RIP turtledove

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2016 Nov 15, 2:44pm   76,755 views  248 comments

by MMR   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

I just heard some extremely sad news that turtledove passed away recently, quite possibly over weekend. Had been in touch with her regarding a family issue and I got an email from her husband today indicating that she had passed away before I had a chance to reply . I am not privy to any other details.

Was very thoughtful of her husband to contact me, given his level of grief and work responsibilities in light of the bad news. She was a kind generous person who asked her husband to reach out to me on deathbed to meet up and discuss our case with us.

Personally, I'm in shock, as it seems to have happened this past Saturday or Sunday.

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155   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 17, 7:22pm  

MrWonderful says

An unwitnessed accidental death would be throughly investigated. The body would be held until they felt they had obtained all evidence that it might contain.

I didn't say that!

156   Mrs Wonderful   2016 Nov 17, 7:27pm  

If you hit the "quote" link in the post above or below the post with the highlighted text you get the wrong person in the "xxx says" field

Tenpoundbass says

I didn't say that

157   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 17, 7:29pm  

I know, I'm just stating for the sake of future people reading this thread.

158   sugarbean   2016 Nov 17, 7:43pm  

While it would be wonderful to find out that she is actually alive, she isn't. She was never the kind of person who shied away from a fight on any level. Even though it has been several days since her death there are a couple of plausible reasons for the delay in announced arrangements. First of all, her family lives quite a distance away in a few different states. That requires extra coordination. Second, as I mentioned before, most unwitnessed accidents require an investigation. Not necessarily because they are suspicious but to insure it was an accidental death. Please remember that her children can search the internet and find this thread. Please be respectful of them.

159   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 17, 7:46pm  


160   Patrick   2016 Nov 17, 7:50pm  

MrWonderful says

If you hit the "quote" link in the post above or below the post with the highlighted text you get the wrong person in the "xxx says" field

You're right, that's a real bug. Thanks for telling me!

161   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 17, 7:54pm  

turtledove says

31   turtledove   Nov 12, 12:30pm  â†‘ Like (1)   ↓ Dislike   Quote  

I'm not saying "hapless victim." These people are made of much tougher stuff than I am. You know that when THEY are driven to tears in public, it's baaaaad. To me, I guess it feels a little like heckling a guy on his way to the hangman's noose.

She was right, We all should have more compasion.

162   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Nov 17, 8:01pm  

Tenpoundbass says

turtledove says

31 turtledove Nov 12, 12:30pm ↑ Like (1) ↓ Dislike Quote

I'm not saying "hapless victim." These people are made of much tougher stuff than I am. You know that when THEY are driven to tears in public, it's baaaaad. To me, I guess it feels a little like heckling a guy on his way to the hangman's noose.

She was right, We all should have more compasion.

You notice I love trolling and I've barely peeped a word in this thread. Turtledove was a cool poster on this site and it wa difficult not to like her. Death or otherwise, I'm sad she's gone, and if she's out there and reads this, good for her. It's none of anyone's business why she does what she does.

163   Patrick   2016 Nov 17, 8:20pm  

anonymous says

Are you suggesting that Ellie Mae is not a woman ?

She is a woman. I'll write her to see if she's OK.

I do think women in general avoid unmoderated forums.

164   Strategist   2016 Nov 17, 8:22pm  

rando says

anonymous says

Are you suggesting that Ellie Mae is not a woman ?

She is a woman. I'll write her to see if she's OK.

I do think women in general avoid unmoderated forums.

Especially with all the 4 letter words that are so commonly used.

165   NDrLoR   2016 Nov 17, 9:54pm  

anonymous says

her medical problems

Chronic migraines can be incapacitating. I had some as a pre-teen, preceded by blindness and flashes of light, then intense pain on one side of my head, vomiting, for several hours--was prostrated until it was over. Fortunately they didn't follow me into adulthood. They could have been a symptom of something far worse perhaps in her case. The autopsy, as much as I hate the thought of one, will tell.

166   fdhfoiehfeoi   2016 Nov 18, 10:03am  

This thread is a perfect amalgam of Patnet. Heartfelt, irreverent, awkward, some conspiracy, and of course unabashed swearing. I hope TD is looking at this from heaven with a half-scolding, definitely smiling, expression, as Patnetter's unite to remember her.

167   527d   2016 Nov 18, 11:44am  

Hello, everyone. I'm Turtle Dove's stepmother and found this site searching for information. I will gladly let everyone know more information as we receive it. We are in contact with S-I-L and hope to have final arrangements in next couple of days. This is a very sad time for us and after reading all the comments here, we know that she had an amazing group of friends. Thank you for all your kind words. Yes, she was a beautiful woman and will sorely be missed. Please be patient, we will have more details soon. Cynthia

169   Indiana Jones   2016 Nov 20, 12:52am  

I will miss you Turtledove. Thank you for your wit, intelligence and courage in representing the women on Patnet. Sympathy for her family and their tremendous loss.

170   HEY YOU   2016 Nov 20, 8:43am  

Have we been giving Turtledove too much credit?
Anyone on patnet deserves no credit.
They deserve psychiatric care.

171   indigenous   2016 Nov 20, 9:26am  

Projecting are we?

172   HEY YOU   2016 Nov 20, 9:51am  

indigenous says

Projecting are we?

The truth is not always pleasant.

173   indigenous   2016 Nov 20, 10:01am  

Is that what they are calling it now days?

174   a97f   2016 Nov 21, 8:36am  

How did she passed away?? That is what we want to know someone please just tell us.

175   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Nov 21, 9:01am  

^She had migraines and was often up late many nights. She fell down the stairs. She was hospitalized, and then she died. That's what we've been told in this thread.
She could have had some undetected trauma (brain bleed or something) or some drug interaction that contributed, but we don't know. We don't really have any right to know any more than what we've been told. Those details are not really of any consequence to anyone here personally other than to satisfy curiosity, so we might as well be respectful, and leave it alone.

TD was one of my favorite regular posters, and it seems that many others shared that opinion.

176   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 21, 9:12am  

YesYNot says

TD was one of my favorite regular posters, and it seems that many others shared that opinion.

I know I was busted up pretty good upon hearing of this tragedy.

177   Blurtman   2016 Nov 21, 9:28am  

The funeral service details have been posted in post 180. Are any of the local PatNetters going to pay their respects in person?

178   Eman   2016 Nov 21, 9:33am  

I've been sad reading this thread. We love you turtledove. You will be missed courageous lady.


179   Patrick   2016 Nov 21, 9:44am  

I'm still stunned by the whole thing. I just met her in person for the first (and last) time in July in SF. Met her kids too. She was great in person, just like online. It's surreal.

180   zzyzzx   2016 Nov 21, 10:44am  

YesYNot says

We don't really have any right to know any more than what we've been told.

We already know way more than we would be told in most cases, and we need to be grateful for that. There is already a chance that we have already lost at least one other person, but never noticed except they stopped posting and nobody mentioned it. At least we got some closure here.

181   NDrLoR   2016 Nov 21, 11:39am  

zzyzzx is deplorable says

There is already a chance that we have already lost at least one other person,

Rin? Wouldn't surprise me, though, considering the company he hung out with.

182   Rin   2016 Nov 21, 11:42am  

P N Dr Lo R says

Rin? Wouldn't surprise me, though, considering the company he hung out with.

What horseshit! There have been numerous folks, before me, who'd f.ucked hoes! And P N Dr Lo R isn't actually original. Even Emmanuel Swedenborg kept telling ppl that he'd spoken to god everyday, as a way of feeling better than those who'd simply f.ucked hoes!

183   Rin   2016 Nov 21, 11:44am  

Rin says

Emmanuel Swedenborg

And now, this enlightened dufus will tell us that Swedenborg was a heretic! So typical of a born again loser!

184   Y   2016 Nov 21, 12:48pm  

Hoes fuck a lot of people.
People who fuck hoes fuck a lot of people.
AIDS is passed by promiscuous people
Being 'careful' is not bulletproof.
But hey, don't let the facts get in the way of your self-inflicted death virus...

Rin says

P N Dr Lo R says

Rin? Wouldn't surprise me, though, considering the company he hung out with.

What horseshit!

185   popsicle10   2016 Nov 21, 1:23pm  

Jez, there are some seriously fucked up people here, commenting on an RIP and they turn it into nasty shit all about abusing each other

186   elliemae   2016 Nov 21, 10:54pm  

Patrick says

anonymous says

"Are you suggesting that Ellie Mae is not a woman ?

She is a woman. I'll write her to see if she's OK.

I do think women in general avoid unmoderated forums.

Especially with all the 4 letter words that are so commonly used."

I'm here, am all woman, can hold my own and can swear like a mutherfucker. It is very sad to hear about Turtledove, and (of course) sadder still to read all of the bullshit comments made about the possible causes of her death and to make even a little light of it.. It's a difficult time when a family suffers a loss, and it's a double whammy when someone who was as loyal to Patnet as she is vilified by some of the assholes here. "spousal abuse" - WTF???? "i'm not saying she's alive, but there's some details that don't really feel 100% authentic..." Again - WTF????

I took a vacation from ya'll. I miss some of you, many not-so-much.

Turtledove was well written, spoke her mind and had much more patience than many of you give her credit for. She had a husband, a family, a life IRL. Show some respect, if you can pull it out your ass.

187   anonymous   2016 Nov 21, 11:08pm  

elliemae says

"i'm not saying she's alive, but there's some details that don't really feel 100% authentic..." Again - WTF????

i stand by that - a fall down stairs is the most random fucking thing ever to kill a middle aged adult. and for a shocked husband to take any time whatsoever to email a random fucking loosely connected internet dude is fucking WEIRD.

188   MMR   2016 Nov 21, 11:26pm  

landtof says

elliemae says

"i'm not saying she's alive, but there's some details that don't really feel 100% authentic..." Again - WTF????

i stand by that - a fall down stairs is the most random fucking thing ever to kill a middle aged adult. and for a shocked husband to take any time whatsoever to email a random fucking loosely connected internet dude is fucking WEIRD.

1. Turtle dove was an online friend
2. I was discussing a real life family issue with her that her husband is eminently qualified to address.

I would say that I was slightly surprised to hear from him, but mostly appreciative. Maybe he just has patients to treat/procedures to do and has to hold it together for the sake of his family at home and work.

If the investigation brings up any signs of foul play, I'm sure it will make the news.

189   Tenpoundbass   2016 Nov 22, 5:17am  

elliemae says

I'm here

Glad to hear?

190   elliemae   2016 Nov 22, 7:37pm  

Turtledove obviously cared about the imaginary friends here at Patnet. One might argue that her husband honored her by letting us know.

I'm actually kicking around driving 500 miles to attend the service. Not sure I can take time off work, I guess I'll let ya'll know.

191   Patrick   2016 Nov 29, 7:02pm  

@elliemae did you go?

If not, any idea if we can get the death certificate? I still don't quite believe it. Turtledove was quite healthy and happy from what I could tell in July.

192   527d   2016 Dec 1, 9:01am  

The memorial celebration is scheduled for December 9, 2016 at 3:30 pm at the Lesneski Mortuary, 640 South Camino Real, San Clemente, CA for anyone inquiring the status. If anything changes, I'll leave a message here. Cynthia

193   elliemae   2016 Dec 1, 12:14pm  

No - I didn't go. I might be able to make it to the memorial. Will keep you posted.

194   justme   2016 Dec 1, 4:03pm  

Something funny happened today. I was driving at lunchtime and flipped on AM960 (Bloomberg Radio) at 12:51 and they were just starting to talk about turtledoves (the bird), and how they were in short supply compared to partridges (something to do with Christmas, I suppose).

From wikipedia:

Perhaps because of Biblical references (especially the well-known verse from the Song of Songs), its mournful voice, and the fact that it forms strong pair bonds, European turtle doves have become emblems of devoted love. In the New Testament, two turtle doves are mentioned as the customary offering during the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple.[15] In Renaissance Europe, the European turtle dove was envisaged as the devoted partner of the Phoenix. Robert Chester's poem Love's Martyr is a sustained exploration of this symbolism. It was published along with other poems on the subject, including William Shakespeare's poem "The Phoenix and the Turtle" (where "turtle" refers to the turtle dove).

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