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Gary, did he ask the right person? ;)
You didn't read the article. Your statement is proof. You will Rew the day that you failed to read the article. :)
Here is a hint, he should ask me or he will be in for grief at the hands of the Fed.
It's hard to decide if I want a strong or weak fiat currency.
Of course, however, there are more problems with a strong dollar than a weak one even though it would be helpful to the consumer.
Wish Clinton would have asked if NAFTA was going to create the US Jobs that he promised.
This way, Trump would not have to worry about the multiple arbitrage in the currency value.
Wish Clinton would have asked if NAFTA was going to create the US Jobs that he promised.
Clinton was duped by the same financial people who duped him to repeal Glass-Steagall. Now, we have collateral vulnerability up the ass. And those same financial people are advising Trump!
While I am no fan of Trump, he is thinking correctly about the dollar, asking the right question. Here is the problem with easy money, the Fed simply does not allow it to build middle class wealth. But other central banks are more willing to accommodate their middle classes. The Fed needs to change.
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