Trump's Trade Ignorance Gives PatNet Deplorables 30 Minute Debate Erection

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2016 Sep 27, 8:44pm   6,211 views  25 comments

by neplusultra57   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Not only did the #OrangeDouchebag think Clinton has been president for 30 years and could impose "policy" at will (in case you're an ignorant deplorable, guess what: she hasn't), he also thought he held up kinda, sorta OK at first even though, sorry, the ferret-wearing shitgibbon was just as full of shit as he always is.


Leave aside, for just a moment, that the #OrangeDouchebag thinks the Clintons on their own brewed up NAFTA like their own personal cup of Earl Grey and forced it down his party's throat. After quoting the #Douchebag verbatim Klein takes the viagra away from our dear deplorables:

"It’s a simple fact that none of this is true. Jobs aren’t fleeing the United States. August marked the 78th straight month in which the US economy added jobs — we’re in the single longest streak of private-sector job growth in American history. China isn’t devaluing their currency — in fact, they’re propping it up to stop investors from fleeing the country. The biggest plant in the world is being built by Tesla in Fremont, California, and the existing biggest plant in the world is a Boeing factory in Washington.

And these are just the narrow facts that Trump got wrong. He also seems confused about the basic structure of the US economy, and that’s led him to focus on the wrong issues entirely. “You would never know from Trump’s discourse that the vast majority of Americans work in jobs related to domestic service provision,” wrote Vox’s Matthew Yglesias, “they work in hospitals and restaurants and schools and stores working with nearby customers, not internationally traded manufacturing.”

If you believe the American economy is broken, you’re simply not going to fix it with trade deals. Trump’s promise to bring the jobs “back” is all the more hollow because he doesn’t seem to know where they are."

#IgnorantDouchebag #LyingDouchebag #OrangeDouchebag #DeplorableDouchebag

Comments 1 - 25 of 25        Search these comments

1   neplusultra57   2016 Sep 27, 8:48pm  

Confused, ignorant, dishonest, corrupt, stupid, fat, superficially informed, and all yours you poor deplorables. He's all yours.

2   marcus   2016 Sep 27, 8:48pm  

The biggest one being on TD, if you get my drift (not trying to say anything particular about her).

3   anonymous   2016 Sep 27, 8:50pm  

Oh the shit you low info'ers have to wade through to rationalize voting for #CrookedHillary


4   Ceffer   2016 Sep 27, 8:52pm  

The Trumpligula fanatics see nothing and forgive all! They are the perfect sheep for shearing, begging for their con man God to continue the soothing delusions right up to the slaughter hammer!

5   neplusultra57   2016 Sep 27, 8:54pm  

errc says

low info'ers

What high info do you have, bruh? That you're the only objective PatNetter? LOL Do you 'know" that Trump "knows more about trade than the economists do?" He says so. That's good enough for you, isn't it?

6   neplusultra57   2016 Sep 27, 8:55pm  

Ceffer says

The Trumpligula fanatics see nothing and forgive all! They are the perfect sheep for shearing, begging for their con man God to continue the soothing delusions right up to the slaughter hammer!

Even the fat ones? Say it ain't so!!

7   marcus   2016 Sep 27, 8:57pm  

errc says

Oh the shit you low info'ers have to wade through to rationalize voting for

Oh the obvious character and competence difference that you low intelligence low integrity dimbulbs can't perceive.

8   neplusultra57   2016 Sep 27, 8:59pm  

marcus says

The biggest one being on TD, if you get my drift (not trying to say anything particular about her).

She's a Republican and deluded as such; she's OK in my book. But she's got a dick. No shame in that.

9   marcus   2016 Sep 27, 9:02pm  

Trump wants to bring trillions of dollars back to AMerica. Why ? Because it will have nowhere to go other than pushing up the values of his fabulous assets ? He says were in a bubble, and he wants to lower taxes on the rich and repatriate trillions of dollars in to our economy. Wtf ?

Where will it go ? Why would it go to jobs ?

If you raise taxes on corporation it would actually lower the after tax cost of adding now employees, that is the effect that new employees would have on profits to shareholders.

The opposite is true when you lower taxes.

10   neplusultra57   2016 Sep 27, 9:12pm  

marcus says

Trump wants to bring trillions of dollars back to AMerica. Why ? Because it will have nowhere to go other than pushing up the values of his fabulous assets ? He says were in a bubble, and he wants to lower taxes on the rich and repatriate trillions of dollars in to our economy. Wtf ?

Where will it go ? Why would it go to jobs ?

If you raise taxes on corporation it would actually lower the after tax cost of adding now employees, that is the effect that new employees would have on profits to shareholders.

The opposite is true when you lower taxes.

Just as the deplorables, the #OrangeDouchebag doesn't have a plan. He, as they, only has complaint. Why lower taxes on the ultra rich when you plan to raise spending? He doesn't know and neither do they. Why leg-hump issuing sovereign debt if you taut defaulting on it? He doesn't know and neither do they. Why make starting a manufacturing trade war the cornerstone of a service economy? He doesn't know and neither do they. It's not an important set of questions for the ignorant. Yawn. Where's the MAGA porn? That's what they want. Fire up the MAGA porn and some birther jokes.

11   marcus   2016 Sep 27, 9:42pm  

neplusultra57 says

But she's got a dick. No shame in that.

That's not what I was trying to say.

12   epitaph   2016 Sep 27, 10:20pm  

What a partisan divide between candidates that debate like angsty 12 year olds.


Can we all just agree that this is the worst election ever?

13   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 27, 10:38pm  

So does this mean Hillary will pass TPP?

BTW, what is Hillary's opinion on Obama trying to pass TPP before his term ends?

14   Rew   2016 Sep 28, 12:40am  

Your retained comprehension from the debate is pretty bad. She will not support TPP (because she goes where the wind blows). With regards to Obama, she said different administrations have different agendas and beliefs, etc. etc.. That's essentially tact when you have disagreements within your party.

Here is one for you, roughly 60% of undecideds are female. How do you think Trump is doing right now with this demographic? (For Patneters that need to you can replace "female" with "survivalist animals looking to trap males and have zero sex drive of their own".)

15   anonymous   2016 Sep 28, 1:36am  

Here is one for you, roughly 60% of undecideds are female. How do you think Trump is doing right now with this demographic?


What are they waiting for?

What can Hillary do to convince them to vote for her now, when somehow her last year+ of campaigning hasn't yet convinced them?

16   Rew   2016 Sep 28, 1:43am  

errc says

What are they waiting for?

Still hoping Bernie rises from the ashes or too busy baking brownies. It's a toss up.

errc says

What can Hillary do to convince them to vote for her now ...

She doesn't have to do any convincing. Trump is driving them right into Clinton's arms.

17   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Sep 28, 4:04am  

neplusultra57 says

Why lower taxes on the ultra rich when you plan to raise spending? He doesn't know and neither do they.

The Republicans will go along, because it is their narrative. It's good for Trump, because more tax cuts for the rich mean more dollars they can spend on his luxury services.

18   FortWayne   2016 Sep 28, 6:06am  

neplusultra57 says

Why lower taxes on the ultra rich when you plan to raise spending?

Well I guess you know everything about economy. Based on your statements the only way for businesses to grow and innovate is for government to tax the shit out of them. Man liberals are clueless and naive as hell.

19   missing   2016 Sep 28, 6:58am  

Rew says

She will not support TPP (because she goes where the wind blows)

Goes where the wind blows until getting elected, then goes where her paymasters tell her to go.

20   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Sep 28, 7:05am  

I obviously prefer Hillary, but I think she chickened out in the primary by triangulating on trade, and not just making the case clearly from the beginning. She did start making the case that we have to trade with people in the debate by pointing out that we have only 5% of the population and exports went way up when she was SOS.

But I think that she needs to really drive home the point that Trump's trade bluster is pure fantasy. She needs to run through the list of his obvious hyperbolic brags, and then say that his mystery trade deals are built from the same brand of fantasy. She did this a little in regard to an Iran standoff when she said "But it's like his plan to defeat ISIS. He says it's a secret plan, but the only secret is that he has no plan." She has to do that with Trade as well.

21   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Aug 3, 3:45pm  

neplusultra57 says

If you believe the American economy is broken, you’re simply not going to fix it with trade deals. Trump’s promise to bring the jobs “back” is all the more hollow because he doesn’t seem to know where they are."

#IgnorantDouchebag #LyingDouchebag #OrangeDouchebag #DeplorableDouchebag

22   Rew   2018 Aug 3, 3:53pm  

giant corprate tax cut + trade wars making business stock up ahead of tariffs = 4%

Sustain it. A single quarter is a fart, not a trend.
23   mell   2018 Aug 3, 3:58pm  

Rew says
giant corprate tax cut + trade wars making business stock up ahead of tariffs = 4%

Sustain it. A single quarter is a fart, not a trend.

I'd say it's a heck lot better than what was before, but I agree on waiting for sustainability. Let's revive this next quarter.
24   MrMagic   2018 Aug 3, 4:02pm  

Rew says
giant corprate tax cut + trade wars making business stock up ahead of tariffs = 4%

Sustain it. A single quarter is a fart, not a trend.

Atlanta Fed raises U.S. third-quarter GDP growth view to 5 percent

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. economy is growing at a 5.0 percent annualized rate in the third quarter following the latest data on construction spending and manufacturing activity, the Atlanta Federal Reserve’s GDPNow forecast model showed on Wednesday.

That was faster than the 4.7 percent pace calculated by the regional Fed’s forecast program on Tuesday.

25   Shaman   2018 Aug 3, 4:05pm  

Rew says
giant corprate tax cut + trade wars making business stock up ahead of tariffs = 4%

Sustain it. A single quarter is a fart, not a trend.

You’re right, and Obama’s Presidency contained three such farts, but his average GDP was 1.5
So far Trump’s average is 2.6 and the economy appears to be accelerating!

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