Feminism Update

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2017 Mar 30, 12:22pm   254,875 views  1,798 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Using Hijab as a symbol of the Women's March: This garment is a symbol of FREEDOM! for Women.

Mike Pence doesn't go to social events without his wife to avoid temptation and possible honey traps or false accusations: MUH SOGGY KNEE

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136   anonymous   2018 Sep 1, 8:04am  

Patrick says
I may have said this before, but I went to a Meetup group in SF where the topic was "Imagine you are the other gender".

The women all thought it would be great to be male, specifically so that they could hit on the opposite sex without being accused of being slutty. All the women wanted to be men.

The men laughed and said that it just isn't true, they can't just hit on random women all the time because there are huge dangers in that, like getting beaten up by some other guy, or getting fired from their job. None of the men wanted to be women.

The summary for me, was that men, in general, are happy that they are men. Women are, in general, not happy that they are women.
Not surprising. Being an anti-feminist myself, I'm going to throw the opposite sex a bone here. I think all of us men can agree that we're glad we're not women, and we understand why women want to be men. What sucks is that all those women had no choice in becoming women, and we had no choice in becoming men. So, I really do feel sorry for women and can understand why they're so pissed about their "weaker sex" situation, especially since it's utterly out of their control. Anyway, just a thought.
137   Shaman   2018 Sep 1, 8:28am  

PrivilegedtobeWhite says
I'm going to throw the opposite sex a bone here.

Isn’t this what it’s all about?
138   CBOEtrader   2018 Sep 1, 9:53am  

PrivilegedtobeWhite says
I think all of us men can agree that we're glad we're not women, and we understand why women want to be men

I dunno, it'd be nice to have rich men throwing me things just to get close enough to sniff me... but its true most of the young hot women who take advantage of that turn into bitter old hags. The hot girls who follow grandma's advice, and lock down a man without being slutty are the real winners. Free shit forever.

I agree that being a fat, ugly woman would be the worst of both worlds.
139   anonymous   2018 Sep 1, 1:20pm  

CBOEtrader says
PrivilegedtobeWhite says
I think all of us men can agree that we're glad we're not women, and we understand why women want to be men

I dunno, it'd be nice to have rich men throwing me things just to get close enough to sniff me. The hot girls who follow grandma's advice, and lock down a man without being slutty are the real winners. Free shit forever.

I agree that being a fat, ugly woman would be the worst of both worlds.
I actually disagree. I personally would find zero fulfillment in being a trophy wife (with free shit I didn't earn) while my husband gets all the respect and praise. I saw this in my parents, and I see personally with me and my wife. Everyone wants to talk to me and respects me because I'm the successful, ambitious one, while my wife is just an accessory. From what I can see, it would get old and miserable real quick.
140   Reality   2018 Sep 1, 4:51pm  

As a trophy wife, your fulfillment is two fold:

1. Your limited number of eggs and the very limited space-time in your uterus are taken up by competent off-springs;

2. Your baby-raising project will be well supported by your competent husband / co-parenting partner.

As a husband to a trophy-wife, or a co-parenting partner to a series of trophy-women, you:

1. Seek professional success, wealth and social status in order to win trophies in the forms of the opposite sex.

2. Have developed that sex-drive towards female trophies because it was a a long string of genetic successes just like that has led to you.

Women seeking professional success before children, and men turning into "grass-eating men"/herbivore or turning into whore-mongers, are little more than druggies who seek to stimulate / pacify their dopamine pathways using narcotics instead of enjoying our own internal dopamine through overcoming difficulty/hardship on our way to success and wealth. The dopamine pathway is there to help guide us through overcoming difficulties/hardship to achieve success . . . just like the sex hormones and oxytocin pathway are there to guide us towards competitive reproduction.

You as a man would indeed feel unsatisfied if becoming a house-husband; a woman would likewise feel extremely unsatisfied if she has to put out for a house-husband on top of being the bread-winner of the family. The two genders are not the same because each is evolved facing an opposite environment.
142   lostand confused   2018 Sep 2, 9:08pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says

Who knew Sweden had so many ugly chicks!!
143   RC2006   2018 Sep 2, 9:55pm  

Looks like a tranwreck.
144   mell   2018 Sep 2, 10:28pm  

Wohoo it's man free! But it's also woman free.
145   Strategist   2018 Sep 2, 10:35pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says

They are all turnoffs. Can we stick to the ones that really turn us on?
Hello Zzyzzx, we need you.
Thank You
146   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Sep 2, 10:58pm  

mell says
Wohoo it's man free! But it's also woman free.

My first thought when looking at the front row:

"Are there any MEN at this stoning ... uh.. concert?"
(Fakeass High Pitched Voices) "Nooo, er... Nooo!!"

147   Patrick   2018 Sep 2, 11:00pm  

And here's a little Swedish eye-wash to help clean away the concert pic above:

150   CBOEtrader   2018 Sep 15, 4:27pm  

PrivilegedtobeWhite says
CBOEtrader says
PrivilegedtobeWhite says
I think all of us men can agree that we're glad we're not women, and we understand why women want to be men

I dunno, it'd be nice to have rich men throwing me things just to get close enough to sniff me. The hot girls who follow grandma's advice, and lock down a man without being slutty are the real winners. Free shit forever.

I agree that being a fat, ugly woman would be the worst of both worlds.
I actually disagree. I personally would find zero fulfillment in being a trophy wife (with free shit I didn't earn) while my husband gets all the respect and praise. I saw this in my parents, and I see personally with me and my wife. Everyone wants to talk to me and respects me because I'm the successful, ambitious one, while my wife is just an accessory. From what I...

Sounds like your wife is quite lucky. You are fulfilling your side of the bargain more than could be expected. I see the frustration of a supporting role in life, but many great women relish this task.
151   Patrick   2018 Sep 15, 4:43pm  

Ambition is a necessity for men, since men are valued for what they do. They have to be successful to be valued. Successful men usually get the best looking women. This is not fair to the degree that economic prospects vary at birth, but men also have considerable control over their success (mostly by working hard).

Women are valued for what they are. They don't have to be successful at anything to be valued. Beautiful women usually get the most successful men. This is not fair to the degree that looks vary at birth, but women also have considerable control over their looks (mostly by not getting fat).

Of course these are not the only criteria which lead to a long and happy marriage and children. But they are hard-coded into our brains via billions of iterations which resulted in more children for successful men and beautiful women. You can try to fight them, but then you are fighting against the survival of your own genes.
154   Ceffer   2018 Sep 21, 5:37pm  

"Benevolently Sexist" means "Sucker with a fat bank account"?
155   Patrick   2018 Sep 21, 6:58pm  

There are lots of studies that show that what women find most attractive in men is confidence and dominance, because those are the traits of men who were able to protect women and children, and for women, protection comes before all else, even money.

Money is significant, but not essential. Mass murderers get love letters in jail, which makes sense. Mass murderers are confident and dominant enough to kill people, and that's what she's looking for.

A lot of this stuff makes much more sense in evolutionary terms. What traits in a mate are most likely ensure that your genes get passed on to future generations? Attraction to those traits (beauty for women, dominance for men) gets selected for, and all the whining in the world won't change it.
156   mell   2018 Sep 21, 7:09pm  

Patrick says
There are lots of studies that show that what women find most attractive in men is confidence and dominance, because those are the traits of men who were able to protect women and children, and for women, protection comes before all else, even money.

Money is significant, but not essential. Mass murderers get love letters in jail, which makes sense. Mass murderers are confident and dominant enough to kill people, and that's what she's looking for.

A lot of this stuff makes much more sense in evolutionary terms. What traits in a mate are most likely ensure that your genes get passed on to future generations? Attraction to those traits (beauty for women, dominance for men) gets selected for, and all the whining in the world won't change it.

This also explains the rapefugee paradox - most if not all those open border feminists have secret rape fantasies with those raw animals who want to subjugate each and everyone, esp. women. In Sweden and partly Germany many older female social rapefugee workers with mostly low sexual market value have (had) documented long-running affairs with some of the refugees. So they welcome barbaric hordes while at the same time castrating and castigating their beta white men for man-spreading (and apologizing for it).
157   FortWayne   2018 Sep 21, 8:08pm  

They all want a strong man who can protect them and provide for them. Feminists are just confused bunch rebelling against their own human instincts. It's like retarded, but not full retard like trannies.
158   HeadSet   2018 Sep 21, 8:30pm  

Booger says

Is because she swallowed. The "Spitters" get jail time.
160   georgeliberte   2018 Sep 25, 12:49pm  

This also explains the rapefugee paradox - most if not all those open border feminists have secret rape fantasies with those raw animals who want to subjugate each and everyone, esp. women. In Sweden and partly Germany many older female social rapefugee workers with mostly low sexual market value have (had) documented long-running affairs with some of the refugees.
And then there is this- "A Norwegian man who was raped by a migrant has said he felt “guilt” after his attacker was deported.
Karsten Nordal Hauken, who describes himself as feminist and anti-racist, was sexually attacked five years ago.
He said that although the incident caused a spiral of depression and substance abuse, he felt bad about the fact the man had been deported to Somalia when he had already served his prison sentence.
I suspect Karsten Nordal Hauken had secret rape fantasies.
162   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Sep 26, 10:25am  

The best thing is how the Democrats are putting shrieking Harpies front and center, just weeks before an election, on this issue.

It's wonderful.

It's reminding everyone about Left Wing Harridans like Hillary.
164   CBOEtrader   2018 Sep 26, 3:37pm  

Patrick says
Women are, in general, not happy that they are women.

They have been lied to about Male privilege.

Try the same meetup group w race. If I could be black, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Then show up to google with one trimester of computer science and get my diversity hire salary.
165   HeadSet   2018 Sep 26, 4:33pm  

They have been lied to about Male privilege.

The biggest male privilege is biological - and real. It is all about pregnancy. Men never have to worry about periods or knock ups.. And when a couple desires a baby, it is the woman whose body goes through the stress and changes of childbirth and nursing, while the man gets just as much genetic input into the child as the lady doing all the work. If you break down the arguments, this is the real essence of those who disdain men and their "privilege."
167   zzyzzx   2018 Sep 27, 7:11am  

Ripped off from this thread:

Wow. So not only did this lucky bastard get sex with a hot older woman, but he collected $380,000 for the privileged? I would crown this kid as the new Sultan of Slit.
169   Heraclitusstudent   2018 Sep 27, 10:04am  

HeadSet says

The biggest male privilege is biological - and real. It is all about pregnancy. Men never have to worry about periods or knock ups.. And when a couple desires a baby, it is the woman whose body goes through the stress and changes of childbirth and nursing, while the man gets just as much genetic input into the child as the lady doing all the work. If you break down the arguments, this is the real essence of those who disdain men and their "privilege."

Women go through life with 2 big advantages over men in the form of things men want from them: sex and reproduction.
As a result most men have to grovel to get a date, pay for everything, and spend their lives toiling in an effort to keep a woman happy. Many women just marry, don't have jobs and spend their lives shopping.
Women on average are clearly more pampered, protected and spoiled than men.

So yeah, female bear the burden of motherhood.
Just different burdens.
Doesn't have to be fair.
171   krc   2018 Oct 1, 9:42pm  

Had to add this post from another thread that I made earler:

I was listening to 810 this afternoon and they were discussing how "far" the "me too" movement would go when a men's rights male got on the phone to calmly discuss. The lady host (Nikki?) went ballistic. But, facts are facts:
1) Women are better educated in general (more go to college)
2) Serve less time for similar criminal convictions - particularly those of a sexual nature
3) Get paid the same as men when you take into account child rearing time
4) Women will never starve: They just have a baby and the government will force the male to support them even if the man did not want the child.
5) Women live far longer (6-8 years).
6) Women have far more methods of birth control.
7) And now, more pro-female affirmative action w/ CA forcing corporate boards to have at least one woman.

This is such a joke and reminds me of those "fake" courts on college campuses where some dude is dragged up and expelled for a sexual act for which the woman doesn't want to go to the police, etc... She just regrets she slept with him and all her friends found out. :)
Really, I hope there is a back lash as women realize their son/husband/dad can be accused at any time for any thing. It would be better to drive over some person by accident and get a manslaughter conviction then fall on top of a woman fully clothed and have your life ruined forever - the horror of it all. :)
174   Ceffer   2018 Oct 12, 7:13pm  

They are no longer called feminist updates due to the violating, rapist suggestiveness of 'up'. They are now called pending- non-cisdates.

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