American nation (which is not identical with everyone living in the United States, or even everyone with legal citizenship) consists of mixed Northern/Western Europeans with ancestral ties to the North American continent. Arguably it also includes the descendants of black slaves, though I think Lincoln was right that they should've been returned to Africa after the Civil War as integration was never going to work (and it obviously hasn't). Again, this is something that everyone knew up until about 50 years ago when Cultural Marxism took over and started preaching the ahistorical absurdity of "proposition nations".

Fun fact: late in the Roman Empire they started handing out citizenship to anything with a pulse, including violent barbarian tribes on the frontiers. Perhaps there were even retarded pundits running around saying "Anyone who believes in Roman values is a true Roman! After all, Rome is a nation of immigrants!" Anyway without the common bonds of blood and ancestry their civic virtue melted away, corruption skyrocketed, and before long the whole thing collapsed in fire and blood.

"Not if it means "American made" means American made pieces of shit."

We get it, you're only willing to buy American if it's better or cheaper, even if that means American companies have to compete with places like China and Mexico that have shitty labor and environmental laws and where the workers live like slaves. God forbid jobs be plentiful in America if that means this guy can't get his sneakers for $5 cheaper.

"No one "wants" to start WW3"

You're painfully naive. The military-industrial complex does. People who foolishly think they would come through unscathed do. People who want to see America laid to waste do. I can just picture you back in 1935 insisting "No one 'wants' another World War!"

"as if you know the keys to any individual's happiness are based in knowing their place and "staying' in it"

I'm arguing that people do best in environments and roles that correspond well to their inborn natures, and they become miserable when they fight against their natures. I'm not sure how anyone could find this so controversial, but perhaps you're a tranny.

"Our American culture, values, heritage is derived from a divergence from mono-culture. We became ourselves by drawing from the entire world."

Nope. This is the big lie. American founding stock was English and Dutch, and our system of governance was derived from northern European political philosophy about the Rights of Englishmen. All that nonsense about "the melting pot" and "nation of immigrants" and "America is a proposition nation" is a very recent historical development (started in early 20th century, really picked up speed after 1960 or so) advanced by people who hate America and want to bury it. You're literally claiming that "America's culture is that we are a raceless, creedless, cultureless, valueless people who just borrow things from everyone else to fill the void", which is so ignorant of history (and so hateful of our ancestors, who definitely did have a real culture) that it's hard not to see it as malicious. Why do you hate American culture so much?

"Hollywood errs too far on the side of artificial diversity."

They do, and they do it because their ideal is a global population of interchangeable cogs and consumers. Why shouldn't there be black and Chinese cowboys in Magnificent Seven, or black Norse gods in Thor, since we're all the same on the inside and being American is just a piece of paper? That seems to be the world you want to live in, so it's funny that you would have a problem with this.

You're also missing my point that Hollywood aims to dominate the entertainment industry across the entire globe. Personally I want the Chinese, French, Australians, etc. to have their own domestic cultures with their own domestic entertainments, but that might require [gasp!] protectionism to keep Hollywood's McMovie bullshit out. Here's another fun fact for you: preserving diverse cultures around the world means different peoples need to have their own, exclusive nations in which to practice those cultures. Colors on the palette only stay sharp and vibrant when they're kept separate; mush them all together and you get a useless shit-brown mess.

"idiot... troglodyte... idiot... troglodyte"

LOL you got BTFO'd so bad you're literally just jamming your fingers in your ears and repeating the same weak burns over and over. Looks like my job here is done!

22   Rew   2016 Sep 7, 5:06pm  

2662 says

Totally wrong. No one on the alt right is worried about being "challenged" to defend our views. We're worried about institutionally-sanctioned speech codes and witch hunts and harassment campaigns, because we've seen it happen a thousand times. IME it's leftists who are terrified of honest debate and are quickest to call for bans/silencings/firings because they're too emotionally fragile to hear differing opinions without having a meltdown.

To prevent nationalist fear based persecution taking hold, labeling hate speech is a good thing. I'm happy you are worried about being in a fringe group of beliefs and that your intellectual racism will not take hold. The 1st allows for hate speech, but we can call it out as dreadful and heinous belief wherever we see it: ISIS and Nazis alike. Good men are still moved to action (speak out), instead of nothing. As long as that remains the case, in the anonymous shadows you shall remain. I'm also pretty comfortable in my belief there will be no great unveiling of an Alexander Hamilton here.

Which side of the political spectrum has committed the most witch hunting and and speech control?

What does Trump do with a news outlets that he dislikes the representation from? He is your current 'enemy of my enemy hero' right now, right?

You are afraid of the persecution of alt-right, but care little for what may befall Muslim and immigrants. That's a type of hypocrisy and selfishness that one could only call evil. It is hard to fathom.

2662 says

And there are a lot of things you'd be stupid to try to do, like being a Marine or a furniture mover.

I served with female Marines, in one of the shortest military careers on record, but non-the less. The women I served with were vital and their service was just as good as any others. Since only about 5% the nation serves now, any serving female has done way more than most males, and I know the armed forces isn't looking to turn away over 50% of the population. Many of the women I knew were in direct combat line MOSes as well ... not grunt infantry ... but jet, and other combat support.

There were two females in our office at the moving company I worked at in college. They did warehouse work and maintenance besides paper pushing. They were way better forklift drivers than most of the piano movers.

Those uppity women obviously didn't know their place.

No one is saying they are going to pretend to do something they are incapable of, but you seem very willing to set artificial limits based on sex, race, whatever. I'm glad American policy and current trend is to fight that thinking wherever possible. Humans assume we can do way less than we can already. No one else needs to reinforce that. It certainly won't make America great again. Far from it. It will make us weaker.

23   Rew   2016 Sep 7, 5:17pm  

bc1d says

Easy. The word "nation" comes from the Latin "natio", meaning "birth, breed, or tribe". Hence a nation is defined by blood and common descent.

Since we all have common blood in humanity today, separated by very little (do 23andMe), and our nation is one of immigrants.

I've been reading Harry Potter to my 5 year old at night. A few years from now I'll tell him about how Voldemort's mudblood haters are still out there, and very real.

bc1d says

You're painfully naive. The military-industrial complex does

Trump and the alt-right is stoking the hate flames. When you can motivate a people to hate, you have war.

bc1d says

that correspond well to their inborn natures

Nature nurture ... you are on the way wrong side of that equation.

bc1d says

You're literally claiming that "America's culture is that we are a raceless, creedless, cultureless, valueless people who just borrow things from everyone else to fill the void"

You are claiming race is culture, value, creed. We absolutely ARE borrowing the best from everywhere. My grandfather would be called a racist by today's standard, but even he saw the value of an integrated army.

24   neplusultra57   2016 Sep 7, 5:50pm  

bc1d says

defined by blood and common descent.

That tells me everything I need to know about you.

bc1d says

We get it, you're only willing to buy American if it's better or cheaper

No, but nice try. It has to as good as products made by anyone irrespective of their "blood and descent".

bc1d says

"No one "wants" to start WW3"

You're painfully naive. The military-industrial complex does.

No it doesn't. You're painfully paranoid.

bc1d says

people do best in environments and roles that correspond well to their inborn natures

"do best" means what makes sense to you. "inborn nature" means how you want them to identify.

bc1d says

You're literally claiming that "America's culture is that we are a raceless, creedless, cultureless, valueless people who just borrow things from everyone else to fill the void", which is so ignorant of history (and so hateful of our ancestors, who definitely did have a real culture) that it's hard not to see it as malicious. Why do you hate American culture so much?

Wow, you are butthurt off the scale, dude.

So in order to fabricate your victimhood you have to derive malice from diversity, hatred of white people from an abhorrence of racism, and betrayal of nationhood through inclusion of non-original blood and descent.

bc1d says

"Hollywood errs too far on the side of artificial diversity."

They do, and they do it because their ideal is a global population of interchangeable cogs and consumers. Why shouldn't there be black and Chinese cowboys in Magnificent Seven, or black Norse gods in Thor, since we're all the same on the inside and being American is just a piece of paper? That seems to be the world you want to live in, so it's funny that you would have a problem with this.

Problem? I'm not butthurt by Hollywood. Entertainment memes don't threaten my racial, cultural, sexual identity, as they obviously do yours. Other people exist, but it's just a crisis, a crashing of civilization for alt-righters. Yawn. You fools are such drama queens.

bc1d says

Here's another fun fact for you: preserving diverse cultures around the world means different peoples need to have their own, exclusive nations in which to practice those cultures. Colors on the palette only stay sharp and vibrant when they're kept separate; mush them all together and you get a useless shit-brown mess.

News flash: different peoples actually do have their own nations. Clearly you think there are too many mud people out of their pens

25   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 7, 6:49pm  

Rew says

When you can motivate a people to hate, you have war.

When you can't, you just drone strike, fund coups, and destabilize through proxies...

26   Strategist   2016 Sep 7, 6:59pm  

bc1d says

We get it, you're only willing to buy American if it's better or cheaper, even if that means American companies have to compete with places like China and Mexico that have shitty labor and environmental laws and where the workers live like slaves. God forbid jobs be plentiful in America if that means this guy can't get his sneakers for $5 cheaper.

I'm not willing to buy higher priced or low quality products just because they were made by an American company. If an American company has to rely on charity, rather than being competitive, it won't be in business for long.

27   neplusultra57   2016 Sep 7, 7:28pm  

Strategist says

bc1d says

We get it, you're only willing to buy American if it's better or cheaper, even if that means American companies have to compete with places like China and Mexico that have shitty labor and environmental laws and where the workers live like slaves. God forbid jobs be plentiful in America if that means this guy can't get his sneakers for $5 cheaper.

I'm not willing to buy higher priced or low quality products just because they were made by an American company. If an American company has to rely on charity, rather than being competitive, it won't be in business for long.

Careful, you'll be called out as a race-traitor leftist, going against the natural order of things.

28   Strategist   2016 Sep 7, 7:37pm  

neplusultra57 says

I'm not willing to buy higher priced or low quality products just because they were made by an American company. If an American company has to rely on charity, rather than being competitive, it won't be in business for long.

Careful, you'll be called out as a race-traitor leftist, going against the natural order of things.

I've been called worse.

29   neplusultra57   2016 Sep 7, 7:39pm  

Strategist says

neplusultra57 says

I'm not willing to buy higher priced or low quality products just because they were made by an American company. If an American company has to rely on charity, rather than being competitive, it won't be in business for long.

Careful, you'll be called out as a race-traitor leftist, going against the natural order of things.

I've been called worse.

The night is young.

30   Y   2016 Sep 8, 6:00am  

To de-patriate the Ctrl-Left?

Exleftie says

What does the Alt-Right want?

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