What are the root causes of Islamic terrorism? Discuss.

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2017 Mar 20, 5:38pm   76,374 views  461 comments

by PeopleUnited   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

#human behavior

Sensible people are discouraged from thinking about the root causes of Islamic terrorism by mainstream media and academia. (AKA SJW's)


Osama Bin Laden was a well to do man from a well to do family who was radicalized.


Former Islamic Radical shares his solutions.


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161   Dan8267   2017 Apr 9, 9:53pm  

PeopleUnited says

So to recap, some child molester way back in history borrows from the Old Testament and New Testament and invents a new false God he calls Allah, and since you cite an article on the internet that this happened, that means Allah and Elohim are the same thing? Brilliant.

As oppose to the other people who invented the false gods of Yahweh and Jesus?

The bottom line is that the deity is the same. The only case you can make that the two characters are different is if they are fictional. If your god were real, that would mean the Muslims worship him as well. The best case you or they could make against the other is that you are misinterpreting that god's wishes. But if there were an actual being behind the god, then both Christianity and Islam would be referring to that same being.

Once again, you don't get to rewrite history. Muslims are worshiping the same god as you. Clearly your false god doesn't mind or he would make his real wishes abundantly clear.

162   Dan8267   2017 Apr 9, 9:53pm  

PeopleUnited says

some child molester

Jesus supported slavery. It's in the New Testament. Slavery in the ancient world, just like in American history, included sex slavery of children. Pot meet kettle.

163   PeopleUnited   2017 Apr 9, 9:55pm  

Dan8267 says

PeopleUnited says

You and Dan and the other haters can quit talking about God and I will too.

Are you incapable of making straw man arguments? I don't hate your fictitious god. It's impossible to hate a character that doesn't exist. Your straw man is ridiculous. It's like saying I hate Darth Vader or Lord Voldemort.

I didn't bring up any other religion than Islam. You did. I simply responded to your false accusations regarding the one true God of Christianity and His followers. We can stop talking about Him anytime you decide to quit talking about Him and His followers.

164   PeopleUnited   2017 Apr 9, 9:58pm  

Dan8267 says

PeopleUnited says

some child molester

Jesus supported slavery. It's in the New Testament. Slavery in the ancient world, just like in American history, included sex slavery of children. Pot meet kettle.

Red herring. Are you accusing Jesus of being a child molester? Seriously, that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Are you done talking about God (and making shit up about God yet)?

165   Y   2017 Apr 9, 10:00pm  

If you changed your name back to Vaticanus your arguments would carry more weight.
Images of luxurious palaces and gold chinaware come to mind.
PeopleUnited sounds like a british soccer team...

PeopleUnited says says

You and

166   PeopleUnited   2017 Apr 9, 10:03pm  

Dan8267 says

Once again, you don't get to rewrite history. Muslims are worshiping the same god as you. Clearly your false god doesn't mind or he would make his real wishes abundantly clear.

Neither do you get to rewrite history. The Bible is what God says about Himself. Anything else that anyone else says about Him is subject to verification. Including what you and I say. But just because some idiot wrote another book whether it be the Book of Mormon or any other religious book claiming to be about God or Jesus, doesn't mean jack shit regarding Jesus Himself. Let Jesus speak for Himself, and you can find his words in the Bible.

167   PeopleUnited   2017 Apr 9, 10:05pm  

BlueSardine says

If you changed your name back to Vaticanus your arguments would carry more weight.

Images of luxurious palaces and gold chinaware come to mind.

PeopleUnited sounds like a british soccer team...

PeopleUnited says says

You and

Vaticanus was kind of a joke name. But I agree it does sound pretty badass.

168   Dan8267   2017 Apr 9, 10:07pm  

PeopleUnited says

We can stop talking about Him anytime you decide to quit talking about Him and His followers.

I am not going to be silent in the face of evil. Christian brainwash children every day. It's the worst and most prevalence form of child abuse in our society. How about you Christians leave children alone. If you cannot convince a rational adult of your false religion, you should not be allowed to brainwash children.

169   PeopleUnited   2017 Apr 9, 10:12pm  

If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.

170   Dan8267   2017 Apr 9, 10:19pm  

PeopleUnited says

If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea

Yeah, that says all we need to know about Christianity being "harmless".

@Patrick, still think there's no major downsides to tolerating Christianity or that Christians could not be radicalized? How different, fundamentally, does PeopleUnited sound from a Muslim?

171   PeopleUnited   2017 Apr 9, 10:24pm  

Dan8267 says

PeopleUnited says

If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea

Yeah, that says all we need to know about Christianity being "harmless".

@Patrick, still think there's no major downsides to tolerating Christianity or that Christians could not be radicalized? How different, fundamentally, does PeopleUnited sound from a Muslim?

I didn't say it genius, Jesus did. And it is a warning and promise from God. I suggest you heed it. God follows through with His promises.

"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell"

172   Dan8267   2017 Apr 9, 11:14pm  

PeopleUnited says

And it is a warning and promise from God. I suggest you heed it.

Spoken like a true Muslim, er, Christian. Same diff.

173   PeopleUnited   2017 Apr 9, 11:28pm  

Dan8267 says

PeopleUnited says

And it is a warning and promise from God. I suggest you heed it.

Spoken like a true Muslim, er, Christian. Same diff.

Nope the difference is that a Muslim will kill you for insulting his prophet, I will just gently remind you that my God keeps His promises.

174   Dan8267   2017 Apr 10, 12:10am  

The difference is a mere century of devolution. Left uncheck, you'd Christians would rival Muslims in cruelty just like you did for 80% of your history.

175   PeopleUnited   2017 Apr 10, 6:29am  

Dan8267 says

The difference is a mere century of devolution. Left uncheck, you'd Christians would rival Muslims in cruelty just like you did for 80% of your history.

More making shit up. Moreover, since Christianity predates Islam, your devolution claim doesn't even make sense. Clearly no intelligence here. You must be a bot.

176   Dan8267   2017 Apr 10, 7:48am  

PeopleUnited says

More making shit up. Moreover, since Christianity predates Islam, your devolution claim doesn't even make sense. Clearly no intelligence here. You must be a bot.

It is a historical fact that Christianity became oppressive and violent after the Romans legalized it. Your statement is empirically false.

177   PeopleUnited   2017 Apr 10, 8:12am  

Dan8267 says

PeopleUnited says

More making shit up. Moreover, since Christianity predates Islam, your devolution claim doesn't even make sense. Clearly no intelligence here. You must be a bot.

It is a historical fact that Christianity became oppressive and violent after the Romans legalized it. Your statement is empirically false.

The RCC is Christian in name only. The RCC was torturing Christians for centuries. http://amazingdiscoveries.org/R-Reformation_Rome_crusade_slaughter

Just because someone claims to be a Christian, doesn't make them a Christian. There may be some people in the RCC that are Christians, but their leaders never were.

Martin Luther discovered this with the help of God and many others have as well.

178   Dan8267   2017 Apr 10, 8:32am  

PeopleUnited says

Just because someone claims to be a Christian, doesn't make them a Christian.

What makes a person a Christian is the belief in the divinity and resurrection of Christ. Many such people have committed genocide, rape, torture, and infanticide over the past 2000 years. The Roman Catholic Church is certainly Christian. Again, you don't get to rewrite history.

179   FortWayne   2017 Apr 10, 8:57am  

Dan, your hatred for Christianity blinds you. You are a blind man.

180   Dan8267   2017 Apr 10, 9:06am  

FortWayne says

Dan, your hatred for Christianity blinds you.

I hate evil. Christianity is simply a specific example of evil. Any good person would have Christianity for the exact same reasons he hates Nazism. Both movements have committed genocide, rape, torture, infanticide, and brainwashing.

I have backed up all my claims with historic evidence. You have nothing more than a baseless assertion.

181   bob2356   2017 Apr 10, 9:31am  

Dan8267 says

It is a historical fact that Christianity became oppressive and violent after the Romans legalized it. Your statement is empirically false.

Actually the biggest reason Constantine recognized (which means christians got state support like the pagan religions, it was very profitable to be a state recognized religion in those days) Christianity is he thought it would stop the brutal fighting between the various christen factions which was actually destabilizing his empire. Didn't work out. Christianity started out violent and oppressive well before Constantine. .

182   dublin hillz   2017 Apr 10, 9:57am  

The root cause of any extremism is the "success" that laundry room operators have in brainwashing the young. The communist knew it and islamists know it. The way to stop it is to prevent certain imams from speaking.....by any means necessary.

183   socal2   2017 Apr 10, 10:37am  

Never fails.

After every Islamic inspired terrorist attack, the usual monkeys are criticizing Christianity.

ISIS loves the free PR.

All those Christians murdered in Egypt yesterday for having the temerity to peacefully celebrate Palm Sunday - not so much.

184   Dan8267   2017 Apr 10, 11:30am  

bob2356 says

Christianity started out violent and oppressive well before Constantine. .

But it got worse thus demonstrating that Christianity can become more radicalized with time.

185   socal2   2017 Apr 10, 11:40am  

Dan8267 says

Well, I am. There is plenty in the history of Christianity that merits criticism.

In history - sure.

If you think you are making some sort of cogent point to comparing human activity from 2,000 years ago to contemporary Islam, I am failing to see it.

I'm sure you would take issue with me criticizing atheists for the hundreds of millions killed 50 short years ago under the banner of Communism where post-religious fanatical "enlightened Man" had no moral constraints trying to create heaven on earth.

186   Dan8267   2017 Apr 10, 11:50am  

socal2 says

In history - sure.

History matters. The present is an arbitrary point in time, and history repeats itself. Just because you live in a time where Christianity is contained does not mean that will be the case in the future. The price of freedom and safety is eternal vigilance.

socal2 says

I'm sure you would take issue with me criticizing atheists for the hundreds of millions killed 50 short years ago

Yes, because atheism had no more to do with that than mustaches and you know that because we've gone over that a hundred times.

In contrast, the Spanish Inquisition and Crusades are intrinsic to Christianity.

Now if you want to argue that the mass murder by Stalin and Mao were examples of authoritarianism being evil, go right ahead.

187   socal2   2017 Apr 10, 11:52am  

Dan - where is your picture of the skateboarder punk getting a BJ by the Jesus statue?

Surely that ranks up there with the 50 Coptic Christians killed by Islamists yesterday in Egypt. Let alone the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the tens of thousands of Christians in the Middle East over the last few years or the massive persecution Christians face in China.

Christianity is literally the most persecuted ideological group in the world today - and Florida Dan is on the case taking a big giant dump on them.

Bravo Dan! So edgy and brave!

188   socal2   2017 Apr 10, 11:58am  

Dan8267 says

Yes, because atheism had no more to do with that than mustaches and you know that because we've gone over that a hundred times.

Atheism is a central tenet of Communism practiced in the Soviet Union and China. There is no white-washing away the fanatical zealotry atheism had in the spread of Communism and all that human suffering.

189   Dan8267   2017 Apr 10, 12:01pm  

socal2 says

Surely that ranks up there with the 50 Coptic Christians killed by Islamists yesterday in Egypt.

It doesn't, and that's a straw man argument. Rape isn't as bad as murder, but why would one make rape legal? There's not connection.

The arrest and prosecution of the boy for blasphemy -- and that's what they were really prosecuting no matter what they call it -- is utterly unacceptable. And allowing Christianity in our society does not in any way help defeat Islam. In fact, tolerance for Christianity helps Islam by letting an irrational playing field exist.

190   Dan8267   2017 Apr 10, 12:02pm  

socal2 says

Christianity is literally the most persecuted ideological group in the world today

Well, that's just bullshit. But the disregard for the truth is yet another reason that no religion, including Christianity, should be tolerated.

191   socal2   2017 Apr 10, 12:11pm  

Dan8267 says

The arrest and prosecution of the boy for blasphemy

Can you send a link to this arrest? Was he really arrested for "blasphemy" or was he arrested for trespassing?

192   socal2   2017 Apr 10, 12:14pm  

Dan8267 says

Well, that's just bullshit. But the disregard for the truth is yet another reason that no religion, including Christianity, should be tolerated.

You really dispute that Christianity is the most persecuted ideological group on the planet today?

Name another ethnicity or ideological group that has faced more persecution in the last 20 years in terms of being driving from their homes, forced to convert, or jailed by thousands like they are in China simply because of their religious identification.

193   socal2   2017 Apr 10, 1:57pm  

Dan8267 says

Trespassing was code for blasphemy. One can walk onto church's lot. He was arrested solely because he posted a blasphemous picture on Facebook. Had he taken a picture of himself standing next to the statue, he would not have been arrested, plain and simple. So yes, this was prosecution of a religious crime.

If I did the same thing on PRIVATE PROPERTY to a statue of MLK, Rosa Parks or Harvey Milk - I would be arrested for trespassing and probably charged with a "hate crime" to boot.

All and all, your skate boarding martyr is pretty weak sauce to support your paranoia that America is at risk of becoming like the Taliban.

194   Dan8267   2017 Apr 10, 4:04pm  

socal2 says

If I did the same thing on PRIVATE PROPERTY to a statue of MLK, Rosa Parks or Harvey Milk - I would be arrested for trespassing and probably charged with a "hate crime" to boot.

Bullshit. If this guy took a picture of himself just standing next to the statue, he would not have been arrested and the church would not have pressed charges. He was arrested for blasphemy, plain and simple. To say otherwise is a lie. The fact that people can and do visit church grounds without explicit permission is proof positive that it is not trespassing. Furthermore, selecting enforcing one law to in effect enforce an illegal act that cannot be made into law is still enforcing an illegal act.

195   PeopleUnited   2017 Apr 10, 4:20pm  

Dan8267 says

PeopleUnited says

Just because someone claims to be a Christian, doesn't make them a Christian.

What makes a person a Christian is the belief in the divinity and resurrection of Christ. Many such people have committed genocide, rape, torture, and infanticide over the past 2000 years. The Roman Catholic Church is certainly Christian. Again, you don't get to rewrite history.

Actually it is you who are now speaking for God and trying to tell everyone who is a real Christian. Only God knows who the real Christians are.

196   Dan8267   2017 Apr 10, 5:05pm  

PeopleUnited says

Actually it is you who are now speaking for God and trying to tell everyone who is a real Christian. Only God knows who the real Christians are.

Sorry, you don't get to define Christian. A Christian is, by definition, one who believes in the divinity and resurrection of Christ. Plain and simple. If such people do bad things then Christianity is a bad thing.

198   Booger   2017 Apr 10, 5:47pm  

Strategist says

Why would we even target innocent people? There is no benefit.

There are no innocent people in war.

199   PeopleUnited   2017 Apr 10, 5:51pm  

Dan8267 says

PeopleUnited says

Actually it is you who are now speaking for God and trying to tell everyone who is a real Christian. Only God knows who the real Christians are.

Sorry, you don't get to define Christian. A Christian is, by definition, one who believes in the divinity and resurrection of Christ. Plain and simple. If such people do bad things then Christianity is a bad thing.

Sorry YOU don't get to define Christian either. For manifold reasons, not the least of which is that you don't even know who Christ is. But a better definition of a Christian is someone who is Christ like, someone who emulates Christ. Simply believing is not evidence of Christianity. See James 2:9 even demons believe yet they are not Christians.

200   Dan8267   2017 Apr 10, 6:05pm  

Booger says

There are no innocent people in war.

That's bullshit.

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