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Dumb libbies still don't get it after all this time.
Trump was not put in that position by the electorate to win debates. That's old school
He is in there to blow up the system. Period.
Watching IHLiarry represent the system is enough to sway the electorate.
He lost.
I beleve we should lock her up. In a room with no corners. For several years.
What in the fuck is wrong with the biased moderators 'correcting the record' every since the second Romney debate? That's not their damn job otherwise they become a debater.
Unfortunately I think Donald looked bad for all of the same reasons others posted. Totally on the defensive but equally due to the biased questions, lack of response times and so-called fact correction from the moderator as it was due to Clinton's attacks.
I know the record and so could see through her BS answers. He rambled too much even when he wasn't on defense. He'd say something correct at a high level and I'd think, 'Ok, now peel back the onion a a couple of layers in plain-speak so people understand why that's important', but he never did. Just repeated the same things over and over like a broken record.
Joe Hasntbeenpayinattention, the main target, will think Hillary was more persuasive and looked more presidential. By that measure, the important measure, she won big time.
He probably should have called out the moderator a few times like he did in earlier debates.
I'd rate it a tie. Hillary had to clear a low bar here by just being healthy and alert which she was, I think both did a decent job strategy wise, maybe slight edge to Hillary which was easy since only Trump would get inconvenient questions, so his upside was limited, but he may get credit for getting up on stage at all with everybody against him. I also think that most people did not change their mind tonight anyways.
But he should know how to course correct.
Absolutely. He'll have to get better at that or his message just won't be heard. She'll be happy to keep him busy setting the record straight for the next six weeks.
What in the fuck is wrong with the biased moderators 'correcting the record' every since the second Romney debate? That's not their damn job otherwise they become a debater.
What else did you expect from Lester asschap Holt? Trump had no choice but to get up and face the headwinds, and walk a tightrope between being presidential (i.e. not to intercept and call out all the time) and being the politically incorrect entertainer that got him there. I think he may be doing better sticking with being politically incorrect and call out the bias as you said, but considering the fact that he may already have won over the die-hards and non-PC crowd he may want to try to bring over some "moderates" - tough call and not easy for his campaign to figure out. Hillary will just bank and ride on ray's cyst and feminism.
It's good to see those polls. Does anyone know who the next two moderators will be?
What else did you expect from Lester asschap Holt?
Until tonight I'd never seen or heard of him. I'll remember the piece of crap from now on though.
What in the fuck is wrong with the biased moderators 'correcting the record' every since the second Romney debate
How dare the moderators expect Trump to tell the truth? His fucking retarded asshole supporters want him to lie and get away with it!
Hillary spanked him tonight! Go ahead ironpussy, try to pretend otherwise!
Trump had no choice but to get up and face the headwinds, and walk a tightrope between being presidential (i.e. not to intercept and call out all the time) and being the politically incorrect entertainer that got him there. I think he may be doing better sticking with being politically incorrect and call out the bias as you said, but considering the fact that he may already have won over the die-hards and non-PC crowd he may want to try to bring over some "moderates" - tough call and not easy for his campaign to figure out.
Good points btw..
Until tonight I'd never seen or heard of him. I'll remember the piece of crap from now on though.
I only know him from Dateline.
"For Dateline on ID, I'm Lester Holt." In fact, every time he spoke... I kept expecting him to say that.
Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says
How dare the moderators expect Trump to tell the truth?
He was telling the truth dickhead. That's was makes all the more outrageous.
Until tonight I'd never seen or heard of him. I'll remember the piece of crap from now on though.
I only know him from Dateline.
"For Dateline on ID, I'm Lester Holt." In fact, every time he spoke... I kept expecting him to say that.
Joe Hasntbeenpayinattention, the main target, will think Hillary was more persuasive and looked more presidential. By that measure, the important measure, she won big time.
He probably should have called out the moderator a few times like he did in earlier debates.
He was Walter Freaking Contrite tonight no matter how bad the optics looked.
He gave America, the fence sitters and the complacent Hillary supporters, some homework.
He brought things to their attention that they have never heard before. I know for a fact 90% of things we post and talk about in the election when it comes to Hillary Clinton.
Her supporters are in a self imposed news bubble. They aren't curios they don't seek and they don't look. But they do give a shit... sometimes!
Donald Trump just slapped them with a big ole shit sandwich that they are going to have to chew on between now and the next debate.
Trump was prepared to night. Now by time the next debate in almost 2 weeks. They Hillary's default supporters, will have done their homework and be on the same page as the rest of us.
Trump will continue the beatings then.
He was telling the truth dickhead. That's was makes all the more outrageous.
not according to EVERY SINGLE FACT CHECKER!!!
trump got assfucked tonight.... he's a loser! and you fucktards are too!
CNN says 62% Hillary; 27% Trump... though they say that the polled debate watchers skewed toward Hillary democrats.... So, what was the point of the poll?
This from this:
It looked to me like Donald's was on the defensive much of the night and that's mostly attributable to the biased moderator.
Again and again, Holt asked Trump tough questions that were straight from the Clinton campaign’s talking points, and which were obvious set-ups for Clinton to attack (and for fact-checkers to pounce on whatever Trump asserted in his own defense).
Here are the five worst examples.
Tax returns. Holt never asked Clinton about her e-mail scandal, about Benghazi, or about the Clinton Foundation and its dubious dealings. But he did ask Trump about his tax returns, arguing — not asking — that there might be questionable information in them that the American public deserved to hear.
Birther conspiracy theory. Holt never asked Clinton about her past record of racist statements, including her “super-predator†remarks as First Lady, or her explicit appeal to “white Americans†in her 2008 primary campaign against Obama. Yet he asked Trump about the Birther conspiracy theory and cast it as racist.
Stop-and-frisk. After an exchange between the candidates over the policy of “stop-and-frisk,†Holt interjected to bolster Clinton’s point by stating, erroneously, that stop-and-frisk had ended in New York because it had been declared unconstitutional by a court. Trump countered, correctly, that the new mayor had canceled the policy before the litigation was over.
“A presidential look.†Towards the end of the debate, Holt asked Trump about what he meant by saying Hillary Clinton did not have “a presidential look.†He did so after noting that Clinton had become “the first woman†to be nominated for president by a major political party, thus setting Trump up as a sexist. As Trump answered, Holt interrupted him, then gave Clinton a chance to respond with her talking points about Trump’s past comments on women.
Iraq War. The question of whether Trump supported the Iraq War or not has been widely debated. What is beyond doubt is that Hillary Clinton voted for it. Holt only represented one side of the debate about Trump, and never asked Clinton about her own vote.
In addition, the audience repeatedly interjected — almost always in Clinton’s favor — and Holt did not stop them, though it was against the rules. He only stopped the audience when there were cheers for Trump calling for Clinton’s emails.
So, what was the point of the poll?
Well you take CNN and Huffingtonpost and you aggregate those,
then you aggregate the ones Irony has posted plus the one that has the same conclusion.
To see whom amongst the card carrying Libbytarians are apostates to be shunned...
CNN says 62% Hillary; 27% Trump... though they say that the polled debate watchers skewed toward Hillary democrats.... So, what was the point of the poll?
Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says
not according to EVERY SINGLE FACT CHECKER!!!
Bullshit. Only the paid politishills.
trump got assfucked tonight.
Agreed, but speaking of ass fucking. Aren't you the guy who was kicked off of here once? Refresh my mind, what was the reason? You're some sort of teacher right? Fucking around with the kids?
its funny watching ironpussy scour the entire internet looking for biased user participation polls that show his loser asshole donaldfuck in a good light! that shows that inside, he knows donald lost!
and now we have someone quoting breitbart... how big of a moron dick sucker does it take to think breitbart, actually working for the trump campaign, is a source??/
ANy time you guys wonder why I made millions and you are losers, that is how it is supposed to be in America! smart guy gets rich, dumbfucks who can't learn stay on the bottom!
CNN says 62%
62% of the people that watch CNN will be doing some interesting internet research in the next few weeks.
I need a fact checker here: Was Roberta kicked off for fucking kids in the ass in his class, or was it because he was letting them fuck him in the ass?
To see whom amongst the card carrying Libbytarians are apostates to be shunned...
It was really weird... The guy's exact words were the people polled were "skewed toward Hillary supporters and democrats. So keep that in mind when you see the results." Heck, why didn't they just limit the poll to Lester, Bill and Chelsea and call it a day?
Trump is really appealing when he talks about asset bubbles and the ZIRP-y sins of the FRB. But instead of QE/1, QE/2, QE/3 , Trump will probably herald the era of QE/D, QE/D and QE/D. Here, D stands for Donald, meaning that the FRB will give lots of zero-interest interest-only (yes, you read that right) loans to Donald after the current bubble bursts, so that he can buy up the entire country at firesale prices.
The problem is, I am only halfway joking. There is a real danger that Trump and his cornies(*) will basically own you after the next depression, if he gets elected president.
(*) That was supposed to be CRONIES, but it kinda reads well as mistyped.
I agree that he wasn't as strong as he could have been. He needed to rehearse some canned answers to get him through the Gotchas, especially on race. He did get 4-5 negative leading questions (IE YOU supported Iraq).
However, the live feedback showed that his best time of the night was when he was hammering on NAFTA and TPP. That's his strong suit, I don't think he realizes how strong it is. It's exactly where Hillary is weakest and least believable too, and hamstrung because if she lies too much to win, it'll haunt her later.
They were the only ones that would talk to cnn...
It was really weird... The guy's exact words were the people polled were "skewed toward Hillary supporters and democrats.
thunderlips11 is deplorable says
I agree that he wasn't as strong as he could have been.
He needs to quit making the duck face when he's on camera.
TIME - Trump winning.
Nate aint posted his pol yet. I pretty sure it's going to be devistating. To the Liberals it will them all worried Trump will lose. But we won't give up hope for you guys. I pinky swear.
Where's that pink panther pussy?
I guess I'd hide too if I was pushing IHLiarry...
Clinton cheated by preparing thoroughly and demonstrating superior temperament, maturity, and stamina
I don't know if you guys can tell, but I'm really getting my nihilism on tonight. I be like, to hell with this shit. I guess this is what "Bernie or Bust" meant.
Well It is time for some exercise. I'm outta here for a while.
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I hope everyone will be tuning in... Perhaps, we can have some live discussion. Kind of like Mystery Science Theater... only with Patnet members and politics...
For those living under a rock, the debate begins tonight at 9:00 PM EST (6:00 for us west coasters).
So... Any pregame discussion? Are we taking odds on Hillary coughing/tripping/fainting...? Or Trump losing his temper and calling Hillary a "pig...?" Or perhaps bets on how many times he says the word "yuuuuge?"
Finally! Some drama!
