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I agree. That's generally true. Accusations of "racism" (along with misogyny and homophobia and Islamophobia) have become a way for the left, especially the press, to control all public dialogue and to defeat politicians they don't like. Truth and subtleties are irrelevant. It's all about getting more power for the left.
Trump's election is partly a response to this ongoing decades-long witch hunt.
It's especially delicious that their usual shrill screaming and pointing failed so publicly this time. They've been pissing their pants ever since the election because they see their power slipping away now that their one trick has been discredited.
While we are BOYCOTTING ALL REPUBLICANS, we will make a special effort to BOYCOTT FOX.
BOYCOTTERS don't care what Republicans think or say. Racist or not,they will be BOYCOTTED.
Let's see how their ideology & perverted value system protects them.
Gotta love Ann Coulter calling out this reporter for the Trump called Mexicans rapist lie:
RULE 5: Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counter attack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.
Just wait until the 3,000 simultaneous Law suits hits the ACLU, 2017 is the year Satan's lawyers get sent to the poor house.
Certain parties are already raising money for just such an occasion.
Good video above, thank you for posting...
America has had enough. The power the left has exhibited with the false racist, homophobe, misogenist label has hit its dead end...
All "white" Americans are racist in some ways or to some degree, in my opinion.
If you're racist enough that you could vote for Trump in good conscience, then of course your going to tell yourself this kind of thing on a daily basis.
I agree. That's generally true. Accusations of "racism" (along with misogyny and homophobia and Islamophobia) have become a way for the left especially the press, to control all public dialogue and to defeat politicians they don't like. Truth and subtleties are irrelevant. It's all about getting more power for the left.
How could you live with yourself otherwise ?
You must mean none of the minority of Americans that voted for Trump ? And none of the extreme minority of above average intelligence Americans that voted for Trump.
And that's why nobody respects your opinion, Marcus.
@marcus go ahead and put me back on ignore like you've done three times before. I won't stop being opposed to your idiocy.
Patrick undid all ignores a while back, otherwise you would still be on ignore.
Merry Christmas dimbulb.
You must mean none of the minority of Americans that voted for Trump ?
The illegal aliens that voted for Clinton don't count. Therefore it's unlikely that Clinton actually got a majority.
The illegal aliens that voted for Clinton don't count. Therefore it's unlikely that Clinton actually got a majority.
You know that believing this rubbish becasue Trump tweets it, qualifies you as truly cognitively disabled, right ? Please share evidence other than assertions from morons (like yourself) on Brietbart.
A fact is a fact. You're going to have to live with it.
OF course if believing something was true becasue you wish it to be true wasn't your pattern, you might have seen through Trump in the first place.
I'll give you this, at least you are aware enough not to challenge this:
extreme minority of above average intelligence Americans that voted for Trump
Meanwhile, I'm hoping that after pulling the con of all time over a lot of American rubes, morons, racists, and yes also some republicans and Hillary haters that couldn't control themselves (and were machiavellian enough to tolerate Trumps narrative), that he can do some small fraction of what he said he would, and that he doesn't totally destroy the country in the process.
Although, you're covered in that last case too right ? Because it would be ruined for the liberals too. Winning !!
Please share evidence other than assertions from morons (like yourself) on Brietbart.
Video: Obama 'encourages illegals to vote
Democrats Benefit From Illegal Alien Voting
New bill could give illegal aliens voting rights in New York City
Good video above, thank you for posting...
It is, but that first chick that was speaking. She has this new Millennial whinny dialog. I sure hope they grow out of it,before they grow into being world leaders.
You literally could have swapped out the Election dialog she was saying, and replaced it with verbiage one would say when commiserating about breaking up with their boyfriend. And it's the same tone and frequency.
Or like a 12 year old brat, whining how it isn't fair that he didn't get a new iPhone for Christmas. Uhg!!! stop it already. You're an adult.
Why can't she just chill and eloquently state her position. Without it turning into a speed whining vocal fry rant.
16 zzyzzx 9:33am today ↑ You like this (1) ↓ Dislike Quote
You know they saw that, they just chose to ignore it because it didn't come from Huffington... er uh, um...
Please share evidence other than assertions from morons (like yourself) on Brietbart.
Video: Obama 'encourages illegals to vote
Democrats Benefit From Illegal Alien Voting
Okay the first link doesn't work, but we both know that Obama didn't encourage illegal immigrants to vote. You're either cognitively challenged as I said, or you simply like lies that make a case you would like to believe.
As for the second one ? I asked for evidence. I didn't ask you to make my case for me. In the first sentence of this moronic blog post, the guy says democrats are "opposed to proof" whatever that means. Then he proceeds to waive his arms and talk about how of course they would lie to vote if they are willing to lie to get a job (where the employers are looking the other way).
What the fuck ? Seriously, if I had asked you to prove for me how correct I am about the people making these claims having zero evidence, you could not have found a better example. Of course it is at huffington. Maybe they are sort of like FOx, they only allow idiots to make the case for the other side.
Did you read it ?
"There is a huge problem with voter fraud. And, in my opinion, it is proven by the vehemence of the Democrats, the beneficiaries of the fraud, toward enforcement of our laws. "
Democrats are opposed to voter ID laws becasue they are an obvious attempt to make voting less convenient for poor people. Not becasue they are trying to make it possible for illegals to vote.
Democrats are opposed to voter ID laws becasue they are an obvious attempt to make voting less convenient for poor people. Not becasue they are trying to make it possible for illegals to vote.
Don't poor people have id's?
The first link did work for me now. Yeah, that's pretty weird. He's telling the truth I guess, that there would not be repercussions, if they have an address and are registered and so on. Although he's saying that if you're voting, you're a citizen. But if he heard her question right, he should have emphasized that you need be a citizen to vote. Instead, he seemed to be implicitly agreeing in a sense that if you're undocumented, you still might be considered a citizen.
Not as bad as the dozens of Bush gaffs we've heard, but still a pretty bad gaff.
I don't believe that many would vote, becasue of the fears she mentioned. Why risk it. Certainly after Trump repeats the amnesty that Reagan did, they can then vote.
I think his plan is to continue Obama's work of getting the criminals out, and then do amnesty again.
Don't poor people have id's?
I don't carry any IDs around with me other than my drivers licence and a credit it and debit card (if those count). A lot of poor people don't drive.
Obama telling non-citizens they can vote.
He says if you're voting you're a citizen.
But read what I said above in # 22
Democrats are opposed to voter ID laws becasue they are an obvious attempt to make voting less convenient for poor people.
Democrats are opposed to voter ID laws becasue they are an obvious attempt to make voting less convenient for illegal aliens.
Everybody knows this, even you.
Voter Fraud Deniers Ignore the Facts
I get that in some worlds, being possible means it's true.
I will acknowledge that when politifact says a claim is false, they sometimes only mean that there isn't sufficient evidence that it's true. Probably too much analysis for you. You know what you want to believe, and you're sticking to it, without any evidence.
I could say that there is no real world, and this is all just a simulation by some advanced entity (or entities). You can't prove that's false, but that doesn't make it true. And yet it could be true. So it's going to be considered a false assertion, in spite of the fact that it could be true.
All "white" Americans are racist in some ways or to some degree, in my opinion.
I actually think blacks are more racist than whites in America overall.
The majority of hate crime in America is blacks attacking whites out of racial hatred, not the other way around.
I actually think blacks are more racist than whites in America overall.
Of course. But they are the minority and historically oppressed and disenfranchised group. It's easy to be less concerned with race if you are white. IT goes something like this.
"I don't and never did own slaves, nor have I ever done anything to harm or take opportunities away from Blacks. In fact I have sometimes voted for politicians that backed affirmative action and countless other programs that benefit those less fortunate than myself without regard to race. "
But Patrick, you're nearly obsessed with how races really are different and blacks commit more violent crimes than other groups and on and on. This is a stubborn issue for you. In my view, you're one of the most racist white men I have interacted with in recent decades. I say that having had close friends and loved ones that are very racist, so I don't mean offense. Just sharing the observation.
After hearing your obsession with black crime, and your beliefs about the problems of political correctness, and you're obsession that knowing a terrorist is an Islamist is not enough, if people don't loudly condemn Islam as a whole explicitly, it doesn't surprise me at all that you would back Trump and totally overlook all of the terrifying aspects of him being President.
All "white" Americans are racist in some ways or to some degree, in my opinion.
If you're racist enough that you could vote for Trump in good conscience, then of course your going to tell yourself this kind of thing on a daily basis
It's this kind of sad false belief system that stands in the way of reaching equality.
"All 'white' Americans are racist in some ways or to some degree..." It's just not true.
"All 'white' Americans are racist in some ways or to some degree..." It's just not true.
Depends entirely on how you define racist. It is actually very obviously true. IT doesn't mean that I don't usually consider myself not racist.
This is a random recent artical explaining it, but you can find countless.
Implicit bias against Black Americans can cause small behaviors, like clutching one’s purse when a particular type of young man walks by, like imagining oneself in danger just because of the color of the folks around, like assuming that some kids are just going to be worse students or better athletes, or… well, we all get the picture. Most Americans have exhibited many of these behaviors, not on purpose, but because of the society we live in and the limitations of what (and who) we are exposed to. USA society was massively structurally unequal and discriminatory in the past and continues to perpetuate those patterns in the present. It’s no surprise Americans are all a little bit racist.
Even though such biases might be small and unconscious they can have really significant effects when held by one who has direct influence in the outcomes of others’ lives. Think about the impact of such biases and their associated behavior in a police officer, a bank loan manager, a teacher, a job interviewer, or a politician. Racism matters and small biases, when combined with fear and ignorance, can be lethal. The horrific events of Minneapolis, Baton Rouge and Dallas in June and July 2016 alone make that abundantly clear.
But biases and our current state of fear, ignorance, and anger need not be a reality set in stone. Societies, people, and attitudes can and do change. The USA has brought about major changes in civil and social rights over the past 50 years and we can strive for even greater changes over the next 50 – but not until we recognize our biases and the unequal experiences that cause these biases. Inaction and ignorance guarantee that racist biases, and racism, will persevere.
Rather, the larger problem is a broad swath of people who consider themselves enlightened, who intellectually believe in racial equality, who deplore discrimination, yet who harbor unconscious attitudes that result in discriminatory policies and behavior.
Scholars have found that blacks and Hispanics treated by doctors for a broken leg received pain medication significantly less often than white patients with the same injury. School administrators suspend black students at more than three times the rate of white students. Police arrest blacks at 3.7 times the rate of whites for marijuana possession, even though surveys find that both use marijuana at roughly similar rates.
Two scholars sent out nearly 5,000 résumés in response to help-wanted ads, randomly alternating between stereotypically white-sounding names and black-sounding names. They found that it took 50 percent more mailings to get a callback for a black name. A white name yielded as much benefit as eight years of experience, according to the study, published by the National Bureau of Economic Research.
These doctors, principals, prosecutors and recruiters probably believe in equality and are unaware that they are discriminating. So any national conversation about race must be a vivisection of challenges far broader and deeper than we might like to think.
Joshua Correll of the University of Colorado at Boulder has used an online shooter video game to try to measure these unconscious attitudes (you can play the game yourself). The player takes on the role of a police officer who is confronted with a series of images of white or black men variously holding guns or innocent objects such as wallets or cellphones. The aim is to shoot anyone with a gun while holstering your weapon in other cases.
(continued in next))
Ordinary players (often university undergraduates) routinely shoot more quickly at black men than at white men, and are more likely to mistakenly shoot an unarmed black man than an unarmed white man.
I’m typical. The first time I took the test, years ago, I shot armed blacks in an average of 0.679 seconds while waiting slightly longer — 0.694 seconds — to shoot armed whites. I also holstered more quickly when confronted with unarmed whites than with unarmed blacks.
In effect, we have a more impulsive trigger finger when confronted by black men and are more cautious with whites. This is true of black players as well, apparently because they absorb the same cultural values as everyone else: Correll has found no statistically significant difference between the play of blacks and that of whites in the shooting game.
“There’s a whole culture that promotes this idea of aggressive young black men,†Correll notes. “In our minds, young black men are associated with danger.â€
Further evidence for these unconscious attitudes toward race come from implicit association tests, a window into how our unconscious minds work. You can take them online at
Don't you know anyone who is married inter racially? I've met and made friends with multiple couples of black and white, white and Asian, and white and Latino.
If every white person is so goddam racist, how did these millions of white people elect to spend their ENTIRE FUCKING LIVES WITH A PERSON OF A DIFFERENT RACE?
We had two Thanksgivings this year. The first was with a white and Asian family, the second was with a white and Latino family. But we didn't plan this because of some sort of white guilt or whatever. We spent the holiday with these friends because they're good people and we enjoy the company.
Fuck you, Marcus, and I mean that with all the cheer of the season.
Actually imbecile, it goes like this...
My grandparents immigrated here.
They took no part whatsoever in racism against anyone, and in fact suffered from discrimination themselves.
But they worked hard, taught their children and grandchildren to work harder than everyone else and get educated.
Exactly what responsible BLACK people tell their kids and grandkids.
If every white person is so goddam racist, how did these millions of white people elect to spend their ENTIRE FUCKING LIVES WITH A PERSON OF A DIFFERENT RACE?
What, you think racism means hating all members of all other races without exception ? I honestly didn't know that there were people out there this stupid.
We get it quigley, you can't get over yourself becasue you married an Asian woman. Congratulations ! (in truth - big fucking deal)
Actually imbecile, it goes like this...
My grandparents immigrated here.
They took no part whatsoever in racism against anyone, and in fact suffered from discrimination themselves.
But they worked hard, taught their children and grandchildren to work harder than everyone else and get educated.
Exactly what responsible BLACK people tell their kids and grandkids.
Okay. So ?
Same could be said for my Irish great grandparents. Although I can't make the claim they weren't racist in any way. It's natural to try to find someone to look down upon. Even if it's just 'teh libruls."
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